Changelog: Difference between revisions

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Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page.
Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page.


* Hydroponics trays and soil patches will properly report when they (or their current plants) are overtaken by weeds, rather than saying that the newly-grown weed was overtaken by itself.
* Fixed an exploit that allowed to circumvent the size limit outside of dorms / large size boundary areas.
* Xenomorph eggs can no longer be dragged around.
* Fixed a nif duplication exploit through sharing, as well as an issue to override your own nif with other's.
* Containment field generators now emit a cool blue glow when actively generating containment fields. The containment fields themselves also emit light.
* Some markings have been ported up from downstream.
* Space zones can now have hidden details until scanned, like ships.
* Pizza delivery visors are no longer invisible.
* AR glasses can now toggle their vision panes.


*Added a Firm Body [[traits|trait]] to positive traits with a cost of 1. This trait prevents the character from taking damage up to a value of 10 from thrown objects. Anything above that will deal full damage.
* Added the facility map from the recent event to the redgate map pool with some small changes.
*[[Unathi]], [[Vasilissans]] and [[Promethean|Prometheans]] have the firm body trait by default. [[Diona]] and [[Zaddat]] have a version that is half as powerful, preventing damage up to a value of 5.
* Added new option ("Assembling expedition team") to the automated fax list for several jobs.
*Tether's security shuttle now works properly.
* Added a few V5 atmosphere variant of snow and ice turfs.
*New crop jackets are available in loadout. They come in a modest variety of colors.
* Added some rock and skeleton props for V5.
*Borgs are no longer completely stunned when hit with a Weaken effect (mostly affects dropnom interactions).
* Added a V5 sprite for the overmap.
*AR HUD icons for security officers, the head of security, and talon guards have all been changed to a shield, rather than a weird lumpy gun.
* Added a V5 skybox image.
*Wasp taur sprite improved, added ant taur and fat naga.
* Changed the amount of newlines allowed in 1 post from 6 to 18.
*Three new space creatures can appear in space lifesign events! One of them is passive! The other two are not. Have fun!
* Changed TG chat to limit displayed successive new lines to a maximum of 3.
*Hitting cancel will no longer wipe flavor text or similar inputs.
* Fixed borg gps no longer working after enabling the module without toggling it.
*The giant rat in the Tether trash pit now has a random name/description.
* Fixed some old usages of usr << instead of to_chat.
*Xenomorph eggs have been reworked/overhauled and can be used as ghost pods.
* Fixed persistent papers to no longer replace the chat on examine.
* Fixed chat loading reliability.
* Fixed locally defined defines and moves global ones to the __defines section.
* Fixed jan HUD showing on more than just the intended uses.


*Synthmorphs/FBPs have access to two new [[traits]], one of which allows them to gain energy from alcohol, and one of which allows them to actually get drunk (even to the point of blacking out). They do not need to be taken together.
* Added the option to display only belly-mode relevant settings in the Description tab of the vore panel.
*The Lore Codex name has been updated/corrected.
* Added a mostly fully featured mini chemlab to the main hall on the testmap, for quickly testing reagent creation and effects.
*Added recolourable demon wings.
* Changed the Sleep verb to now make your character snooze until you use the verb again, instead of knocking you out for a couple of minutes and then needing to be flipped again.
*Added 'drone'/synthmorph versions of certain mobs for later POI use.
* Fixed Adranol to work as intended and actually clear your jitters properly, albeit just under twice as fast as it clears normally.
*Fixed errors with certain hologram sprites, and hologram position offsets.
* Fixed timer issue due to a wrong assumption of decisecond intervals, but it's seconds; also back to allow up to 10 minutes.
*Fixed a couple of items being deleted when a promethean blob carrying them is killed.
* Fixed lavender using an non-existing seed icon.
* Fixed accidental inclusion of TG subfolder.


*Fixed some issues regarding mob speed that was broken in a previous issue, which changed how cooldowns on steps were calculated. The cooldowns have been modified roughly to fix this and may be tweaked more in future.
* Added a Toggle Automatic AFK setting and verb, which default to on. When enabled, you will automatically get an AFK icon above your head when you have been inactive for ten minutes. This is the same time as the standard inactivity timer. The automatically-applied status will clear as soon as you do anything, unlike the manually-set status.
*Glowing on spawn now works as intended.
** Manually marking yourself as AFK will also show you as "Away From Keyboard for (x) minutes" when examined, rather than the default "Inactive for (x) minutes".
*Fixed a couple of emotes for pAIs.
* Added books to the option of trash eater edible items.
* Added an option for admins to add and remove songs to the jukebox for the duration of the round.
* Added a simple "antag" role for event characters generally. Simply gives event characters the ability to use AOOC without having a persistent antag icon next to their sprite.
* Added access code 511 for lost / gravekeeper drones, in case they need specific access.
* Added lost drone ability to now can re-roll their laws 5 times before selecting a module.
* Added an option to dig new graves to the shovel (This only works on turfs allowing digging without contents).
* Added a shinto arch prop for use in events.
* Added a broken variant of lights for mapping purposes.
* Added apc with lost access to be used in POIs.
* Added a bunch of areas for the upcoming facility redgate.
* Added a variant of the crypt drake with glowing eyes requested for the upcoming facility event.
* Added various things for the upcoming facility event, including keycards that can be used for any event.
* Added fluff licenses to the list of things that you're allowed to put in wallets.
* Changed ashtray item size so they take up less space in bags.
* Changed lost drones to now have a chance to spawn with a scrambled module.
* Changed lace masks to allow you to drink whilst wearing them.
* Changed some verbs from set src to be explicitly added.
* Fixed multiple time display issues in TGUI (such as the brig timer).
* Fixed a bug where the entire emag list was re-added instead of the single, new item on borg HUD refreshes.
* Fixed the vorepanel showing 1 minute for idle messages in the tooltip, no matter what second time had been selected. It will now show the selected seconds for idle texts.


*The Welcome menu now displays the active/current map, and the View Game Updates button at the bottom is now a View Changelog button that leads to this page right here!
* Added a verb under the IC tab that toggles off an overhead 'AFK' indicator, so you can easily mark yourself as such if you need to hop up and run to the bathroom or something!
*Sanitization standards for the character directory and certain other interfaces/displays have been relaxed, so now apostrophes and other symbols should display properly in the character directory. You may need to resubmit/resave your OOC notes and flavour text, and character slot, for this to apply fully.
* Added some simple plaque-like signs to be mapped in for events.
*Examining weapons and items will display some limited information about their combat effectiveness. This updates dynamically for weapons with multiple states (e.g. telescopic baton, energy sword), and also works for firearms so long as they're loaded.
* Added chemmaster button from TG.
*The special disposals chute that leads to the Stellar Delight's resleeving bay now functions as intended.
* Fixed Typing Indicators getting stuck on borgs.
*The Stellar Delight now has proper signs for its Shuttle Bay, rather than generic black-scribble-on-white signs.
* Fixed issues with icons and TGUI.
*Guest Pass terminals have been tweaked and bugfixed.
* Fixed .swcrc not being ignored by prettier.
*Firework launchers now cause a delayed, rather than immediate, weather shift.
* Fixed potential tgui dev server issue with windows.
*Fog weather can now occur on certain planets.
* Fixed overmap scrolling on overflow.
*Several uniform-slot clothing items have had their coverage adjusted to more accurately reflect their sprites.
* Fixed several style tags.
*Random cargo spawning has been adjusted with the addition of organ freezer crates, which can contain up to four random internal organs. Medical supplies will also come in freezer crates as well. This includes the Talon's cargo hold spawns.
* Updated tgui dependencies.
*Cowboy boots are no longer implied to be made out of unathi hide.
* Updated yarn version to 4.1.1.
*Quickchange flooring interaction (hold replacement tile in one hand and replacement tool in other, then click on the tile you want to replace with the replacement tile) now works on alternative platings.
* Updated typescript to version 5.91.0.
*You can no longer use micros as snowshoes.
* Updated Node version in dependencies file to (major) 20.
*Tether has had some missing pipes made un-missing.
*[Mirror] Sheet storage can now capped based on material types, but restrictions are not (currently) in place.
*[Mirror] The Rapid Piping Device ("RPD") can now be ordered by Cargo and is now standard-issue on Engineering Cyborg modules.


*New vore mob has been added: Squirrels! They have lots of vorny text written for if you get yourself gobbled up by them.
* Added a new Belly Mode Addon called Spare Prosthetics. With this active, when prey (that has leave remains turned on) is digested, they will drop any prosthetic arms and legs into the belly.
*Added a new "square" speech bubble, similar to default but more corners.
* Added a Contaminant Detector HUD. Advanced janitorial gameplay tool. Helps spot any cleanable dirt much easier with helpful popups on HUD. Available from loadout, janitor closet, janitor supply crates, janitor vending machine, science and as a tool for borg. Comes in prescription variant (but not aviator or eyepatch).
*Reverts some skrell sprite changes that never worked.
* Added a selection of four watches which are worn on the hand/glove slot and can be taken via loadouts. The three basic variants (plastic, silver, and gold) simply tell you the station time when examined; the survival watch, if worn, also tells you your current facing direction and the temperature and pressure of the tile you're standing on (if it's simulated). More importantly, however, the survival watch also includes a basic, transmit-only GPS beacon. It is not enabled by default, but you can turn it on by left-clicking on the watch whilst holding down the left alt key.
*Ghosts can no longer rip open MREs.
* Added a new Customizable Permit to loadouts. You can set the name and description to whatever you want. It includes an irremovable disclaimer that it was not issued by NT, is not binding, and does not need to be honoured by security/command.
*Admin intercom messages now work across Z-levels.
* Added variations of one hairstyle, ported from novastation, for all your emo needs: gloomy bangs! Comes in short, mid and long variants, hides eyes.
* Added in-hand sprites for rubber duckies.
* Added separate LOOC and OOC muting to allow admins some more control about it.
* Added a Generic Item and associated Eventkit verb Spawn Generic Item. Much like the Generic structure but is designed for hand held devices that can be picked up.
* Added a bunch of options for effects to the Generic Item and Generic Structure: Sparks, Flash, Flicker Lights and Spawn Item.
* Added the ability to upload custom sprites to both Generic Item and Generic Structure, by selecting "Upload Own Sprite" from the list of sprites, along with some warnings that non 32x sprites will need to have their positions adjusted.
* Added a few quick and simple prop sprites for the items verb to choose from, including a mix of new ones and some others from throughout the game.
* Changed Belly Item Mode: Digest (Food) to not digest robotic body parts such as prosthetic limbs. These can still be digested using the Item Mode: Digest.
* Changed some text in the Vey-Medical lore codex.
* Fixed Digestion Pain preference not loading from saved preferences, causing it to reset every shift.
* Fixed borg typing indicator vanishing after a few seconds.
* Fixed borgs being unable to pull pdas on ctrl click.


*Adds Single Side Horn and Blade-Like Tail markings.
* Added new "Tall, Major" and "Short, Major" traits that add and reduce the sprite's height by 15% respectively.
*Updates to succlets, giving them a dead sprite, changes various vore mechanics and lets them die horribly.
* Added new "Heavy Frame, Major" and "Light Frame, Major" traits that increase and reduce your threshold for size interaction by 30% respectively.
*Adds a "Vore" objective for antags, in which it is achieved by putting the target inside of one of your bellies, it doesn't care what happens to them after that. You likely will not see this used, but it's there as an option for the staff.
* Added four void undersuit options, ported from CitRP, labelled alternative undersuit, includes feminine and sleeveless options.
*Added two new ships! An SDF Corvette (pulled from downstream and updated), and an all-new SDF Cutter. A wrecked variant of the Corvette can sometimes be found in the Debris Field, but the Cutter is event-restricted.
* Added a digestion pain preference, ported from RogueStar. Changed from a trait in character setup to a preference in the preferences tab of the vore panel.
*NIFs can no longer be megablasted into massively negative durability by repeated EMP hits, such as getting hammered by ions or emp grenades.
* Added a Generic Structure and associated Eventkit verb Spawn Generic Structure. This allows staff to create a structure with customisable interactions, ranging from whether it can be turned on, wrenched down and so on to how how long it takes to turn on, what text appears when it happens and if it plays a sound.
*Added a check to make sure that cables are not consumed on a 100% repaired NIF.
* Added a new buildmode mode: Drop. Allows objects and mobs to be dropped in from the air. Left click drops them harmlessly, right click drops them very destructively (and will gib things they land on). Mobs that land on another mob with appropriate prefs will drop vore them.
*Fixed window bug on luxury yatch POI.
* Added 3 more admin spawn rubber duckies (grey, green and pink).
*Added ruptured spider eggs.
* Added a variable to rubber duckies called "honk_text" that allows it to put an audible message in chat when honked.
*Cleaned up so many to_chats so they use vchat filters, unsorted chat filter for everything else.
* Added admin logging to vore interactions of AFK players.
*Fix for small autoinjectors not working in the Ready-to-Use Medicine 3000.
* Changed the timer on the autoresleever from 15 minutes to 5 minutes, a similar amount of time to being able to make a transcore announcement.
*Stopped robots from getting spammed on different z levels from cellcharge anomaly, this also applies to APCs and SMESs getting charged across z-levels.
* Changed the commonly-selectable voidsuit underlayer selector loadout category to uniforms along with the other selectors since they're more uniform-like than casual dress.
*Added framework to allow animations to be toggled in the preferences tab.
* Changed some old SolGov uniform insignias to lightly genericize them and make them available in loadouts. The can be selected in the accessory section of loadout under the insignia selection option.
*Fixes an oversight with default emote retrieval.
* Changed wall damage from being (usually) 25 brute to 12.
*Projectiles properly set starting on themselves, instead of only in the fire proc.
* Fixed the "You have unread updates in the changelog" message showing every time that you connect.
*Fixed admin perms not being properly checked for Admin PM, adminhelp and asay.
* Fixed an issue with some cyborg modules not being excluded due to a pathing mistake.
*Fixed more admin HREFs.
*Resolved SDMM warnings.


*Added the option to spawn with a backup implant already installed. This can be found in the VORE tab of character set-up, and needs to be set for each character, defaulting to off.
* Added a new shared office space and entrepreneur equipment to these spaces on the Tether, Stellar Delight and Rascal's Pass. None of this is access locked, intentionally letting anyone play with it.
*Added a catslug spawner that spawns random catslugs, and adds it to a Rascal's Pass POI.
* Changed the name of pillow crates in cargo ordering consoles from "Colour" Pillow Crate to Pillow Crate - "Colour", so that they are grouped properly.
*Allowed the crafting of steel and dark floors with steel and white floors with plastic, making it easier to repair the Stellar Delight.
* Fixed broken ventilation objects in the Talon medical bay.
*New tip added about maint preds.
* Fixed various issues with 515 by un-reverting the compatability patch.
*Fix for speech bubbles getting stuck if you try to change your bubble whilst one is visible.
* Fixed yellow raptor sprite names and tweaked some sprites.
* Fixed flags on traits excluding each other by default.


*Added "snail shell, colorable" as a wing option.
*<span style="color:red">MAJOR: Updated the server from byond 514 to 515. Be aware that there are bugs occuring for users after this transition that cause some people to experience issues with the UI. We advise people who are experiencing problems to try the following: Use the 514 byond client. Clear your byond cache. Clear your internet explorer cache (IE is used to display many TGUI elements). Restart your computer after clearing either cache, temporary files may cause problems.</span>
*Added alternative unathi head shapes to markings.
* Added a number of traits to non-custom species. Traits that conflict with the current flavour of the species or are already applied by default can not be selected. These traits are:
*Added "Quintiple Unathi Horns" as a hair option.
** Autohiss (Unathi)
** Autohiss (Tajaran)
** Autohiss (Zaddat)
** Hardy
** Hardy, Major
** High Endurance
** Darksight
** Darksight, Major
** Brute Resist, Minor
** Grit
** Slowdown
** Slowdown, Major
** Weakling
** Weakling, Major
** Low Endurance
** Low Endurance, Major
** Brute Weakness, Minor
** Brute Weakness
** Brute Weakness, Major
** Neural Hypersensitivity
* Added a whole range of unique items and load outs to each entrepreneur alt-title. This gives entrepreneurs a tropical outfit as their default uniform and changes the uniform for certain alt titles. Includes a whole bunch of new items:
** Crystal ball that does nothing.
** Horoscope book that generates random horoscopes every shift.
** Dentistry tools that don't really do anything, but act as fluff.
** Pillow resprited as exercise mat.
** Dumbbell that can be used to exercise.
** EMF scanner that gives random values as you move about.
** Spirit board that either gives random values or can be manipulated by players. Ghosts can interact with it too with a chance to fail, it's just for fun but added a note to the description of the board that this doesn't canonise ghosts/souls.
** Healing crystals that don't do anything except taste good for those with expensive taste.
** Essential oils that don't do anything except can be made into a new drink when combined with margarita and red wine.
** A massage bed that is a roller bed but places the character face down.
** Magnifying glass that makes examine messages look bigger.
** Streamer version of the camera drone.
** Selfie stick version of the photo camera.
** A bunch of kits for various entrepreneur titles to spawn with.
* Added some more upgrade modules to give different vision flag modules to borgs. Currently admin only modules.
* Added bluespace pounce, pounce can be upgraded with the anomalous sight, increasing range (from 3 to 5 fields), allowing to pounce through objects, but at a higher power cost (from 750 base to 1000), bluespace pounce will be instant and won't miss.
* Added Teshari Face Mask from chompstation.
* Added Facial protection to the mask.
* Added vorespan defines to the chat spans.
* Added some defines upstream, just to prevent compatibility issues in the future, so that no one uses them for something else.
* Changed digestion death to place the characters ghost inside of the belly they died in. This allows them to be see the belly text still, be carried around and can even be moved between bellies (such as moved along with everything else to intestines, etc), or hear a final subtled message. Ghosts can leave the belly simply by moving in any direction.
* Changed pouncing phased shadekin to now cost an additional 1000 charge.
* Changed robot shields to now overload when the power cell has 200 charge remaining instead of fully depleting the robot.
* Changed with a new function (use_direct_power(amount, lower_limit)) to directly use power for borgs with a lower power limit to prevent full self-discharge. Power is now used before the action.
* Changed borg upgrades code again to clean them up some more.
* Fixed icon overlay overflow on rig suits.
* Fixed an old to_chat and also added framework for adding more face states to the mask.
* Fixed icon for borg x-ray vision.
* Fixed a rare case in which the store HUD icon could be overwritten by throw mode.


*Mining drones will now check both of your hands to see if you have any sort of mining weapon. They will also ignore you if you have no weapon at all. However, they will now become hostile if attacked, even by mining equipment.
* Added a new type of maint pred ghost pod, creature holes. These ghost pods always spawn at the beginning of the shift on some of the redgate maps and can be found with the Find Ghost Pods verb.
*Added scavenger drones who will attack you if you have anything (or nothing) other than a pickaxe in your hand. These only deal half of the damage of mining drones.
* Added Searchbar to vendors.
*Fixed some typos in the slime fertility agent.
* Removed material cost from door repairs.
* Changed semi-random mob spawners that spawn retaliate and passive vore mobs to have a 25% chance of the mobs being ghost-joinable.
* Changed a lot of mobs on some redgate maps to always be ghost joinable.
* Fixed broken stairs in the south of the jungle redgate map.
* Fixed wrong key usage in vending UIs.
* Fixed battery overlay overflow.
* Fixed multiple runtimes.
* Fixed inconsistant material refunds.
* Fixed scrolling in tgui windows.
* Fixed an issue where too many chat messages could get archived.
* Fixed a rare crash condition on the BodyRecords UI if there were no records available.
* Fixed the base tile of redgate locations being in space, which caused them to vent when breached.
* Updated tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /tgui.


*Added a new verb to the OOC tab called "Select Speech Bubble" which allows you to simply choose which speech bubble you'd like to use. These can also be selected and saved in character setup.
* Added orange and white to pipe color selection.
*You can now test your character voice in character set-up.
* Fixed pounce behaviour of Scrubbles to be properly checked and have a proper cooldown.
*Added the ability to reduce the frequency of pain messages:
* Fixed some empty air tiles on the jungle underground.
**The verb is in the preferences tab and called "Pain Messages Cooldown".
**Switching this to extended increases the cooldown between messages. Default remains the same as previously.
*Adjusted artistic crate orders:
**Adds a full set of art equipment to arts and crafts set.
**Moves paint buckets from arts and crafts set to station painting set
**Reworks how paint buckets spawn their contents to be more reasonable
**Adds a few more types of paint buckets and spawns more paint remover in the crate
*Changes to Character Setup homeworld lore:
**Citizenship is now the Faction or Political Entity with which you hold, well, citizenship. This is reserved for either major power players (the Commonwealth, Fyrds, ArCon, etc.) or distinct interstellar entities (KHI, Nomads).
**Home System is now just Home, and includes planet/system (e.g. "Mars, Sol"). The prompt is now "place of birth or primary residence". The list has been extended (fairly significantly) with a number of new locations.
**Faction is as it was before, faction/corporation. Government-level entities have been shoved up to Citizenship, and a number of missing factions have been added. A few missing entries have been added.
*New ghost pods added that, when activated, gives ghosts an option to spawn as a survivor, an injured carbon mob of a non-whitelisted species.
*Added new debris field POI.
*Adds Orange Mushroom Cap to ear options.
*Adds leather coat, massive to loadout options. This is basically the bladerunner coat, literally me.
*Added a new belly image commissioned by Ace#6074, Art done by Autumn#7919.
*Records now show a custom species names (with the original species name shown in parentheses afterwards).
*Species is now also shown in: Record consoles, records when examined by AR glasses, and ID cards. These can be changed by those with appropriate access.
*Made Stellar Delight wall lockers more visible.
*Adds more drake plushie colours.
*Tweaks to the ERT ship (Von Braun):
**Added brig! 4 cells, same as the Manta/Typhon but more cramped. Not really intended for saucy prison stuff, just holding bad guys for transfer, but it does have a few things. Achieved by lengthening the ship.
**Added some bay windows covering the long corridors flanking the brig, looking out into space. Each side has a table, a couple of seats, and a couple of free vendors for snacks/drinks. A couple other vendors have also been made free.
**Some doors now have more helpful/indicative names.
**Commander's table is now hardwood because why not.
**A button on the bridge now drops shutters over all external windows except the asset protection gear and rear engine viewports. It also drops some internal shutters on the bridge as immediate feedback for whether or not it worked.
*Allowed ore processors to start collecting ore pieces again.
*Menthol now overdoses at 30u instead of 7u.
*Lava instant damage halved with increased flammability.
*Makes Process belly button call death() on target.
*Prevented persistent dirt (and other filth) from spawning in space and walls.
*Using OOC escape in a capture crystal will now put you outside of any containers that said crystal may be inside of.
*Fixed runtime from mobs without minds.
*Fixed AI hologram sprites.
*Fixed Custom food and directional shield runtimes.
*Fixed mob holders disappearing on pickup from inventory.
*Suit kits no longer set item_state on hooded clothes.
*Fixed hull-made items putting hull materials in my autolathe.


*Added a new machine that mass-produces autoinjectors and added it to [[Chemist|chemistry]] departments.
* Added a new Jungle redgate map! The overground is very typical of what you might expect from a jungle, with lots of vibe spots and a mysterious temple. The underground has a particularly lethal facility, it'd be a good idea to bring company down there.
**It requires empty autoinjectors (made in an autolathe, such as in cargo), and fills it with chemicals.
* Added 6 new vore mobs: The Cave Stalker, the Scrubble, the Statue of Temptation, the Sonadile, the Mantrap and the Pitcher Plant.
**Alternatively, you can make autoinjectors on the spot at 3x the cost of making in an autolathe (500->1500 for large, 10->30 for small).
* Added many new mobs to the maint pred list.
**It can make multiple autoinjectors.
* Added new mobs to the randomised capture crystal pool.
**It can give the autoinjectors custom names.
* Added a movement intent toggle to borgs (swap between slow walk or running).
**It warns you if the autoinjectors will contain less than maximum chemicals, letting you abort.
* Added the ability to choose to spawn with no shoes in character setup.
**It can recycle spent autoinjectors (prevents doing so while they contain chems)
* Added the option to admins to restrict module selection on specific robots for events.
**It is a wall mounted machine
* Added syndicate UI selection Icon provided by MAK.
**It was mapped in to chemistry & triage of each map (triage, to encourage EMTs to make them as they need them without invading chemistry)
* Added a new variant of the lightswitch, a power breaker for event maps.
**Alt-Clicking removes beakers, for ease of use!
* Changed the cost of the bluespace bracelet in character loadout from 5 to 2.
*Added a bunch of [[vox]] markings, removed species restrictions from a number of other markings, improved grey-scale on some.
* Changed VTEC to now apply a new button over the walk / run intent button and has 3 movement speed states. It can still be disabled and enabled with the verb.
*Added alien slug antennae and tail to character setup.
* Fixed resetting a lost / gravekeeper or syndicate robot with a reset module allowing them to select station modules (due to their subtype, they had no access on those). Instead, they only can reselect their lost / gravekeeper / syndicate module type.
*Added more potential animal spawns to various biomes.
* Fixed hud icon not always updating when spawning in the subtypes directly.
*Added a new option to wealth in character setup: Broke! If you take this, you will start the shift with no [[Thaler|money]] in your account.
* Fixed NanoMaps Marker offset on non 140x140 mapsize (NanoMaps now needs the zoomSize as props, handled as maxx+maxy in the tgui data).
*Adds a whole bunch more clothes!
* Fixed Telecomms filters, they can be added through the multitool menu.
**New undies: The tape has been whitened up a bit for more color variety, plus there's some swimwear too.
* Fixed omni_filter and omni_mixer showing too high flow values.
**Even more cloaks and shrouds, for each department. Includes a white, recolourable version of each.
* Fixed an issue where disposal pipes got weird directions due to being spawned with partial direction states.
**Shoes: The antediluvian wraps have been renamed to something sane, and the flats from Aurora have been ported, available as an alternate option in the loadout.
* Fixed an issue with some icons missing in the RPD.
**Metal halo and mouth veil ported.
* Fixed a wrong icon state on mirrored tvalves on deconstructing.
**New colourable skirts.
* Fixed borg light flickering.
**Conical non la and a bucket hat
* Fixed multiple glow sources flickering.
**More hoodies with a few fun features: Their hoods and zippers function independent of each other. Full, armless and crop versions of each.
* Fixed a runtime with paint cans.
**Skimpier swimwear added to loadout.
* Fixed a division by 0 on powercells.
*Rebalanced weights on tips and added a bunch of new ones.
* Updated pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0.
*Made player tips track CKeys to inform how to turn them off. This means that no matter when someone joins, they will always get a message reminding them how to turn tips off before they start recieving them, each shift.
*Fixed characters not becoming mute under certain chemical effects.
*Fixed tips preference verb to properly save between shifts.
*Fixed error in [[Size Interactions|size difference]] stepping code.
*Fixed exploit that allowed you to get a free NIF by switching your character in setup to protean and back again.
*Fixed longstanding tether active edge.
*Sets the default selection in slot select menu to current char.
*Made the holder object disappear right away when dropped.
*Fixed people horizontal walking after being picked up.
*Allowed simple mobs with hands to use the pickup verb.
*Numerous small fixes in code.
*Added Href Token to database banning forms.


*Hotfix to stop tips from becoming spammy after 75 minutes.
* Added [[Vore_Panel#Options|"Drain Finishing Modes"]] that kick into effect once a drain belly has extracted all of the nutrition that it can out of a prey character. These are found in the options tab of the vore panel bellies.
* Added a "Knockout" process option to prey in vore bellies. It adds 500000 sleeping to the prey, with the usual confirmations.
* Added a new verb in the abilities tab called Toggle Trash Catching to all mobs who have the Trash Can trait. With this ability enabled, you will swallow items that are allowed by the trash can trait that are thrown at you. This is disabled by default.
* Added a modify_robot option to toggle combat module override directly after spawning.
* Added a modify_robot option to toggle all station access codes.
* Added an option to interleave chat messages in tg chat.
* Changed ejecting prey to reduce their sleeping to 20 so that they will wake up shortly after.
* Changed OOC Escape to instantly remove sleeping.
* Changed Pakkun's to be less aggressive. They will no longer attack you if you are looking at them, and have had their range reduced by one. The no longer attempt to eat people who are buckled.
* Fixed Research Directors not having access to departmental funds.
* Fixed an issue introduced with TGUI 5, leading the the RD console breaking on design disks.
* Fixed an issue breaking the rdconsole when swapping the tabs while the material tab was open.
* Fixed some service meka sleeper belly sprites not being enabled.
* Fixed icon state for default gas mask.
* Fixed ai bellies not being loaded on first shell transfer.
* Fixed ai preferences not being synced between the AI and the shells.
* Fixed the lack of radio signals underground in eggnog town.


*Players will now be given a variety of tips periodically, informing them of basic game mechanics and general advice on how to interact with our server. This is an opt-out feature, and the first tip that is sent will inform you of how to opt out. Everyone who is still opted in will see the same tip.
* Added a "Track Prey Through Walls" verb to all simple mobs controlled by players that lets them see mobs through walls for one minute, with a five minute cooldown. Specific mobs can be excluded from this, the mice mobs have been excluded.
*A whole load of new clothing:
* Added a "Thermal vision toggle" verb that can be applied to simple mobs by admins, this verb allows the mob to simply turn thermal vision off and on at will.
**Ported a whole bunch of maid outfit stuff from Skyrat.
* Added the possibility of non-syncable R&D consoles (in tgui).
**Ported '''a lot''' of teshari winter coats from skyrat, plus added a bunch of new stuff made by Seris02 themselves. See them all in an [[ image here]].
* Fixed entrepreneurs losing their PDA by moving the ticket printer to their left hand.
**The Antediluvian set from CitRP, which is a corset, cape, loincloth, bracers, and legwraps, all of which are separate and interchangeable.
* Fixed the new tiger tail.
**Many cloaks like the rough half cloak, shoulder capes, mantles, and two chaplain-related cloaks.
**New underwear options like the neko bra/panties, tape, leotard, shibari rope, sarashi bandages, midriff top, and stirrup socks.
**Another colorable qipao, which separates the gold trim to an accessory so that you can color the qipao while preserving the trim.
**A wedding veil, which can be recolored.
*Succlets can now be whacked with a newspaper, and they no longer target sleeping people.
*Muffins no longer taste of baked beans.
*Fixes missing croaking emote sound.
*Admin HREF fax token fix.
*Retired admins can no longer see staff chats.
*Fixes for NIF in borg runtimes and sword pen runtimes. (Reverted in hotfix)


*Succlets, a fun new vore mob, have been added. For a full explanation of what these are, see:
* Added the following new ear options: "cat, big, colorable", "hare, colorable", "deer ears, alt", "floppy dog ears, colorable"
*Adds two succlet themed songs to the jukebox.
* Added the following new tail options: "rabbit, colourable (vwag)", "rabbit, dual color (vwag)", "tiger tail, alt (vwag)", "deer alt, colorable (vwag)"
*Allowed soap and showers to clean toes, and space cleaner to actually clean synthetics toes.
* Added Food Preference traits, ported from RogueStar. Foods with the relevant allergens present will give you bonus nutrition, approximately a 25% boost.
*Added required components to circuit board examine text.
* Added a "Toggle Safety" option to cooking appliances, ported from RogueStar. This is off by default, can be toggled with a verb on the appliance. When on, instead of food burning when it reaches that point, it is instead ejected from the machine safe to eat.
*The ntos file manager will now properly modify files on a portable drive.
* Added a new Kelpie vore mob.
*The ntos file manager will no longer allow you to create files with identical names.
* Added a varient of the fax machine for talon to fax specifically for talon crew.
*Ported Aurora [[Skrell]] emotes, made them available to everyone.
* Added permission ticket printers to entrepreneur's starting loadout.
*Added a proc to fix player notes listings.
* Added the ability to climb onto computers. Like a cat.
*Fixed an issue preventing you from deleting files from a data crystal.
* Added a separate chat filter that blocks out all says, emotes, whispers and subtles that come from z-level that isn't your own. Doesn't affect stuff like radio and such.
*Fixed an issue where some prosthetic body parts would generate the incorrect parts to go with it.
* Changed appliances to significantly increase the speed that machines reach cooking temperature at. Generally reducing the wait time from about 10 minutes to 2 minutes.
*Fixed the abductor ship sprite.
* Changed the cooking time of food in general to be significantly increased.
*Stopped mobs from falling asleep when fainting.
* Changed Captain Crumsh's access to match that of a bridge secretary.
*Fixed "Colored Feminine Jumpsuit".
* Fixed and issue preventing objects to be pulled through stairs.
*Fixed bug that allowed you to step over smaller people despite their size mechanics preferences being disabled, under certain circumstances.
* Fixed an issue where closing the prompt clears the ooc note section (like/dislike)
*Fixed powerbanks having no sprite.
* Updated follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /tgui
*Generated organs can no longer roboticize if they're already robotic.
*Removed unused mecha damage absorbtion list.
*Cleaned up uniform.dmi and marked missing sprites.
*Fixed runtime with heat/cold messages being missing.
*Fixes runtime with digging on xenoarch exempt levels.
*Fixes runtime with silicons using *scream.
*Fixes runtime with eating a sin pocket before its been fully heated (and adjusts its message to properly convey need to wait).
*Proper sanitization of cold and heat messages.
*Optimized the delay offset on subsystems during runlevel change to account for a large number of subsystems causing a long delay.


*Added a new Food Stuffer [[traits|trait]]. This trait gives the user an ability to switch between feeding modes, default behaviour and feeding whole. In the feeding whole mode, you will feed whole food items to another target in a single click, with a longer windup.
* Added matrix recolouring (ported from Chompstation), which allows more detailed recolouring of items via the colormate.
*Added a variety of Vox equipment.
* Added a verb to simple and silicon mobs to allow them to recolour as they like.
*Added some maps to arrivals on Rascal's Pass.
* Added a fat and vwag version of the deer taur, resprited by VerySoft.
*Added rest sprites to leopardmanders.
* Added new mobs for the jungle event: A new catslug, variant of the phoron dragon called space dragon and a yellow feathered variant of the raptor.
*Added a couple underwear drawers to the clothing buying zone and also to the main room near the dorms on Rascal's Pass.
* Added wooden signposts for mapping use.
*Added lanterns to the loadouts, they work similarly to maglights.
* Added another security form "Deputization Waiver" provided by Skol.
*Added a modular maid dress with a number of accessories, a shrine maiden dress and two singer outfits.
* Added the ability to properly scale objects in StrongDMM.
*Fixed issue allowing players to make Wolpin, Monkey and other animal characters.
* Changed ahelp and mhelp inputs to allow multiline.
*Minor grammar fixes to morgue and mako revolver.
* Changed the unignore proc from free text input to tgui list select from ignored players.
*Fixed wet floor signs being able to be placed in full janitor carts, causing them to vanish.
* Optimized chat export verb.
*Fixes NIF repair tools using up an entire nanopaste tube to refill when it only needs a portion.
* Fixed the destination selection not updating until the ui is reloaded.
* Fixed wrong event usage in the canvas UI leading to painting not working.
* Fixed handing over the round ID to the chat properly.
* Fixed text input trimming.
* Fixed inheriting previous input's text (and as a consequence, fixed editing OOC notes' likes/dislikes while in-game being overwritten by general entry)


*Adds ability to customize temperature discomfort message:
* Added the verb "Vore Occupant" to all closets, found in the object tab. This allows you to instantly vore another person who is inside of the same locker as yourself.
**Editted in the VORE section of character set-up.
* Added pillows. They come in a variety of colours and can be made using cloth via the crafting menu or ordered from cargo. Adding two pillows of the same type together creates a pillow pile. The pillow pile comes in two parts that can be dissassembled seperately to retrieve the pillows used.
**Both pre-made and custom species may now choose up to 10 messages each for warnings while overheated or cold.
* Added tents. They act in the same way as lockers, you can hide items inside of them or fit a couple of people in there. The can be crafted via the crafting menu using cloth.
**If there are no custom messages, game falls back to defaults (which, if the pre-baked species lacks fluff, uses human)
* Added a single wristband that is colourable to the accessories loadout and the Looty Inc vending machines.
*Makes Rascal's Pass wildlife event a bit more common (does not affect minimal requirements) as well as makes message produced a fair bit more modular and descriptive. Now it tells you that wildlife appeared in surrounding areas, as well as giving vague hint towards amount and nature of wildlife.
* Added a collection of three wristbands that have a choice of 6 preset combos to loadout and the Looty Inc vending machines.
*Stopped the slime docility potion being reusable.
* Added an option for admins to hide important messages (system, looc) within admin tabs to keep them out of e.g. Debug or Remote LOOC tabs.
*Simple animal flavour text will now show instead of desc, if set.
* Added a setting to allow borg players to disable petting.
*Lowers frostbelle point value, increases rarity.
* Added a check to mentorhelps to see if any mentors are online. If none are online, the user is offered a chance to escalate their mentorhelp to an adminhelp.
*Prevented the "cancel" option deleting everything when you are editting your character ad.
* Changed the resonance cascade algorithm of the "Resonator" mining tools to no longer work through recursive logic, instead spawning all resonances independent of each other through a logic entirely contained in the create_resonance() procedure.
* Changed syndicate borgs to spawn emagged to have scrambled access, their ai wire unpulseable and can be assigned a single operator as long they have no zeroth law (scrambled module still shows as uninstalled on analyser to hide emagged state).
* Fixed forgotten movement check for upwards movement in ocean tiles.
* Fixed various runtimes.


*Gave hive languages (such as shadekin empathy, binary and diona rootspeak) the verb "Adjust Special Language Range", which allows them to set the range of their language to the following options:
* Added the following bodyparts: Synth Dangle Ears, Kaiju Spikes (with glowing variant), Kaiju Tail (with glowing variant).
**'''Global''' - The current behavior and default, unlimited range
* Added a cascade mode for resonators. On clicking a tile it proceeds to spread in a pattern of opposite the origin, then relative left and relative right.
**'''This Z''' - Only sends to people on the Z you are on
* Changed smart fridge sheet storage loss rate from 35~45% to 20~25%.
**'''Local''' - Sends only to default view range
* Changed smart fridge sheet storage sheet maxcap from 250 to 500.
**'''Subtle''' - Only adjacent
* Changed smart fridge sheet storage to not lose materials below a minimum of 20 sheets.
**If somehow you have a hive language and don't have the verb, using the hive language once will add the verb to you. Just in case.
* Changed find_references functionality to have a few extra debug modes.
*Changed a whole bunch of lore/descriptions to match the current dating system (basically removed 240 years from them).
* Changed machinery SS a little in structure.
*Adds raptor variants of medical, science and security dogborgs, called Raptor V4.
* Changed timsort from tgstation changes.
*Fixed bug preventing timers from counting down.
* Fixed broken datum_component variables in mobs.
*Powercells are no longer lost when upgrading a mining drill.
* Fixed integrated_electronics debugger not allowing decimals or negative values.
*Prevented fireworks being able to be loaded into the launcher whilst another is already in there, effectively deleting the first.
* Fixed tgui and nif runtimes.
*Fixed jukebox not functioning.
* Fixed Chatmessage runtime.
* Fixed missing landmine sprite.
* Fixed sensor console (and other overmap consoles) not accepting decimal input when appropriate.
* Updated es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 in /tgui.
* Updated vscode dmieditor.


*Adds an option to [[Cyborg#Medihound|dogborg]] sleeper bellies to transfer the contents to the dogborg's normal [[vore]] bellies.
* Added the ability to enable chat timestamps for TG chat using local time.
*Adds loaded dice to the  Bits and Bobs vendors, they can be alt-clicked to set their target number.
* Added dump_harddel_info proc, a newer version of the garbage collector proc.
*Normal dice can be made "loaded" by using a lighter or welding tool on them, although this is not as effective as actual loaded dice.
* Changed the first healthbar proc from 99% to 95% to avoid some edge cases.
*Adds capture crystals to uplink.
* Fixed most of the TGUI UIs.
*Swapped bluespace pouch for normal pouches in uplink.
* Fixed the NTOS crew monitor.
*Small pouches are now slightly less cumbersome, large pouches slightly more cumbersome.
* Fixed a displaying bug in the chat healthbar leading to digesting instead of digested being shown on the final proc.
*Reduced storage of bluespace pouches to be consistent with bags of holding.
* Fixed an oversight that allowed players to pick up an item they were inside of or possessing.
*Dirt should now properly transfer between shifts, rather than the station instantly becoming filthy.
* Fixed the sorting section of the character directory.
*Added a white variant of the Zeng-Hu [[Synthetics#Prosthetic_Brands|prosthetic]], named Glacier, that can be easily recoloured.
* Fixed for planetary lighting on open space.
*Added the following new underwear options:
* Updated Whitespace Standardization.
**Panties, Thin
**Pantyhose, Ripped
**One Sleeve (top)
*Adds the [[Vore_Panel#Making_Back-ups|export button]] back to the [[Vore Panel|vore panel]].
*Adds 5 normal songs and 1 secret song to the jukebox.
*Duffle bags now have a new '''Adjust Duffelbag Angle''' verb, this switches their sprite to a tilted version, rather than the horizontal one.
*[[Proteans]] can now use DSI-Teshari prosthetics.
*[[Proteans]] now use select_bodytype, so eyes will properly adjust to their new form.
*Allows bodytype changing in records.
*Adds "mind based" character directories, allowing you to temporarily change your character director preference mid-shift and preventing you from showing as the wrong preferences when loading up another character slot.
*Fixed laying down delay for dogborgs.
*Fixed the dogborg sleepers always having a greyed out "self clean" button.
*Buttons on dogborg sleeper modules now wrap with the window, rather than being cut off.
*Blobs, if they're ever used, can now do damage to mechs.
*Fixed some pathing bugs on a submap.
*Fixed the Frontier DMR to have the correct ammo cost and firing sound.
*Fixed ERT voidsuits back slots.
*Buffed armor values of ERT and Merc voidsuits.
*Nerfed armor values of Heartbreaker voidsuits.
*Buffed armor values of Asset Protection, Combat, and Military rigs, as well as the knockoff Breacher rig.
*Nerfed armor values of the genuine Breacher rig.
*Fixed stock promethean sleeves being printed invisible.
*Christmas is over. It's finished. Gone.
*Removed a few fireaxes that still lingered.
*Fixed dialogue spam with player narrate.
*Fixed [[Internal Affairs Agent|Internal Affairs Agents]] being unable to take the investigator holobadge (IAA) in their loadout.
*Fixed certain markings reseting/moving layer between shifts.
*Fixed boxing ropes (bottom) and boxing turnbuckle not blocking properly.


*Added new system for markings that can override whole organs and new Generic Hooves using this system.
* Added unique model names to all of the different PDA sprites.
*All carpet types are now orderable via cargo, and all now have tile icons.
* Added a TGChat function to remove the red "missed messages" count from chat tabs.
*Fixed a bug preventing the colourable qipao being properly colourable.
* Added another command form to the form printer provided by Kip, Employee of the Month Nomination Form.
*Added a new [[security]] jumpsuit, the modernized security officer's jumpsuit, available in loadout and the security uniform vending machine.  
* Fixed an issue where pressing the escape key during character slot reset could reset the slot.
*Fixed 3c being missing from overmap and 3b being duplicated on it.
* Fixed tgui_input_number, we can change this later when TG made a decision or just keep our version.
*Adds a new spawning option for admins, dropping people in from the sky!
* Fixed view variable number input.
*Fix for the TF menu not appearing.
* Updated yarn.lock.


*Adds angel-like halos as head gear.
* Added a new variant of the size collar that is created by using a wrench to break the crystal. This prevents the user from changing the size manually, and triggering the collar with a signal flips the wearer back and forth between a random size and their original size.
*Maintenance on Hydroponics code, specifically vines and bees. (Some of these may not be relevant to our server and have been ported from upstream)
* Added a new verb "Spin Size Dial" to size guns to spin the dial to a random size. Found in the object tab or on right click.
**Hive frames no longer get deleted and respawned.
* Added an alt-click effect to gradual size guns that toggles a size-trading mode. With this active, when you shrink a target you grow at the same speed, and vice versa.
**Honey extractor is dense, and has its own icon based on the nutrimat's colorscheme.
* Removed some unused defines.
**Biomass vines more likely now that it accounts for "cuttings" as well.
**Vines now can fall, and creep up/down stairs.
**Sporing can now actually be acquired in mutations.
**Flamethrower projectiles now burn vines.
**Seeds can now randomize to be called "pits", which were used in other areas of plantcode.
*Fixed an issue in which personal lockers would steal a cyborgs equipment and place it in the real world.
*Fixed "hoodie with hood" loadout option not being able to be renamed.
*Fixed pixel errors on "Wrist Fluff" markings.
*Regular janitor borgs now, just like Janihounds, have floor scrubber tool that can be turned on or off, defaulting to off. (Previously they constantly cleaned floors)
*On both normal and dog janitor borgs, cleaning floors no longer consumes water.
*A small hotfix was applied later the same day, including:
**Fixes a number of season tiles that were not properly flagged, including trees and darkness.
**Seasonal water may now freeze in the winter.
**Stops acquatic mobs from spawning from the wildlife event for now (ice kills them).
**Stopped Rascal's Pass' mining area's edge from sucking up all of the air.


*Replaces Rascal's Pass Jellyfish, Drone and Spacecarp events with a new Roaming Wildlife event:
* Added a new 18th century outfit.
**Less sudden swarm gank, more environmental hazard style event that is also more appropriate for map environment that is RP.
* Added a port of fox ears from skyrat.
**Landmarks for wildlife spawns are scattered around surrounding areas.
* Added a port of 8 Replikant bodysuits and side cap from CitRP.
**Can be both passive, hostile or retaliate.
* Added a port of 4 Sleek uniforms, a jacket and NT patch from CitRP.
**Spawns different sets of creatures on land and in water.
* Added a port of 4 variants of Replikant armor as statless accessories from CitRP. Can be attached or worn directly.
**Amount of both mobs and spawn locations depends on severity of event.
* Added a port of both Gen 1 and Gen 2 Replikant leg prosthetics from CitRP.
**Can and will fight 'naturally occuring' RP wildlife. Shenanigans can occur.
* Added a port of two pairs of Replikant leg markings and two body markings from CitRP.
**Appears in all three severity tiers. Requires minimum of 1/2/3 sec officers for mundane/moderate/major versions to appear. Event chance scales with amount of security for mundane, and amount of security and medical for moderate and major. Mundane and moderate versions can occur multiple times per shift.
* Added Manage PDA identities admin verb in the EventKit to create fake identities to easily create fake conversations for event purposes.
*Further changes to fishing code, un-nerfing a previous change by adding a new formula for how bait works.
* Added a new view variables topic to all PDAs to easily create fake conversations on them.
*All non-gateway location spawns of teppi have been removed, this includes the stellar delight and rascal's pass.
* Added a new admin spawn weapon: The Short Stacker.
*Added new "synthetic stilt-legs, colorable" prosthetic legs.
* Added the ability for admins to directly swap modules on a robot to any available option.
*Added a colourable variant of the "Gazer Eyestalks" wings.
* Updated to TGUI 5.0. This means that IE8 will no longer be supported. Moved from inferno to react.
*Fixed augment implants so you can't spam them, not particularly relevant here.
* Changed various features related to TG Chat logging, allowing for round based exporting.
*Small edits to fire alarm positions on walls on the SD.
* Changed colour for binary slightly on TG-Chat Themes.
* Fixed wrong sprite location for the adv/debug cataloguers.
* Fixed bonnie alt and bonnie alt long sprites.
* Fixed an issue with the robot analyzer showing modules as missing instead of the upgrade not applied.
* Fixed a few css issues in the vchat themes.
* Fixed the AI being informed when a borgs modules are reset by an admin.


*Fixed deadminned admins not being able to use LOOC from verb tab.
* Added coloured vore healthbars that are printed to the chat box with the verb "Print Prey Healthbars" in the Abilities tab, and "Toggle Vore Health Bars" in the Preferences tab. These have been ported from the Rogue Star server and were created by VerySoft.
*Fixed error spam when equipping things to char setup dummies.
* Added vertical Nom, submit to prey and dominate prey traits and abilities to borgs.
*Low snow season variant.
* Added four new rubber duckies that are currently admin spawn only, with their own abilities.
* Added timestamps to all radio messages and makes borg radio timestamps depending on the client pref.
* Changed NPC says to now also be under the NPC filter in TG-Chat.
* Changed mindswap traits to check for borg job bans.
* Changed disposal units to require significantly less pressure.
* Changed the place_dismantled_product to accept an amount variable to allow to drop stacks larger than 1, defaulted to 1
* Changed dogborg jaws to have higher damage and cleaned up the emagged section. They are not currently in use on this server.
* Fixed a typo in the text of belly messages for when prey struggle and activate digestion.
* Fixed a typo in body scans.
* Fixed some missing stylesheet classes.
* Fixed Submit To Prey sending some messages to wrong party.


*Adds seasons to the game! Rascal's pass now matches the seasons of the northern hemisphere on earth.
* Added most of the lawboards (except for the event lawboards) to the circuit printer.
*All outside tiles of Rascal's Pass now have normal aur temperature matching the inside of the buildings for performance reasons.
* Changed the heatsink to now dissipate heat under normal conditions to prevent the general overheating. This stabilizes the FBPs and allows them to use winter clothes and voidsuits within the station without burning. This effect decreases with heatsink durability.
*ID cards are no longer contaminated in non-contaminating bellies.
* Changed the damage levels of overheating to be two tiered and the first tier halved to increase the time until death during overheating.
*Stellar Delight specific job titles can now be used on all stations.
* Changed raptor borgs to have a running animation and tweaks to their sprites.
*Adds a few cataloguers around the place.
* Changed static chat colours to replace them with class tags.
*Advanced Health Analysers are now creatable via R&D.
* Changed robot upgrade code.
*Fixed borgs being unable to put down glass on low walls.
* Changed robot analyser so that it now has a mode to scan compatible / installed upgrade modules.
*Fixed Pneuma and Tower borg sprites not working.
* Changed the upgrade modules to sort them into categories in code and in the prosfab.
*Being unwrapped after being wrapped in gift paper no longer breaks your view.
* Changed admin module handling for borgs.
*Made void cells and power tools properly inheirit persist_storable.
* Fixed a division by 0 on fire effects.
*Made cutting wire off a coin only spawn 1 piece.
* Fixed empty stacks dropping during protolathe / mech fab deconstruction.
*Removed Threaten To Push Button from signalers.
* Fixed timestamping to take it back to the original implementation and should now show in all cases.
*Allowed robots to use mining ferry on SD version of aerostat.
* Fixed rejuvenate to now stop lingering bleeding effects.
*Made ID restriction actually work on smart fridges.
* Fixed borghypo reagent selection to no longer be under unsorted and is now under the info category in chat.
*Removed the smart fridge between the bar and kitchen on the tether. This thing didn't even actually work and no one reported, showing how useless it actually is.
* Fixed robots to no longer have their pre-defined cell overwritten on spawn.
*Adjusted sanity checks for decimal stack splitting.
* Fixed a bug which allowed empty borg names.
*You can no longer get infinite metal from an autolathe, undoing the fix in a previous update that solved the issue in a more complicated way.
*Selecting "cancel" on the mob spawn ghost pod no longer spawns you as a random species, but actually cancels your spawn instead.
*Rounded/comfy chairs can now be properly coloured.
*General tidying up of Tether medicals medbay floor tiles.
*Allowed engiedogborgs to rename doors/windoors properly.
*Made janitor and service borgs count as janitor and botanist jobs for event weighing purposes.
*Adds Security scaling to Camera Damage event.
*Removes all job-based scaling from Communications Blackout event.
*Changed three 'Breach' events' scaling to be 50/50 Engineering and appropriate department scaling.
*Removes Engineering scaling from Ion Storm event, increases Science scaling instead.
*Slightly increases security scaling on Solargrub Infestation event.
*Slightly increases base weight of Drone Pod event.
*Revamps job scaling for Space Vines event from 7/2 Engineering/Botanist to 3/3/3 Engineering/Botanist/Scientist.
*Revamps 'universal' Breach event to scale equally with Engineering and three affected departments instead of any job.
*Properly disables Gravity Failure event on Rascal's Pass.
*Removes Engineering scaling from Gravity Failure on Stellar Delight, but doubles base weight instead.
*Made Virgo 4 extreme weathers dissipate.


*Grammar standardization for softsuits.
* Added a "Tank Top" to the casual dress category of the loadout menu. This is a white tank top with black pants.
*Fixes a roof on Rascal's Pass.
* Added an orange "Runner Jacket" to the Suits and Overwear category of the loadout menu.
*Adds fireworks and firework launchers to the game.
* Added a bad swimmer trait that slows you down in water and causes you to drown in deep water, this negative trait gives you one point when taken.
**Science can produce the launchers and firework stars. They also start with some on the tether and rascals pass.
* Added more PDA notes, adds copy and print function to PDA note app.
**Launcher needs to be wrenched down to work.
* Added "can_sharpen" bool to material datums with TRUE by default, sets it to FALSE for foam, and adds it to the sharpen() check. This prevents players from creating the foam durasteel greatsword, a HALLOS weapon which can knock out most species in one hit.
**There are two types of firework star. An aesthetic one for normal fireworks purposea that simply sends messages to those who can see it, and a weather star that can change the weather!
* Added GPS into Triangulating device design names, so that people find it when only searching for GPS.
*Adds two new weather types only accessible throigh fireworks: Confetti (yay!) And short term nuclear fallout (yay?).
* Changed the wording on the organ treatment, from dress to treat.
*Replaces the tazer gun in pilots lockers with the LAEP97 "Defender" secure shuttle-protection pistol. This new taser is station locked.
* Changed microwaves to now be OOC escapable.
* Changed the trash eater ability to allow anyone with the adminbus variable to eat all items.
* Changed resize to have var_edit rights.
* Changed robot module handling to have var_edit rights.
* Fixed many items not showing message when eaten with the trash eater perk.
* Fixed there being multiproccs on butchering.
* Fixed runtimes in the laundry basket which led to duplication of the off-hand.
* Fixed runtimes if cyborg modules are installed whilst the robot has no active client.
* Fixed every book having their own datum.
* Fixed rocks to have the correct footstep sounds.
* Fixed edge-case which sometimes repeatedly spawned POI's on top of each other.
* Fixed Zombie powder to make hearts appear stopped again.
* Fixed Highlander mode to no longer crash the server, and also doesn't delete your organs anymore
* Fixed conveyor belts moving flashlight light cones.
* Fixed particle accelerator to properly apply radiation to bumped mobs again.
* Fixed missing surgery names.
* Fixed healthy tesh appearing hurt on photographs and dogborg sleepers.
* Fixed organs getting stuck to the HUD.
* Fixed organ butchering so that it works again.
* Fixed a typo in


*Small map tweaks.
* Added an emag interaction to the sleevemate that gives it the abilities of a body snatcher.
*Removes phasers from cargo ordering.
* Changed simple mobs to have a default 20% escape chance for absorption.
*Removes weapons and combat armour from the Talon. (Excluding an energy gun)
* Changed carbon mobs to have a default 0% escape chance for absorption.
*Backend standardisation.
* Changed most random spawns so that nurse spiders can no longer spawn from them. This includes spider egg clusters, spider spawners, and capture crystals.
*Swapped ERT belts of holding to exploration belts.
* Changed the Stellar Delight to no longer be christmassy.
*Fixes major inventory bug.
* Changed the altevian mining gun to have a better sound.
*Fixes mob turret and mech targetting.
* Fixed GLOB Edit for global view variables so it does not crash the server instantly.
* Fixed altevian mining gun inhand sprites.
* Fixed HANDLE webhook presenting a broken link to admins.
* Bumped follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /tgui.


*The exploration department has been removed.
* Added the Altevian Repulsion Mineral Slicer, a powerful altevian mining tool
**Removes explorer, field medic, pathfinder jobs.
* Added privacy to borgs when they are in dorm, preventing them from being used as cameras (such as via the security camera terminal) whilst in private rooms.
**Renamed 'Explorer' radio channel to 'Away Team'.
* Added a "Disable Warnings" button for textlimit warnings of the vorepanel, these can now be disabled for the round / in the menu after viewing them once.
**Changed Away Team radio key to A, changed Talon radio key to Y.
* Changed appendicitis events to prevent them triggering on bellied mobs. Appendicitis events do not happen automatically on this server regardless.
**Rascals Pass and the Tether have received some major map changes to accomodate these changes.
* Fixed self resizing being blocked by the size changing preference where it should have been excluded.
**A lot of the exploration equipment has been moved to EVA. Some of it is behind 'away mission' access, which can be granted from the HOP, such as the exploration voidsuits. FM voidsuits are with the medical voidsuits.  
**The explorations gun cabinet has been removed entirely.
**Pilot job slots have been reduced from 5 to 2.
**Pilot catalogers and holdout phasers have been removed from their lockers. Pilots now get a basic taser for self defense on their ship.
**Paramedic job slots have been increased from 2 to 3.
**RP has 2 shuttles now. One in the old spot, and the other near the solar fields.
**EVA on the tether has been combined with the gateway prep room. The gateway has been moved closer to the hallway so it can be seen when in use.
*Scars and bandages added to markings.
*[[Security_Officer#Ticket_Printer|Ticket printers]] and folders can now be holstered.
*The first aid kit in the NanoTrasen Emergency Supply Crate is no longer empty.
*Removed redundant hose ports from water coolers that drained them at the start of rounds.
*Folders can be properly renamed when on tables.
*The [[Vore_Panel#Contents|transformation menu]] now lets you edit markings.
*Allowed suit, mask and head slot items in loadout to override job items.
*Stops AI controlled humanoids from spawning with sensors on.
*Service cyborgs can not dispense cream.
*Adds a new drink called Burnout. This is made with one part Deathbell, one part Antifreeze and one part Lovemaker. It is very hot.
*Added a shovel to Rascal Pass's tool closet.
*Aquatic noms now respect drop nom prefs.


*Borgs now have access to human emotes.
* Changed some portions of the snowy redgate maps, such as adding steam to hotsprings.
*Fixed an stray newscaster appearing on the tether.
* Fixed paper spawn location of paper that is picked up.
*Altevians no longer know Tavan by default. They can still take the [[Languages|language]] as usual.
* Fixed omni key to allow listening to mercenary channels.
*Prometheans now come with the Promethan Biolinguistics language by default.
*Non-prometheans can no longer take Promethan Biolinguistics.
*Fixed shards having unlimited afterattack range.
*Autolathes properly accept stacks of raw materials without bugs.
*Adds a lot of HREF tokens to admin HREFS.
*Fixed oldchat icons on examining mobs being gone.
*Fixed runtime with codex book.
*Fixed runtime with capture crystal recall.
*Fixed runtime with bluespace slime teleportation.

=[[Changelog 2023|2023 Archive (click here)]]=
*Atmosphere Retention Generator Fields set to Always-On will now actually stay on when an alert clears. They now also properly respond to EMP situations.
*AI shells are no longer inaccessible when released while inside of a recharger.
*Glasses now properly line up with teshari eyes.
*Removed bartender occupation requirement from bartender skirt.
*Research Dune Buggy now enabled in code, but is adminspawn only
*Backend work to make admin HREF calls more secure.
*TGUI strict mode added for better error handling.
*Mentors now have access to a better TGUI panel for handling tickets, as well as a tickets tab that details the number of open tickets, resolved tickets and a brief view of what open ticket are about.
*Added a "History" section to the "Travellers guide" book that you can read IC, as well as a few general corrections.
*Additional nanomeds added to Rascal's Pass.
*Languages are now properly shown on species preview windows in character set-up.
*[[Synthetics|MMI brains]] can now see when outside of a chassis.
*Adds the ability for a promethean to choose their preferred body type in character set-up.
*Makes it so that changing body type doesn't break eyes for smaller species such as teshari.
*Changes a whole bunch of in game lore to match current lore, such as cataloguer descriptions and books.
*Updates [[Unathi]] lore from in game resources.
*Updates Traveller's Guide with new species lore.
*Fix for cyberpunk vest accidentally becoming species restricted. Altevian officers suit is now species restricted to altevians.
*Robot debris remains can be destroyed in the same way as bones.
*Various [[Guide_to_Xenoarchaeology|xenoarcheaology]] changes to Rascal's Pass:
**Removed a spectrometer to create enough room to drag large artifacts onto the scanner without needing to dismantle furniture.
**Added two more lights on the north wall. There's room for spooky darkness in xenoarcheology, but that's generally AFTER a rogue artifacts blows out the light.
**Added some empty crates to artifact storage for use in hauling small artifacts from the field. A storage feature in the xenoarcheology labs of other maps.
**Removed now redundant desk lamp to make room for a filing cabinet to locally file scan reports.
*Adds ability to Alt-Click food items to rename them. Giving an invalid or blank name will reset it.
*Fix reagent-only custom foods being grey and nameless. Down with grey cake. In with blood cake.
*Added missing glasses sprites for [[teshari]].
*Hacktools now vary in the time it takes to hack through a door depending on the doors security level. This security level depends on the access required to enter the door, and can be changed by staff.
*Anesthetic tanks can not be picked up and placed by the medical gripper of medical [[Cyborg|borgs]].
*Abandoned crates have had a major rework to make their contents more random and with a greater variety of loot.
*Hacktools have had their usage simplified to simply allowing the user to hack open doors that you do not have access to. They now remember which doors you have hacked recently for easy re-access. They have not been added to any loot, and are simply available for staff to spawn as they see fit in events.
*Admins now have access to a verb that allow them to delete books that contain offensive material more easily.
*Added some altevian themed foods and captainy clothing.
*Workflows to use Ubuntu 20.04.
*[[Security_Officer#Ticket_Printer|Ticket printers]] can now be stored inside of security tool belts.
*Minor adjustment to ticket printers so that if no input is added, they do nothing.
*Bumps pillow (map merge tool) from 9.0.1 to 9.3.0.
*Adds a greyscale version of moth wings.
*Adds sizeguns to tether and gb warden's lockers for SD pairity.
*Also adjusts recent SD map edits.
**Makes xenobot blast doors start open.
**Fixed wiring and lack of solid turf under xenobot windows.
**Moves Greg to R&D.
**Moved south facing emergency cabinets so they don't face south.
**Moved and removed some of the other emergency cabinets so that there are only one of those in each hazard control section they were present in.
*[[Security_Officer#Ticket_Printer|Ticket printer]] has been added for security officers. This tool allows you to print an on-the-spot citation for minor crimes and memes, with no actual mechanical implications for the recipient.
*Removes the meme monstertamer reaction that existed mainly as a means for medbay to force a chimera regen - it's no longer needed as the regen cooldown has since been massively nerfed and chimera can now be defibbed normally.
*[[Xenochimera]] now suffer from resleeving sickness after being revived from death.
*Adds the follow spider-taur bodies to the tail options:
**Giant Spider dual-color (Taur)
**Carrier Spider (Taur)
**Giant Spider (Taur)
**Phorogenic Spider (Taur)
**Voltaic Spider (Taur)
**Frost Spider (Taur)
*Stellar Delight Xenobotany window shutters now start closed at the beginning of the shift.
*A pre-packaged set of emergency supplies for events and GMs to have fun with for future small things, added to the SD bridge. Includes a set of shortwaves, temp walls, and oxygen masks/tanks.
*The captains antique energy gun has had a rework. It now has a 25% chance of randomised beam type (eg, practice beam, heavy beam, sniper beam). It also has a chance that it will have a limited number shots before malfunctioning (this may drain the battery, change the strength of the beam or outright break the gun), on account of it being an antique. There will be a hint when examined as to whether it has a chance to malfunction.
*Teshari can now do a special scream with *teshscream.
*Gives teshari missing hat and mask sprites.

Revision as of 20:18, 17 June 2024

This page lists changes to the game that have been added over time. It is user run and not automated, therefore there will be delays between the update itself and the update to the changelog.

Dates may not be entirely accurate and some changes may be included under dates that happened within a few days of the update.

Dates are listed in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.

Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page.


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed to circumvent the size limit outside of dorms / large size boundary areas.
  • Fixed a nif duplication exploit through sharing, as well as an issue to override your own nif with other's.


  • Added the facility map from the recent event to the redgate map pool with some small changes.
  • Added new option ("Assembling expedition team") to the automated fax list for several jobs.
  • Added a few V5 atmosphere variant of snow and ice turfs.
  • Added some rock and skeleton props for V5.
  • Added a V5 sprite for the overmap.
  • Added a V5 skybox image.
  • Changed the amount of newlines allowed in 1 post from 6 to 18.
  • Changed TG chat to limit displayed successive new lines to a maximum of 3.
  • Fixed borg gps no longer working after enabling the module without toggling it.
  • Fixed some old usages of usr << instead of to_chat.
  • Fixed persistent papers to no longer replace the chat on examine.
  • Fixed chat loading reliability.
  • Fixed locally defined defines and moves global ones to the __defines section.
  • Fixed jan HUD showing on more than just the intended uses.


  • Added the option to display only belly-mode relevant settings in the Description tab of the vore panel.
  • Added a mostly fully featured mini chemlab to the main hall on the testmap, for quickly testing reagent creation and effects.
  • Changed the Sleep verb to now make your character snooze until you use the verb again, instead of knocking you out for a couple of minutes and then needing to be flipped again.
  • Fixed Adranol to work as intended and actually clear your jitters properly, albeit just under twice as fast as it clears normally.
  • Fixed timer issue due to a wrong assumption of decisecond intervals, but it's seconds; also back to allow up to 10 minutes.
  • Fixed lavender using an non-existing seed icon.
  • Fixed accidental inclusion of TG subfolder.


  • Added a Toggle Automatic AFK setting and verb, which default to on. When enabled, you will automatically get an AFK icon above your head when you have been inactive for ten minutes. This is the same time as the standard inactivity timer. The automatically-applied status will clear as soon as you do anything, unlike the manually-set status.
    • Manually marking yourself as AFK will also show you as "Away From Keyboard for (x) minutes" when examined, rather than the default "Inactive for (x) minutes".
  • Added books to the option of trash eater edible items.
  • Added an option for admins to add and remove songs to the jukebox for the duration of the round.
  • Added a simple "antag" role for event characters generally. Simply gives event characters the ability to use AOOC without having a persistent antag icon next to their sprite.
  • Added access code 511 for lost / gravekeeper drones, in case they need specific access.
  • Added lost drone ability to now can re-roll their laws 5 times before selecting a module.
  • Added an option to dig new graves to the shovel (This only works on turfs allowing digging without contents).
  • Added a shinto arch prop for use in events.
  • Added a broken variant of lights for mapping purposes.
  • Added apc with lost access to be used in POIs.
  • Added a bunch of areas for the upcoming facility redgate.
  • Added a variant of the crypt drake with glowing eyes requested for the upcoming facility event.
  • Added various things for the upcoming facility event, including keycards that can be used for any event.
  • Added fluff licenses to the list of things that you're allowed to put in wallets.
  • Changed ashtray item size so they take up less space in bags.
  • Changed lost drones to now have a chance to spawn with a scrambled module.
  • Changed lace masks to allow you to drink whilst wearing them.
  • Changed some verbs from set src to be explicitly added.
  • Fixed multiple time display issues in TGUI (such as the brig timer).
  • Fixed a bug where the entire emag list was re-added instead of the single, new item on borg HUD refreshes.
  • Fixed the vorepanel showing 1 minute for idle messages in the tooltip, no matter what second time had been selected. It will now show the selected seconds for idle texts.


  • Added a verb under the IC tab that toggles off an overhead 'AFK' indicator, so you can easily mark yourself as such if you need to hop up and run to the bathroom or something!
  • Added some simple plaque-like signs to be mapped in for events.
  • Added chemmaster button from TG.
  • Fixed Typing Indicators getting stuck on borgs.
  • Fixed issues with icons and TGUI.
  • Fixed .swcrc not being ignored by prettier.
  • Fixed potential tgui dev server issue with windows.
  • Fixed overmap scrolling on overflow.
  • Fixed several style tags.
  • Updated tgui dependencies.
  • Updated yarn version to 4.1.1.
  • Updated typescript to version 5.91.0.
  • Updated Node version in dependencies file to (major) 20.


  • Added a new Belly Mode Addon called Spare Prosthetics. With this active, when prey (that has leave remains turned on) is digested, they will drop any prosthetic arms and legs into the belly.
  • Added a Contaminant Detector HUD. Advanced janitorial gameplay tool. Helps spot any cleanable dirt much easier with helpful popups on HUD. Available from loadout, janitor closet, janitor supply crates, janitor vending machine, science and as a tool for borg. Comes in prescription variant (but not aviator or eyepatch).
  • Added a selection of four watches which are worn on the hand/glove slot and can be taken via loadouts. The three basic variants (plastic, silver, and gold) simply tell you the station time when examined; the survival watch, if worn, also tells you your current facing direction and the temperature and pressure of the tile you're standing on (if it's simulated). More importantly, however, the survival watch also includes a basic, transmit-only GPS beacon. It is not enabled by default, but you can turn it on by left-clicking on the watch whilst holding down the left alt key.
  • Added a new Customizable Permit to loadouts. You can set the name and description to whatever you want. It includes an irremovable disclaimer that it was not issued by NT, is not binding, and does not need to be honoured by security/command.
  • Added variations of one hairstyle, ported from novastation, for all your emo needs: gloomy bangs! Comes in short, mid and long variants, hides eyes.
  • Added in-hand sprites for rubber duckies.
  • Added separate LOOC and OOC muting to allow admins some more control about it.
  • Added a Generic Item and associated Eventkit verb Spawn Generic Item. Much like the Generic structure but is designed for hand held devices that can be picked up.
  • Added a bunch of options for effects to the Generic Item and Generic Structure: Sparks, Flash, Flicker Lights and Spawn Item.
  • Added the ability to upload custom sprites to both Generic Item and Generic Structure, by selecting "Upload Own Sprite" from the list of sprites, along with some warnings that non 32x sprites will need to have their positions adjusted.
  • Added a few quick and simple prop sprites for the items verb to choose from, including a mix of new ones and some others from throughout the game.
  • Changed Belly Item Mode: Digest (Food) to not digest robotic body parts such as prosthetic limbs. These can still be digested using the Item Mode: Digest.
  • Changed some text in the Vey-Medical lore codex.
  • Fixed Digestion Pain preference not loading from saved preferences, causing it to reset every shift.
  • Fixed borg typing indicator vanishing after a few seconds.
  • Fixed borgs being unable to pull pdas on ctrl click.


  • Added new "Tall, Major" and "Short, Major" traits that add and reduce the sprite's height by 15% respectively.
  • Added new "Heavy Frame, Major" and "Light Frame, Major" traits that increase and reduce your threshold for size interaction by 30% respectively.
  • Added four void undersuit options, ported from CitRP, labelled alternative undersuit, includes feminine and sleeveless options.
  • Added a digestion pain preference, ported from RogueStar. Changed from a trait in character setup to a preference in the preferences tab of the vore panel.
  • Added a Generic Structure and associated Eventkit verb Spawn Generic Structure. This allows staff to create a structure with customisable interactions, ranging from whether it can be turned on, wrenched down and so on to how how long it takes to turn on, what text appears when it happens and if it plays a sound.
  • Added a new buildmode mode: Drop. Allows objects and mobs to be dropped in from the air. Left click drops them harmlessly, right click drops them very destructively (and will gib things they land on). Mobs that land on another mob with appropriate prefs will drop vore them.
  • Added 3 more admin spawn rubber duckies (grey, green and pink).
  • Added a variable to rubber duckies called "honk_text" that allows it to put an audible message in chat when honked.
  • Added admin logging to vore interactions of AFK players.
  • Changed the timer on the autoresleever from 15 minutes to 5 minutes, a similar amount of time to being able to make a transcore announcement.
  • Changed the commonly-selectable voidsuit underlayer selector loadout category to uniforms along with the other selectors since they're more uniform-like than casual dress.
  • Changed some old SolGov uniform insignias to lightly genericize them and make them available in loadouts. The can be selected in the accessory section of loadout under the insignia selection option.
  • Changed wall damage from being (usually) 25 brute to 12.
  • Fixed the "You have unread updates in the changelog" message showing every time that you connect.
  • Fixed an issue with some cyborg modules not being excluded due to a pathing mistake.


  • Added a new shared office space and entrepreneur equipment to these spaces on the Tether, Stellar Delight and Rascal's Pass. None of this is access locked, intentionally letting anyone play with it.
  • Changed the name of pillow crates in cargo ordering consoles from "Colour" Pillow Crate to Pillow Crate - "Colour", so that they are grouped properly.
  • Fixed broken ventilation objects in the Talon medical bay.
  • Fixed various issues with 515 by un-reverting the compatability patch.
  • Fixed yellow raptor sprite names and tweaked some sprites.
  • Fixed flags on traits excluding each other by default.


  • MAJOR: Updated the server from byond 514 to 515. Be aware that there are bugs occuring for users after this transition that cause some people to experience issues with the UI. We advise people who are experiencing problems to try the following: Use the 514 byond client. Clear your byond cache. Clear your internet explorer cache (IE is used to display many TGUI elements). Restart your computer after clearing either cache, temporary files may cause problems.
  • Added a number of traits to non-custom species. Traits that conflict with the current flavour of the species or are already applied by default can not be selected. These traits are:
    • Autohiss (Unathi)
    • Autohiss (Tajaran)
    • Autohiss (Zaddat)
    • Hardy
    • Hardy, Major
    • High Endurance
    • Darksight
    • Darksight, Major
    • Brute Resist, Minor
    • Grit
    • Slowdown
    • Slowdown, Major
    • Weakling
    • Weakling, Major
    • Low Endurance
    • Low Endurance, Major
    • Brute Weakness, Minor
    • Brute Weakness
    • Brute Weakness, Major
    • Neural Hypersensitivity
  • Added a whole range of unique items and load outs to each entrepreneur alt-title. This gives entrepreneurs a tropical outfit as their default uniform and changes the uniform for certain alt titles. Includes a whole bunch of new items:
    • Crystal ball that does nothing.
    • Horoscope book that generates random horoscopes every shift.
    • Dentistry tools that don't really do anything, but act as fluff.
    • Pillow resprited as exercise mat.
    • Dumbbell that can be used to exercise.
    • EMF scanner that gives random values as you move about.
    • Spirit board that either gives random values or can be manipulated by players. Ghosts can interact with it too with a chance to fail, it's just for fun but added a note to the description of the board that this doesn't canonise ghosts/souls.
    • Healing crystals that don't do anything except taste good for those with expensive taste.
    • Essential oils that don't do anything except can be made into a new drink when combined with margarita and red wine.
    • A massage bed that is a roller bed but places the character face down.
    • Magnifying glass that makes examine messages look bigger.
    • Streamer version of the camera drone.
    • Selfie stick version of the photo camera.
    • A bunch of kits for various entrepreneur titles to spawn with.
  • Added some more upgrade modules to give different vision flag modules to borgs. Currently admin only modules.
  • Added bluespace pounce, pounce can be upgraded with the anomalous sight, increasing range (from 3 to 5 fields), allowing to pounce through objects, but at a higher power cost (from 750 base to 1000), bluespace pounce will be instant and won't miss.
  • Added Teshari Face Mask from chompstation.
  • Added Facial protection to the mask.
  • Added vorespan defines to the chat spans.
  • Added some defines upstream, just to prevent compatibility issues in the future, so that no one uses them for something else.
  • Changed digestion death to place the characters ghost inside of the belly they died in. This allows them to be see the belly text still, be carried around and can even be moved between bellies (such as moved along with everything else to intestines, etc), or hear a final subtled message. Ghosts can leave the belly simply by moving in any direction.
  • Changed pouncing phased shadekin to now cost an additional 1000 charge.
  • Changed robot shields to now overload when the power cell has 200 charge remaining instead of fully depleting the robot.
  • Changed with a new function (use_direct_power(amount, lower_limit)) to directly use power for borgs with a lower power limit to prevent full self-discharge. Power is now used before the action.
  • Changed borg upgrades code again to clean them up some more.
  • Fixed icon overlay overflow on rig suits.
  • Fixed an old to_chat and also added framework for adding more face states to the mask.
  • Fixed icon for borg x-ray vision.
  • Fixed a rare case in which the store HUD icon could be overwritten by throw mode.


  • Added a new type of maint pred ghost pod, creature holes. These ghost pods always spawn at the beginning of the shift on some of the redgate maps and can be found with the Find Ghost Pods verb.
  • Added Searchbar to vendors.
  • Removed material cost from door repairs.
  • Changed semi-random mob spawners that spawn retaliate and passive vore mobs to have a 25% chance of the mobs being ghost-joinable.
  • Changed a lot of mobs on some redgate maps to always be ghost joinable.
  • Fixed broken stairs in the south of the jungle redgate map.
  • Fixed wrong key usage in vending UIs.
  • Fixed battery overlay overflow.
  • Fixed multiple runtimes.
  • Fixed inconsistant material refunds.
  • Fixed scrolling in tgui windows.
  • Fixed an issue where too many chat messages could get archived.
  • Fixed a rare crash condition on the BodyRecords UI if there were no records available.
  • Fixed the base tile of redgate locations being in space, which caused them to vent when breached.
  • Updated tar from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 in /tgui.


  • Added orange and white to pipe color selection.
  • Fixed pounce behaviour of Scrubbles to be properly checked and have a proper cooldown.
  • Fixed some empty air tiles on the jungle underground.


  • Added a new Jungle redgate map! The overground is very typical of what you might expect from a jungle, with lots of vibe spots and a mysterious temple. The underground has a particularly lethal facility, it'd be a good idea to bring company down there.
  • Added 6 new vore mobs: The Cave Stalker, the Scrubble, the Statue of Temptation, the Sonadile, the Mantrap and the Pitcher Plant.
  • Added many new mobs to the maint pred list.
  • Added new mobs to the randomised capture crystal pool.
  • Added a movement intent toggle to borgs (swap between slow walk or running).
  • Added the ability to choose to spawn with no shoes in character setup.
  • Added the option to admins to restrict module selection on specific robots for events.
  • Added syndicate UI selection Icon provided by MAK.
  • Added a new variant of the lightswitch, a power breaker for event maps.
  • Changed the cost of the bluespace bracelet in character loadout from 5 to 2.
  • Changed VTEC to now apply a new button over the walk / run intent button and has 3 movement speed states. It can still be disabled and enabled with the verb.
  • Fixed resetting a lost / gravekeeper or syndicate robot with a reset module allowing them to select station modules (due to their subtype, they had no access on those). Instead, they only can reselect their lost / gravekeeper / syndicate module type.
  • Fixed hud icon not always updating when spawning in the subtypes directly.
  • Fixed NanoMaps Marker offset on non 140x140 mapsize (NanoMaps now needs the zoomSize as props, handled as maxx+maxy in the tgui data).
  • Fixed Telecomms filters, they can be added through the multitool menu.
  • Fixed omni_filter and omni_mixer showing too high flow values.
  • Fixed an issue where disposal pipes got weird directions due to being spawned with partial direction states.
  • Fixed an issue with some icons missing in the RPD.
  • Fixed a wrong icon state on mirrored tvalves on deconstructing.
  • Fixed borg light flickering.
  • Fixed multiple glow sources flickering.
  • Fixed a runtime with paint cans.
  • Fixed a division by 0 on powercells.
  • Updated pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0.


  • Added "Drain Finishing Modes" that kick into effect once a drain belly has extracted all of the nutrition that it can out of a prey character. These are found in the options tab of the vore panel bellies.
  • Added a "Knockout" process option to prey in vore bellies. It adds 500000 sleeping to the prey, with the usual confirmations.
  • Added a new verb in the abilities tab called Toggle Trash Catching to all mobs who have the Trash Can trait. With this ability enabled, you will swallow items that are allowed by the trash can trait that are thrown at you. This is disabled by default.
  • Added a modify_robot option to toggle combat module override directly after spawning.
  • Added a modify_robot option to toggle all station access codes.
  • Added an option to interleave chat messages in tg chat.
  • Changed ejecting prey to reduce their sleeping to 20 so that they will wake up shortly after.
  • Changed OOC Escape to instantly remove sleeping.
  • Changed Pakkun's to be less aggressive. They will no longer attack you if you are looking at them, and have had their range reduced by one. The no longer attempt to eat people who are buckled.
  • Fixed Research Directors not having access to departmental funds.
  • Fixed an issue introduced with TGUI 5, leading the the RD console breaking on design disks.
  • Fixed an issue breaking the rdconsole when swapping the tabs while the material tab was open.
  • Fixed some service meka sleeper belly sprites not being enabled.
  • Fixed icon state for default gas mask.
  • Fixed ai bellies not being loaded on first shell transfer.
  • Fixed ai preferences not being synced between the AI and the shells.
  • Fixed the lack of radio signals underground in eggnog town.


  • Added a "Track Prey Through Walls" verb to all simple mobs controlled by players that lets them see mobs through walls for one minute, with a five minute cooldown. Specific mobs can be excluded from this, the mice mobs have been excluded.
  • Added a "Thermal vision toggle" verb that can be applied to simple mobs by admins, this verb allows the mob to simply turn thermal vision off and on at will.
  • Added the possibility of non-syncable R&D consoles (in tgui).
  • Fixed entrepreneurs losing their PDA by moving the ticket printer to their left hand.
  • Fixed the new tiger tail.


  • Added the following new ear options: "cat, big, colorable", "hare, colorable", "deer ears, alt", "floppy dog ears, colorable"
  • Added the following new tail options: "rabbit, colourable (vwag)", "rabbit, dual color (vwag)", "tiger tail, alt (vwag)", "deer alt, colorable (vwag)"
  • Added Food Preference traits, ported from RogueStar. Foods with the relevant allergens present will give you bonus nutrition, approximately a 25% boost.
  • Added a "Toggle Safety" option to cooking appliances, ported from RogueStar. This is off by default, can be toggled with a verb on the appliance. When on, instead of food burning when it reaches that point, it is instead ejected from the machine safe to eat.
  • Added a new Kelpie vore mob.
  • Added a varient of the fax machine for talon to fax specifically for talon crew.
  • Added permission ticket printers to entrepreneur's starting loadout.
  • Added the ability to climb onto computers. Like a cat.
  • Added a separate chat filter that blocks out all says, emotes, whispers and subtles that come from z-level that isn't your own. Doesn't affect stuff like radio and such.
  • Changed appliances to significantly increase the speed that machines reach cooking temperature at. Generally reducing the wait time from about 10 minutes to 2 minutes.
  • Changed the cooking time of food in general to be significantly increased.
  • Changed Captain Crumsh's access to match that of a bridge secretary.
  • Fixed and issue preventing objects to be pulled through stairs.
  • Fixed an issue where closing the prompt clears the ooc note section (like/dislike)
  • Updated follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 in /tgui


  • Added matrix recolouring (ported from Chompstation), which allows more detailed recolouring of items via the colormate.
  • Added a verb to simple and silicon mobs to allow them to recolour as they like.
  • Added a fat and vwag version of the deer taur, resprited by VerySoft.
  • Added new mobs for the jungle event: A new catslug, variant of the phoron dragon called space dragon and a yellow feathered variant of the raptor.
  • Added wooden signposts for mapping use.
  • Added another security form "Deputization Waiver" provided by Skol.
  • Added the ability to properly scale objects in StrongDMM.
  • Changed ahelp and mhelp inputs to allow multiline.
  • Changed the unignore proc from free text input to tgui list select from ignored players.
  • Optimized chat export verb.
  • Fixed the destination selection not updating until the ui is reloaded.
  • Fixed wrong event usage in the canvas UI leading to painting not working.
  • Fixed handing over the round ID to the chat properly.
  • Fixed text input trimming.
  • Fixed inheriting previous input's text (and as a consequence, fixed editing OOC notes' likes/dislikes while in-game being overwritten by general entry)


  • Added the verb "Vore Occupant" to all closets, found in the object tab. This allows you to instantly vore another person who is inside of the same locker as yourself.
  • Added pillows. They come in a variety of colours and can be made using cloth via the crafting menu or ordered from cargo. Adding two pillows of the same type together creates a pillow pile. The pillow pile comes in two parts that can be dissassembled seperately to retrieve the pillows used.
  • Added tents. They act in the same way as lockers, you can hide items inside of them or fit a couple of people in there. The can be crafted via the crafting menu using cloth.
  • Added a single wristband that is colourable to the accessories loadout and the Looty Inc vending machines.
  • Added a collection of three wristbands that have a choice of 6 preset combos to loadout and the Looty Inc vending machines.
  • Added an option for admins to hide important messages (system, looc) within admin tabs to keep them out of e.g. Debug or Remote LOOC tabs.
  • Added a setting to allow borg players to disable petting.
  • Added a check to mentorhelps to see if any mentors are online. If none are online, the user is offered a chance to escalate their mentorhelp to an adminhelp.
  • Changed the resonance cascade algorithm of the "Resonator" mining tools to no longer work through recursive logic, instead spawning all resonances independent of each other through a logic entirely contained in the create_resonance() procedure.
  • Changed syndicate borgs to spawn emagged to have scrambled access, their ai wire unpulseable and can be assigned a single operator as long they have no zeroth law (scrambled module still shows as uninstalled on analyser to hide emagged state).
  • Fixed forgotten movement check for upwards movement in ocean tiles.
  • Fixed various runtimes.


  • Added the following bodyparts: Synth Dangle Ears, Kaiju Spikes (with glowing variant), Kaiju Tail (with glowing variant).
  • Added a cascade mode for resonators. On clicking a tile it proceeds to spread in a pattern of opposite the origin, then relative left and relative right.
  • Changed smart fridge sheet storage loss rate from 35~45% to 20~25%.
  • Changed smart fridge sheet storage sheet maxcap from 250 to 500.
  • Changed smart fridge sheet storage to not lose materials below a minimum of 20 sheets.
  • Changed find_references functionality to have a few extra debug modes.
  • Changed machinery SS a little in structure.
  • Changed timsort from tgstation changes.
  • Fixed broken datum_component variables in mobs.
  • Fixed integrated_electronics debugger not allowing decimals or negative values.
  • Fixed tgui and nif runtimes.
  • Fixed Chatmessage runtime.
  • Fixed missing landmine sprite.
  • Fixed sensor console (and other overmap consoles) not accepting decimal input when appropriate.
  • Updated es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64 in /tgui.
  • Updated vscode dmieditor.


  • Added the ability to enable chat timestamps for TG chat using local time.
  • Added dump_harddel_info proc, a newer version of the garbage collector proc.
  • Changed the first healthbar proc from 99% to 95% to avoid some edge cases.
  • Fixed most of the TGUI UIs.
  • Fixed the NTOS crew monitor.
  • Fixed a displaying bug in the chat healthbar leading to digesting instead of digested being shown on the final proc.
  • Fixed an oversight that allowed players to pick up an item they were inside of or possessing.
  • Fixed the sorting section of the character directory.
  • Fixed for planetary lighting on open space.
  • Updated Whitespace Standardization.


  • Added unique model names to all of the different PDA sprites.
  • Added a TGChat function to remove the red "missed messages" count from chat tabs.
  • Added another command form to the form printer provided by Kip, Employee of the Month Nomination Form.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the escape key during character slot reset could reset the slot.
  • Fixed tgui_input_number, we can change this later when TG made a decision or just keep our version.
  • Fixed view variable number input.
  • Updated yarn.lock.


  • Added a new variant of the size collar that is created by using a wrench to break the crystal. This prevents the user from changing the size manually, and triggering the collar with a signal flips the wearer back and forth between a random size and their original size.
  • Added a new verb "Spin Size Dial" to size guns to spin the dial to a random size. Found in the object tab or on right click.
  • Added an alt-click effect to gradual size guns that toggles a size-trading mode. With this active, when you shrink a target you grow at the same speed, and vice versa.
  • Removed some unused defines.


  • Added a new 18th century outfit.
  • Added a port of fox ears from skyrat.
  • Added a port of 8 Replikant bodysuits and side cap from CitRP.
  • Added a port of 4 Sleek uniforms, a jacket and NT patch from CitRP.
  • Added a port of 4 variants of Replikant armor as statless accessories from CitRP. Can be attached or worn directly.
  • Added a port of both Gen 1 and Gen 2 Replikant leg prosthetics from CitRP.
  • Added a port of two pairs of Replikant leg markings and two body markings from CitRP.
  • Added Manage PDA identities admin verb in the EventKit to create fake identities to easily create fake conversations for event purposes.
  • Added a new view variables topic to all PDAs to easily create fake conversations on them.
  • Added a new admin spawn weapon: The Short Stacker.
  • Added the ability for admins to directly swap modules on a robot to any available option.
  • Updated to TGUI 5.0. This means that IE8 will no longer be supported. Moved from inferno to react.
  • Changed various features related to TG Chat logging, allowing for round based exporting.
  • Changed colour for binary slightly on TG-Chat Themes.
  • Fixed wrong sprite location for the adv/debug cataloguers.
  • Fixed bonnie alt and bonnie alt long sprites.
  • Fixed an issue with the robot analyzer showing modules as missing instead of the upgrade not applied.
  • Fixed a few css issues in the vchat themes.
  • Fixed the AI being informed when a borgs modules are reset by an admin.


  • Added coloured vore healthbars that are printed to the chat box with the verb "Print Prey Healthbars" in the Abilities tab, and "Toggle Vore Health Bars" in the Preferences tab. These have been ported from the Rogue Star server and were created by VerySoft.
  • Added vertical Nom, submit to prey and dominate prey traits and abilities to borgs.
  • Added four new rubber duckies that are currently admin spawn only, with their own abilities.
  • Added timestamps to all radio messages and makes borg radio timestamps depending on the client pref.
  • Changed NPC says to now also be under the NPC filter in TG-Chat.
  • Changed mindswap traits to check for borg job bans.
  • Changed disposal units to require significantly less pressure.
  • Changed the place_dismantled_product to accept an amount variable to allow to drop stacks larger than 1, defaulted to 1
  • Changed dogborg jaws to have higher damage and cleaned up the emagged section. They are not currently in use on this server.
  • Fixed a typo in the text of belly messages for when prey struggle and activate digestion.
  • Fixed a typo in body scans.
  • Fixed some missing stylesheet classes.
  • Fixed Submit To Prey sending some messages to wrong party.


  • Added most of the lawboards (except for the event lawboards) to the circuit printer.
  • Changed the heatsink to now dissipate heat under normal conditions to prevent the general overheating. This stabilizes the FBPs and allows them to use winter clothes and voidsuits within the station without burning. This effect decreases with heatsink durability.
  • Changed the damage levels of overheating to be two tiered and the first tier halved to increase the time until death during overheating.
  • Changed raptor borgs to have a running animation and tweaks to their sprites.
  • Changed static chat colours to replace them with class tags.
  • Changed robot upgrade code.
  • Changed robot analyser so that it now has a mode to scan compatible / installed upgrade modules.
  • Changed the upgrade modules to sort them into categories in code and in the prosfab.
  • Changed admin module handling for borgs.
  • Fixed a division by 0 on fire effects.
  • Fixed empty stacks dropping during protolathe / mech fab deconstruction.
  • Fixed timestamping to take it back to the original implementation and should now show in all cases.
  • Fixed rejuvenate to now stop lingering bleeding effects.
  • Fixed borghypo reagent selection to no longer be under unsorted and is now under the info category in chat.
  • Fixed robots to no longer have their pre-defined cell overwritten on spawn.
  • Fixed a bug which allowed empty borg names.


  • Added a "Tank Top" to the casual dress category of the loadout menu. This is a white tank top with black pants.
  • Added an orange "Runner Jacket" to the Suits and Overwear category of the loadout menu.
  • Added a bad swimmer trait that slows you down in water and causes you to drown in deep water, this negative trait gives you one point when taken.
  • Added more PDA notes, adds copy and print function to PDA note app.
  • Added "can_sharpen" bool to material datums with TRUE by default, sets it to FALSE for foam, and adds it to the sharpen() check. This prevents players from creating the foam durasteel greatsword, a HALLOS weapon which can knock out most species in one hit.
  • Added GPS into Triangulating device design names, so that people find it when only searching for GPS.
  • Changed the wording on the organ treatment, from dress to treat.
  • Changed microwaves to now be OOC escapable.
  • Changed the trash eater ability to allow anyone with the adminbus variable to eat all items.
  • Changed resize to have var_edit rights.
  • Changed robot module handling to have var_edit rights.
  • Fixed many items not showing message when eaten with the trash eater perk.
  • Fixed there being multiproccs on butchering.
  • Fixed runtimes in the laundry basket which led to duplication of the off-hand.
  • Fixed runtimes if cyborg modules are installed whilst the robot has no active client.
  • Fixed every book having their own datum.
  • Fixed rocks to have the correct footstep sounds.
  • Fixed edge-case which sometimes repeatedly spawned POI's on top of each other.
  • Fixed Zombie powder to make hearts appear stopped again.
  • Fixed Highlander mode to no longer crash the server, and also doesn't delete your organs anymore
  • Fixed conveyor belts moving flashlight light cones.
  • Fixed particle accelerator to properly apply radiation to bumped mobs again.
  • Fixed missing surgery names.
  • Fixed healthy tesh appearing hurt on photographs and dogborg sleepers.
  • Fixed organs getting stuck to the HUD.
  • Fixed organ butchering so that it works again.
  • Fixed a typo in


  • Added an emag interaction to the sleevemate that gives it the abilities of a body snatcher.
  • Changed simple mobs to have a default 20% escape chance for absorption.
  • Changed carbon mobs to have a default 0% escape chance for absorption.
  • Changed most random spawns so that nurse spiders can no longer spawn from them. This includes spider egg clusters, spider spawners, and capture crystals.
  • Changed the Stellar Delight to no longer be christmassy.
  • Changed the altevian mining gun to have a better sound.
  • Fixed GLOB Edit for global view variables so it does not crash the server instantly.
  • Fixed altevian mining gun inhand sprites.
  • Fixed HANDLE webhook presenting a broken link to admins.
  • Bumped follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.4 in /tgui.


  • Added the Altevian Repulsion Mineral Slicer, a powerful altevian mining tool
  • Added privacy to borgs when they are in dorm, preventing them from being used as cameras (such as via the security camera terminal) whilst in private rooms.
  • Added a "Disable Warnings" button for textlimit warnings of the vorepanel, these can now be disabled for the round / in the menu after viewing them once.
  • Changed appendicitis events to prevent them triggering on bellied mobs. Appendicitis events do not happen automatically on this server regardless.
  • Fixed self resizing being blocked by the size changing preference where it should have been excluded.


  • Changed some portions of the snowy redgate maps, such as adding steam to hotsprings.
  • Fixed paper spawn location of paper that is picked up.
  • Fixed omni key to allow listening to mercenary channels.

2023 Archive (click here)