Guide to Contributing to the Wiki

From VORE Station Wiki
Revision as of 23:44, 16 May 2020 by Aces (talk | contribs)
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Before You Edit

We're glad you've shown interest in contributing to the wiki. Before you can edit articles on the wiki, you will need to register an account. Registration is currently open to all users. This account will also be used for our forums.

If you have any questions while you edit, you can leave a message on an article's talk page or ask on our Forums or Discord.


Wikicode is the strange syntax used by all sites running MediaWiki including this one. If you don't know it and are prepared to learn, you can do so here and here. If you don't want to spend your life learning this markup, then fret not, you can still help.

How to Help

Before and while editing, be sure to consult the Style Guide for help on how to format new and existing articles.

New Pages

New content is constantly being added to Virgo, and most of it will need to be documented in the form of tutorials, information articles, etc. When new content is added, or when you see that a particular part of the game is missing an article, you can search for it to see if a page or section for it exists and already, and, if it doesn't, you can create a new one. If you wish to work on a page uninterrupted, make it in your personal sandbox area or anywhere in your own user namespace. If you don't know wikicode, you can create a unformatted page and ask someone else to format it for you.

Content Revisions

A list of pages which need revisions can be found here

Updates are frequent and we need people to update the information on the wiki. To do this simply edit the page to add any new information and remove any old, outdated information. If you don't know wikicode you can write the new, updated content on the discussion page without formatting. If you're not sure about an edit, or if you're not sure if information is correct, you can use the article's discussion page to discuss any changes to the article.


If you have relevant images, then upload them and add them to the page they're intended for. It is appreciated if the pictures of items you add have a blank background and are in the .gif or .png format. The easiest way to add images of items is to download the source code, open the icons .dmi files and export images as .gif's or .png's from there.

Canon verses Uncanon content

In the event that content is found to be contradictory to other content found on the Backstory page, it should be marked as uncanon so that lore masters can correct the problem, or delete the page if necessary. To mark a page as uncanon, add the following tag at the top of the page:


Marking for Revision and Deletion

If a page is out of date or doesn't have a reason for existing, add one of the following tags to the top of the page:


Character pages

You are not allowed to add a page for your own characters unless they are directly mentioned somewhere on the wiki by some other page for some necessary reason. The easiest way to do this is to be included on the Medals page, as it means you have done something noteworthy enough to be worth mentioning.

If you do write a character page, write it as if from the perspective of an in-character biography written by a NanoTrasen employee. They would not know anything about your character that is not already common knowledge, nor would they include information that is not relevant to the company.

Be sure to add the {{Character}} template to your page as well.


Some pages are intended to be entertaining. However, remember that a newbie might not realize something is a joke or sarcasm, even if it is blatantly obvious to the rest of us. Think about where jokes fit as well as where they don't. For more information about jokes and humor in the wiki, read our style guide.

Useful Pages

Our style guide can be found here.

Changelog: Changelog

Categories: Used, unused and wanted

Templates: Used, unused and wanted

Files: All, unused and wanted

All pages: All existing pages and Wanted pages

Contribution Guides & Game Resources
General Guide to Setting Up a Server, Downloading the Source Code, Guide to Contributing to the Game, Game Resources category
Coding Basics of Coding in BYOND, SS13 for Experienced Programmers, Binary flags‎, NanoUI
Mapping Guide to Mapping
Spriting Guide to Spriting
Wiki Guide to Contributing to the Wiki, Style Guide