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Short for Personal Data Assistant, PDAs are usually useful to their owners, as they have a variety of functions, such as note keeping and messaging, as well as job-specific functions like controlling Beepsky and analyzing fingerprints or blood stains, sending deliveries, analyzing the atmosphere around you, scanning for disease or components, checking how much power are in the APCs around the station and causing chaos.

The PDAs message function rely's on the RD's message server. If it is powerless or broken then no one will be able to send messages to each other. The message server also logs your dirty little messages so don't expect to be able to get away with using them to rally a rebellion.

Your primary use of the PDA will likely be the handy flashlight feature it comes with. Once the station descends into chaos, you won't have to go hunting around for a flashlight, as you have a weak one built right in. Just put the PDA in your hand, click it, and click "enable flashlight." This light will also count for the stacking effect other flashlights have.

If you so desire you can eject the cartridge you have currently installed with the "eject cartridge button" at the top of the PDA's main menu interface, and use a new cartridge that you pilfered off someone else or spawned with a certain method into it. You will need to do this if you wish to install the Detomatix cartridge, but remember to eject it when you are done, lest security catch you with it.

Default Features

  • Messenger: Send personal messages to any PDA with messaging enabled.
  • Notekeeper: Any notes you may wish to record may be stored here. Using your PDA on a piece of paper will scan it's contents and write it in your notekeeper, overwriting your current notes.
  • Atmospheric Scan: Use this to display the status of your environmental air-supply, works much like an analyzer.
  • Flashlight: This low powered flashlight can be used to successfully navigate through areas without lighting.
  • Crew Manifest : View the list of crew members and their status.
  • News: Access the depressing News channels right from your PDA!

Default Cartridges

PDA Jobs Installed Cartridge Features
Normalpda.gif Assistant None
Atmospda.png Atmospheric Technician BreatheDeep Cartridge
  • Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.
Bartenderpda.png Bartender None
Hydroponicspda.png Botanist None
Captainpda.png Site Manager Value-PAK Cartridge
  • Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.
  • Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?)
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.
  • Halogen Counter: Allows you to scan for radiation.
  • Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.
Chaplainpda.png Chaplain None
Medicpda.png Chef None
Quterpda.png Cargo Technician and Quartermaster Space Parts & Space Vendors Cartridge
  • Supply Records: Allows you to view the supply records from the cargo bay.
  • Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots.
Chemistpda.png Chemist ChemWhiz Cartridge
  • Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.
Chiefengineerpda.png Chief Engineer Power-On DELUXE Cartridge
  • Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?)
  • Halogen Counter: Allows you to scan for radiation.
  • Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.
Chiefmedicalpda.png Chief Medical Officer Med-U DELUXE Cartridge
  • Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
Detectivepda.png Detective D.E.T.E.C.T. Cartridge
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
Engineerpda.png Engineer Power-ON Cartridge
  • Power Monitor: Shows same info as the Power Monitoring Computer. (but only locally?)
  • Halogen Counter: Allows you to scan for radiation.
Geneticistpda.png Geneticist Med-U Cartridge
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
Hoppda.png Head of Personnel HumanResources9001 Cartridge
  • Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Supply Records: Allows you to view the supply records from the cargo bay.
  • Delivery Bot Control: Allows you to remotely control your MULEbots.
  • Custodial Locator: Mop, Mop Bucket and Cleanbots finder and status.
Hospda.png Head of Security R.O.B.U.S.T. DELUXE Cartridge
  • Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Security Bot Access: you can remotely control Beepsky.
Janitorpda.png Janitor CustodiPRO Cartridge
Lawyerpda.png Internal Affairs P.R.O.V.E. Cartridge
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Centcomm Messaging
Librarianpda.png Librarian None
Medicalpda.png Medical Doctor Med-U Cartridge
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
Minerpda.png Shaft Miner None
Reasearchdirectorpda.png Research Director Signal Ace DELUXE Cartridge
  • Set Status Display: Allows you to modify the station-wide monitors with a variety of messages. Same functionality as the communications console.
  • Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device.
  • Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.
  • Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.
Roboticistpda.png Roboticist None
Sciencepda.png Scientist Signal Ace 2 Cartridge
  • Signaler System: Allows you to send radio signals, works much like a Remote Signaling Device.
  • Reagent Scanner: Scans things for liquids and residues, then displays said liquids and residues.
  • Gas Scanner: Allows you to smack your PDA into gas-containers (Such as canisters) and display the contained gas's temperature, pressure, and composition.
Securitypda.png Security R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Security Bot Access You can remotely control Beepsky.
Virologistpda.png Virologist Med-U Cartridge
  • Medical Records: Allows you to view the crew's medical records, if they have set them.
  • Medical Scanner: Turns your PDA into a weak health analyzer.
Wardenpda.png Warden R.O.B.U.S.T. Cartridge
  • Security Records: Allows you to view the crew's security records, if they have set them.
  • Security Bot Access You can remotely control Beepsky.

Other non-Default Cartridges

  • Detomatix cartridgeDetomatix cartridge
    • Messenger » Detonate: Attempt to remotely detonate other people's PDAs in a kind of weak explosion.
    • Toggle Door: Opens the Syndicate shuttle blast doors.
  • Generic Signaler cartridgeGeneric Signaler cartridge