Alternative Guide to Xenoarchaeology

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This is a temporary page being used to renovate our out of date xenoarcheology page, most of it is translated from russian and much of it may not apply here.

Preparing for excavations

So, you are a xenoarchaeologist. Get ready to excavate the asteroid in search of ancient artifacts. To start excavations, you first need to determine their purpose. There are two types of finds:

  • Fossils - These are small finds that can be placed in your backpack. These include: Plant/Animal Fossils, Ancient Weapons, Ancient Household Items, and Devices of Unknown Purpose. In terms of game mechanics, some items may be useless, but you can always find out their age and origin.
  • Artifacts - Large devices that lay under layers of rock for centuries until you found them. Will not fit in a pocket. Attention! They can be extremely dangerous and should be handled with care. More interesting than Fossils, but also much more dangerous.

The methods of finding and excavating them differ from each other, so I advise you to immediately decide on the goal (you can search for both Artifacts and Fossils).

Preparing for Fossil Search

For Mining, we need the following equipment:

Name Used Where to find? Optional
Alden-Saraspova Counter A tool that is vitally important for tracking down the location of exotic and small anomalous energies. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Pixel shifting can help you find the locations of exotics easier, as it physically moves you closer, don't bet on it working 100% of the time though.
Hand Pickaxe Needed to dig holes in the rock. Digs up to 30cm, doesn't fit your xenoarchaeologist belt, so put in your backpack. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Brush Reliably brushes away the dirt and debris from the surface of “strange rocks”, Can be stored behind the ear, in the Pickset, or in the Excavation Toolbelt. Can be found in the Excavation Pickset in the Xenoarcheology locker
Optical Meson Scanner Needed to find dig sites. Put it in the glasses slot. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Used to see through walls, however it cannot see creatures or items without a light. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Used to see through walls, however it cannot see creatures or items without a light.
Lantern Needed to illuminate the area, since the asteroid is a rather dark place. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. I advise you to take two and put them in both pockets - this way you increase the chance of spotting xenos before they hit you.
Fossil Satchel Used to store "Strange Stones" and plant/animal fossils Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Use this bag to transport your fossils as they are very fragile.
Drilling accessories (Kinetic Accelerator, Mining Drill or others) You will often have to move deeper into the asteroid, so Drilling Supplies are a must. The Kinetic and Drill can be found on a table in the Excavation Preparation Room. In the west of the asteroid there is a large amount of aggressive fauna, so I strongly advise you to take the Kinetic - it is a fairly strong weapon in vacuum.
Excavation Suit, Hood, Mask, Air Tank, Suitcooler (Synth) You work in space, so these things are required to be equipped. Don't forget to turn on the air supply or suit cooler when you go outside. You will find everything you need in the preparation for excavation section. You will find everything you need in the preparation for excavation section. An ugly yellow hardsuit that is immune to radiation, at least it’ll keep you safe.
Excavation gear-belt (Xenoarchaeologist's Belt) It is necessary for the convenience of storing your tools. Put it on your belt. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Excavation Pick Set A set of incisors is necessary for a thorough examination and deepening into a section of rock containing Fossils. Put it in your belt. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Core Sampler (Probe for collecting rock samples) With it, you can take rock samples that you need for "Spectrometric Analysis". Put it in your belt. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Measuring Tape Measures how far you've gone in excavating a particular piece of rock. Put it in your belt. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Wrench Be sure to grab a wrench! It is necessary to set the Field Generator into working position. Put it in your belt. Can be found on the table insection of preparation for excavations.
Depth Analysis Scanner This device detects ancient formations and will be one of your most used devices. The analyzer gives you the information you need to calibrate your Field Generator, calculate the depth you'll be digging to, and even the GPS coordinates of your dig. Put it in your belt. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Suspension Field Generator The field generator is needed to carefully extract from the rock the area in which the ancient Fossil is located. It is located in the compartment for preparation for excavations in one copy. Do not forget to turn it off, otherwise it will quickly run out of battery. To replace it, use a screwdriver and a crowbar on the generator, remove the used battery, and put in a new one, closing the panel in the same sequence.

Preparing to search for Artifacts

For the extraction of Artifacts, we need the following equipment:

Name Used Where to find? Optional
Alden-Saraspova Counter A tool that is vitally important for tracking down the location of exotic and small anomalous energies. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Pixel shifting can help you find the locations of exotics easier, as it physically moves you closer, don't bet on it working 100% of the time though.
Hand Pickaxe Needed to dig holes in the rock. Digs up to 30cm, doesn't fit your xenoarchaeologist belt, so put in your backpack. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker.
Optical Meson Scanner Needed to find dig sites. Put it in the glasses slot. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Used to see through walls, however it cannot see creatures or items without a light. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. Used to see through walls, however it cannot see creatures or items without a light.
Lantern Needed to illuminate the area, since the asteroid is a rather dark place. Found in the xenoarchaeologist's locker. I advise you to take two and put them in both pockets - this way you increase the chance of spotting xenos before they hit you.
Drilling accessories (Kinetic Accelerator, Mining Drill or others) You will often have to move deeper into the asteroid, so Drilling Supplies are a must. The Kinetic and Drill can be found on a table in the Excavation Preparation Room. In the west of the asteroid there is a large amount of aggressive fauna, so I strongly advise you to take the Kinetic - it is a fairly strong weapon in vacuum.
Excavation Suit, Hood, Mask, Air Tank, Suitcooler (Synth) Description: You work in space, so these things are required to be equipped. Don't forget to turn on the air supply or suit cooler when you go outside. You will find everything you need in the preparation for excavation section. You will find everything you need in the preparation for excavation section. An ugly yellow hardsuit that is immune to radiation, at least it’ll keep you safe.

Optional equipment:

  • Locator Device (Direction Finder) and Locator Device (Beacon). Needed so that you can find your way to where you left the beacon. Tune the DF to the same frequency as the Beacon and restart the device. After a while, it will show an arrow indicating the general direction to the Beacon. Unfortunately, the device itself does not restart, so this has to be done manually each time.
  • A GPS locator that shows your location. Sometimes it's very important not to get lost in the immense space.
  • Universal Excavation Drill is a very useful thing that allows you to forget about a set of brushes, it has a trimmer length from 1 to 30 cm. Be sure to ask the scientists.
  • Diamond Universal Extraction Drill is an improved version of the drill that performs manipulations faster.

Excavation process

You are fully equipped, and now it's time to go to the open spaces of an unfriendly asteroid in search of ancient relics!

Fossil Excavations

Step one. Find rock.

Now that you're on the surface, you should look around for suitable rock formations. Explore the area near the Science Outpost with the Mining Goggles, looking for an anomalous rock type. It's best to explore the various tunnels in the center of the asteroids or mountains first. If you did not find anything there, or dug up all the possible Fossils, then begin working your way deeper into the rock. Use drilling tools, dig your own tunnels.

Step two. Scan the rock.

Finally, you have found a suitable piece of rock. Now you'll need to make preparations to dig into it. To begin, clear the area immediately around the rock area on all sides. First of all, you need to figure out what you are dealing with. Take out the Depth Scanner and scan the area of ​​the rock with an anomaly, then open the panel with the readings. Having opened the newest entry, you will see several informative points:

  • 1. The depth of the anomaly: - how much we need to dig in order to pull it out.
  • 2. The thickness of the rock layer above the anomaly: This is useful information about how deep to dig.
  • 3. Dissonance: Describes the overall dimensions of the anomaly, this is not particularly useful.
  • 4. Anomaly Material: Shows which field to use.

Step three. Remove the top layer.

Now it's time to remove the rock layer above the Fossil. You need to calculate the distance that you need to go deep into the rock using this formula:

Anomaly Depth - Clearance above anomaly depth = Amount [cm] to go deep

Get out your Pickaxe and Digging Cutter Set. Each tool, be it a brush or a cutter, digs to a different distance.

The brush digs 1cm, then the picks dig in 2cm, 4cm, 6cm, 8cm, 10cm, 12cm and 30cm steps respectively.

You have excavated the rock down to the anomaly, and now it can be dug up. At this point, you can take a sample of the anomalous rock with the Rock Sampling Probe and perform a Spectrometric Analysis. This is an optional step, and is only really needed for RP (Find out the age of the anomaly, rock type, and so on.)

Step four. Retrieving the Fossil.

Unlock the Suspension Field Generator with your card and position it with a wrench near the digsite so that the Generator is directed towards the anomaly. Now look at what the Deep Analysis Scanner tells you on the fourth point - Anomaly material, and, guided by the table below, set the desired mode on it.

Material Field
Trace Organic Cells Diffracted Carbon Dioxide Laser
Long Exposure Particles Potassium Refrigerant cloud
Crystaline Structures Nitrogen Tracer Field
Metallic Derivative Mercury Dispersion Wave
Metallic Composite Ion Wafer Conduction
Unknown Nothing

Now turn on the generator. A sparkling field should appear covering the working surface of the wall, its appearance means that you can safely continue. At this stage, you need to take a brush that digs exactly as much as the thickness of the layer of rock above the anomaly (Clearance above anomaly depth). Every time an object gets into the generator field, it will pick it up. Turn off the generator to inspect what you've found - if you're lucky, your fossil will be there, if not, it will turn out to be a shiny spotted stone ("Strange Rock"). In the latter case, you will need to burn the Fossil out of the remains of the stone. Put the Strange Stone in the Fossil Bag and at the outpost use the burner or the smallest dig brush on it. There is a chance of failure. Of course, you can do this while in space.

As a rule, there are several fossils in one section of the rock at once, so scan it again and repeat the whole process. Do not forget to take into account in the calculations that you have already dug a hole of a certain depth here.

Artifact Excavation

Step one. Find an artifact.

With a fully equipped xenoarcheology belt, delve into the dark depths of the many cave systems dotted around the colonies, your task will be to use the Alden Saraspova Counter to scan for any exotic energies radiating from the anomaly. Using the AS Counter in your hands will give you the distance of any exotic artifacts, or any small artifacts located in the area. You will need to keep activating it until you find your nearest dig site; Note: Not all anomalies have identifying marks, so once you get close, use your Depth Analysis Scanner to ensure you don’t accidentally destroy anything.

Step two. Dig up an artifact.

Artifacts are always below 200 cm of rock, that is, at the very bottom. There are usually a few more Fossils in the rock before the Artifact, and you can dig them out before you get to the Artifact. Grab your pickaxe and start digging into the rock patch. Soon you'll dig it all the way out and "Rocky Derbis" will appear. Dig them up with the Pickaxe and you'll obtain your artifact! Then it's just a matter of bringing it back to the science outpost.

Learning process

Encouraged by a new find, you yourself and the found fossils to the Science Outpost. But... What to do next? Explore! Put on your goggles, lab coat and gloves, then get ready to spend quite some time in the lab.

Exploring Fossils

Fossils can be studied in a variety of ways.

Primary Analysis: To begin, you should scan your artifact/fossil with the Anomaly Scanner, reading what it gives you and referring to the other charts if it has an activation index. If it is a weapon, you may want to test them on critters which come from dehydrated cubes, unless of course you find a willing crewmate to test it on.

Spectrometry: The proper way to analyse your fossils is by using the Radiocarbon Spectrometer, typically found in the Science Outpost’s Anomaly Lab; during the process of scanning, the spectrometer will give off radiation, so it is suggested that you wear the provided Excavation or Anomaly suits provided.

Radiocarbon spectrometer: A device which analyses all of the information about a fossil/artefact at once. It looks rather complicated interface, but this is only at first glance, in fact, you’ll find that it’s rather simple. Listed below are the tabs contained within the device.

1) Scanner

  • Scan progress – How long you’ve left to suffer wait until the scan is complete.
  • Vacuum seal integrity – How damaged the device is, typically it will need repairing after a scan, this is done using nanopaste.


  • MASER Efficiency – The higher the better.
  • Optimal Wavelength – The KHz levels that you wish to achieve for maximum efficiency, highly susceptible to sudden changes
  • Current Wavelength – Use the buttons to make this match the optimal.

3) Environment/Internal

  • Centrifuge Speed
  • Internal Temperature (Kelvin) – Keep your eye glued to this, as if it gets too high you will have to restart the scan.

4) Radiation This will indicate when radiation is emitted; so long as you have an anomalous or excavation suit on, it should not matter. You may have to stifle the amount of radiation in order to preserve your temperatures, however, this step can largely be ignored if you are immune to radiation.

5) Cooling

  • Coolant Remaining – Vitally important in keeping the temperature low, as mentioned before, if the scan gets too hot it will fail.
  • Coolant Flow – How fast it is flowing, try not to use too much.
  • Coolant Purity – This can actually make some funky chemicals, such as Hyperzine, Iced Coffee, Milkshake or Cryoxadon, as well as some others.

Short Algorithm:

  • 1. Put on an anomaly or excavation suit.
  • 2. Click "Begin Scan".
  • 3. Match the optimal wavelength to the current wavelength whenever possible, or at least close.
  • 4. Monitor the temperature, if you see a spike you will need to add more coolant; try not to use too much as you can only add it when the machine isn’t scanning.
  • Coolant can be refilled using the blue canisters found in the Anomaly Lab, alternatively, you can ask Chemistry to make it with equal parts Oxygen Water and Tungsten.

After the scan is completed, the result will appear in the lower field and will be duplicated in the printed version.

Fossil Types Studied

NanoTrasen probably won't have any information about your findings, but there are short essays on each type of Fossil:

  • Plant Fossils – Through the power of longevity, plant fossils have found their way into your hands, you can recreate them by putting them into a seed extractor found inside the Xenobotany lab. Once the resulting seeds are collected, you can then use a plant analyser on them to see what effects they may have, and what special atmospheric requirements they may need. These plants can have unique production capabilities, such as generating chemicals, or even materials; the possibilities are endless!
  • Animal Fossils – After dying in a cave a long time ago, these fossils are mostly useless in terms of application, however if you add some bones to a skull you can make a pretty exhibit of an ancient species.
  • Weapon - This can be both a melee weapon and various firearms or energy weapons. For example, you might get a baseball bat, a cult sword, a claymore, a katana.
  • Ancient household items/Ancient tools - Various things used by aliens from other parts of the galaxy. They may be useless, but usually have very weird and incomprehensible properties. Good luck learning them.
  • Ancient Remains - Remains of various creatures, such as: robots, humans, xenomorphs. Try to study their composition, and perhaps you will find something interesting.

Exploring Artifacts

Warning! Research the artifacts at the Science Outpost - many of them are too dangerous to transport to the station, and if other players get hurt in the process, you could get banned!

Studying Artifacts is a more difficult task than studying Fossils.

Precautions. Your lab has protection against the anomalous waves of Artifact exposure, don't forget to wear it when you're doing research.

Remedy Efficiency(0 to 1)
Particle protection suit 0.6
Particle protection hood 0.3
Latex gloves 0.1
science googles 0.1

Scanning the Artifact. It is necessary to scan the Artifact in the "Anomaly Scanner". The scanner will give you a sheet of paper with information that you can use to determine the activation algorithms, range, and effects of the Artifact. Do this, and carefully read what the Scanner gave you.

Artifact Effects

Using this chart and the paper the scanner gives you, you should be able to figure out the approximate range of your Artifact's effects.

Analysis text Possible effects
concentrated energy emissions nothing.
intermittent psionic wavefront Bad Feelings, Good Mood, Drowsiness, Unconsciousness
electromagnetic energy Battery Charge, Battery Absorption, EMP, Synth Heal, Synth Damage
high frequency particles Radiation, Heal Synths, Damage to Synths, Shielding Field
organically reactive exotic particles Cold, Gene Change, Healing, Heating, Pain, Radiation, Drowsiness, Unconsciousness
interdimensional/bluespace? phasing Cold, CO2, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phoron, Heat, Teleportation
atomic synthesis Cold, CO2, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phoron, Heating
low energy emissions The artifact beats like a Tesla. Bring the grounders!

Effect range

Use this to determine the range of the Artifact's effects.

Analysis text Range
interspersed throughout substructure and shell. Touch
emitting in an ambient energy field. Aura
emitting in periodic bursts. Pulse

Activation algorithms

This table is divided into "primary" and "secondary" effects. They differ from each other only in their wording.

Primary text of analysis Secondary text analysis Possible activation algorithms
Activation index involves physical interaction with artifact surface. Activation index involves physical interaction with artifact surface, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. Touch, Water, Acid, Explosives(Thermite), Toxins(Toxins, Neurotoxin) .
Activation index involves energetic interaction with artifact surface. Activation index involves energetic interaction with artifact surface, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. Hitting an Artifact(For the Ataklog to spawn), Energy(Energy Sword, Cultist Sword, Cryptographic Sequencer, Multitool or Shock Stick), Heat(Ambient temperature must be above 375. You can try using the burner on Artifact to recognize this activation algorithm), Cooling(Ambient temperature must be below 225).
Activation index involves precise local atmospheric conditions. Activation index involves precise local atmospheric conditions, but subsystems indicate anomalous interference with standard attempts at triggering. Phorone, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen.(Must be 10 or more moles of suitable gas in air)
Unable to determine any data about activation trigger. Unable to determine any data about activation trigger. No activation found. It is possible that when a person approaches

To make Neurotoxin you need to mix Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (ask at the bartender) and Sleep Toxin in a 1:1 ratio.

Not all Artifacts require an activation, and you may often encounter effects that are not listed in these tables. Be careful. And remember - it's all for the sake of science!

Research Facilities

Your research station has various workstations designed specifically for the study and use of artifacts, and one for storing them. Tip: When you start exploring, always keep a crowbar with you! This could save your life.

Anomaly Analyzer

A device used to examine the exotic artifacts, and figure out their activation index as well as the effect they may have.

Exotic Particle Collection

This is needed for utilizing artifacts. Used alongside 4 anomalous batteries and 2 anomaly power utilizers designed to store artifacts' anomalous powers.

  • Small usage algorithm:
 1. Put the anomaly in the frame of the collector.
 2. Put the battery into the collector.
 3. Turn it on for charging.
 4. We take out the charged battery.
 5. We put it in the utilizer.
 6. We have a portable controlled anomaly in our hand! Now you can experiment.

Anomaly Testing Chamber

This room has pumps flowing both in and out of the room, used for controlling the temperature of the anomalies which require precise local atmospheric conditions, as well as contain artifacts which generate their own gases. It consists of two parts, the testing chamber itself, and the observation room where you can insert or remove gases from the chamber; as well as fire at your artifact with an emitter. (If it has an energetic activation.)

To activate the scrubbers or vents, you need to toggle the remote access on the air alarm, and use the Atmopsherics PCU located in, or near the observation room.

  • An example of an algorithm using gas:
1. We transfer the artifact to the test part.
2. We bring from the room opposite the canister with phoron and connect it to the port (connector port) with a wrench.
3. Turn on the gas pump (right) directed to the test room and turn the valve. We are waiting for a couple of minutes.
4. We look at the result.
5. Turn off the right pump and turn on the pump (left) directed into the canister.
6. We wait until the phoron goes back into the canister. Then we turn the valve again to close the pipe.
7. Turn off the pump.
  • An example of an algorithm using a heating system:
1. We transfer the artifact to the test part.
2. We bring an air canister from the room opposite and connect it with a wrench to the lower port (connector port) in the room with the heating system (to the left of 1 room).
3. Turn on the pump to full and wait for all the air to go into the pipes.
3. We go into the heating system and set the Target to about 400K and turn it on.
4. We wait until the air heats up to the desired temperature.
5. Drag the canister to the upper port (connector port) and connect it, turning the pump on full.
6. Using a PDA with the gas analysis function enabled, check the temperature of the canister. We wait until the temperature of the canister becomes more than 375K degrees (or below 225K, if the artifact is activated from the cold) and wait until the air returns back to the canister ..
7. We carry the canister to the 3rd room and connect it to the port.
8. Turn on the right pump to full and turn the valve. Waiting for a couple of minutes
9. We look at the result.
10. Turn off the right pump and turn on the pump (left) directed into the canister. We are waiting for the air to go back.
11. We turn the valve to close the pipe and turn off the pump.

  • Caution! Do not set fire to the phoron in the test section, in most cases the glass will crack and you will suffer profuse burns if you survive at all

Cloning Room

The fourth facility is needed to create living creatures from animal fossils mined by you. It also consists of 2 parts: a test in which you will grow and keep your pets and an observational one.

There is a button in the Observation section that closes the passage to the test chamber and portable shield generators, which should be installed using a wrench and unlocking them with a card to activate. In the test part there is a computer with which you will recreate unprecedented life forms.

The process of creating a living being or plant

To begin with, you must collect organic minerals (Trace Organic Cells), which have 2 types: Natural and animal in nature, for plants and animals, respectively.

  • Algorithm for creating a plant:
1. Go to your botany department and download all plant fossils to your computer
2. Correctly line up the DNA chain and press the clone button
3. Plant and grow the seeds given to you as ordinary plants
4. Turn one fruit into seeds, and put the rest in an All-In-One Grinder to find out what chemical constituents it consists of
  • Algorithm for creating an animal:
1. Go to room 4 and download all the fossils to the computer
2. Correctly build a DNA chain
3. Screw and unlock shield generators
4. Place a heavy object in front of the cloning pod and prepare to run like crazy in case of a threat
5. Click the clone button
6. Run back and use shields
7. Study who you have created