Engineering Items
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Mechanical Toolbox
Electrical Toolbox
Basically heavy duty scissors. Primarily cuts wire lain wire, machine wires, and grilles.
Welding Tool
Used for cutting through metal and welding certain objects shut, as well as repairing some items.
Wrenches are usually used to take things apart, like wall girders or tables, or to un/fasten pipes.
Screw and unscrew a variety of things.
Effectively a standalone PDA atmospheric scanner, which provides a more in depth readout.
The multitool's main purpose is for hacking. Used to send a pulse through wires in a machine or door. Can also be used to see how much power is in a lain wire among other things.
T-ray Scanner
Allows you to periodically see items under floor tiles, primarily disposal pipes and wires.
Used to pry things, such as floor tiles, unpowered doors, and machines.
Cable Coil
Superconducting heavy duty wires. Normally found in mechanical and electrical toolboxes, as well as the Engi-Vend. More can be assembled from an Autolathe.
Advanced Tools
Jaws of Life
A crowbar and wirecutter contained in one hydraulic tool. Accomplishes tasks faster than the standalone tools.
Power Drill
A screwdriver and wrench contained in one power tool. Accomplishes tasks faster than the standalone tools.
Advanced Welder
A welder that holds about the same amount of fuel as standard welders, but is capable of regenerating fuel. Accomplishes tasks faster than other welders.
Emergency Toolbox
Cell Charger
Place power cells into these to charge them up. Can be secured and unsecured using a wrench. Takes up 60 kW while in use.
Power Cell
Used to power APCs, cyborgs, and various electrical equipment. There are a few different cells, some being high-cap, super-cap, and hyper-cap cells.
Shines light when turned on. Can be recharged in a recharger.
Inflatable Barrier Box
A large case with a few inflatable doors and walls. Used to section off areas that are exposed to bad atmosphere.
Shortwave Radio
Also known as a walkie talkie can be used to communicate when Telecommunications are down.
Fire Extinguisher
Activate in hand to remove the pin, click on visible tile to spray contents of the extinguisher towards it. Refilled at water tanks.
Rapid Construction Device (RCD)
A device capable of (crudely) constructing and deconstructing floors, doors, and windows. Uses compressed matter cartridges to accomplish these tasks.
Compressed Matter Cartridge
Ammo for the RCD. More can be printed at a Autolathe.
Tool Belt
Optical Meson Scanner
Allows you to see turf (walls, floors) that would normally be obscured by obstructions or lack of light. Cannot see mobs or objects. Normally found in YouTools.
Hazard Vest
A vest that is worn on your outer clothing slot. Has some storage space inside, and can hold some engineering related items in the suit storage slot. Safety first!
A dark and bulky piece of equipment commonly found in emergency fire lockers. Can withstand extreme temperatures, whether they be hot or cold.
Engineering Voidsuits
Standard EVA voidsuits that can withstand vacuum and some temperature extremes. Found in Engineering EVA, EVA Equipment, and Atmospherics.
Specialized boots that can be attached to a voidsuit to ensure you don't slip in space. They can also secure you to the ground so that you don't get blown around the room from wind.
Hard Hat
Protects your head. Has a nice little light on top.
Fire Fighter Hat
Protects against heat when used with a firesuit.
Welding Goggles
Goggles to protect your eyes when welding.
Welding Helmet
A helmet to protect your eyes when welding.

Radiation Suit
Protects the wearer from radiation.
Gas Mask
Filters out some harmful gases. Completely nullifies N2O. Can be used as a mask for internals.
A container for gases, such as Oxygen, Nitrogen, or Phoron. Can be wrenched to a connector.
Tank Storage Unit
A rack that dispenses tanks, either Oxygen or Phoron. Use a wrench to unsecure from the floor.
Advanced tech that can download an AI's personality from a core. Usually used to secure rogue AIs.
Phoron Tank
An orange tank containing Phoron.
Oxygen Tank
A cylindrical blue tank containing pure oxygen. Set distribution pressure to 21 kPa to use.
Fuel Tank
A large tank containing fuel. Refuel (not lit) welders here.
Water Tank
A large tank containing water. You can fill buckets to water plants or refill fire extinguishers with it.
Proximity Sensor
A sensor that sends a signal when something/someone moves next to it. Near useless on it's own.
Infrared Sensor
A sensor that sends a signal when something/someone crosses the beam it emits. Near useless on it's own.
Infrared Beam
A beam emitted by an infrared sensor.
Remote Signaling Device
A device capable of sending a signal to a frequency and code of the user's choice. Can be attached to wires in a machine or door to pulse them when it receives a signal.
A device with a basic clock that will begin counting down from whatever the user input as soon as it receives as signal. Near useless on it's own.
A device that can create a spark when it receives a signal. Near useless on it's own.
Engineering Books
Basic guidebooks found around Engineering that detail certain procedures and tutorials related to engineering.
Engineering Circuit Boards
A module board used in assembling APCs. Found in YouTools.
An electronic board used in assembling airlocks, automatic doors, and windoors. Activating in hand will allow you to configure which IDs are allowed and denied entry.
Resets the AI's laws when used on an upload console.
A machine board. Used in assembling machines. The name of the board will determine which machine will be built upon completion.
Atmospherics Items
See Atmospherics Items.
Construction Materials
Constructions & Assemblies
See Basic Construction, Guide to Advanced Construction and Guide to Construction.
Generates a shield.
Gravitational Singularity Generator
Used to summon lord singo generate a singularity.
A machine that generates a field of energy optimized for blocking meteorites when activated
A heavy duty industrial laser.
Used to seal minor hull breaches.
A high-capacity superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) unit.
A machine that vends tools and other stuff for engineers. What? Did you expect some witty description?
Vents tools, greytiders love it.
Solar Panels
Solar Control Computer
Particle Accelerator Engine
Particle Accelerator Control Computer
This controls the density of the particles.
Alpha Particle Generation Array
Part of a Particle Accelerator.
Part of a Particle Accelerator.
Part of a Particle Accelerator.
Part of a Particle Accelerator.