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These are the rules for the server and '''are subject to change without notice'''. For further clarification, also see the guide to [[Not Getting Banned]]. If you did get banned, there's probably a good reason for it, but if you disagree, you can always [ appeal your ban].

If you disagree with the rules as they currently stand, talk about it on the forum and maybe we can improve them through some healthy criticism and debate.
'''It’s highly recommended to read this first!!'''

First and foremost; '''If you see something, SAY SOMETHING.'''
For the global rules pertaining Discord, the Forum and all external communication, refer to [ here.]

That means if someone violates these rules or otherwise negatively impacts ''your'' experience as a player, you are obligated as a player to speak to an admin as soon as possible, because we're not going to be able to practically respond to an issue that happened a days ago. We have plenty of active admins who can be contacted through Skype, Byond, our [ chatroom], and the [ forums].
Appeals are handled exclusively on the forums [ here].  

==You must be 18 or older to play==
The rules are always subject to change when they no longer serve the purpose of creating a pleasant environment in alignment with the server's mission statement. In this case, revisions will be announced on the in-game server and the Discord.  
'''No exceptions.''' Even normal Space Station 13, you're supposed to be at least 18 to play many servers. No one else really enforces that, but we do.

==Obey the global rules.==
The rules are written so that the header gives you the general outline. If you click on the header, you will find the detailed description and intent of the rule.
[ This should be pretty straight forward].

If an admin says "refer to rule" whatever and what you find here doesn't make sense, try checking this link.
In case of confusion, contacting staff is explicitly allowed!

==Basic common sense stuff that shouldn't need to be written==
Here is a list of non-rule admin decisions you can review: [[Admin Rulings]]
* Don't grief or troll or abuse memes. You know what this means. Don't play stupid.
* Don't break into places for no god damn reason / because you're just bored. Have an actual reason. At least be wanting to steal something worth selling. Jeeze.
* Don't randomly kill people (RDM) for no good reason. Vore is a notable exception obviously.
* Don't pressure or force people to RP in vore or sexual scenes they aren't OOCly okay with.
* Don't vore or attack someone without RP unless both parties agree to battle (or at least imply it, like a suspect running from security or resisting arrest).
* Don't powergame (having an unrealistic advantage, or abusing game mechanics to immediately robust someone while they are trying to roleplay normally).
* Don't godmod (pulling advantages out of nowhere, or ignoring disadvantages).
* Don't metagame (using OOCly obtained knowledge ICly, or telling in OOC things that happened IC during that shift).
* Don't metahate (abuse of overblown IC motives to justify picking on the OOC player behind a character).
* Don't do other dumb shit that would make people view you as a toxic player. For example, if you play asshole characters, balance it out with likable characters.
* Don't abuse global OOC with off-topic nonsense. Keep discussion in global OOC both brief and relevant, as no one wants to hide it to avoid nonsense because it's an important communication tool on an ERP server.
* Don't make stupid characters who completely don't belong in our lore (Pokémon, overpowered ex-spetznas, MLP, kitsune with magic powers, etc.)

That sorta thing. Basically, don't be an asshole.
=Rule 0 : You must be 18 or older to play the server=

There's probably more that could be listed, but that's all we can think of for now. If you don't already know what bad behavior looks like, you'll get a fair warning if you can't find a specific rule covering it, but make a note to remember for the future. The guide to [[Not Getting Banned]] expands on a lot of these but should not be taken as an official rulebook if it contradicts anything here.
There are no exceptions. Mental maturity is not a legal defense, we MUST remove underage users by law.
* Use of real world slurs, chat speak, broken or grammatically wrong English, and other indications of immaturity may be taken as signs that you are underage.
* Knowing another user is underaged but not reporting it is considered grounds for an immediate, permanent ban.
* You also cannot play a character that is underage.
* You may not advertise, seek out or show underage content or characters on any Web page you link on the server. (This only includes the linked page. For example, character listed characters but not played on station are irrelevant for this rule.)

There will always be things that are too obscure to be written down. That doesn't make them okay. If they disrupt roleplay (breaking character) or make the server not fun for everyone else, then it's probably not okay. <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>The universal rule is <em>don't have fun purely at someone else's expense.</em></strong></span> Every shootout, every robbery, every murder, every fight, every threat, every conflict should have some interesting quality about it to redeem it from otherwise just being shitty. All server rules and policies are based on this philosophy. If you can't have fun without intentionally making someone else's time shitty, you're not welcome in Vorestation.
=Rule 1 : Be respectful and kind to other players=

If you somehow end up being one of those people who continually pisses people off but somehow constantly evades the rules, you'll be given a last warning to knock it off (because at that point we're sure you're either doing it on purpose or incapable of feeling empathy), and then you will be banned if it continues even still.
This is often called “Don’t be a dick” on other servers and serves the same function.
* Spam, offensive commentary, rudeness, and violent or insulting OOC language are heavily discouraged.
* IC behavior in a similar vein can be permitted due to the nature of roleplay. Be sure it’s not too much for other players, however. If in doubt, use LOOC.
* Slurs and racially charged language are prohibited both OOCly and ICly. Don’t call people ‘niggers’ or similar insults. Belonging to a group that reclaimed the term does not give you permission to use it - we can’t tell and neither can other players. This includes inappropriate ckeys or discord handles.
* Parodies of political figures or other people’s characters are discouraged. In fact, any parody character should be vetted by admins first.

==Roleplay until roleplaying stops being feasible==
=Rule 2 : Speak English=
Game mechanics are meant to ''enhance'' roleplay, not overshadow it. Most of the time, interactions can be roleplayed, including combat. However there goes the old saying that "YOU CAN'T DODGE BULLETS!" which is still true, and no one is going to expect you to suddenly hold still and type out a lengthy response while an assistant is actively beating you with a toolbox.

This rule is always difficult to explain but it's pretty obvious when it's being broken. If someone charges into a room with no words, no emotes, and no reason, and starts attacking someone, they are probably breaking this rule.
This means you have to have conversational levels of English. If you have troubles with the language, you will have a lot of miscommunication and frustration.
* Characters speaking with broken or heavily accented English are fine, even fragments of other languages.
* Characters that only communicate whole sentences in other languages are not allowed. They must communicate in conversational English most of the time.
* This rule applies to the language written in emotes and speech, not the actual IC reality, as we have multiple IC languages that players can pick and use.

Security is the job type most likely to run into this rule often. It's not against the rules to just run away from security, but it's also not against the rules to no-RP-robust their ass when you catch up to them. Otherwise, if you have to use your weapons, use the "aim" mechanic first, or at least roleplay up until the point where you go, "Okay, fuck it," and stun them in the ass with your baton. If your target still tries to flee while you're aiming at them, then you're not breaking the rules by shooting them. Keep in mind they are not disallowed from trying to attack you either in an effort to get away.
=Rule 3 : Don’t inconvenience AFK players=

In the case of antagonists (who are usually played by trusted players or admins on Vorestation), they will usually give a deliberate warning shot and miss, to signal that the engagement should be fought with robust mechanics. At the very least, in the case of melee enemies (like [[Xenomorph]]s), they will roleplay before charging.
Under normal circumstances, do not harm, eat, or otherwise inconvenience characters whose player is idle, ghosted, or disconnected entirely. There are some exceptions to this rule, as follows:
* If they've been disconnected/idle for more than 30 minutes, you can put them in cryosleep. If you do that, take away all of their belongings except for their jumpsuit, shoes, ID, and PDA, and return everything else to its rightful department.
* Some players will say in their OOC notes that they're okay with getting devoured while AFK or offline. As long as you don't break these preferences, it's okay to do things to them.
* Emergencies bypass this rule. If it's an emergency and you need something an idle player has to fix it, you may take it.
* If you wish to leave the round for longer than 30 minutes, please use cryo, the tram or public teleporters to free up your slot.

As with all IC interactions, the scenario has to be believable and realistic in the first place. Attacking others for no good reason is still covered by other rules.
=Rule 4 : Respect ERP preferences=

==Flavor text is required==
"ERP", or Erotic Role Play, is used in this document to refer to any type of erotic role play, including vore, sex, and kink themed roleplay.  
When in the character setup menu, click flavor text about your character. ''At least'' include preferences about whatever you dislike and will never play. We assume everyone in V.O.R.E. has generally open preferences but respect any particular dislikes someone might have.
Players should have their ERP prefs listed in their “OOC Metainfo” or “OOC Notes” on their characters. You are required to respect these preferences so long as they pertain to ERP. If you are unsure about the meaning of some of their preferences, then use LOOC to discuss it with them. If you accidentally go against someone’s preferences, or someone else goes against yours, work to correct it as quickly as possible, even if that means just deciding in LOOC amongst yourselves that ‘this didn’t happen’ and going your separate ways.  

==If your ERP preferences are violated, say something==
'''This server was created by and for people who are voraphiles. Things might be happening around you that you're not into. If you can't accept that you might be exposed to things you don't enjoy, or actively seek to prevent people from engaging in said things, you will be asked to leave.'''
ERP stands for Erotic RolePlay. Your preferences are anything you say "do" or more importantly "do not" in regard to ERP. Everyone who plays on this server comes here with the knowledge that it is a predominantly vore themed roleplay environment. While we allow other kinds of play, they aren't the focus of the server. Within the vore mechanic, if your OOC preferences are being broken, there is a button called OOC escape. It's your safeword and your lifeline if you end up in a situation you genuinely, OOC, do not enjoy, and your partner is ignoring your OOC complaints to change course or stop. You, as a player, have the ability to get out of any situation within this last-resort mechanic at your fingers. However, it is also your responsibility to make sure that people know where your limits stand. A little heads up before the scene starts can save a lot of headache in the long run. If someone repeatedly, and deliberately violates your preferences, however, don't hesitate to bring this to an admin's attention.

'''If you aren't into vore at all, find another server.''' Everyone in this server assumes everyone involved is okay with vore. If you're not okay with playing predator or prey, or at least enjoy watching, then that's not fair to other players who are expecting everyone to be into vore in some manner or another. If you can't tolerate any kind of vore, why did you come here to begin with? And please don't tell us it's because we're the only ones who allow ERP. You can make your own ERP server. Nothing is stopping you. You don't even need our script to do it. We'll even help you.
* Having “No Vore” in your preferences is fine. You will just miss out on a lot of contact and interaction. If you actively seek out to interrupt scenes, it will be seen as a breach of Rule 1.
* You can stop a scene at any moment if you are uncomfortable with it. In case it wasn’t apparent to you that you become uncomfortable with the theme and it’s not in your OOC notes, amend it so it doesn’t happen in the future to you.
* Non-consensual scenes are part of the server. Taking a stance on your willingness to engage in them is recommended to avoid uncomfortable scenarios.
* Kinkshaming and disparaging other users over their preferences is covered by Rule 1. Do not do this, OOC or IC. (Unless it’s part of a scene. IC kinkshaming kinks are valid.)
* Don’t force yourself on others for scenes. This includes unsolicited jumping into food items, bodily fluids used as drinks, bothering other players while they’re scening - you will find further information in Rule 5.
* Teasing someone in OOC communication needs their active consent. If they don’t want you to tease them, please stop. This includes when they’re teased by others and they’re fine with it.

This rule doesn't mean players can deliberately eat you because you're "violating" the rules by being non-vore only. That will get them punished through [[Rules#Don't backseat admin|backseat admin]] rules.
Although not really a true rules page, you should read the [[Guide to Vore]].  

Also, OOC kink-shaming of any kind will also be punished.
=Rule 5 : Bystander Consent Policy=

==Do not log out in locked dorms==
The inherent nature of community role-playing in an open environment means Admins will have to mediate cases under this policy on a case-by-case basis.
This is self explanatory. Those rooms are for smut. Not your personal AFK box. Don't be a dick. Three strikes of repeated abuse will result in a day ban. Three more strikes will be three days. Three more days (total of nine) will be a week ban so we can be absolutely sure you get the message. Admins will keep track of offenses with playernotes and will attempt to contact you when it happens, but since you logged out, there's no guarantee we'll remember to poke you when you're next online.

If you get banned for this, it's really easy to [ appeal]. We only want to make sure you actually read this damn rule so you know to obey it.
When you begin ERP in a '''well traveled place''', you must consider the preferences of any character who can see your posts. If you are engaged in ERP that results in someone asking in LOOC for you and your partner(s) to move the ERP to subtle or another area, it is considered respectful of other users to do so. Similarly, if you happen upon a scene you are uncomfortable with, you can remove yourself from the situation. Both parties should be considerate of others:
* When initiating a scene around other players, you should ensure that people around you have compatible preferences.
* When stumbling upon a scene that makes you uncomfortable, you should consider whether you could leave without significantly hampering your own enjoyment of the game.

==Stay in your own department==
If the involved parties cannot resolve the conflict, admins will mediate. ''Usage of this rule is protective, not prohibitive - in general admins won't use this rule to shut down scenes proactively.'' Sharing details of your, or someone else's ERP over broad reaching forms of communication, such as the radio, department relays, or OOC, can be a violation of these rules. Do not involve the whole server in ERP they didn't sign up for.
It's viewed as powergaming if you're doing jobs that you weren't asked to do, and godmodding if you shouldn't know how to do them at all. This applies to career assistants especially. If you knew how to do surgery or start the supermatter or build robots, you wouldn't be an assistant all the time. At least have the [[Head of Personnel]] change your job first.
One example of situations that are subject to this policy is engaging in sex in the bar while there are people who are uncomfortable with sex who can still see the posts coming from either partner. Another is somebody working the kitchen serving food containing parts of another person to patrons. On the other hand, players are assumed to be generally okay with vore scenes due to the nature of the server.

Also don't go rushing to do someone else's job if the department in question has active staff. It's not fair to them if you deprive them of the job they signed up to do, even if you ''do'' have access and you ''do'' know how to do it. (E.g. Captain chasing down criminals despite a perfectly capable security staff.)
Do note that this applies to any '''public space''' that tends to have a lot of traffic. Maintenance and other areas with less traffic are better places to do such scenes. Dorms are ideal since they’re private spaces designed for scenes.

This rule is more loosely enforced during emergencies or when powering the station at round start, but still don't get involved if engineering has people--even if they fail to do their job properly. Just complain to their superiors in-character, or alert an admin out-of-character. They may be busy with things.
Any aftermath of a scene also falls under this policy. Leaving body parts or prey remains in public, or in the dorms where third parties are likely to stumble upon them will violate the policy. <u>Please clean up after yourselves when a scene is over.</u> This also applies if you wish to have medical personnel resleeve your scene partner.

==Do your job when you're not doing scenes!==
The easiest way to comply with this policy is to be considerate of other people and their preferences. When doing scenes in '''public spaces''', ensure that all bystanders are comfortable with what you’re doing.
If you're not in a vore scene, keep yourself busy by doing your normal job. Vore isn't the only thing that happens on the server. If you habitually join as jobs beside assistant and don't perform your job's most basic functions, you'll get job banned because it hogs the slot from people who actually want to do the job.

For example: An Engineer who doesn't start the engine or set up solars and instead runs straight to the bar for scene hunting is probably breaking this rule. On the other hand, if you got ambushed and ate ''before'' finishing your job, then that's just life on VORE and everyone will have to live without power for a bit.
=Rule 6 : The dorms are protected=

That being said, ''please don't join as an assistant all the time to avoid all responsibilities''. The whole station becomes stagnant and boring when no one is doing jobs. What makes VORE Station more attractive of an option for RP than a chatroom is because there's so much to do besides vore and smut. Work together and do something interesting. Your job shouldn't make it impossible to do vore, but if you're not eating/being eaten, don't sit in the bar doing nothing all day. You're hogging job slots which is unfair and not realistic.
The dorms are to use for uninterrupted, private scenes. This means most random game events also cannot affect them.
* Don't abuse dorm protection to evade IC consequences. Criminals shouldn't hide in the dorms, and security shouldn't bust them open. In case of doubts (such as suspecting a criminal of hiding in dorms), please adminhelp for arbitration.
* As the number of dorms is limited, do not go AFK for extended periods or disconnect in a locked dorm even if you aren’t taking a limited job slot.

==Don't complain in OOC when your actions IC get you in trouble==
=Rule 7 : Use global OOC sparingly=
In-character actions have in-character consequences, and going out of your way to get a reaction from other crew or security means ''you will get a reaction out of them.'' So if your own shenanigans gets you in trouble, that's your fault. For non-vore crimes, if you think you have been excessively or unfairly punished or retaliated against, use adminhelp, or preferably play it off ICly and contact a lawyer, other security, the Captain, or CentCom. If your complaints reach the admins and they don't think you were treated unfairly, then you probably weren't treated unfairly, so stop complaining. Or just don't complain in the first place and enjoy the ups and downs of roleplaying in a '''fictional''' world.

'''Naturally, vore-related crimes are excluded from this rule''' - you should be granted OOC leniency if you get brigged for a vore crime. In-character, you'll still be punished as normal, but out-of-character you are entitled to a ''time-skip'' (E.g. Space Law says 60 minutes in the brig, but you really spend only 5 while everyone RPs like it was the full 60 minutes). Also we won't '''ever''' permanently fire or execute a character for eating someone, and someone trying to enforce the death penalty on you--or permabrig you--for doing vore, and you're not okay with that, then that someone will be punished by the admins for breaking [[Rules#Basic common sense stuff that shouldn't need to be written|common sense rules]].
It’s not muted by default and can be used for short communications and questions, such as server lag issues or when someone walked out on you while you were typing a response.
* If someone misuses OOC, please alert staff so we can take care of it.  
* Banter, memes and general discussion are to be done on the discord server or in-between rounds. You can always ask for detailed assistance in #cadet-academy on the discord or in-game via mentorhelp.

==Don't call for help if you don't want it / Don't deliberately interrupt ERP scenes ==
=Rule 8 : Do not abuse bugs or exploits=
'''If the victim isn't calling for help, and it's not in a public area, don't be a white knight by getting involved.''' Security is allowed to force scenes to move out of a public area and into a dorm, or at least into their own department, but until someone calls for help security may ''not'' stop a scene entirely. Unless security can prove a crime is happening, they aren't allowed to interfere, and this is already true for all laws under code green.

If you walk in on a scene anywhere beside the dorms, security and other staff have every right to ask questions without needing to seek OOC consent from the predator's player.
The code isn't perfect and our dev team is small. There's bound to be bugs. Deliberate abuse of bugs or other design flaws in the game's mechanics to gain an advantage not possible under typical circumstances will result in a ban. Report bugs to the server's Github so that they might be fixed.  

It's not very realistic for all crew to be expected to turn a blind eye to someone else's suffering, so here's some advice to avoid awkward situations like that:
If you are not a staff member, deliberately trying to trigger bugs in-game is not allowed. If you want to attempt to gather information of the specific bug to fix it, ask staff for permission via adminhelp.
*If you are predator, try to steal your victim's means of communication (headset, PDA, making them wear a gag, tying them up so they can't struggle) so they can't summon help, and don't brag about your catch if you don't want to get caught.
*If you are prey, ask your predator OOCly if you have the ''capability'' to call for help. If your predator was smart enough to take your gear away, this should only apply if someone accidentally stumbles on your scene.
* If you are prey, don't pull some hidden weapon out of your backpack and start stabbing the shit out of them from inside. If you have a weapon, or you choose to try to resist being eaten in that way, roleplay each attack until your predator gives up or you succumb.
*Don't whine if your bragging (as pred) gets you in trouble, or calling for rescue (as prey) makes someone actually try to come rescue.
*Try to actually be clever and stay hidden as predator. It's really awkward when someone stumbles on a scene by chance, so at least have a good convincing lie prepared, or use a room like a fire closet or abandoned room or other low-traffic area. If the scene is supposed to be a quick grab and gulp, you can ask anyone catching you to give you some time to progress the scene (since typing is slower than game mechanics) but avoid making them let you get away with it entirely. You still got caught after all and it's no fun for them if they're forced to turn a blind eye when it breaks character.
*If you see an unwilling scene with xray vision or thermals, you're already violating NT's privacy laws, so just keep your mouth shut because you'd rather not lose your job over it. CentCom doesn't care if you were saving someone's life because CentCom is run by cold and unfeeling bureaucratic assholes.
*If you're the [[AI]], unless you see blood, you have no reason to assume anyone is being harmed. Follow your laws normally. If it still annoys you, you can nag the predator if the prey hasn't been scanned and call it accident prevention.

As a recap: Security is '''absolutely allowed''' to intervene in unwilling scenes. '''If the victim is calling for help, no matter where in the station it's happening, ''including private dorms'', Security can interfere'''. If the prey ''isn't'' asking for help, ''don't fuck with the scene.'' It's that simple.
=Rule 9 : Do not Gatekeep=

Remember, if you OOCly don't want the scene at all, you should say something in local OOC. That is covered by [[Rules#Basic common sense stuff that shouldn't need to be written|common sense rules]].
Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. Everyone was a new player once. Showing kindness and patience will always be better than forceful correction.
* Disparaging someone for doing a job because they aren’t as efficient as you is a prime example of this.
* Giving tips is helpful - being inflammatory or pushy, saying your way is the only correct one is not.
* Admins policing who perform command functions is not gatekeeping - newer players should learn the fundamentals first, as command positions also act as mentors and teachers for others.

This is all further elaborated upon in the [[Guide to Vore]].
=Rule 10 : Do not Metacommunicate, Metagame, or Multikey=

==Don't fuck with disconnected or AFK players==
* Metacomms: Using third-party programs such as Discord, IRC, Skype, or even the BYOND pager, to discuss and share information of the ongoing round. This excludes other players, can contribute to toxicity among the playerbase, and is often a tactic used by griefers and thus is a no-go.
Under normal circumstances, do not harm, vore, or otherwise inconvenience a character whose player is AFK or disconnected entirely. There are some exceptions to this rule and here's what they are. If you cannot find your exception here, don't mess with them.
* Metagaming: Using information obtained from elsewhere to influence IC decisions and actions. Your opinions or knowledge of other players or characters obtained via OOC methods should not direct your IC actions. If you have an OOC grudge against someone, you may not try to antagonize them IC, for example.
** Similarly, you should not use alt characters like a network for yourself - in general your characters should not know what the others know or try to share resources across multiple jobs.
** Asking Medical to resleeve you in LOOC is okay. They might be too busy to do it right now, however, so don’t be pushy. (See Rule 9 and Rule 1)
* Multi-keying: Logging in with multiple BYOND accounts on our game server. There is never any legitimate reason for you to do this and thus it is not allowed.

*If they've disconnected more than 10 minutes, you can put them in cryosleep. If you do that, take away all of their belongings except for their jumpsuit, shoes, ID, and PDA, and return everything else to its rightful department (or don't, and risk trouble with security).
=Rule 11 : Roleplay in an immersive and server-appropriate manner=
*If they committed a crime, jail them as you normally would and conduct their sentence even if they aren't connected. 20 minutes in the brig is still 20 minutes in the brig.
*Some players like to put notes in their flavortext to indicate that they're okay with getting devoured while AFK or offline. As long as you don't break these preferences, it's okay to do things to them.
*Emergencies will bypass this rule, such as taking the Captain's ID to call the shuttle because the supermatter exploded while the Captain was offline.

==Experience is required for any head positions==
As a heavy roleplaying server, we attempt to stay in character as our characters and interact with each other on the basis of our lore. Breaking immersion is very jarring and should be avoided.
If you demonstrate you lack at least a reasonable amount of experience, such as a Chief Engineer unable to start the engine, or a CMO unable to do surgery, you will be job banned from the position until you gain that experience.
* If you cannot comply with the server rules without breaking character, then the character is inappropriate and should be modified. “It's what my character would do" is no excuse.
* It’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of our [[Vital Lore|Lore]]. Flagrant breaks from it are discouraged. OCs you wish to adapt should be believable within the universe.
* Your character is an employee or contractor and probably does not want to land in jail or a loony bin. Avoid excessive violence and criminal behaviour.
* Thorough professionalism is not required, however. You can be silly, goofy and do laser tag tournaments. Virgo is conceived as a sleepy frontier station - a place where hiring standards are rather lax due to a sparsity of people willing to work in the literal boonies.
* Characters are expected to try and avoid pain and death. While death is not permanent due to resleeving, the process is disorienting and makes one terribly ill. This expectation is relaxed around vore, naturally.
* If your character is suspended, permanently killed off, or otherwise removed from the station as a consequence for something horrible they did in-character, you are expected to not play that character anymore. See the guide about [[Permanent Death]] for details.
*There is no magic in the setting. If something isn’t replicable with mechanics or in-game conceits, it should not be done in public. In private ERP, this is relaxed, but you have to explain it away reasonably when it goes public.  

The higher up the chain of command, the more scrutiny you will get. Therefore, [[Captain]] is the easiest to get job banned from. So do your job well, or play another job. Don't take a job just for the access it grants.
=Rule 12 : Create server-appropriate characters=

==Don't avoid RP (unless it violates ERP preferences)==
As extension of Rule 11, try to create or adapt a character that fits within the lore and the rules of the server. This facilitates roleplay and doesn’t ruin the suspension of disbelief.
Although you can OOCly speak up if an RP makes you uncomfortable, don't abuse this privilege (eg: disconnecting or going 'ghost' at the first sign of any trouble with security, or when the response you got from provoking someone isn't what you planned). The privilege to say "NO" is reserved for preventing vore or sexual scenes you don't like. Nothing else.
* OOC Notes and Flavor Text are required. Your OOC notes must detail your ERP preferences, and your flavor text should not include non-physical attributes and use neutral language.
* Give them a non-immersion breaking first name (and often, a last name too), do not play obvious reference characters, or characters from published works without a special character application approved for that character.
* Maximum height for characters is 20 feet. Minimum height is 3 inches. Anything above and below is only allowed during strictly private scenes.
* Whitelisted species are required to follow their lore more stridently than other, non-whitelisted species.
* Criminal, military and other “high action” backgrounds need to be vetted by admins with a [[Whitelist|special character application]]. In general, antagonists like on other SS13 servers are rare in the Virgo universe.

For everything else, power through the bad because you can use the bad for interesting character development that you'll later be grateful for.
=Rule 13 : Do not create IC conflict without good reason=

==Unrealistic characters are not allowed==
In our setting, major violence and crime is not commonplace.. Have a believable reason for any conflict and antagonistic behavior you may exhibit and moderate yourself to keep it not at a level where admins need to intervene.
Any time your character, or their actions, make absolutely no sense in the context of the situation. This can range from having magic powers to fearlessly charging into a battle you didn't need to fight armed with a kitchen knife when everyone else brought mechs. '''This rule includes 'fan characters'.''' Do not play characters from other published fiction that you yourself did not create. Only play characters you own, or created.
* End of the Round Deathmatches don’t exist. Even when the round ends, we expect you to fully stay in character.
* If you wish to perform a crime to entertain Security or get eaten, it’s wise to check first if they’re even up for it. LOOC, PDA messages and the character-directory can guide you.
* Boredom is not a good reason. It’s entirely fine to leave the round and do something else if the station is too slow for you right now.
* NPCs are included in this. Don’t randomly kill wildlife or other people. Just because they’re not fellow players doesn’t mean they’re not ICly people.
* Suicide or self-mutilation is not allowed. Contact an admin if you want to have a character commit suicide. Themes of suicide and self-harm are very serious and shouldn’t be used as an attention grab. Not getting permission beforehand usually leads to a permanent ban.
* This rule is not limited to physical altercations, if you're being unnecessarily hostile in a way that makes the game unenjoyable for others, you may be reprimanded. For instance, accusing another character of being a rapist so nobody else is willing to associate with them is definitely a hostile act that ruins their game, without being a violent one.
* Excessive responses in self-defense are also not allowed - killing someone should be a last resort. However, if you put someone in Medbay and they come back with friends to beat you up… Try not provoking people next time.

In a related matter, the phrase "It's what my character would do!" isn't a viable excuse to avoid punishment if you're constantly getting into trouble with security or otherwise being a constant twat. Maybe it's what your character would do, but you know what CentCom will do? Fire you. Eventually CentCom is going to decide you're a liability. That means you will get barred from using the character, and even banned from the server if you ignore this rule with multiple characters. Avoid characters who are suicidal, violent, the not-funny kind of incredibly stupid, or criminals who keep getting caught (meaning everyone knows you did it, not necessarily that you got jailed for it). CentCom wouldn't allow these kinds of people aboard the ship. Avoid doing things that would get you very quickly fired, because if you don't have a good reason for your actions ICly, it's liable to get you banned. Even if you do have a good reason, then you have to avoid getting caught.
=Rule 14 : Do not powergame=

If you're smart/clever enough to make a character who can do naughty things without getting caught, then this rule doesn't really apply to you. Just don't break the station. Or the people on the station. The rules don't say you can't be a troublemaker. Crimes on the workplace are very believable and common in real life; especially stealing. If you get caught though, you're going to get in trouble. So don't get caught! Or at least put good effort into not getting caught.
Also known as “Playing to Win”. This includes things such as a doctor stealing supplies from engineering 'just in case' or a security officer fanatically pursuing an arrest at all costs.
* Loophole abuse for Vore scenes is allowed.
* Identifying lore-uncommon objects or creatures because you are mechanically aware of how they operate also is not allowed. Your character should not be implicitly familiar with the horrors of the Universe unless they actually encountered them in-game in a consistent manner.
* Abusing game mechanics such as the tram or access changes to work multiple departments is also not allowed. If you joined as a job by mistake, you can of course fix it.
* Having a wide skillset is getting close to this rule. You should keep your knowledge of other department skills at a minimum. Engineers shouldn’t do surgery and officers shouldn’t wire the engine. It’s suggested to make a character per department.

"But people [[Vore|eat other people]] on this station! How is that realistic?!" Because it's normal on this station. How is [[Bluespace]] realistic? Because suspension of disbelief, smartass.
=Rule 15 : Do not Godmode=

Powergaming also falls under this rule. Nanobots, super strength, special powers, magic, none of this is allowed. Admins sometimes make exceptions for events, but that's about it. As a general rule of thumb; if you can't reasonably emulate what you're trying to do with the game's mechanics, you probably aren't allowed to do it as a character.
Creating abilities out of nowhere, RPing how other characters react, think, feel or act or doing impossible things is not allowed. If you cannot replicate it with mechanics, it’s not allowed in public.
* This includes being immune to pain or death. Pain is mechanically enforced and should be played out. Even pain-immune species are still suffering from negative effects of their injuries.
* Accidental injuries are still in-character injuries unless an admin heals you. Admin heals are generally out of character to void the injury.
* Admins who are caught abusing admin powers to godmode will be severely punished.
** Spawning things for scenes is fine. In doubt, adminhelp to ask.

Lunatic characters are also covered by this rule. If you're going to play a nutjob, at least don't play a violently psychotic nutjob. Threatening to murder crew or harm other characters, or damage the station for no good reason other than "lol I'm crazy" all fall under this rule. You're not going to stab someone's eyeballs out over spilling your drink unless there was a lot of crazy buildup to it.
=Rule 16 : Perform the duties of your chosen job=

Bizarre names are also not allowed unless they have some backstory to go with them. Pun names are fine depending on the gimmick of your character, but a name like 'Cyber Sun' or 'Napalm Burns' or 'Dark Shadow' are really not good names and an admin might ask you to change them. If it sounds more like an edgy screen name than something you'd name your child, it's probably a shitty name.
When your character joins the round, you are accepting the responsibilities that the job you have chosen brings with it. Remember: if you are playing in a slot, you are likely preventing other players from performing that role. It is important that you fulfill the tasks that you have signed up for!
* Security should protect the station from danger, Engineering should ensure that power is up and that people can breathe, Medical should treat injuries, Supply should bring in needed cargo on request, Science should do... science stuff, and Service should provide food. Command's job is to make sure at least these basics are being fulfilled, and to react accordingly in an emergency.
* Characters should be capable of performing their duties mentally and physically. Blind surgeons are an impossibility and so are hardcore anarchist security officers.
* If you are repeatedly unable to perform the minimal duties of your chosen job, you may restricted from playing said job or asked to revise the character.
* Do not hijack other people's jobs. For example, if you're a chemist but someone needs surgery, and there's already a surgeon who isn't currently busy, give them an opportunity to perform the surgery before doing it yourself. Similar examples exist in every department, so use your judgment. If you are getting in the way of someone’s chosen job, you should not do it. Similarly, just because you have access doesn’t mean you have to do the job. You should not do jobs outside of your department except in an emergency where you have already faxed for relevant personnel, waited, and received no response.
* If something happens when you're unable to respond, in the middle of something (or someone) else or otherwise indisposed, then that is alright. You shouldn’t ignore an emergency for your department if you are free, however. You can always go off-duty.

For more information check out [[Character Creation]].
=Rule 17 : Follow reasonable orders=

==Don't suicide without a damn good reason!==
Your department head is your boss. You should listen to them when they give orders that are expected and reasonable. Similarly, the Site Manager/Captain is your bosses’ boss. Not following reasonable orders consistently will lead to an admin investigation.
We're talking about the jackass who jumped out an airlock as a pity plea or the other asshole who killed themselves with a toolbox because they were bored. Not only does this hog a job slot that can't be recovered, it creates unrealistic and unwanted drama. Although suicidal characters are covered by the above rule, we'll go more into detail here.
* You can disobey orders you think are harmful, immoral, or violating [[Corporate Regulations]]. Use your judgment and consider whether or not disobeying the order could get you in trouble or get someone else horribly killed.
* If you are given an order or AI law that may break another server rule, please alert the admins for a second opinion before continuing.
* Obnoxious, unreasonable and plain unfun commands can be adminhelped for a second opinion. This includes abusing the AI to open doors unreasonably or telling a silicon to switch modules.
* If you consistently give out unreasonable orders, you may be banned from positions with the authority to issue such orders.

If you're going to have your character commit suicide, ask yourself; ''"In this situation, if I were in this situation in real life, would I kill myself over this?"''
=Rule 18 : Don't cause problems for scenes you agreed to=

Here are some examples of what's okay and what isn't.
You are always allowed to decide what content you participate in as per Rule 4. You do not have to do non-con scenes. However, if you do, it’s to be expected you don’t cause trouble for your partners for giving you what you wanted. Try to forget things ICly and if you want to act out calling for help, do so in a way it doesn’t involve bystanders, as per Rule 5.
*You've just been facehugged and you're about to die horribly anyway via your chest being ripped open by an alien parasite. Suicide is realistic because it's a less horrible way to die.
* [[Non-Contiguous Memory Disorder]] (or Non-Con Disorder for short) is the in-character explanation for your character losing memories of recent events leading up to their death. You should not remember how you died, or who killed you if it was unwilling.  
*You've just been embarrassed in front of the crew for a rookie mistake and no one died but now everyone is mocking you. Suicide is not realistic so get over it and move on.
* Similarly, bringing up previous non-con encounters from rounds before is a faux pas and usually leads to admins intervening IC and OOC.
*You've just mistakenly killed another crew member by your negligence and over the next several weeks the guilt of this incident bottles up until you can't take it anymore, and there's not been a psychiatrist on-station to try to help you. Suicide is a possible realistic outcome, though you should probably tip off an admin so we know there's a well written story behind it.
* If someone breaks this rule, adminhelp for a second opinion of an admin. Usually, you can just disregard it, though.
*You've been called a retard by someone. Once. Suicide is not realistic, so don't be an attention whore.
*You've been the victim of constant workplace bullying and harassment by the crew despite efforts to ask command for help and it seems like no one give a damn about your suffering. Suicide is now realistic, albeit tragic option, and it creates an interesting conflict for RP to thrive on.
*You've been bored. Suicide is not realistic so put down the fucking toolbox.

Think of it this way. '''If you intentionally kill yourself, is it worth being permanently banned over it?''' Because that would be the most realistic way of handling it by admins. Not to imply that is how we will actually handle it, but we've been known to occasionally handle it that way before. So consider this before killing yourself, because if you produce a shit reason for it, you might end up permabanned or permakilled.
=Rule 19 : The intent of the rules is more important than the letter=

==Don't backseat admin==
The purpose of the rules is to preserve a fun and enjoyable environment for all players. If everyone is enjoying themselves even while the ‘letter’ of a rule is not being followed, it’s likely that no staff intervention will be required. On the other hand, just because something isn't in the rules doesn't mean it's okay or allowed if it's upsetting a large number of players.
Threatening players with calling the admins is punished harshly. If you think they're doing something worth calling an admin over, then call an admin. Don't beat around the bush by trying to use it as leverage against them. That does nothing but stir up unnecessary conflict.
* Plenty of rules are left vague enough to cover as much as possible without being too oppressing. Attempting to rules-lawyer saying that "this rule doesn't specifically say I can't do X", even if what you are doing is disrupting the server, will generally be ignored. We generally expect our players to be able to recognize what a server-appropriate character would and wouldn't do within this fictional setting.

Forming an angry mob to kill suspected griefers also counts as this. Obviously if you just watched a dude kill Ian, that's IC justification to go lynch them, but don't go murder some assistant because you thought he was part of a raid attempt, or jail a player because you think he's ban evading, etc. Even when you decide to go punch an unconscious character because you know the player just got banned, don't be surprised if an admin mistakes you for being part of their troublemaking and ends up banning you too. All the admins see are more attack logs and you beating up a player who isn't logged in anymore, which breaks at least a couple of rules.
=Rule 20 : The staff is here to arbitrate, enforce and interpret the Rules=

==Don't abuse the 'Vote' function==
The staff is here to maintain the community using the rules.
Players are allowed to call votes for shift end or server restart under the following circumstances:
* It is within admin staff's discretion to decide that certain actions violate one or more rules, even if the specific action is not listed as part of the rule. You can appeal decisions to other admins if you believe one has a bias against you.
* The station was griefed/glitched badly enough that the server can't be played, and no admins can be called online to fix it. (Try calling us first via Skype please so we can investigate suspected griefing.)
* One admin's word is usually as good as any other. For example, just because the Server Host says it's okay to do something one moment doesn't mean you can still do it when a Trial Admin later tells you to stop.
* It's the middle of the shift (1 hour after start/before ending) and there's less than 10 players online. This usually means the server is in or at the end of its lowest population time between the hours of 2AM and 9AM EST.
* If you have received previous instructions of an admin over a thing you are being admin-pmd for, please inform them of such. No admin supersedes another in authority, however, so if they insist you stop what you’re doing, then stop.
* If you have a question over something unclear or questionable, never be afraid to adminhelp. The staff on hand should discuss it among themselves and give you a ruling.
* Modmails on Discord can also be used if you wish to broach a topic and another admin ruling with the whole team.
* Head Admins are to arbitrate conflict between admins or if you think an admin has a severe bias or is negatively contributing to the community.
* '''The staff should also NEVER ban you purely for a complaint against them. If you receive punitive actions or negative bias from a staff member over a complaint or worry, please inform head staff immediately. Even if said staff is a head admin themselves.'''
* Do not try to weaponize the admins. Trying to encourage others to break the rules by deliberately antagonizing them and then calling an admin will lead to you getting into trouble.

Otherwise, please do not abuse the vote function. Players are often unprepared for a restart vote in the middle of the shift, which can create unfair results. Admins may cancel votes at their discretion.
=Rule 21 : Do not backseat admin=

==Don't abuse the 'Ghost' function==
If you are not an admin, it's not up to you to enforce the rules. Do not threaten users with calling an admin, and do not try to punish players for breaking these server rules. If you think somebody is breaking the rules, call a staff member. Telling somebody that something is against the rules is fine. Harassing them in OOC or actively trying to enforce that rule is not allowed.
Don't ghost out of your body without already being dead or being in cryosleep. If you're in the process of dying but want to get it over with, type 'succumb' into the chat box. If you're actually dying, it'll finish you off. Abuse of the ghost function will result in job bans.

==Admins may act based on their judgement, even if it's not explicitly in the rules==
Just because something isn't written down doesn't mean "it's allowed" or "it's okay" if it ends up disrupting RP for other people on the station. This is just all the stuff we could think of. If you don't like an admin's orders, comply for the time being and contact another admin as soon as possible for a second opinion. Admins are also at liberty to judge what is an "overpowered" character. If it results in a ban, you can always appeal. It's not impossible that the admin was being unfair.

==If you feel like anyone is being abusive, please speak up==
Try telling the offending individual first, or tell (other) admins if you don't feel comfortable telling the offending individual directly. In both cases, do it '''privately'''. Yelling over global OOC will probably get you banned and then further embarrassed when you find out you didn't know the full story behind the other party's actions.
For example, if it's Ace you have a problem with, and you're not comfortable speaking to him directly about what you're upset about, you can contact another administrator like Joan or Ultimated or whoever else to get your point across. Just because he's in charge doesn't mean he's deaf to the good advice of his subordinates.
[ For everyone else, follow the directions in this forum post.]
Realistically, if three or more admins have the same consensus, you're not going to win. Cut your losses if it gets to that point and accept that you probably screwed up or go find another server if you decide we're still wrong.

Latest revision as of 10:20, 24 September 2024

Getting Started on Vorestation
The Basics General Help
Commands Server Rules
A Crash Course in Roleplaying
Character Creation Guide to Vore
Terminology More Guides

It’s highly recommended to read this first!!

For the global rules pertaining Discord, the Forum and all external communication, refer to here.

Appeals are handled exclusively on the forums here.

The rules are always subject to change when they no longer serve the purpose of creating a pleasant environment in alignment with the server's mission statement. In this case, revisions will be announced on the in-game server and the Discord.

The rules are written so that the header gives you the general outline. If you click on the header, you will find the detailed description and intent of the rule.

In case of confusion, contacting staff is explicitly allowed!

Here is a list of non-rule admin decisions you can review: Admin Rulings

Rule 0 : You must be 18 or older to play the server

There are no exceptions. Mental maturity is not a legal defense, we MUST remove underage users by law.

  • Use of real world slurs, chat speak, broken or grammatically wrong English, and other indications of immaturity may be taken as signs that you are underage.
  • Knowing another user is underaged but not reporting it is considered grounds for an immediate, permanent ban.
  • You also cannot play a character that is underage.
  • You may not advertise, seek out or show underage content or characters on any Web page you link on the server. (This only includes the linked page. For example, character listed characters but not played on station are irrelevant for this rule.)

Rule 1 : Be respectful and kind to other players

This is often called “Don’t be a dick” on other servers and serves the same function.

  • Spam, offensive commentary, rudeness, and violent or insulting OOC language are heavily discouraged.
  • IC behavior in a similar vein can be permitted due to the nature of roleplay. Be sure it’s not too much for other players, however. If in doubt, use LOOC.
  • Slurs and racially charged language are prohibited both OOCly and ICly. Don’t call people ‘niggers’ or similar insults. Belonging to a group that reclaimed the term does not give you permission to use it - we can’t tell and neither can other players. This includes inappropriate ckeys or discord handles.
  • Parodies of political figures or other people’s characters are discouraged. In fact, any parody character should be vetted by admins first.

Rule 2 : Speak English

This means you have to have conversational levels of English. If you have troubles with the language, you will have a lot of miscommunication and frustration.

  • Characters speaking with broken or heavily accented English are fine, even fragments of other languages.
  • Characters that only communicate whole sentences in other languages are not allowed. They must communicate in conversational English most of the time.
  • This rule applies to the language written in emotes and speech, not the actual IC reality, as we have multiple IC languages that players can pick and use.

Rule 3 : Don’t inconvenience AFK players

Under normal circumstances, do not harm, eat, or otherwise inconvenience characters whose player is idle, ghosted, or disconnected entirely. There are some exceptions to this rule, as follows:

  • If they've been disconnected/idle for more than 30 minutes, you can put them in cryosleep. If you do that, take away all of their belongings except for their jumpsuit, shoes, ID, and PDA, and return everything else to its rightful department.
  • Some players will say in their OOC notes that they're okay with getting devoured while AFK or offline. As long as you don't break these preferences, it's okay to do things to them.
  • Emergencies bypass this rule. If it's an emergency and you need something an idle player has to fix it, you may take it.
  • If you wish to leave the round for longer than 30 minutes, please use cryo, the tram or public teleporters to free up your slot.

Rule 4 : Respect ERP preferences

"ERP", or Erotic Role Play, is used in this document to refer to any type of erotic role play, including vore, sex, and kink themed roleplay. Players should have their ERP prefs listed in their “OOC Metainfo” or “OOC Notes” on their characters. You are required to respect these preferences so long as they pertain to ERP. If you are unsure about the meaning of some of their preferences, then use LOOC to discuss it with them. If you accidentally go against someone’s preferences, or someone else goes against yours, work to correct it as quickly as possible, even if that means just deciding in LOOC amongst yourselves that ‘this didn’t happen’ and going your separate ways.

This server was created by and for people who are voraphiles. Things might be happening around you that you're not into. If you can't accept that you might be exposed to things you don't enjoy, or actively seek to prevent people from engaging in said things, you will be asked to leave.

  • Having “No Vore” in your preferences is fine. You will just miss out on a lot of contact and interaction. If you actively seek out to interrupt scenes, it will be seen as a breach of Rule 1.
  • You can stop a scene at any moment if you are uncomfortable with it. In case it wasn’t apparent to you that you become uncomfortable with the theme and it’s not in your OOC notes, amend it so it doesn’t happen in the future to you.
  • Non-consensual scenes are part of the server. Taking a stance on your willingness to engage in them is recommended to avoid uncomfortable scenarios.
  • Kinkshaming and disparaging other users over their preferences is covered by Rule 1. Do not do this, OOC or IC. (Unless it’s part of a scene. IC kinkshaming kinks are valid.)
  • Don’t force yourself on others for scenes. This includes unsolicited jumping into food items, bodily fluids used as drinks, bothering other players while they’re scening - you will find further information in Rule 5.
  • Teasing someone in OOC communication needs their active consent. If they don’t want you to tease them, please stop. This includes when they’re teased by others and they’re fine with it.

Although not really a true rules page, you should read the Guide to Vore.

Rule 5 : Bystander Consent Policy

The inherent nature of community role-playing in an open environment means Admins will have to mediate cases under this policy on a case-by-case basis.

When you begin ERP in a well traveled place, you must consider the preferences of any character who can see your posts. If you are engaged in ERP that results in someone asking in LOOC for you and your partner(s) to move the ERP to subtle or another area, it is considered respectful of other users to do so. Similarly, if you happen upon a scene you are uncomfortable with, you can remove yourself from the situation. Both parties should be considerate of others:

  • When initiating a scene around other players, you should ensure that people around you have compatible preferences.
  • When stumbling upon a scene that makes you uncomfortable, you should consider whether you could leave without significantly hampering your own enjoyment of the game.

If the involved parties cannot resolve the conflict, admins will mediate. Usage of this rule is protective, not prohibitive - in general admins won't use this rule to shut down scenes proactively. Sharing details of your, or someone else's ERP over broad reaching forms of communication, such as the radio, department relays, or OOC, can be a violation of these rules. Do not involve the whole server in ERP they didn't sign up for. One example of situations that are subject to this policy is engaging in sex in the bar while there are people who are uncomfortable with sex who can still see the posts coming from either partner. Another is somebody working the kitchen serving food containing parts of another person to patrons. On the other hand, players are assumed to be generally okay with vore scenes due to the nature of the server.

Do note that this applies to any public space that tends to have a lot of traffic. Maintenance and other areas with less traffic are better places to do such scenes. Dorms are ideal since they’re private spaces designed for scenes.

Any aftermath of a scene also falls under this policy. Leaving body parts or prey remains in public, or in the dorms where third parties are likely to stumble upon them will violate the policy. Please clean up after yourselves when a scene is over. This also applies if you wish to have medical personnel resleeve your scene partner.

The easiest way to comply with this policy is to be considerate of other people and their preferences. When doing scenes in public spaces, ensure that all bystanders are comfortable with what you’re doing.

Rule 6 : The dorms are protected

The dorms are to use for uninterrupted, private scenes. This means most random game events also cannot affect them.

  • Don't abuse dorm protection to evade IC consequences. Criminals shouldn't hide in the dorms, and security shouldn't bust them open. In case of doubts (such as suspecting a criminal of hiding in dorms), please adminhelp for arbitration.
  • As the number of dorms is limited, do not go AFK for extended periods or disconnect in a locked dorm even if you aren’t taking a limited job slot.

Rule 7 : Use global OOC sparingly

It’s not muted by default and can be used for short communications and questions, such as server lag issues or when someone walked out on you while you were typing a response.

  • If someone misuses OOC, please alert staff so we can take care of it.
  • Banter, memes and general discussion are to be done on the discord server or in-between rounds. You can always ask for detailed assistance in #cadet-academy on the discord or in-game via mentorhelp.

Rule 8 : Do not abuse bugs or exploits

The code isn't perfect and our dev team is small. There's bound to be bugs. Deliberate abuse of bugs or other design flaws in the game's mechanics to gain an advantage not possible under typical circumstances will result in a ban. Report bugs to the server's Github so that they might be fixed.

If you are not a staff member, deliberately trying to trigger bugs in-game is not allowed. If you want to attempt to gather information of the specific bug to fix it, ask staff for permission via adminhelp.

Rule 9 : Do not Gatekeep

Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. Everyone was a new player once. Showing kindness and patience will always be better than forceful correction.

  • Disparaging someone for doing a job because they aren’t as efficient as you is a prime example of this.
  • Giving tips is helpful - being inflammatory or pushy, saying your way is the only correct one is not.
  • Admins policing who perform command functions is not gatekeeping - newer players should learn the fundamentals first, as command positions also act as mentors and teachers for others.

Rule 10 : Do not Metacommunicate, Metagame, or Multikey

  • Metacomms: Using third-party programs such as Discord, IRC, Skype, or even the BYOND pager, to discuss and share information of the ongoing round. This excludes other players, can contribute to toxicity among the playerbase, and is often a tactic used by griefers and thus is a no-go.
  • Metagaming: Using information obtained from elsewhere to influence IC decisions and actions. Your opinions or knowledge of other players or characters obtained via OOC methods should not direct your IC actions. If you have an OOC grudge against someone, you may not try to antagonize them IC, for example.
    • Similarly, you should not use alt characters like a network for yourself - in general your characters should not know what the others know or try to share resources across multiple jobs.
    • Asking Medical to resleeve you in LOOC is okay. They might be too busy to do it right now, however, so don’t be pushy. (See Rule 9 and Rule 1)
  • Multi-keying: Logging in with multiple BYOND accounts on our game server. There is never any legitimate reason for you to do this and thus it is not allowed.

Rule 11 : Roleplay in an immersive and server-appropriate manner

As a heavy roleplaying server, we attempt to stay in character as our characters and interact with each other on the basis of our lore. Breaking immersion is very jarring and should be avoided.

  • If you cannot comply with the server rules without breaking character, then the character is inappropriate and should be modified. “It's what my character would do" is no excuse.
  • It’s a good idea to have a basic understanding of our Lore. Flagrant breaks from it are discouraged. OCs you wish to adapt should be believable within the universe.
  • Your character is an employee or contractor and probably does not want to land in jail or a loony bin. Avoid excessive violence and criminal behaviour.
  • Thorough professionalism is not required, however. You can be silly, goofy and do laser tag tournaments. Virgo is conceived as a sleepy frontier station - a place where hiring standards are rather lax due to a sparsity of people willing to work in the literal boonies.
  • Characters are expected to try and avoid pain and death. While death is not permanent due to resleeving, the process is disorienting and makes one terribly ill. This expectation is relaxed around vore, naturally.
  • If your character is suspended, permanently killed off, or otherwise removed from the station as a consequence for something horrible they did in-character, you are expected to not play that character anymore. See the guide about Permanent Death for details.
  • There is no magic in the setting. If something isn’t replicable with mechanics or in-game conceits, it should not be done in public. In private ERP, this is relaxed, but you have to explain it away reasonably when it goes public.

Rule 12 : Create server-appropriate characters

As extension of Rule 11, try to create or adapt a character that fits within the lore and the rules of the server. This facilitates roleplay and doesn’t ruin the suspension of disbelief.

  • OOC Notes and Flavor Text are required. Your OOC notes must detail your ERP preferences, and your flavor text should not include non-physical attributes and use neutral language.
  • Give them a non-immersion breaking first name (and often, a last name too), do not play obvious reference characters, or characters from published works without a special character application approved for that character.
  • Maximum height for characters is 20 feet. Minimum height is 3 inches. Anything above and below is only allowed during strictly private scenes.
  • Whitelisted species are required to follow their lore more stridently than other, non-whitelisted species.
  • Criminal, military and other “high action” backgrounds need to be vetted by admins with a special character application. In general, antagonists like on other SS13 servers are rare in the Virgo universe.

Rule 13 : Do not create IC conflict without good reason

In our setting, major violence and crime is not commonplace.. Have a believable reason for any conflict and antagonistic behavior you may exhibit and moderate yourself to keep it not at a level where admins need to intervene.

  • End of the Round Deathmatches don’t exist. Even when the round ends, we expect you to fully stay in character.
  • If you wish to perform a crime to entertain Security or get eaten, it’s wise to check first if they’re even up for it. LOOC, PDA messages and the character-directory can guide you.
  • Boredom is not a good reason. It’s entirely fine to leave the round and do something else if the station is too slow for you right now.
  • NPCs are included in this. Don’t randomly kill wildlife or other people. Just because they’re not fellow players doesn’t mean they’re not ICly people.
  • Suicide or self-mutilation is not allowed. Contact an admin if you want to have a character commit suicide. Themes of suicide and self-harm are very serious and shouldn’t be used as an attention grab. Not getting permission beforehand usually leads to a permanent ban.
  • This rule is not limited to physical altercations, if you're being unnecessarily hostile in a way that makes the game unenjoyable for others, you may be reprimanded. For instance, accusing another character of being a rapist so nobody else is willing to associate with them is definitely a hostile act that ruins their game, without being a violent one.
  • Excessive responses in self-defense are also not allowed - killing someone should be a last resort. However, if you put someone in Medbay and they come back with friends to beat you up… Try not provoking people next time.

Rule 14 : Do not powergame

Also known as “Playing to Win”. This includes things such as a doctor stealing supplies from engineering 'just in case' or a security officer fanatically pursuing an arrest at all costs.

  • Loophole abuse for Vore scenes is allowed.
  • Identifying lore-uncommon objects or creatures because you are mechanically aware of how they operate also is not allowed. Your character should not be implicitly familiar with the horrors of the Universe unless they actually encountered them in-game in a consistent manner.
  • Abusing game mechanics such as the tram or access changes to work multiple departments is also not allowed. If you joined as a job by mistake, you can of course fix it.
  • Having a wide skillset is getting close to this rule. You should keep your knowledge of other department skills at a minimum. Engineers shouldn’t do surgery and officers shouldn’t wire the engine. It’s suggested to make a character per department.

Rule 15 : Do not Godmode

Creating abilities out of nowhere, RPing how other characters react, think, feel or act or doing impossible things is not allowed. If you cannot replicate it with mechanics, it’s not allowed in public.

  • This includes being immune to pain or death. Pain is mechanically enforced and should be played out. Even pain-immune species are still suffering from negative effects of their injuries.
  • Accidental injuries are still in-character injuries unless an admin heals you. Admin heals are generally out of character to void the injury.
  • Admins who are caught abusing admin powers to godmode will be severely punished.
    • Spawning things for scenes is fine. In doubt, adminhelp to ask.

Rule 16 : Perform the duties of your chosen job

When your character joins the round, you are accepting the responsibilities that the job you have chosen brings with it. Remember: if you are playing in a slot, you are likely preventing other players from performing that role. It is important that you fulfill the tasks that you have signed up for!

  • Security should protect the station from danger, Engineering should ensure that power is up and that people can breathe, Medical should treat injuries, Supply should bring in needed cargo on request, Science should do... science stuff, and Service should provide food. Command's job is to make sure at least these basics are being fulfilled, and to react accordingly in an emergency.
  • Characters should be capable of performing their duties mentally and physically. Blind surgeons are an impossibility and so are hardcore anarchist security officers.
  • If you are repeatedly unable to perform the minimal duties of your chosen job, you may restricted from playing said job or asked to revise the character.
  • Do not hijack other people's jobs. For example, if you're a chemist but someone needs surgery, and there's already a surgeon who isn't currently busy, give them an opportunity to perform the surgery before doing it yourself. Similar examples exist in every department, so use your judgment. If you are getting in the way of someone’s chosen job, you should not do it. Similarly, just because you have access doesn’t mean you have to do the job. You should not do jobs outside of your department except in an emergency where you have already faxed for relevant personnel, waited, and received no response.
  • If something happens when you're unable to respond, in the middle of something (or someone) else or otherwise indisposed, then that is alright. You shouldn’t ignore an emergency for your department if you are free, however. You can always go off-duty.

Rule 17 : Follow reasonable orders

Your department head is your boss. You should listen to them when they give orders that are expected and reasonable. Similarly, the Site Manager/Captain is your bosses’ boss. Not following reasonable orders consistently will lead to an admin investigation.

  • You can disobey orders you think are harmful, immoral, or violating Corporate Regulations. Use your judgment and consider whether or not disobeying the order could get you in trouble or get someone else horribly killed.
  • If you are given an order or AI law that may break another server rule, please alert the admins for a second opinion before continuing.
  • Obnoxious, unreasonable and plain unfun commands can be adminhelped for a second opinion. This includes abusing the AI to open doors unreasonably or telling a silicon to switch modules.
  • If you consistently give out unreasonable orders, you may be banned from positions with the authority to issue such orders.

Rule 18 : Don't cause problems for scenes you agreed to

You are always allowed to decide what content you participate in as per Rule 4. You do not have to do non-con scenes. However, if you do, it’s to be expected you don’t cause trouble for your partners for giving you what you wanted. Try to forget things ICly and if you want to act out calling for help, do so in a way it doesn’t involve bystanders, as per Rule 5.

  • Non-Contiguous Memory Disorder (or Non-Con Disorder for short) is the in-character explanation for your character losing memories of recent events leading up to their death. You should not remember how you died, or who killed you if it was unwilling.
  • Similarly, bringing up previous non-con encounters from rounds before is a faux pas and usually leads to admins intervening IC and OOC.
  • If someone breaks this rule, adminhelp for a second opinion of an admin. Usually, you can just disregard it, though.

Rule 19 : The intent of the rules is more important than the letter

The purpose of the rules is to preserve a fun and enjoyable environment for all players. If everyone is enjoying themselves even while the ‘letter’ of a rule is not being followed, it’s likely that no staff intervention will be required. On the other hand, just because something isn't in the rules doesn't mean it's okay or allowed if it's upsetting a large number of players.

  • Plenty of rules are left vague enough to cover as much as possible without being too oppressing. Attempting to rules-lawyer saying that "this rule doesn't specifically say I can't do X", even if what you are doing is disrupting the server, will generally be ignored. We generally expect our players to be able to recognize what a server-appropriate character would and wouldn't do within this fictional setting.

Rule 20 : The staff is here to arbitrate, enforce and interpret the Rules

The staff is here to maintain the community using the rules.

  • It is within admin staff's discretion to decide that certain actions violate one or more rules, even if the specific action is not listed as part of the rule. You can appeal decisions to other admins if you believe one has a bias against you.
  • One admin's word is usually as good as any other. For example, just because the Server Host says it's okay to do something one moment doesn't mean you can still do it when a Trial Admin later tells you to stop.
  • If you have received previous instructions of an admin over a thing you are being admin-pmd for, please inform them of such. No admin supersedes another in authority, however, so if they insist you stop what you’re doing, then stop.
  • If you have a question over something unclear or questionable, never be afraid to adminhelp. The staff on hand should discuss it among themselves and give you a ruling.
  • Modmails on Discord can also be used if you wish to broach a topic and another admin ruling with the whole team.
  • Head Admins are to arbitrate conflict between admins or if you think an admin has a severe bias or is negatively contributing to the community.
  • The staff should also NEVER ban you purely for a complaint against them. If you receive punitive actions or negative bias from a staff member over a complaint or worry, please inform head staff immediately. Even if said staff is a head admin themselves.
  • Do not try to weaponize the admins. Trying to encourage others to break the rules by deliberately antagonizing them and then calling an admin will lead to you getting into trouble.

Rule 21 : Do not backseat admin

If you are not an admin, it's not up to you to enforce the rules. Do not threaten users with calling an admin, and do not try to punish players for breaking these server rules. If you think somebody is breaking the rules, call a staff member. Telling somebody that something is against the rules is fine. Harassing them in OOC or actively trying to enforce that rule is not allowed.