Changelog: Difference between revisions

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Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page. That said, it is rare that an update does not coincide with a mapswap.
Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page. That said, it is rare that an update does not coincide with a mapswap.

=2025-01-26 - Midweek Hotfixes=
* Changed Syringe Guns can now be put into holsters
* Fixed an issue with chemsmoke fadeout(?)
* Fixed an issue with chemsmoke fadeout(?)
* Fixed some sprites for catborgs
* Fixed some sprites for catborgs
* Syringe Guns can now be put into holsters
* Fixes for xenoarch, including a stray debug message
* Fixes for xenoarch, including a stray debug message
* Fixed some broken/missing markings, taurhalves, ears, and wings
* Fixed some broken/missing markings, taurhalves, ears, and wings

Revision as of 13:01, 28 January 2025

This page lists changes to the game that have been added over time. It is user run and not automated, therefore there will be delays between the update itself and the update to the changelog.

Dates may not be entirely accurate and some changes may be included under dates that happened within a few days of the update.

Dates are listed in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.

Map swaps are not included here as they happen weekly, and would unnecessarily increase the length of this page. That said, it is rare that an update does not coincide with a mapswap.


  • Changed Syringe Guns can now be put into holsters
  • Fixed an issue with chemsmoke fadeout(?)
  • Fixed some sprites for catborgs
  • Fixes for xenoarch, including a stray debug message
  • Fixed some broken/missing markings, taurhalves, ears, and wings
  • Fixed the Crew Monitor frequently returning BSOD screens
  • Enabled DNAswitch artifacts in xenoarch
  • Other miscellaneous back-end fixes


  • MAJOR rework of xenoarcheology (note that the wiki page may be out of date for some features now):
    • Changes how xenoarch generation works to make it take up less memory. Leaves an EXTREME amount of comments to help future maintainers dig through the mess that is xenoarch code.
    • Makes the Artifact Analyzer give you actually accurate data that isn't completely cluttered. Tells you what the artifact does (vaguely), its activation requirements, and what range it does it in.
    • Fixes the Artifact Harvester so it actually works for ALL artifacts and can harvest object artifacts properly.
    • Fixes the Artifact Harvester and makes it able to harvest artifacts that have more than 1 effect.
    • Added a debug proc to the game to allow spawning minor artifacts for easy testing & admin events.
    • Changes /obj/item/New() to /obj/item/Initialize(mapload).
    • Removes 'anomaly depth' and 'anomaly dispersion', meaning the depth of the artifact is how deep you need to dig. No longer has a range.
    • Removes the Suspension Generator requirement for artifacts. Can now be excavated without it.
    • Makes the excavation drill faster and able to go down to 60 depth.
    • Gives the xenoarcheology closet the excavation drill at spawn.
    • Expands the list of reagents that can be used to activate chemical requirements for artifacts.
    • Rocky Debris no longer spawns randomly.
    • Rocky Debris only spawns when an artifact is held within the rock.
    • LARGE artifacts can no longer be accidentally destroyed. This means miners will no longer eat rads to the face and upset science at the same time.
    • Strange Rocks no longer require a brush/welder to be used. Any pick will work.
    • Makes plant artifacts give a description to say that they should be given to xenoflora.
    • Massively lowers the rate of fossils and bones spawning.
    • Removes a lot of random RNG that made no sense, like touching having a 75% chance to not activate a touch artifact.
    • Makes it so you can touch artifacts with gloves to activate them, but not bump them if you have gloves.
    • Condenses all the gas artifacts into one artifact type & file.
    • Condenses good/bad/cannible feel, hot/cold atmos, heal/harm, and synth heal/harm into singular types instead of duplicated files.
    • Changes all istype to ishuman, isrobot, ismob where appropriate in the xenoarch code.
    • Changes Bold to span_bold() where appropriate in the xenoarch code.
    • Adds a wrench to the xenoarch supply pack.
    • Adds the xenoarcheology depth scanner to mining vendor. (Allows miners to excavate, but not locate artifacts to prevent jobstealing.)
    • Makes the xenoarch syringe find no longer go invisible.
    • Fixes a bug where sometimes, nothing would spawn when an artifact was excavated.
    • Fixes a bug where sometimes a large artifact would have the 'datum/artifact_effect/extreme' effect which did nothing.
    • Fixes a server crashing bug where - very rarely - a gravity anomaly would be triggered by touch, resulting in an infinite loop. Added comments to tell you not to touch it.
    • Sets of artifacts can now spawn. Primarily used for xeno organs and cult armor.
    • Makes it so Human Remains finds will spawn with a random organ.
    • Makes it so Alien Remains finds will spawn with a xenomorph plasma vessel + xenomorph organ.
    • Makes it so Robot Remains finds will spawn a robot drone pod (Allowing for ghosts to take control of it and become a vore robot).
    • Makes it so Gun Finds (energy and projectile) will spawn with randomized projectiles.
    • Makes it so xenoarch syringe find will spawn with random reagents.
    • Makes it so xenoarch bowls/urns will generate random reagents.
    • Swaps the Cult Blade spawn with an Artifact Blade that has a collection of unique upsides and downsides. Just don't try to hit your fellow crew with it!
    • Makes the anomaly scanner do a 'wavelength change' if the Z level runs out of small/large artifacts. This creates more digsites around the user.
    • Adds a new 'power generator' artifact. Commented out until some good sounds can be procured.
    • Deletes a lot of useless junk from the spawnpool, like cutlery, rods, and shards.
    • Makes 'material stack' drops found via xenoarch select a random material from the game (with a blacklist) instead of a few select ones.
    • Expanded the alien tool drops and also allows them to spawn with an alien equipment piece as well.
    • Allows tomes to be unearthed in xenoarch. (No functionality, just fluff).
    • Makes any objects that have subtypes have a chance of having the subtype spawn in.
    • Makes it so the gasmask actually spawns a unique one (poltergeist or voice) instead of just a normal, mundane gasmask.
    • Makes it so the 'cult armor' artifact actually spawns armor.
    • Makes the shock maul play a different sound when powered down and used on a rock.
    • Makes Shadow wrights not sit in nullspace forever after activating.
    • Makes shadow wrights give you some text when they KO you instead of just disappearing.
    • Adjusted xenoarch large artifact spawnrates.
    • More xenoarch large artifacts spawn in the universe now.
    • Makes the vampiric artifact and vampiric statue give you rewards for feeding them instead of giving you pain and suffering through spawning mobs on top of you.
  • Added many new borg sprites: Catborgs, Kittyborgs and Gryphborg. All assets created by Toriate.
  • Added a new "Private Notes" option to character setup, and a new "Private Notes" verb that opens them up and allows you to see and edit them in-game in the same way as OOC Notes. These are essentially personal notes to store on your character that nobody else can access, where you might want to save information about their lore or other details for easy access. Note that whilst they are called private notes, server staff may be able to access them.
  • Added top surgery, body tonage and gradient markings.
  • Cleaned up all ears, tails, markings, taurhalves, and hairstyles (inc. facial hair) to cancel out messy duplication and overrides caused by Polaris several years ago. Due to the scale of the refactor some things may have slipped through the cracks: if you find anything that seems to be missing or broken, please file a bug report on Github with as much information as possible.
  • Added new variants of all three vulp earsets with colourable eartips.
  • Added tiger taur parts (normal, fat, and vwag-toggleable).
  • Added a tgui color picker for anyone using BYOND 516 or later. This new color picker also allows you to store up to 20 preset colors, per account.
  • Added filters and sorting to the crew monitor.
  • Added a new "signpost_fake" structure that looks like other sign posts, but without the teleporting functionality.
  • Added auxtools support for debugging in VSC (currently only 515).
  • Added an option to test robot dmis without recompiling the game.
  • Added the missing config.yml for issue templates/forms.
  • Added topic and click limits.
  • Changed the concussion maul for better power efficiency and slightly faster attack cooldown, and added a detailed info-desc.
  • Changed memory "Note" verbs to a new Notes sub category in the IC tab alongside the new Private Notes function.
  • Changed the logout check lists to only use the smaller ones.
  • Changed the UI bug report from being an issue template to an issue form.
  • Changed general bug report to a form.
  • Fixed an issue where the supermatter was not announcing safe operation conditions after going critical.
  • Fixed missing html tags.
  • Fixed stray pixel on blue singer outfit.
  • Fixed hardsuits eating gloves with a temporary solution.
  • Fixed hanner and lleill beast form and reverting spawning on turf rather than in the same location as the hanner.
  • Fixed camera qdel failures on disassembling.
  • Fixed egg plants not mutating to the right type.
  • Fixed signposts that would break your character in the fantasy redgate map.
  • Fixed more icon and map issues.
  • Fixed and refactors poorly and messily overridden ears and tails from an old Kaleidoscope genemodding feature.
  • Fixed escaped " in ui_report.yml.
  • Fixed empty assignees.
  • Fixed up some destroy and new.
  • Updated 3-map_report.yml and creates 0-feature.yml.
  • Updated Python and ubuntu versions.


  • Added the ability to disable spawning with a jacket slot item. Like the boots toggle this will not be reflected in your character preview, but is applied when spawning.
  • Added ACE Security outfit (undersuit + armour) for security; undersuit is available in loadout uniform selector, full outfit available in officer and warden lockers.
  • Added silver and white jackboots to loadouts.
  • Added a craftable variant of the leash, made from a stack of cable coils (at least 3 cables in it).
  • Added linting for maps on github, ensuring that they're all checked for errors.
  • Added some icons that were added downstream to prevent conflicts.
  • Significant update to virology:
    • Added Blob Spores symptom.
    • Added vaccine bottles, sellable to CentCom in a freezer, made in the PanDEMIC.
    • Added supply packs with normal and minor experimental diseases.
    • PanDEMIC now takes syringes as well.
    • Mobs may be picked as targets with Bluespace Sneeze.
    • Many symptoms that affected carbon now affect mobs too.
    • All diseases will cure themselves eventually, as the body works up immunity.
    • Shuffled the list of cures for advanced diseases.
    • PanDEMIC consumes 5 blood when making vaccines now.
    • Reduced the health and damage of macrophages, adding more depending on the disease they're based on.
    • Macrophages now shrivel up when killed, leaving behind some of their bits on the ground, or in someone's stomach if eaten.
    • Macrophages would rather go after non-infected people.
    • Macrophages will take a lot of damage if splashed with Space Cleaner.
    • Fixed equipment permeability not being taken into account when attempting to resist viruses.
    • Fixed overactive Adrenal Gland syndrome not adding Hyperzine.
    • Fixed fake GBS not showing some of the messages.
    • Fixed advanced diseases being uncurable.
    • Added various spawnable culture bottles for admins.
    • Added onDeath() to viruses and symptoms.
    • Added random experimental disease and minor random experimental disease datum.
    • Added random macrophage disease datum and random blob spores datum.
    • Added CAN_NOT_POPULATE for diseases to be avoided in random events.
    • Sanitized many of the symptoms when affecting carbon mobs.
    • Disease outbreak now uses disease flags instead of a list.
    • Changed the name of advanced Cold and Flu to Engineered Cold and Engineered Flu.
  • Changed fitness machines to drain your weight ten times faster.
  • Changed fitness structures to drain your weight.
  • Changed and improved screen shake effect.
  • Fixed an issue where the crafting ui could get stuck in a busy state if closed during crafting.
  • Fixed the traditional kimono being unselectable.
  • Fixed nanomap rendering without the appropriate map defines.
  • Fixed multiple issues with null dropping.
  • Fixed rejuvenante not updating a destroyed robot sprite.
  • Fixed micros stuck to bare feet breaking magboots.
  • Fixed a runtime flood from deleted turfs.
  • Fixed various old spans.
  • Fixed collar runtimes.
  • Fixed ghosts having fire stacks called on them, causing a runtime.
  • Fixed robot decals to show up properly.
  • Fixed some more 516 windows.
  • Fixed/cleaned up some unhandled references.
  • Fixed escape pod UI saying ERROR instead of CLOSED for its hatch.


  • Added exclusive hull and armor types to Exosuit Fighters, with a faster top speed at the cost of reduced durability.
  • Added collision mechanics to Exosuit Fighters. Fly responsibly.
  • Added a new enter sound effects and a special collision effect to Exosuit Fighters.
  • Added circular saw to sciborgs.
  • Added color markings for the inner thighs that are made for digitigrade legs.
  • Added full chest fluff (vulp) and inner arms markings.
  • Added a fat cowtaur option, along with a vwag toggle version.
  • Added 'can_remove' bool to accessories, which defaults to TRUE and does exactly what it sounds like.
  • Added the PR template required for automatic changelogs.
  • Changed the gorka suits added previously with the ideas from the SS14 PR that was based off of it - splitting the department and rank gubbins off into seperate states, with the department element recoloured via RGB - so no need to maintain full per-department states!
    • Adds plain, service, and janitor versions as well, mostly just kind of as a proof of concept type thing.
    • Removes the leg-cuff colouring to maintain easy compatibility with the digi versions.
  • Changed Pinnace to be rebalanced into a weak, entry-level fighter. Has reduced health compared to other fighters, but can mount weapons and fly in atmosphere.
  • Changed event defines to clean them up.
  • Changed mech visible messages to be under info.
  • Changed the directory of many older, unmaintained and unused map files (particularly those from Polaris) to archive/map. This will prevent them from being linted by upcoming changes and causing the lint to fail.
  • Removed vestigial Global tab in Character Setup, merged remaining pAI setup functionality into Special Roles tab.
  • Fixed latejoin spawn not fallbacking properly.
  • Fixed bellied ghosts being unable to hear subtles when the pred hides it from other ghosts.
  • Fixed borg hypos so that they can no longer be placed into smart fridges.
  • Fixed new fighter mech construction.
  • Fixed lateloaded map template cables failing initialize with their proper attributes.
  • Fixed exploits that allowed you to create atmos canisters that had infinite pressure and temp.
  • Fixed double logging of some messages.
  • Fixed some missing sanity checks.
  • Fixed missing overrides in some robot guns.
  • Fixed runtimes when spam upgrading griders.
  • Fixed sheet snatcher being able to have larger than the capacity would allow stacks inserted when being close to full and getting a new type.


  • Fixed an issue with LOOC not working in some locations.
  • Fixed a lot of bad wires and icons, this was preventing them from spawning properly for the supermatter engine on the tether.
  • Fixed change turf not always returning its reference.
  • Fixed synth_color not working.
  • Fixed adminjump to area.
  • Fixed another virus runtime.
  • Fixed stun effect act to once again apply halloss damage.
  • Fixed a runtime when pictures without description are examined.
  • Fixed up usr in ai cams.


  • Added leashes, which can be attached onto collars. Buyable in the Looty vendor. OOC Escape can be used to break out of the leash.
  • Added mirrors to all resleeving and autoresleeving rooms.
  • Added icon states for the black half-mask on vulp-base icons.
  • Added consolidated versions of the campbell tattoos and modular longsock markings.
  • Added the ability for science to build and assemble the Pinnace and Baron Fighter Exosuits.
  • Added a landing gear to Fighter Exosuits.
  • Added subsystem initialization returns.
  • Added missing CI scripts.
  • Added some icons from downstream for better mirrorbot compatibility.
  • Changed how limb damage works so that it is now less likely that a limb will be removed from damage, and require a higher damage to do so. This is especially true for vital limbs. Brute weapons can no longer tear off limbs but can still destroy them.
  • Changed antagonism section of character setup, renaming it to Special Roles.
  • Changed most of the options in the antagonism section to be hidden as they're not used on this server.
  • Changed pull punches to do HALLOSS, and that still does pain.
  • Changed lobby music volume from 85 % to 35 %.
  • Changed tgui-say colors for better contrast.
  • Changed when an area is created, it's now automatically registered with the grav gen as long it's in the affected levels and one no longer needs to destroy it and rebuild it. Nonetheless, for the new area to be affected, one has to restart the grav gen.
  • Changed the backend of character creation to now use /tg/ preferences for many of the saved settings. This should not have any user-visible effect and any visible changes are considered bugs.
  • Changed intents to be defines more consistently.
  • Changed some istype to the ismacros, so that it's easier to actually find the uses of those comparisons without complex regex search.
  • Fixed a bunch of New() being called instead of Initialize().
  • Fixed verdigris producing strange outputs for non square maps.
  • Fixed an init order in the vr monkeys.
  • Fixed sample containers being able to hold more samples if you use the scoop functions.
  • Fixed invisible ore chunks.
  • Fixed a few initialize that have no return.
  • Fixed sawed-off shotguns being unable to be reloaded.
  • Fixed a runtime with beds, having update_icon called during new.
  • Fixed examines not calling SHOULD_CALL_PARENT.
  • Fixed advanced gps being added twice to the GPS list.
  • Fixed drones not using robotact.
  • Fixed a few byond:// hrefs for 516.
  • Fixed runtimes in the virus code.
  • Fixed SHOULD_CALL_PARENT not being called for datum Destroy proc.
  • Fixed a rare case with single module locked robot subtypes having two modules.
  • Fixed matrix recolour affecting speech bubbles.


  • Added a new verb called "Play Hand Games", found in the IC tab under the Game category. This verb allows you to play one of the following games with someone next to you or over a small table:
    • Rock, Paper, Scissors. Each player chooses one of those and the choices are declared at the same time.
    • Arm Wrestling. Players choose a strength and a roll is made that is weighted by the scale, larger characters have an advantage.
    • Slap Hands. Players choose a reaction speed, and a roll is made that is weighted by scale, smaller characters have an advantage.
    • Thumb wars. Literally just RNG for a free roll at any time.
  • Added the option for hanner and replicants to use digitigrade legs.
  • Added more sprites for the ERT dragon (derg) cyborg, giving better visual signs when they have certain modules active, as well as a new sitting sprite!
  • Changed the total reform ability to account for clothing to match the sprites to the leg type of the new form.
  • Changed robot icons to iconforge, updated iconforge to not break on them.
  • Changed more languages to defines.
  • Changed how the 'calculate_item_encumbrance' works (With comments of how to revert to a fixed version of the old system if it proves to be too resource intensive).
  • Changed it so if you pick something heavy up, if you're resistant / weak to item slowdown, it affects those too, now.
  • Fixed visual bugs with the dullahan borg chasis, added visible eyes.
  • Fixed runtime where it would attempt to set_vis on a non-existant plane_holder if mobs was exposed to the artifact.
  • Fixed a runtime in feysight.
  • Fixed a typo where the mining belt did not provide proper minimum fire resistance.
  • Fixed speechbubble and runechat position.
  • Fixed mobs despawning outside of cryopods.
  • Fixed infinite loop condition with the AREA_NO_SPOILER flag.
  • Fixed record updates being applied without consent on ui close.
  • Fixed multiple size options able to bypass limits.
  • Fixed body designer missing multiple options.
  • Fixed dna entries missing blocks.
  • Fixed some messy species defines.
  • Fixed an exploit where using items that give negative slowdown combined with species with increased 'item_slowdown_mod ' would hit the speed cap (Teshari, custom species with weakling major).

2024 Archive (click here)

2023 Archive (click here)