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As a Bartender, it's your job to keep any alcohol inclined crew happy. That means serving drinks to anyone who comes by the Bar. You might also consider some form of entertainment, such as gambling or a variety show, to liven up the Bar.

Preparing the Bar

The Bar is your palace.
A good bartender should prepare it for his regular patrons, so that they feel at home! Remember, the more comfortable they are, the more booze they drink!
It might be a good idea to set up the EFTPOS Scanner, and charge people for their drinks. After all, if they want to drown their sorrows in alcohol, losing a couple extra thalers won't hurt!
It would also be wise to set your barsign to whatever you feel more comfortable with. Just swipe your ID and pick the neon sign you want to display!
Also, why not display a menu of all the possible drinks to make sure your patrons always have something to drink!
Even if you don't set up a scanner, consider setting up the tip jar!


  • Armour vest: Bars are known for bar room brawls. This'll help you stay upright whilst breaking up a fight.
  • Shotgun: Found on the table in the back room, loaded with beanbag rounds. This is for breaking up bar fights and self defense. Taking outside the bar area is a criminal offence so use it carefully. Best used in Aim mode, rather than just firing it off.
  • Shaker: Tied with large reagent beakers as the biggest reagent containers available in the station. It can hold 120 reagent units (2 pints).
  • Formal closet: Containing 2 formal uniforms like the one you spawn with, 2 pairs of black shoes and 2 top hats, along with a tip jar. There is an additional top-hat on the bar counter.
  • Booze-O-Mat: Dispenses base alcohols, various sizes of drinking glasses, straws, mixers (e.g. fruit juices), and generally all the basics you'll need to get started. If it runs out of stuff, ask the Quartermaster for a Bar Charge or for crates. You can put things back into it if you need to tidy up. Some items are only available from the Booze-O-Mat, such as Special Blend Whiskey.
  • Drink Showcase: Holds drinks. You can use this as a place to store pre-mixed drinks. Be careful with what you store, as anyone can hop the bar and grab a drink from it!
  • All-in-One Grinder: You'll need this to grind up exotic ingredients for certain mixed drinks, such as ones that need materials from Mining.
  • Dispensers: You have two of these; one for alcohol and one for soft drinks. Unlike the Booze-O-Mat, they use a series of cartridges that self-regenerate (somehow). Just place a glass on them and push the buttons!
  • Beer locker, beer keg, beanbag shells and an empty freezer: All inside your back room.


  • Metamorphic: 30u. The one you'll usually be using; it magically changes appearance to suit whatever you pour into it, with a wide array of fancy designs. Notably does not accurately indicate fill level; 1u looks just as full as 30u.
  • Half-Pint: 30u. Standard drinking glass.
  • Rocks: 20u. Squat, with a wide top. Add 5u of ice, then fill with 15u of drink.
  • Milkshake: 30u. For milkshakes, obviously. Then maybe add a drinking straw.
  • Cocktail: 15u. For small, fruity drinks.
  • Shot: 5u. For the really strong drinks.
  • Pint: 60u. For space beer and weaker or soft drinks.
  • Mug: 40u. A stout glass mug, for stout space drinks.
  • Wine: 25u. For fancy space wine.
  • Glass Carafe: 120u. For storing larger quantities of a drink outside of your trusty shaker.
  • Plastic Pitcher: 120u. Likewise, a good way to store larger quantities of a drink.

Serving Drinks

You have a whole bunch of spirits and mixers in your handy Booze-O-Mat vending machine and dispensers, with which to mix all manner of drinks. Serve up what the crew wants, or just what you feel like mixing. Make sure to coordinate with the rest of the Service department to have snacks for your patrons, otherwise they may wander off to the Kitchen or a vending machine when they get hungry and may not come back!

Part of being a good Bartender is making sure your patrons are having a good time, but not drinking themselves into rapid-onset cirrhosis and subsequent death from liver failure. You may wish to (quietly) call ahead to Medical to make sure that Ethylredoxrazine and Carthatoline are ready. Be aware of major hazardous reactions, and don't serve drinks to people if you know it'll kill them; nobody wants to be the bartender that flubs a surprise inspection because they served Deathbell to the CentCom Officer's Promethean Bodyguard.

Finally, remember that you are in command in the bar. You can deny service to anyone you see fit, and you are entirely within your rights to "cut off" any patrons who are getting belligerent or causing trouble whilst drunk. Also consider that it may set a bad example if you're getting the Site Manager or Head of Security blind drunk, and having no sober Engineers or Medical staff is a recipe for disaster. If patrons start to get particularly rowdy you may want to call Security, and you can also deploy the Bar Shutters to protect yourself and quickly cut patrons off from their drinks. This doesn't give you the right to be rude, but you shouldn't be a total pushover either.

Jobs on Vorestation


Command Site Manager, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Psychologist, Chemist,
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist
Service & Civilian Intern/Visitor, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Chaplain, Command Secretary, Janitor, Librarian, Pilot
Station-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
ITV Talon Talon Captain, Talon Pilot, Talon Guard, Talon Doctor, Talon Engineer