Security Officer

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Security Officers are the main force behind Security on the station. They are responsible for keeping the station safe from wildlife threats, and dealing with those who break Corporate Regulations.


  • You take orders from the Head of Security, who takes his orders from the Site Manager, who takes his orders from Central Command, who takes their orders from some old guy in a suit back in Sol who earns more money in one day than you will in fifty years. Follow the orders you are provided, and try to not ask too many questions.
  • You are responsible for keeping the crew safe. The corporations have agreed upon a set of laws that they are all beholden to. Corporate Regulations can be used to apply these laws when an person commits a crime in the facility. You are individuals working for Nanotrasen Security, you exist to keep the protect their assets.
  • Your essential job function is to prevent the station from falling apart in chaos.
  • Remember to follow standard security procedures and Standard Operating Procedure, they exist for a reason, however don't treat them like the word of god, if a guideline seems stupid or not fit for your situation feel free to bend or break it. Unless you do something really bad your bosses won't really care.
  • Also, remember that arresting people in the middle of scenes is in bad form.

Keeping the Peace

You are a guardian of the safety of the station and the employees that your company has chosen to advance its interests in space.


The majority of incidents that you will find yourself dealing with involve creatures that shouldn't really be there in the first place, rather than your fellow crew members.

On occassion, a station announcement will be broadcast informing the crew of the presence of potentially hostile animals infesting the station. Sometimes these are harmless creatures such as mice or lizards, and you won't have to worry about them. Other times, they may spiders or solar grubs, in which case security are the staff members most expected to deal with them.

Spiders spawn in public and private areas (including offices), never in maintenance shafts, but are very hostile to crew and can deal out some serious damage. They start off small and harmless, but can quickly grow into big scary monsters, putting your colleagues in some serious danger. Be on your guard hunting these down, as an unprepared officer alone can easily be killed by one. Work as a team to deal with them, have one member of security monitoring cameras to locate any remaining spiders and don't leave an officer alone with one. Communication is key, let your colleagues know where the spiders are and warn defenseless crew members away from the area. Suit up in armour, keep your taser at the ready and try to deal with them from as much range as you can manage to put between yourself and them.

Solar grubs are a little easier to deal with, and they primarily hide in station APCs, draining the station's power supply. They can be coaxed out and stunned using a multitool, don't be afraid to ask engineering to lend you one. Suit up. Keep your stun baton ready and the moment it pops out of the wall, smash it into a bloody pulp and then cry a lot as the horror of the situation finally takes hold.

Depending on the location of the station, there may also be some unannounced hostile creatures that you have to deal with without warning, so always be prepared with your equipment at least on your belt. Sometimes the passive animals of Rascal's Pass, or some weird friendly abomination that exploration has brought home, gets accidentally shoved by a crew member who intended to pet it. Hopefully they scream over the radio, and you can get to their location quickly and save their dumb life. If you have to put the animal down in this situation, you can bring it over to medical and they will revive it (returning it to it's passive state in the process). Alternatively, more hostile mobs may swarm the station from outside, such as space carp, and the security staff may have to organise a serious armed response. Try you best to keep less fit for combat crew out of the area whilst you deal with these, and prioritise the safety of yourself and your fellow officers in the process.

The Crew

Oftentimes, you will be informed over your radio that there is a problem in a certain area. If you are nearby, inform the rest of security over your headset using the private channel that you are on your way. If you are not nearby, head to the security office and change the records to set the suspects to arrest. The robots will detain the suspects but someone will still have to fetch them. Then return to your patrol.

Have your Stun Baton put away in your security belt. This will ensure that you are armed if things go sour, but that you are not being threatening and there is no possibility of your weapon being easily stolen. Your first goal should be to determine whether this crime warrants anyone being arrested at all, or whether it might be better to use your ticket printer to give the individual a citation instead. If you need to arrest a crew member, or otherwise bring them to the brig, you may not need to cuff them if they are being cooperative. If they are being uncooperative, you may cuff them, using as little force as you need.

If you notice a more serious, violent crime obviously taking place when you arrive on the scene, stun the suspects, handcuff them, and hold them so they can't escape. If the area is now safe, begin questioning them. If the area is not safe, question them in the brig. If there is blood or fingerprint evidence, call the Detective to the scene. Once the truth comes out, charge the perpetrators, thank the witnesses, and inform security over your private channel of the situation and charges. If you do not do so, other Security Officers will release your prisoners thinking they've been unlawfully detained.

This is an ideal situation, however. Usually you'll just happen across crime. Follow the procedure as best as you can from there. Restrain and detain only as needed. Becoming stun happy is the first step to becoming a bad Security Officer and encouraging the station crewmen to get you demoted.

If things become violent or you are outmatched, immediately call for backup as efficiently as possible. "<Such and such> the <job title> is <crime committed> at <the location>", is hard to spit out while under attack. Try a shorter format, such as "JANITOR MAIN HALLWAY ATTACKING ME HELP". There will be time for clarification when you are out of harm's way. The key to good security work is keeping the other security forces informed.

The Brig

For more detailed instructions, see Standard Security Procedures. For a summary read below.

As the arresting officer, you have certain responsibilities. As always, following the protocol will keep you safe, the station secure, and the criminals in line. Follow it closely.

  1. State the main reason for their arrest, even if you have already. This is not required, but it's good practice.
  2. Bring the suspect to Security Processing. If paying a fine will replace jail time, offer them the chance to pay the fine before proceeding. This is assuming they refused to pay the fine and had to be handcuffed in the first place. If the fine is accepted, hand them the printed out fine and go on with your day. Otherwise, continue.
  3. Read Corporate Regulations out loud for every valid charge. It is encouraged to inform the detainee that they may request an IAA if they are protesting the charges, example phrasing, but not required phrasing being something along the lines of: “According to NT SOP, you can request an Internal Affairs Agent to review your case if one is available. You will still serve your sentence if one cannot be found. Additionally the HOS, Captain, Relevant Head, or IAA can decline your appeal.”
  4. Search the individual for contraband and question them as necessary. If contraband or stolen property is found, charge them accordingly. See Corporate Regulations for details. Anything else not considered contraband but still may compromise the security of the cell (such as a chef's kitchen knife, or an engineer's tools) should also be temporarily confiscated and returned after the sentence is served.
  5. Calculate sentencing based on the total charges. Do not charge more than the minimum sentence unless this is not their first offense. Multiple instances of the same offense counts in this case. For example, if a suspect stole three items, you cannot charge them with theft three times, but you can charge the maximum sentence for theft. If they have already been arrested for the same crime during that shift, follow Corporate Regulations regarding Modifiers & Special Situations.
  6. Update the detainee's security records accordingly. Set their status to "Imprisoned".
  7. Return the detainee's PDA and headset to their person. All detainees are entitled to some kind of communication device unless the privilege is abused, or the device is evidence for a crime (such as a PDA with incriminating logs).
  8. Inform their head of staff of their arrest if they are present. You have no authority to demote anyone unless you're the Head of Security who is demoting another security officer.
  9. Escort the detainee to their cell, preferably with one security guard to aid you. Bring any of their belongings that you did not confiscate. Place them in the cell and remove their handcuffs.
  10. Put all of their belongings (besides communication) that are not evidence for a crime into the cell's locker, which will lock automatically when you start the timer.
  11. Set and start the timer. The door will close and the locker will be locked.
  12. Ensure someone is monitoring the prison area for the duration of the detainee's sentence, or at least be there when it ends.
  13. Wait for the sentence to expire, then return all temporarily confiscated goods and allow the detainee to leave Security. Then the detainee's status to "released" or "paroled" depending on their situation.

Remember that prisoners do have rights.

Security HQ

This is where you do your set up at. Also, you can arrest people with Beepsky (or any securitron) here, but do not delete security records!. If people ask nicely for your equipment just tell them to ask a Head of Staff instead. Passing out gear to civilians leads to dangerous situations at worst, arrests and misunderstandings at best.

The first step when you arrive in your position is to find an unused security locker either in the main office or the single locker near the arrival shuttle. If it has all been claimed, ask the Warden for additional resources.


This job is one of the few jobs that will also gain access to Ranged Weapons.

First, you are already equipped with a soft cap and gear harness, two handcuffs and your red jumpsuit. You should only wear your helmet and armour in Code Blue or above situations, and only if you have reason to believe you will be attacked, otherwise, keep them in your backpack.

Less-Lethal Weapons:

  • Stun Baton - The iconic melee weapon of shitsec security everywhere. Make sure you turn it on first, and to use help intent or else you might get accused of using undue force (aka "harmbatoning") and nobody wants to deal with Internal Affairs.
  • Taser - Shoots a window-bypassing electrical blast! It's not as strong as the baton, but can engage enemies from further away. Make sure it's hidden from view somehow, either by placing it within a pack or belt, or within a holster that is concealed by a coat of some kind.
  • Stun Revolver - Shoots a taser 'ball' that is more effective than taser beams, but has a limited capacity. Generally outclassed by the regular taser.
  • Flash - A simple handheld gadget that emits a bright flash, can only be used in melee range. Has the added benefit of being able to blind synthetics (both lawed and unlawed) who are otherwise immune to your 'standard' weapons.
  • Pepper Spray - Quite possibly the single most effective way to make any non-synthetic compliant, unless they happen to be wearing eye and (more importantly) mouth protection. Far more effective than either a stunbaton or flash, but should be used carefully or else you may accidentally spray yourself.
  • Flashbang Grenades - Pull the pin and throw; emits a bright flash and loud bang on detonation, hence the name. An absolute riot at bar brawls. Keep in mind the arming/detonation delay. Sunglasses will block the flash blinding, and helmets (or hardhats) will reduce the 'bang' stun to negligable levels unless you're standing on top of it.
  • Tear Gas Grenades - Pull the pin and throw; emits a cloud of pepper spray on detonation. Much like regular pepper spray, these will absolutely ruin the day of anyone without proper face protection. Useless against synthetics of any kind though.

Miscellaneous Kit:

  • Sunglasses - You need to equip these. Put them on your eyes. They are essential gear, especially if you want to man the brig and want to avoid the embarrassing result of succumbing to a flash meant only for an unruly prisoner.
  • AR-S Glasses - An alternative to your sunglasses. They look less intimidating, and offer the same functions (if not more). Found in loadouts and most sec equipment vendors.
  • Handcuffs - Throw these in your pockets as well. You will use these. A lot. Click on someone to start handcuffing them. You'll both need to stay next to each other for them to work. Pulling people then prevents them from running away. Be careful of bumping into people however.
  • Riot Shield - An uncommon item for security personnel. When readied, grants a chance to block incoming melee attacks from the direction you are facing. Makes a decent melee weapon.
  • Specialized Armor - Bulletproof, Ablative, and Riot armors may sometimes be issued in really bad situations. These offer great protection against specific damage sources (bullets, lasers, and melee attacks respectively) but are awful against everything else. Ablative armor can deflect incoming lasers, sometimes.

Lethal Weapons:

  • Pistols - Semi-automatic or revolving cylinder ballistic pistols are an alternative that are usually only issued with rubber bullets. Generally considered to be lethal at all times given the ability to use lethal ammo, even if only less-lethal ammo is issued.
  • Shotguns - Classic 12-gauge pump-actions: the wooden ones hold 4 rounds and the black ones hold 8. You will almost always be using beanbags if you get one of these, unless things have really gone sideways, in which case you might get issued slug rounds.
  • Ion Pistol/Rifle - Your best option for disabling any rowdy synthetic. These are a mild inconvenience to organics unless they have augmented vitals like a pacemaker or artificial lungs (in which case they're extremely deadly!), but even one good shot will basically cripple a synthetic. As such they should be treated as 'lethal' weapons. Beware that stray shots can crash area power controllers, damage computers, burst lights, mess with doors, set off fire alarms, and more, so watch your backstop or else you'll make Engineering mad.
  • EMP Grenades - Pull the pin and throw for an area-effect ionic blast. Use with extreme caution, as Engineers will definitely not appreciate careless use of these.
  • Energy Gun - A rare item for the average officer to possess, usually only handed out when things have really hit the fan. Has two modes, click the weapon in your inventory to switch between stun and kill. Both modes bypass windows. Most of the time, the weapon should be left on stun. It also makes a potent melee weapon. Firing on kill at crewmembers will often result in demotion and/or a potential job ban.
  • Laser Rifle - Possibly the least common weapon to find in the hands of security officers, mainly due to the lack of a stun mode. Instead, it has a 'suppressive' mode that deals much less damage but is more power-efficient. More effective against armored targets than an energy gun, but requires both hands to fire accurately. You should never have these unless it's a Code Red situation. Can shoot through glass.

Important: When you are done with your Locker, close it and lock it.


Always have your tools recharged after an arrest. If your Flash is burnt out, get a new one from the lockers or security vending machine and hand your old one to a Roboticist. Then take your energy gun or taser, pop them in the recharger, and wait for the light to change. Having a charged taser is sometimes the difference between life and death.

Note: Stun batons require their battery cells to be changed, and do not work in a recharger.

A ticket printer that prints security citations.Ticket Printer

Some fun examples of security citations.

The ticket printer is a powerful piece of technology that allows you to issue on the spot A security citation. Security Citations to crew members for anything that takes your fancy! These have no actual consequences for the characters that you issue them too, other than a vague warning that they will have to sort it out with central command between shifts.

The intention of these citations is to give security something fun to do with the crew, without actually distrubting their enjoyment of the game in any way. For minor things that don't require the crew member to be arrested, make a funny little citation and hand it out instead. At the end of the shift, up to five of these citations will show up in the round ending message, so keep them funny!

There are a few rules to remember with citations:

  • Don't go overboard on spamming them, it'll ruin the joke and possibly get annoying.
  • Standard rules about not being a dick apply here, target people that you think you can make the round more fun for.
  • Avoid putting people's names in the actual citation message itself! It'd be better to have the round end messages be anonymous.
  • There is a limit of 100 characters for the perps name, and 200 characters for the citation message itself.
  • These aren't strictly limited to citations for crew members, you can cite pets or even inanimate objects that are annoying you.

Scene Advice

As security, you have access to a number of locations that you might find useful for your scenes. These include a variety of security facilities, some of which vary by station, such as the brig, the perma brig, the processing room and an interrogation room. Maybe even a firing range if it's really spicy! Security has a whole range of toys at their disposal for kinky roleplay, such as stunning weapons, handcuffs and even little things like warrent projectors that can be flavoured appropriately. Security has a good roleplay excuse for getting people on their own, and talking to people in quiet places, whether that's good for you or not! Just make sure that if you're planning to scene with someone, that you don't make it everyone's business.

Jobs on Vorestation


Command Site Manager, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Psychologist, Chemist,
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist
Service & Civilian Intern/Visitor, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Chaplain, Command Secretary, Janitor, Librarian, Pilot
Station-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
ITV Talon Talon Captain, Talon Pilot, Talon Guard, Talon Doctor, Talon Engineer