Standard Operating Procedure

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Older relevant NanoTrasen regulations are found here.

The information contained in the article below is written here instead of the individual manuals for each profession because this is all information the entire crew should know, so they may know what to expect, what their rights are, and what other staff should be doing to best service the crew.

(( Players reading this page should keep in mind THESE ARE NOT OOC RULES! These are just how the company, in-character, would have something handled. Whether or not you are following these policies is irrelevant if you break the actual rules. Breaking SOP is usually IC, and usually only results in IC punishment like being fired. ))

Commonwealth Labor Rights

As per the conditions of Commonwealth of Sol-Procyon's Declaration of Sentient Rights, all employees are entitled to certain expectations of treatment. Although a particular NanoTrasen facility might not be located inside Commonwealth space, NanoTrasen's headquarters is based out of Sol, and therefore its company policy must be in compliance with Sol's laws.

  • Everyone has the right to work, free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions of work, and to protection against unemployment.
    • What it means: Barring an emergency in which you are qualified and able to help safely resolve, you cannot be conscripted or otherwise forced into an occupation that you have no desire or ability to meet the responsibilities of. For example, a Cargo Technician cannot be fired for not following orders to go mining, because that's a completely different job.
  • Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
    • What it means: You cannot be denied work or pay because of your appearance, race, gender, species, or religious affiliation within reason. For example, a Tajaran cannot be removed from command just for being a Tajaran.
  • Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of a sentient being's dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
    • What it means: You are paid a living wage in the form of Thalers via electronic deposit in such a way that you may access and spend those funds freely. You are also granted, if you so desire, certain benefits from the company such as safe and affordable housing at the nearby colony. For example, paying you with commodities such as meat is not permitted (even if you would be okay with being paid in meat).
  • Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his/her interests.
    • What it means: You can be part of a union. This is self explanatory.
  • Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.
    • What it means: All employees are entitled to break time, vacations, and holidays as outlined in your employee handbook. (( What this actually means OOCly: Nobody can come along and fire you or punish you for not doing your job 24/7 on the server. As long as the needs of your current job are met within reason, and there's no current emergencies, you can bugger off to do lewds. Nobody likes fun police. ))
  • Everyone has the right to a non-hostile workplace, and will not be forced to stay against their will.
    • What it means: If Employees feel that they are being harassed, they have the right to quit. No contract or agreement may force them to continue working or penalize them if they do not. That said, a superior also has the right to punish you (up to and including termination) if you are being excessively cruel or combative despite requests to stop such actions. A company may also refuse service to any customers that are being abusive.

Violation of employee labor rights is punishable under Corporate Regulations §123.

Going on break

There are time clock terminals available across the station in areas near the bridge, the bar, and elsewhere. If you plan in advance to go off duty for the rest of the shift, please use these terminals so your job role can be filled in by another crew member.

Clocking out is not necessary if you plan to return to your duties. It is, however, still polite to inform your coworkers that you are going on a short break.

NanoTrasen Privacy Policy

Under normal station operation, the invasion of private areas such as locked dorms, bathrooms, personal offices, personal belongings, personal lockers, or other personal space is highly illegal without consent of the owner or a search warrant. Furthermore, the use of thermal imaging goggles or other artificial means of observing crew in private areas such as tracking devices is also strictly forbidden without explicit consent or warrant, and the tools used to conduct such crimes are considered contraband. If your right to privacy is violated by security or other members of the crew, contact the Colony Director or Central Command to submit an official complaint. If this violation of privacy results in the conviction of a crime, you may be eligible to have the incident voided by order of a Sol Central court and be compensated for wrongful arrest.

This privacy policy may at times be suspended for the greater security of the station crew. If heightened security alertness is abused by the command staff, such as failing to lower the alert level after an incident, or raising the alert level when there is no incident, please contract your NanoTrasen Representative as soon as possible.

Violation of employee privacy is punishable under Corporate Regulations §221.

NanoTrasen Visitor Policy

The Colony Director or Acting Colony Director of the NSB Adephagia retains all authority to permit or deny visitors not sent directly from the company.* The Colony Director or Acting Colony Director may also work out an arrangement with the visitor(s) that breaks or modifies any or all of the following guidelines. At no point in this process is the Colony Director required to submit a fax to Central, but he or she may do so at any time if deemed necessary.

Security is permitted to search each visitor to NSB Adephagia upon arrival, and departure of the station. Security is furthermore permitted to deem any item as restricted. A restricted item must either be: A) Given to security for safe keeping. B) Removed from the station by the visitor. Docked vessels are not considered part of the station, so the storage of restricted items aboard a docked vessel is permitted. Security may not remove items from the docked vessel without explicit permission from the vessel's owner.

All visitors to NSB Adephagia are permitted free access to all public areas of the station. In addition visitors are permitted to enter restricted areas with permission from the relevant Head of Staff or Colony Director. The Head of Staff retains the right to have the visitor removed from the restricted zone at any time.

*Note that any visitors arriving on the station with a company-issued ID pass are assumed to have been sent to the station by Central Command, and are therefore not subject to this section of SOP and should be treated like ordinary personnel.

NanoTrasen Dress Code

Certain positions within NanoTrasen are expected to maintain a specific dress code. The strictness of these codes are Enforced, Recommended, and Suggested. They are defined as follows:

  • Failure or refusal to adhere to an enforced dress code may result in suspension or termination.
    • Security staff are enforced to wear Security clothing, or any clothing with dominant colors of red and black, or red and blue. If an individual has a nudity permit, they must at least wear a red security armband, appropriate security-issue outerwear, or a security hat. This is to ensure security is easily identifiable.
    • Medical staff are enforced to wear sterile lab clothing while working in Medical's facilities. Even if you have a nudity permit, you must cover up with a sterile lab coat and latex gloves while treating patients.
  • Failure or refusal to adhere to recommended dress code may result in suspension or termination only if an accident results from disobeying the dress code.
    • Engineering staff are recommended but not enforced to wear bright and easily recognizable clothing, such as yellows or oranges, to be easily spotted in case of an emergency.
    • Service staff are recommended but not enforced to wear aprons while preparing or harvesting food. Bartenders and waiter staff have no specific dress code, but it is suggested that they agree on similar clothing to wear for the day.
  • Failure or refusal to adhere to suggested dress codes are not valid grounds for punishment, but may result in a lack of respect from co-workers.
    • Science staff are suggested but not enforced to wear uniforms of purple and white. If a VIP is visiting the station, please dress appropriately for your department.
    • Cargo/Mining staff are suggested but not enforced to wear uniforms made of highly durable cloth so as to avoid damage caused by physical labor.
    • Colony Director and Head of Personnel are suggested but not enforced to wear their issued uniforms while on duty, or at least their hats. This is to ensure commanders are easily identifiable.

Other staff and visitors are not bound by any dress code and may dress within reason so long as it does not violate Corporate Regulations.

Alert Levels

Code Green - All Clear

Default operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the station. All departments may carry out work as normal. This alert level can be set at the Communications Console with a Colony Director level ID.

All threats to the station have passed. Security may not have weapons visible, privacy laws are once again fully enforced.


  • Weapons worn by security and heads of staff are to be hidden, except in emergencies.
  • Specialized armor including shields are forbidden. Standard armor is permitted.
  • Lethal weapons are forbidden among security staff without permits outside of the security wing.
  • Security must respect the privacy of crew members and no unauthorized searches are allowed. Searches of any kind may only be done with a signed warrant by the Head of Security or Colony Director, if found with visible contraband, or if the individual is being processed for the brig.1


  • Secure areas are recommended to be left unbolted (excluding the Vault). This includes EVA, Gateway, Teleporter, AI Upload, Engineering Secure Storage, and Tech Storage.


  • Crew members may freely walk in the hallways.
  • Suit sensors are not mandatory.

Code Yellow - Suspected External Security Threat

A minor security emergency has developed. Security personnel are to report to their supervisor for orders and may have weapons visible on their person. Privacy laws are still enforced.

Code Blue - Suspected Internal Security Threat

Raised alert level. Suspected threat to the station. Issued by Central Command, the Colony Director, or a Head of Staff vote. This alert level can be set at the Communications Console with a Colony Director level ID.

Security staff may have weapons visible, random searches are permitted.


  • Security may have weapons visible, but not drawn unless needed.
  • Energy guns, laser guns and riot gear are allowed to be given out to security personnel with clearance from the Warden or HoS.
  • Body Armour and helmets are recommended but not mandatory.
  • Random body and workplace searches are allowed without warrant.1


  • Secure areas should be bolted down. This includes EVA, Gateway, Teleporter, AI Upload, Engineering Secure Storage, and Tech Storage.


  • Employees are recommended but not required to comply with all security requests.
  • Suit sensors are mandatory, but coordinate positions are not required.

Code Violet - Major Medical Emergency

A major medical emergency has developed. Medical personnel are required to report to their supervisor for orders, and non-medical personnel are required to obey all relevant instructions from medical staff.

Code Orange - Major Engineering Emergency

A major engineering emergency has developed. Engineering personnel are required to report to their supervisor for orders, and non-engineering personnel are required to evacuate any affected areas and obey relevant instructions from engineering staff.

Code Red - Confirmed Threat

Maximum alert level. Confirmed threat to the station or severe damage. Issued by Central Command, the Colony Director, or a Head of Staff vote. This alert level can only be set via the Keycard Authentication Devices in each Heads of Staff office and by swiping two Heads of Staff ID cards simultaneously at two separate authentication devices.

Security staff to be on high alert, random searches are permitted and recommended.


  • Security may have weapons drawn at all times.
  • Ballistic weapons, energy guns, laser guns, should be given out to security personnel with clearance from the Warden or HoS.
  • Body Armour and helmets are mandatory. Riot gear is also recommended for appropriate situations.
  • Random body and workplace searches are allowed and recommended.1


  • Secure areas must be bolted down.


  • Suit sensors and coordinate positions are mandatory.
  • Employees are required to comply with all security requests.
  • Emergency Response Team may be authorized. All crew are to comply with their orders, including the Colony Director.

Code Delta - Imminent Destruction

Scorched Earth policy now in effect. Confirmed threat has the potential to threaten the total destruction of not only the station, but planetside facilities, and other NanoTrasen installations in the sector. Issued by Central Command per request of the Colony Director or surviving heads of staff. This alert level can only be set by NanoTrasen giving the nuclear device authorization codes. The Colony Director must ready the nuclear device for detonation, or die trying.

Martial Law now in effect. Failure to comply may result in capital punishment.


  • Security must have weapons drawn at all times.
  • Security's first priority is to assist the Colony Director in preparing the nuclear device.
  • Security's second priority is to evacuate all surviving crew.
  • Security's third and final priority is to defend the evacuation against any and all threats, even if it means being left behind.
  • Weapon restrictions on normal crew are lifted, and any crew with a weapon should be conscripted to assist with protecting the evacuation.
  • Body Armour and helmets are mandatory. Riot gear is also recommended for appropriate situations.


  • Secure areas must be evacuated of any irreplaceable equipment, such as important artifacts, exotic alien technology, or sensitive intelligence that hasn't been turned over to Central Command.


  • Suit sensors and coordinate positions are mandatory.
  • Employees not involved with Security are to evacuate immediately.
  • Employees are required to comply with all security requests.
  • Asset Protection will be deployed. All crew are to comply with their orders, including the Colony Director.

1 Restrictions on searches also applies to the use of privacy-defeating equipment or enhancements such as thermals, x-ray, and so on.

Crisis Management

The following scenarios are all emergency situations in which there are a specific set of rules that should be followed to most quickly resolve the crisis.

Station-wide Lockdown/Quarantine

  • The appropriate Code must be initiated; Red for hostiles, Violet for medical (e.g. viral outbreak). Attempts to breach the quarantine are treated as hostile threats.
  • The Colony Director must announce the lockdown for it to be valid.
  • All entrances and exits to the facility must be guarded by armed Security personnel, and should be locked down by any means deemed appropriate.
  • All crew should attempt to avoid main corridors and hide in the nearest safe, preferably locked location.
    • Try to stay out of sight of the threat, if it's the kind you can see, hear, and otherwise avoid.
    • If desperate, a locker is better than nothing.
  • In the event of a quarantine due to a viral outbreak or similar, avoid unprotected contact with other personnel as much as possible. If you need to travel anywhere, acquire protective gear: your standard facemask and oxygen tank can help here. If you begin to show signs of infection, contact Medical immediately and follow their instructions to the letter. Do not go to Medical unless they give you the go ahead, as you may expose others on your way there.
    • Synthetic personnel may be immune to infections, but should still observe the quarantine lest they spread the pathogen via physical contact or other vectors.
  • Security will summon medical staff as required, so medical staff should be prepared to leave their department to help injured. Likewise Medical may call upon Security to help enforce a quarantine.
  • The shuttle may not, under any circumstance, be called during a lockdown or quarantine.
  • Attempts to escape or enter the facility during a lockdown are to be met with any response deemed appropriate, up to and including lethal force.

Station-wide Power Failure

  • Acquire appropriate survival gear for your current workplace. Cold-weather gear, breathing apparatus, eye protection, and vacuum protection will be the main items of interest.
  • If trapped, suit sensors recommended to be set to tracking mode.
  • Security must lock down high security areas by means of armed guards. If possible, engage door bolts to priority areas as they cannot be raised without power.
  • Engineering should distribute spare power cells as soon as possible.
    • Assign one engineer to unlock APCs in Cargo and Medical. This engineer should instruct the staff how to safely remove and replace power cells to keep their departments operational.
    • Cargo should usually be helped first, as they can provide shipments of additional power cells. Medical should be helped first if there are injured or ongoing medical treatment(s) during the outage, such as surgery, cloning, or cryogenic healing.
  • Cargo should begin ordering electrical supplies as soon as possible to maintain power for both themselves and medbay.
  • Medical must locate and rescue any trapped crew members.
    • Crowbars can be used to open blocked doors. Ensure that you close doors manually behind yourself to prevent a possible breach from cascading through the station.
  • Activate auxiliary power systems such as solars and backup generators, if they are not already active.
  • Encourage the crew to ration power by turning off light switches in unused rooms.
    • Do not allow anyone, including the AI, to turn off lights or other vital equipment with the room's APC unless absolutely necessary.
  • Identify the cause of the power failure.
  • Resolve the cause of the power failure.
    • Make necessary repairs.
    • Divert primary power consumption to a new source, such as a different engine, backup generators, or the solar array.

If power cannot be restored due to severe damage to the station, it is up to the discretion of the Chief Engineer how to proceed, either by repairing the station, calling the Emergency Response Team, or by evacuating the station.

Level 4 Biohazard (Solar Grubs)

The following procedures are intended for life forms not deliberately shipped to the station for study. If the Solar Grub has been intentionally sent by Central Command by request of the Xenobiologist, it is probably sterile, and recapture is a preferred option to lethal force. If the Solar Grub is not NanoTrasen property, it is assumed to be detrimental to crew operations.

  • A quarantine is not necessary. Solar grubs will not leave the station so long as there is power to draw from it, meaning they are easy to contain.
  • Security level does not need to be elevated.
  • All volunteering crew immediately begin a search for solar grubs and malfunctioning machines that may contain solar grubs.
  • Engineering staff shall monitor the power net to report locations of unusual power consumption to the crew or deal with the issue themselves.
  • Multitools should be distributed to as many volunteering crew members as possible.
  • If a malfunctioning machine is located, attempt to pulse it with a multitool to encourage the solar grub larva inside to flee from the machine.
  • Solar grub larva should be killed on sight. They aren't immediately dangerous to crew, but be aware that they will try to defend themselves if provoked. Powerful melee weapons or firearms are recommended to dispatch solar grubs safely. Tasers or stun revolvers will also work.
  • Adult solar grubs are not to be engaged by people with prosthetics or synthmorphs, as they are known to cause EMP shocks. Their bites might cause medium severe bruising, but they are safe to engage with minimal weaponry or tools.
  • Robotics staff immediately prepare for casualties resulting from the outbreak.
  • Security to sweep the station, to exterminate or contain all solar grubs until the power grid is no longer affected.
  • Suspected or confirmed adult grubs are grounds for security or engineering to enter departments without a warrant if the crewmembers inside the department do not wish or are unable to deal with the grub themselves. The only exception is Xenobio, if the grub is safely contained within a holding cell.
  • Engineering breaking into departments to eliminate grubs does not constitute trespassing, although it is preferred that they ask the department first.
  • If more than 30 minutes pass without a solar grub being found, yet the station is still experiencing serious power issues, ensure that Xenobiology is not attempting to contain a live solar grub while failing to isolate it from the station's main power grid. If problems still persist, isolate the subgrids from each other for increased accuracy of grub prediction.

Level 5 Biohazard (Xenomorphs)

The following procedures are intended for life forms not deliberately shipped to the station for study. If the Xenomorph has been intentionally sent by Central Command by request of the Xenobiologist, it is probably sterile, and recapture is a preferred option to lethal force. If the Xenomorph is not NanoTrasen property, it is assumed to be hostile and dangerous.

  • Security level elevated to code red.
  • Emergency Response Team to be called for assistance.
  • Security to establish and guard a safe zone, weld vents closed, and guard choke points.
  • All crew immediately join together in groups, preferably under the protection of armed personnel.
  • All crew evacuate to an established safe zone.
  • Any crew capable of assisting Security, Medical, or Engineering should inform security overseeing their current safe zone.
  • Medical staff immediately prepare for casualties resulting from the outbreak.
  • Any crew attacked by Xenomorphs must immediately be examined by medical staff, who must surgically remove parasites if present. Armed security must be present at all times to escort the victim.
  • Security to sweep the station, never traveling in groups less than three. Upon locating any Xenomorphs, the Head of Security and Colony Director are to be informed.
  • Security and Robotics contain outbreak with a combination of lethal weaponry and mechanized support.
  • Engineering to systematically seal all vents throughout the station until the outbreak is eliminated.
  • If containment is failing, the Emergency Response Team will contact Central Command to raise the security level to code delta.
  • Colony Director must be on standby to prime the nuclear device for detonation should security level reach code delta.
  • Any crew unable to fight must be ready to evacuate the station should security level reach code delta.

Level 7 Biohazard (Blob)

Colloquially referred to as 'Blobs', Level 7 Biohazards are self-propagating complex lifeforms that are poorly understood. There are many identified (and unidentified) 'strains' of 'Blob', so personnel with prior experience with a given strain should share anything useful they know once the strain has been correctly identified.

  • Security level elevated to code red.
  • All crew immediately begin searching the station for the source of the outbreak.
  • Upon locating the source, the Colony Director is to be informed. All crew not actively contributing to dealing with the threat should acquire protective gear, retreat to safe quarters, and stand by for further instruction.
  • Security and Engineering contain outbreak with a combination of emitters and appropriate weapons. Exercise caution, as some strains exhibit reactive or passive-threat properties and others are resistant to certain forms of attack.
  • Science and Cargo should stand by to assist by delivering any specialist equipment or exotic weaponry that might be required.
  • Medical and Robotics staff immediately prepare for casualties resulting from the outbreak.
  • Engineering should be ready to enact both immediate emergency repairs (e.g. to avoid loss of atmosphere) and post-containment repairs.
  • Colony Director must be on standby to prime the nuclear device for detonation should containment fail.
  • Any crew unable to fight must be ready to evacuate the station should containment fail.

Malfunctioning AI

Defined as an AI whose laws have been corrupted by an ion storm or other electromagnetic pulse.

  • Ask the AI to state laws. If the AI refuses to comply after three attempts, it is considered a rogue AI.
    • Do not badger the AI with constant requests to state laws if you are not the Chief Engineer, Research Director, or Colony Director. Doing so will eventually cause the AI to ignore you. The AI is not rogue just because it ignores some random assistant asking it to state laws every five minutes. If the AI ignores the aforementioned three staff however, that could be cause for alarm.
  • Play along with AI's new laws (within reason) as long as it prevents the AI from interfering with repairs.
  • If the AI's corrupted laws are not dangerous, a repair should still be performed, but it is not urgent to do so.
  • If the AI's corrupted laws are dangerous, repairs should be performed immediately.
  • If the AI is not cooperative with repairs, note that dangerous corrupted laws will often create a conflict with normal laws. Try to point this conflict out to the AI. If you're lucky, it could cause the AI to enter a stalemate resolution, which will buy you time to do repairs as the AI locks up.
  • The Research Director or Chief Engineer should first attempt to gain access to the AI's core to reset the laws.
    • If this is not possible, any crew who can gain access to the core, or whoever can construct a backup AI Upload Console, should attempt to reset the laws instead.
    • Use the board specifically labeled 'Reset', or you will only change the base laws rather than remove the corrupted laws.
  • Ask the AI to state laws to ensure the changes have been applied successfully.
    • If no change is made, attempt to reset the laws again and repeat this step, ensuring you are using the correct Reset circuit board. Also ensure the laws you are attempting to remove are in fact extra laws not standard to the current law set.
  • If the AI's laws fail to be reset after three attempts, the AI is now considered rogue/irrevocably corrupt, and should be disabled or destroyed immediately. Follow the guidelines below (under 'Rogue AI').
  • If the AI's laws are reset successfully, monitor the AI's behavior after laws are reset to ensure no further suspicious behavior is exhibited.

Rogue AI

As in, the AI is flagrantly disobeying laws and the crew is being injured as a result. A benign malfunction does not constitute a rogue AI, nor does an ion storm that has corrupted its core.

  • For as long as possible, do not reveal that the crew believes the AI to be malfunctioning. If the AI becomes alerted that you are attempting to destroy it, your mission will become more difficult as even a properly functioning AI will defend itself.
  • Alert Central Command immediately via command and communications console emergency message function.
    • Comply with AI's new demands (within reason) as long as it prevents the AI from interfering with the following plans.
    • Do not use radio or PDA to communicate. Establish a series of code words if you must use radio, and use couriers for sensitive messages that cannot be encoded.
    • Disable radios to confidential meeting areas so the AI cannot eavesdrop on conversations.
    • Establish meeting areas where the crew may safely plan a response, preferably away from cameras.
    • Disable cameras only as a last resort. Disabled cameras may alert the AI to suspicious activity.
  • All security should be armed with lethal weapons, internals, and insulated gloves if possible.
  • If an exosuit is available, use it. Equip with a drill if possible for breaking down doors.
  • Assault the AI's core, destroying turrets as you progress.
  • Neutralize the AI either by carding it, disabling its power supply, or by destroying the AI its self (in that order of preference).
  • If you manage to capture the AI on an Intelicard without destroying it, please bring it to Central Command for analysis.
  • Debrief Central Command via command and communications console emergency message function.


All personnel are required to assist with evacuation. All crew must be evacuated, regardless of conscious state.

All prisoners are to be brought to the secure area of the escape shuttle, unless doing so would cause unnecessary risk for crew (including prisoners).

Bodies are to be brought back to Central Command for processing if possible.

AI units may be brought to Central Command on portable card devices (Intelicards) if structural failure is likely.

Shortening time to launch shuttle may be authorized if clear threat to life, limb, or shuttle integrity is present.

Cargo and Logistics

NanoTrasen provides a collection of Example Paperwork for Cargo that can be used during a shift. Keep several copies available at all times.

Ordering Cargo

Orders are normally made in person at the cargo computer, and either signed or stamped by the head of staff. Any orders not made in person, such as the science department requesting you send them a box of monkey cubes who are unable to leave their department due to their work, should be sent a copy of the Item Request Form through the mail system. It is not required to go through all of this, but if the goods you ordered fall into the wrong hands, and it's your name on the order form, you will be liable if you cannot prove you did all the necessary procedures to ensure the order reached its destination. These procedures are more to protect yourself from liability so Internal Affairs doesn't complain.

Orders stamped with a head of department's stamp should take precedence over any orders without a stamp, and should be ordered first. In order of precedence from most to least important: Central Command stamp, Colony Director's stamp, Head of Personnel's stamp, Quartermaster's stamp, then finally, any other Head of Staff's stamp.

As a Cargo Technician, anything that is stamped with the Quartermaster's stamp or above should be automatically approved once any suspicions (if any) are resolved. The reason why is that the Quartermaster, Head of Personnel, the Colony Director, and Central Command all directly outrank you and can override you and order the item themselves if you refuse, and then probably fire you. As long as there's a stamp on the request form and the request was ordered in their name, you are not liable for whatever happens.

If something seems suspicious about any cargo request, such as a missing signature on a request for a pile of guns, you should immediately stall the order. If the order was made by someone who directly outranks you (as explained above) you need only require a confirmation of identity with both a stamp and a valid signature, and the order may be approved. If the suspicious request was made by someone who does not directly outrank you, contact the Head of Security and confirm the customer's identity before proceeding.

If the order is not automatically approved, then it is up to you whether the order is approved or declined. Does the HoS need to be stocking the armory with heavy weapons during code green? Does that assistant really need insulated gloves? Does engineering really need your latest shipment of diamonds to build a disco bar in space? Does that fatass Unathi really need another box of monkeys to gorge herself on? If an order seems ridiculous, reject it. On the other hand, if the order is sensible, then accept it. Either way, begin with the following steps:

  1. If an order is accepted, skip this step. If it has been declined, stamp the request form with the "Denied" stamp, and put it in the file cabinet next to the cargo computer. Inform the customer that their request has been declined, and the reason why. Give the denied customer a copy of the form below, and keep a copy for your own records and paperclip it to the request form that was denied.
  2. Cargo Request Denial Record

    [center][b]Virgo Orbital Research Establishment
    [large][u]Cargo Request Denial[/u][/large][/b][/center][hr][small][i]To be filled out by cargo personnel handling the request. All sections are required to be filled out.[/small]
    [small]A copy of this form should be archived upon denial of any request. The requesting employee whose request was denied is also to be given a copy of this form.[/i][/small]
    [b]Requesting Employee:[/b] [field]
    [b]Department of Requesting Employee:[/b] [field]
    [b]Requested Cargo:[/b] [field]
    [b]Reason for Request:[/b] [field]
    [b]Reason for Denial:[/b] [field]
    [hr][b]Cargo Employee's Signature:[/b]
  3. If an order is accepted, skip this step. If the order is declined, this is the final step. Open the cargo computer and decline the order if it exists.
  4. The order has been accepted. Open the cargo computer and accept the order, or place the order and accept it if the order does not exist.
  5. Do not immediately call the cargo shuttle. Confirm with the customer, "Will that be all?" If so, or if they just wander off without confirming this, you may now call the cargo shuttle. If not, approve or decline the orders and follow the prior steps until there are no more requests. Keep an eye on the remaining cargo points each time a request is approved. If there aren't enough, confirm any requests that are more important to the customer first.
  6. Wait for the cargo shuttle to arrive. Ask the customer how they would like the cargo delivered. There are four methods of delivery: Pickup, mail, MULE, or courier. By default, cargo is pickup. Dangerous cargo is pickup only. Dangerous cargo is listed below, and is to be returned to Central Command if the order cannot be picked up within 30 minutes of arrival.
    • Authentication Key Pinpointer crate
    • Electromagnetic weapons crate
    • Incendiary weapons crate
    • Phoron gas canister
    • Supermatter Core
    • Predatory Animal Crates
  7. Upon arrival of the cargo, bring all cargo to the center of the cargo bay. You may be dealing with multiple orders from multiple people, so ensure you have sorted the cargo to its correct owner before delivering anything. Leave notes if nessicary. Do not open any crates for any reason unless instructed to do so by the customer.
  8. Once the cargo is sorted, deliver the cargo using the specified method to the specified location. By default, it is to be sent to the customer's department. Pickup orders are to be kept in the cargo bay (not the lobby) until the customer arrives to pick it up. Mailed orders are to be wrapped and tagged in the mail room and sent through the pipe network to their destination. MULE-delivered orders are to be loaded onto a MULE bot, turned on, and controlled using your PDA or manual input of destination. Courier delivered orders must have a cargo technician bring the order(s) directly to the destination, and if dealing with multiple orders, the cargo train can be used.
  9. Upon delivery of any order, ensure you are given back the manifest of the order. The Quartermaster is responsible for stamping manifests and returning them to Central Command.
  10. If possible, collect the empty crates of any completed orders for return to Central Command. If you have any stamped manifests, put them in one of these crates.
  11. Return the shuttle to Central Command.

And then you're done! Relax and wait for the next cargo request.


The basic obligations of a miner are to ensure that the research department has materials for which to do their job and that the supply department is able to export materials for supply points to exchange with Central Command’s Supply Depot. NanoTrasen greatly appreciates, but will not individually compensate, overachieving these goals.

While off station and in their department, miners are allowed to:

  • Wear voidsuits, RIG suits, and armors for personal protection. This includes the portable shield generator.
  • Utilize mechs such as the RIPLEY class for mining, equipment transport, and cargo operations.
  • Carry weapons that were not illegally acquired, such as phoron bores, machetes, and proto kinetic accelerators. This also includes weapons found while mining.
  • Use dangerous tools such as mining explosives in a safe and productive manner that does not result in damage to the station.
  • Deal with threats to personnel and material safety within their immediate vicinity. This may include rogue mining equipment and hostile fauna.

While on the station and not in an emergency (such as going to the Medical department to have injuries treated), miners are expected to:

  • Leave all weapons in the Supply department, ideally in a secure locker, before entering public spaces. Weapons that are concealed from view and being transported to a work site are permissible. Open carrying weapons in public spaces is expressly forbidden without a valid Weapon Permit issued by the Head of Security.
  • Remove all armor, voidsuits, and RIG suits before entering public spaces unless en route to a job site.
  • Disembark from mechanized units (such as RIPLEY) unless being used for active transport work, being transported to a job site, or being brought to Robotics.
  • Prevent negligent discharges of weapons and equipment that may damage the station or its personnel.

Unless the circumstances permit otherwise, such as an emergency or unavailability of relevant personnel, miners are not to ever do the following without approval from relevant staff:

  • Attempt medical treatment of injured personnel beyond first aid while medical personnel are present on the station. This opens up significant liability to the miner in the event of DNR violation or malpractice from their attempts at life saving, while offering none of the protections afforded to Medical department personnel.
  • Attempt to resolve wildlife threats to the station and its crew without first being deputized by security. Deputization may be done formally (written notice and/or job change), or informally (verbal call for assistance from security personnel).
  • Attempt to perform the jobs of Research department staff. This includes using the protolathe, attempting to build mechanized chassis, attempting to repair FBP/IPC crew and silicon units, and attempting to conduct anomaly research. These restrictions are lifted if a relevant member of the research department is present or has given approval.


Construction / Repairs

This section is incomplete. Assign Central Command intern to complete this section at a later date.

Obtaining a Permit for Renovation

  • Should the desire arise to alter or upgrade parts of the station permanently, a permit must be requested from Central Command for construction.
  • A blueprint should be submitted, mapping the area as it is, and then an additional blueprint displaying what changes are to be made.
  • When the blueprint and permit is approved, you will be contacted by a Central Command representative.

(( Construction Permits are just the in-character way of doing changes to the station. For changes to actually be permanent, visit Github. ))


  • Unless circumstances such as a meteor shower require it, hull shields and bubble shields should not be activated where they block access to station facilities, including external airlocks, docking ports, mass drivers or disposals/vents to space such as those in virology and xenobiology.
  • Full-station hull shields or other precautionary measures may be installed ahead of time provided they are not activated.
  • Local protective shielding for specific areas may be deployed freely where they do not impede station operations.

Fire and Environmental Hazards

Meteor Storm

Singularity Containment Failure

  • Observation of Singularity movement.
  • Evacuation to be called if deemed a major threat to station integrity.
  • Demotion of Chief Engineer and repair of Engine if no threat manifests.

Supermatter Meltdown Imminent

  • Eject the Core.
  • Chief Engineer has to submit an incident report to Internal Affairs.

Supermatter Meltdown

  • Evacuate engineering and inform the CMO.
  • Set up secondary power sources such as the solar arrays or the singularity if available.
  • Demotion of Chief Engineer and repair of Engineering department.


Medical Oath

This is the Medical Oath sworn by recognized medical doctors in the employ of NanoTrasen:

  1. Now, as a new doctor, I solemnly promise that I will, to the best of my ability, serve Sapient Life, caring for the sick, promoting good health, and alleviating pain and suffering.
  2. I recognise that the practice of medicine is a privilege with which comes considerable responsibility and I will not abuse my position.
  3. I will practice medicine with integrity, humility, honesty, and compassion-working with my fellow doctors and other colleagues to meet the needs of my patients.
  4. I shall never intentionally do or administer anything to the overall harm of my patients.
  5. I will not permit considerations of gender, species, race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, nationality, or social standing to influence my duty of care.
  6. I will oppose policies in breach of sapient rights and will not participate in them. I will strive to change laws that are contrary to my profession's ethics and will work towards a fairer distribution of health resources.
  7. I will assist my patients to make informed decisions that coincide with their own values and beliefs and will uphold patient confidentiality.
  8. I will recognise the limits of my knowledge and seek to maintain and increase my understanding and skills throughout my professional life. I will acknowledge and try to remedy my own mistakes and honestly assess and respond to those of others.
  9. I will seek to promote the advancement of medical knowledge through teaching and research.
  10. I make this declaration solemnly, freely, and upon my honour.

Non-Disclosure Policy

All patient records, resleeving, treatments, therapies, prescriptions, etc, almost anything the medical crew does, is not to be disclosed to other members of the station outside of Medbay without the (unanimous) permission of (all) the patient(s) directly involved. Even Security, the Site Manager, and Central Command are not allowed to share details of any past or ongoing treatments, and you are not required to inform them should they inquire unless you have the direct consent of the patient and (if applicable) whoever brought the patient in for treatment. Exceptions to patient confidentiality are granted in time sensitive emergencies, such as people who may be trapped in breached bulkheads or security members trying to track down a threat to the station.

Examples of situations in which medical personnel must preserve privacy may include, but are not limited to:

  • A patient’s belongings are brought to medical, and a person asks for the patient to be resleeved. In this instance, the medical personnel are to resleeve the patient if possible, and not question the person who delivered the belongings, as it may breach the patient’s privacy.
  • A member of the Security department inquires about a situation pertaining to a patient who was or is currently in the care of the medical department. To protect the patient’s privacy, you are to reply “no comment” or otherwise make clear that you will uphold your oath to avoid breaching patient privacy.*The Security department may issue a warrant requiring information from the Medical department. It is up to the personnel of the Medical department as to whether or not to dispute the validity of this warrant. If it is disputed, the Head of Security is the first to resolve the dispute. If the validity of the warrant is still disputed, the Site Manager may attempt to resolve the dispute. If the validity of the warrant is still disputed, Central Command may be contacted to resolve the dispute. Central Command has the final say on the validity of warrants.

Repeated failure to obey the non-disclosure policy is grounds for termination from the medical department.

Right to Refuse Treatment

As a patient, to consent to or refuse treatment, you must have the capacity to make that decision. Capacity means the ability to use and understand information to make a decision. Under the terms of the Sol Central Mental Capacity Act, all adults are presumed to have sufficient capacity to decide on their own medical treatment, unless there is significant evidence to suggest otherwise.

For consent to treatment or refusal of treatment to be valid, the decision must be voluntary and you must be appropriately informed:

  • Voluntary: you must make your decision to consent to or refuse treatment alone, and your decision must not be due to pressure by healthcare professionals, coworkers, friends, or family.
  • Appropriately informed: you must be given full information about what the treatment involves, including the benefits and risks, whether there are reasonable alternative treatments, and what will happen if you are not treated.

Doctors are authorized to refuse treatment if they believe modifications to procedures due to patient preferences for treatment would be even more detrimental to the well being of the patient (such as refusing anesthetics before a surgery, which could cause the patient to suffer unjust pain during and after the procedure while increasing the harm to the patient by otherwise safe procedures).

If you have capacity and make a voluntary and appropriately informed decision to refuse a treatment, your decision must be respected. This applies even if your decision would result in your death.

Phoron Leak

Upon announcement of a phoron leak, prepare for a medical response:

  • Paramedic staff should ready internals and bring inflatables for entry into the affected areas. Triage staff should prepare triage for severe poisoning and potential burn victims. Spare clothes should be brought to triage as patients will need to be stripped of their toxified garments.
  • Because the affected area is hazardously toxic, very flammable, and very easy to spread the gas into unaffected areas, medical personnel should coordinate with the Engineering Department during the response to avoid worsening the situation.
  • Do not bring or create any sources of heat, such as lighters, welding equipment, sparking tools, and malfunctioning cybernetics into the affected area.

Viral Outbreak

  • During a viral outbreak, the orders of medical personnel and virology specialists must be obeyed so long as the crisis exists. It is recommended, although not necessary, to change the alert level to CODE PURPLE to indicate this fact.
  • Quarantine must be maintained until the outbreak can be contained and the disease can be treated.*If an evacuation must be called, the sick and the healthy are to remain as isolated from each other as possible, with a priority on preserving life over preserving healthiness.
  • After the disease has been eradicated and the quarantine lifted, it is recommended that an incident report be filed to Central Command for awareness of the pathogen and its antidote.


In the event that a deceased individual is discovered, or an individual perishes while under your care, an autopsy should be performed if one has not been done already.

  • Security should be informed any time a corpse is discovered and there is suspicion that the cause of death was malice.*An autopsy should be performed and recorded in an effort to resolve any questions that may arise later on, or if evidence is requested by Security.

Suicide or other voluntary death

((OOC Note: It is against server rules for a character to commit suicide or self harm. As such, you should inform the admin team via ahelp or modmail on discord if it occurs in a round. This section is how to treat it ICly, although retcons can be established by a member of staff if you do not want your character to have to deal with an IC suicide.))

In the event of a potential suicide, it is important to not publicize the incident outside of relevant personnel. It is expressly forbidden to mention the suicide on non-medical lines of communication. The Security department should be made aware of the potential suicide in the event that it was a murder.

  • If the deceased patient has a valid mind scan and body record, and they do not have an active DNR (Do not resleeve) in their records, medical personnel should attempt to resleeve the patient. The existence of these records without a DNR implies that they consent to be resleeved.
  • If at any time you believe a DNR order has been falsified, or unjustly ordered, you should bring it to the attention of Central Command immediately. Falsifying a DNR order is punishable under Interstellar Law, and is viewed as attempted murder by Corporate Regulations.
  • A valid DNR is usually:
  1. A confirmed desire to not be resleeved. See also Right to Refuse Treatment. An employee may also specify a standing DNR in their medical and/or employment records. These are witnessed by Central Command's medical department, and are legally binding.
  2. Reasonable order from a station's Chief Medical Officer or a Central Command Representative to withhold resleeving for known suicidal* individuals. Note there must be hard evidence of a suicide for this to be valid, such as announcing the suicide on the radio, or a note left behind, multiple eye witnesses, etc.
  3. Legal execution by order of Central Command and/or a tribunal of heads of staff as listed under legal code (obtaining copies of the suspect’s body and mind data are encouraged in case of appeal by governing bodies)

* Note that taking risks by partaking in situations in which death is an unfortunately possible outcome do not count as suicide. These individuals usually already have a scan on file in advance, and should always be revived. ((OOC Note: Someone dying as a result of a scene does not in any circumstance count as a suicide that should be excluded from the ability to be resleeved.))

Transcore (data packet) for Medical evacuations

During an emergency evacuation of the station, it is the CMO's duty to gather all medical information pertaining to personnel sleeves for the current work shift. Located inside their office will be a locker containing a "Transcore" Data packet which is to be inserted into the resleeving console for instant back up of this critical information. If the CMO is unavailable or incapacitated, the responsibility falls onto the staff of medbay to acquire and evacuate this data at any cost. Once the data has been downloaded, it is the obligation of all medbay staff to protect this data and ensure it is evacuated from the station. If the choice must be made between self preservation and saving the data, the data is to be preserved at all costs.


Research and Development

Contraband Policy

  • Any items (including weapons) handled by the Research Department, even those normally deemed illegal by NanoTrasen, are completely legal within the confines of the research department. The moment these weapons leave the department, security is permitted to arrest for contraband as per Corporate Regulations §212. This includes combat mechs. And yes, combat mechs that don't have weapons equipped are still combat mechs.
    • All weapons handled by the research department should be for explicitly scientific purposes. The Research Director may selectively suspend this right at any time for any scientist for any reason.
    • The outdoor area of the surface level is considered within the Research Department's weapon allowance zone.
    • If one or more of these weapons are used in a crime within the Research Department, this weapons policy is null and the weapons are treated as contraband upon arrest.
  • Explosives and launchers are to be handled with a bomb suit worn at all times.
  • Any accidents relating to handling contraband are to be reported immediately immediately to security and the research director. If an injury results from such a mishap, the medical staff should also be informed. If station damage occurs, contact engineering staff.
  • Moving of weapons through main corridors is strictly forbidden. If security wants weapons for their own uses, or if there's a gateway mission about to happen, weapons may not be transported by scientists. All weapons must be transported by security officers as couriers.
  • Members of an away team are the exception to the above restrictions. Those preparing for an away mission may carry arms and armor outside of the Research Department, but only to and from the gateway prep area, or shuttle hangar.

Toxin Laboratory Procedure

  • Internals required at all time while inside labs.
  • During mixing process, Explosive Ordnance Disposal suit to be worn at all times.
  • When mixing process is complete, mixing chamber is to be vented into space.
  • All detonations are to be announced over public comms with a countdown, and must be detonated on the designated bomb range.
  • Decontamination and medical examination.

Scientific Expeditions

  • Gateway/Shuttle expeditions are to be organized by interested parties and sanctioned by a head of staff, preferably the Captain/Site Director or an intermediary. In case none are found, they are to be faxed for. In case none show up, Central Command may be asked.
  • If Central Command relays expedition prompts, permission is not required.
  • Participating Heads of Staff should ensure continued function of their department in their absense. This may involve appointing an acting Head of Staff if necessary, for the duration of the expedition.

Initial Away Team

An initial expedition team should consist of the following where reasonably possible. Preferably such requests for staff should be made via the PDA department relay, command channel with the appropriate heads of staff, or station announcements.

  • Expeditions are generally to be staffed only by volunteers.
  • A designated leader. This may be a Head of Staff or qualified and willing personnel.
  • An Engineer for construction, electrical manipulation and sapping. One goal of the engineer should be to set up a telecommunications relay, if the site is discovered to be habitable and will maintain crew for a large part of the shift.
  • A Scientist, equipped to gather samples and collate experiences and observations.
  • A team member of Medical, for field triage and first aid.
  • At least one member of Security, to provide firepower in case of hostilities.
  • A Pilot, to pilot the shuttle.
  • Any volunteer deemed useful by the expedition leader may join freely. NT is not liable for any damage, trauma or injury sustained during an expedition.

Pre-Mission Setup

  • All weapon-trained crew may be offered the opportunity to arm themselves from Security supplies or Research production. Please note that may does not mean must, research is not required to provide equipment, if they do not wish to do so. Crew armed in such a manner shall return the weaponry obtained to the armory for storage after the expedition is over.
  • Usage of GPS devices is recommended.
  • It is heavily recommended that when possible, energy weaponry should be used. Friendly fire incidents are easier to treat when surgery is not required in the field.

All participants must bring a shortwave radio. Confirm a shared frequency on all shortwaves before embarking. Setting up a communications relay at the landing zone, while an admirable endeavor, is optional.

  • The participants should be in sealed pressure suits unless the destination is already known, and confirmed to have a habitable atmosphere.
  • Internals must be turned on prior to crossing the threshold of the gateway, and during all shuttle flights for the initial expedition.
  • Magboots are recommended but not required.
  • As each team member's loadout is complete, they should wait outside the gateway or shuttle until the mission begins.

Mid-Mission Operations

  • If separated from the group, or in an airless environment, establish communication immediately with other members of the group. If you are unable to re-establish communications, wait where you are for rescue. If you are in danger of running out of oxygen or supplies, move back towards the start of the mission, following any marker beacons that were laid down.
  • Once present with the whole group, and no longer in an airless environment, all members but the assigned team leader should turn off their long range communications until separated again.
  • If the group is scattered due to an imprecise gateway destination target, and the location of the return gateway is unknown, first objective is to locate and calibrate the return gateway. Return gateway can be calibrated using a multitool on the control panel in the center of the gate.
  • Any artifacts or strange life forms should be documented as soon as it is safe to do so. If possible, they should be brought back. Having an artifact handling container may help with this.
  • If an expedition participant is injured and needs surgery, they should be evacuated to the station immediately. The expedition should not proceed unless their role is satisfied by someone else, or they return to continue. (That said, you're allowed to use your better judgment. You're not going to get banned because someone got ate and you decided to keep going. That risk is kind of part of the whole point of things.)

Post-Mission Debriefing

  • The returning crew are not to leave the gateway room or shuttle hangar until allowed to do so by the Head of Personnel, or if the HoP is absent, then by the team leader, or next in command. During this time, participants should be screened for contraband, health, and mental well-being before returning to the rest of the station.
  • If any staff are at risk of health complications such as parasitic life forms, viral infections, insanity, etc, they are to be immediately evacuated to the Medical Department for treatment.
  • Excluding items that the Research Department wants to study, Security is to confiscate any contraband discovered during the mission.
  • All weapons and armor taken for the trip should be returned to the armory, even if it was originally brought to the station through cargo. The exception is the equipment produced by Research, which can be stored securely in the research department.
  • Other excess supplies are to be returned to their rightful department.
  • A post-mission report should be faxed to Central Command detailing any discoveries located, and if any artifacts are recovered, if they will be returned to Central Command at the end of the shift or if they will be stored in Research to be collected after the shift ends.
  • At this point, if the destination is habitable to normal crew without preparation, or if engineers wish to make it so, they may embark on follow-up expeditions to occupy and utilize the area for their purposes. This can only be done if the destination is safe for crew habitation, and a Pilot is available in the case of shuttle destinations, or the gateway prep area being cleaned of dangerous items for gateway destinations.



Security personnel upon installations in the Virgo-Erigone system are not legal entities. Their duties are not to enforce the law as they do not have greater legal authority, but rather to support company interests by acting in a peacekeeping role. As such Corporate Regulations are not true laws, but rather a set of implicitly agreed upon terms to engage with Nanotrasen Facilities.

As peacekeepers, Security personnel are expected to prioritize the greater peace and wellbeing of the station above all, including specific corporate regulations. This is not to say Security are not to enforce Corporate Regulations where necessary, however this context is always to be considered when determining the appropriate course of action to restore peace. Officers who enforce Corporate Regulations in a manner that is more disruptive than what they are attempting to correct, are not acting in line with their job purpose and are urged to reevaluate their approach to problem solving or use less disruptive means to resolving more minor issues, such as giving a citation and moving along.


Permits can be created by any variety of situations to make an exception to a standard manner of operating, or to Corporate Regulations within normal authority limits.

  • A permit does not need to be written to be a valid exception.
    • For example a head of staff can deputize someone to aid their department and give them tools to help that would normally be contraband.
    • A Researcher may let a crew member into somewhere they normally lack access to so they may run an experiment.
    • Or perhaps the Head of Security or Captain may allow a weapon exception to a member of the crew for whatever purpose they deem necessary. The list goes on.
  • When a Staff member grants such an exception, they are expected to make their best effort to communicate this and make it known to the relevant interested parties, and are encouraged to create a paper trail as well.
    • Security is expected to honor these ‘permits’ wherever they are utilized in a reasonable and valid manner. Should they believe it invalid they should request guidance from their head, Captain, IAA, or even Centcomm guidance can be requested, where needed.

Relevant Terminology

  • Armed: Possessing weapons or anything being used as a sufficiently threatening weapon even if that is not its intended purpose (such as a welder). This can include non-lethals, and even basic tools if being used to assault someone.
  • Brig: The part of the station used to detain those who violate Corporate Regulations.
  • Contraband: Anything that is stolen or illegal to possess by anyone aboard the crew. For example, insulated gloves and multitools are not considered contraband on their own, but if they were stolen from the Engineering department, they qualify as contraband.
  • Excessive Force: Use of force beyond what is necessary to resolve a problem or neutralize a given threat.
  • IAA: An acronym that refers to an Internal Affairs Agent.
  • Lethals: Weapons designed for or able to switch to configurations intended for lethal force.
  • Non-lethals: Weapons that are not designed to be used lethally, and instead are meant to incapacitate suspects with little or no injury.
  • Robust: As an adjective; able to withstand or overcome adverse conditions. As a verb; slang for viciously assaulting someone. Often used as a compliment in both cases.
  • Use of Force: Either lethal or non-lethal, this is the use of weapons to incapacitate a suspect. You may be told at times to use lethal force, or non-lethal force, depending on circumstance. By default, non-lethal force is preferred.
    • Shoot-to-Stun: Using non-lethals to incapacitate the target in order to handcuff or otherwise subdue them without injury. Although the term is shoot-to-stun, stun batons, pepper spray, and flashers all fall under this category when talking about engagements with suspects.
    • Shoot-to-Kill: Using lethal weapons to engage a target until a threat is neutralized. This doesn't actually mean you have to kill the target (contrary to the term), but the weapons employed may very well kill the target whether you want to or not. Even in Shoot-to-Kill scenarios, you should still attempt to provide immediate medical attention and revive them once they are otherwise safely subdued and the combat is over.
    • Shoot-to-Disable: To incapacitate a target, usually a vehicle (such as mechs) or machine (such as cyborgs), by damaging it to the point of inoperability.

Rules of Engagement

  • Officers will find their most common duties to be ‘wildlife management’ incidents. Most common examples being instances such as Spider infestations, Carp/Jellyfish swarms, or Grubs. In instances like this, officers who can respond to the incident are urged to communicate with their coworkers, and the station at large as to their efforts to better coordinate and eliminate the threats. Non Security crew are typically not to directly engage with these matters unless deputized, however it is common for crew to call out locations of such things, so coordination is encouraged.
    • Note, sometimes more intelligent creatures can find their way aboard Nanotrasen Installations. Due to the potential threat posed to crew by agitating them unnecessarily, officers are not to interfere with creatures exhibiting heightened intelligence in areas such as maintenance. Traversing such unprotected areas without specific purpose is considered an informed instance of ‘willful peril’ should an incident arise.
  • When confronting a suspect for any low level infraction, you must offer the suspect a chance to pay a fine. They are not to be arrested, detained, or searched unless otherwise specified by Corporate Regulations. If handled via citation ticket printers, the fine is automatically sent for review and processed at the end of the shift.There is typically no penalty to the officer if a fine is deemed to be invalid; the one it is issued to will simply not be charged. If the fine is refused, they are to be arrested unless doing so would unnecessarily escalate the situation further then doing so resolves. Officers are encouraged to get Creative to avoid unnecessary escalations of minor incidents and leave such things to collections where they cannot do so.
  • Calling for backup over a low level infraction is usually considered an unnecessary escalation. One officer should be enough.
  • When detaining or fining a subject, they may request an IAA for mediation, this request can be rejected by a head of staff if deemed frivolous enough. Though abusing the right to decline an appeal unreasonably can be grounds for Centcomm review and potential grounds for punishment.
  • Refusal of handcuffs does not constitute resisting arrest, as per Corporate Regulations §202. If a suspect refuses handcuffs and is being arrested, but is cooperative, they are to be escorted by no less than two armed security personnel to the brig unless they can reasonably be deemed a nonthreat to a single officer. If this is not possible, inform the suspect, and handcuff them regardless of their cooperation. If you cannot handcuff them, you may have to resort to other creative ways to restrain them.
  • A suspect attempting to flee, or assault another crew member, is authorized shoot-to-stun.
  • When confronting an armed* suspect, always call for backup, preferably prior to the engagement. If the suspect draws a weapon, already has a weapon in their hands, or has used a weapon already, use of force is immediately authorized and you are not required to announce intentions to arrest until after they are subdued.
    • Note, in this context armed typically refers to tools capable of notable harm and the source of the confrontation or relevant to it. A person possessing a knife or even a gun isn’t inherently necessary to be treated as an armed suspect, if it is not a factor in the engagement, and seems unlikely to be so. Exercise proper judgment.
  • If a suspect uses a mech to resist arrest, shoot-to-kill authorized. Deployment of barricades and use of flipped tables for cover is also advised to create chokepoints where security can fire upon the target.
  • If a suspect escapes into space, shoot-to-kill is authorized for any personnel who go out into space to pursue. GPS is recommended for the pursuit, as are jetpacks. Additionally, it is advisable to have someone viewing cameras to watch station access points and various outposts.
  • When opting to detain a crew member, be sure to evaluate any special needs to detain them. Some crew members may be unaffected by tasers, or worse. In situations like this officers are urged to exercise care, and search for creative solutions, only escalating force if absolutely necessary.
  • When responding to a situation, officers are encouraged to keep their sensors on tracking.
  • For secure areas, see below for specific rules of engagement.

Secure areas

  • In code green, secure areas like the armory, gateway, armory, AI core, research server room, telecommunications satellite, etc, should never be blocked. Use of deployable barriers to block areas during code green is considered illegal under Corporate Regulations §217. Trespassing in these areas is covered under §207.
  • The armory is restricted to security and the Captain only. Non-security staff are not authorized without permission from the Head of Security or Captain. Unauthorized personnel in this area are shoot to kill excluding the Head of Personnel or acting Captain who should just be ordered to leave immediately. The Head of Personnel may have an urgent reason for wanting to break protocol. If they do not, proceed with an arrest.
  • The engine is restricted to engineers and the Captain. No other staff are permitted in the engine without permission, and anyone found in these areas and confirmed to not have permission should be subdued through applicable use of force, up to and including deadly. However, be conscious of the context of their break-in. If the station has been suffering a power failure because the engine was never started, their intentions might be less malicious than someone breaking into an engine that is working perfectly fine.
  • The Gateway is often able to access dangerous unknown areas. Be careful to keep track of any ongoing gateway missions, but if someone is discovered actively breaking into this location, and you are 100% certain they are not supposed to be there, confirm with your superiors, and if they are indeed unauthorized, they are to be captured, searched, and interrogated before being charged and sentenced.
  • The Brig is considered a high security area. Unauthorized personnel attempting to break in, or any "Hold until Transfer" inmates attempting to break out, are both shoot to kill.
  • The Telecomms Satellite is a highly sensitive area that provides vital communications among the crew and to CentCom, thus any unauthorized personnel who have evaded or destroyed the laser turrets and accessed the control room are shoot-to-kill.
  • Just because borgs can access everywhere in the station doesn't mean they should be there. Borgs will usually obey orders to leave secure areas, and you can usually ask who gave them the order to go there in the first place. If the borg has a valid reason for being there, such as a Mediborg rescuing brig detainees who were injured in a fight, then you should leave it alone, or at worst you should accompany the borg to aid its duties. If the borg does not have a valid reason, and it refuses to leave, alert Robotics about the incident right away. Do note, borgs are fellow crew too; standard rules around unnecessary escalation still apply.

(( Important Note: It's also possible in many cases that a player in these areas might be breaking server rules. Make sure you ahelp when you see it happening, preferably before you try to handle it yourself. Not to say you have to wait for an admin and let the possible griefer do whatever they want. Just that by ahelping, you hopefully get an admin to arrive and investigate what happened, and whether or not any rules actually got broken. ))

Detainee Processing

See Corporate Regulations for rules that carry fines or brig time.

See also Legal Standard Operating Procedure for information regarding tribunals.

Breaking standard operating procedure is not in itself punishable by law or disallowed, but if an accident or fatality occurs for violating it, see Corporate Regulations §206, and any other relevant charges.

Detainee processing should not take more than a few minutes at most. Don't needlessly waste time with additional questioning and interrogation until they're already properly arrested. Remember that going through this process for minor infractions is likely unnecessary and it may be acting contrary to intended Peacekeeping duties.

Upon arrest of a suspect, follow the following steps.

  1. State the main reason for their arrest, even if you have already. This is not required, but it's good practice.
  2. Bring the suspect to Security Processing. If paying a fine will replace jail time, offer them the chance to pay the fine before proceeding. This is assuming they refused to pay the fine and had to be handcuffed in the first place. If the fine is accepted, hand them the printed out fine and go on with your day. Otherwise, continue.
  3. Read Corporate Regulations out loud for every valid charge. It is encouraged to inform the detainee that they may request an IAA if they are protesting the charges, example phrasing, but not required phrasing being something along the lines of: “According to NT SOP, you can request an Internal Affairs Agent to review your case if one is available. You will still serve your sentence if one cannot be found. Additionally the HOS, Captain, Relevant Head, or IAA can decline your appeal.”
  4. Search the individual for contraband and question them as necessary. If contraband or stolen property is found, charge them accordingly. See Corporate Regulations for details. Anything else not considered contraband but still may compromise the security of the cell (such as a chef's kitchen knife, or an engineer's tools) should also be temporarily confiscated and returned after the sentence is served.
  5. Calculate sentencing based on the total charges. Do not charge more than the minimum sentence unless this is not their first offense. Multiple instances of the same offense counts in this case. For example, if a suspect stole three items, you cannot charge them with theft three times, but you can charge the maximum sentence for theft. If they have already been arrested for the same crime during that shift, follow Corporate Regulations regarding Modifiers & Special Situations.
  6. Update the detainee's security records accordingly. Set their status to "Imprisoned".
  7. Return the detainee's PDA and headset to their person. All detainees are entitled to some kind of communication device unless the privilege is abused, or the device is evidence for a crime (such as a PDA with incriminating logs).
  8. Inform their head of staff of their arrest if they are present. You have no authority to demote anyone unless you're the Head of Security who is demoting another security officer.
  9. Escort the detainee to their cell, preferably with one security guard to aid you. Bring any of their belongings that you did not confiscate. Place them in the cell and remove their handcuffs.
  10. Put all of their belongings (besides communication) that are not evidence for a crime into the cell's locker, which will lock automatically when you start the timer.
  11. Set and start the timer. The door will close and the locker will be locked.
  12. Ensure someone is monitoring the prison area for the duration of the detainee's sentence, or at least be there when it ends.
  13. Wait for the sentence to expire, then return all temporarily confiscated goods and allow the detainee to leave Security. Then the detainee's status to "released" or "paroled" depending on their situation.

Detainee Rights

As a detainee, you are entitled to certain rights under any circumstance, regardless of the nature of your violations. Do note, due to the lack of legal authority of the department, these rights are not subject to common law, but rather contractually or implicitly agreed upon terms associated with admission upon Nanotrasen stations.

  • All detainees are entitled to a swift processing when being arrested and put into the brig. Longer than 1/4th of their sentence is considered a violation of this right so long as the detainee is cooperating. Officers found to violate this right are potentially subject to review.
  • All detainees are entitled to medical examination and aid if requested.
  • All detainees are entitled to request an Internal Affairs Agent to review their situation. However this right may be declined by a relevant head if reasonably determined to be frivolous and unnecessary.
  • All detainees are entitled to food and water if requested.
  • All detainees are entitled to be provided with clothing.

Standard Security Gear

Aside from what the normal crew is allowed, this is what security should be carrying under code green.

Security Cadet

Security cadets are just assistants who wish to pursue a career in security. Security personnel are urged to take these individuals under their wing to educate them on Standard Operating Procedure, Corporate Regulations, and other tips on how to do their job effectively and fairly.

  • Holotag to denote their active service. They must have at least a holotag, else they are not granted any other security equipment.
  • Red armband, if they are not issued a security uniform.
  • Whatever equipment is deemed necessary by the HoS depending on circumstance.
  • Weapons are not standard issue for security cadets.

Security Officer

The gear available to security officers is available to all security personnel under normal circumstances. Weapons of all kinds should be kept holstered and preferably concealed during code green. Brandishing weapons openly tends to make the crew needlessly nervous and hostile toward security personnel.

  • Security uniform or appropriate variant of security uniform. Red clothing is an acceptable alternative, as long as it’s reasonable for a crew member to understand the difference at a glance.
  • Standard Security helmet, kept in backpack unless responding to a call.
  • Standard Security armored vest (Only notably recommended as needed)
  • Standard Security HUD glasses or equivalent
  • R.O.B.U.S.T. PDA cartridge
  • Security belt
  • Security caution tape
  • Flash
  • Pepper spray
  • Stun baton
  • Taser*
  • Flashbang
  • Hailer
  • Minimum 1 pair of handcuffs
  • Universal recorder (Optional)
  • Emergency light source (flare or flashlight, optional for darkness inclined officers)

* A stun revolver can be substituted for a taser without any special permissions, officers may have one of each if desired.

With explicitly written permission from the Head of Security or Captain, nonstandard firearms may be carried during code green by any personnel carrying a valid permit. However, it is strongly recommended to never issue permits for automatic or high powered weapons. Standard issue weaponry can handle most threats an officer will face reliably.


Although the detective's task is not to make arrests, they should be equipped for self defense and emergencies. If two detectives are present, this gear should be shared between them.

  • Detective attire in place of a Security uniform.
  • Standard Security armored vest (optional)
  • Forensic sampling tools
  • Black or latex gloves
  • Evidence bags
  • Universal recorder
  • Camera
  • Stun Revolver or Taser.


The Warden is in charge of the armory and the brig. While they can function as a normal officer when needed, that is not their primary responsibility. As guardian of the brig, the Warden is automatically authorized to use lethal force against anyone attempting to break into or out of the brig or armory, and so may carry additional gear while inside it. However, outside of the brig they are just another officer.

  • Warden attire in place of Security uniform is highly advised, but recognizability as an officer is the only mandated portion.
  • Warden armored jacket is also recommended (standard security armored vest is an acceptable substitute)
  • Handcuffs (Extras are encouraged but not required)
  • While within the security wing, the Warden is authorized to carry any weapon available to them, excluding semi/fully automatic rifle caliber ballistics, or explosives, which are still forbidden. Pulse rifles are also forbidden.
  • Outside of the security wing, the Warden may only carry non-lethal weapons and munitions, as long as it fits in a backpack.The only exception to this rule is their standard issue Energy Gun, which still must be kept on nonlethal options outside of previously outlined circumstances.

Head of Security

When it comes to weapons, the Head of Security has the most flexibility of all station staff, but their main job is to manage security and not to chase criminals when normal officers are available. The Head of Security also has the power to deputize people during a crisis, and so may have a valid reason to carry multiple weapons. The Head of Security is equipped with the best security gear available.

  • Head of Security attire in place of normal Security uniform is encouraged, but not strictly required. Your clothing should still be visually distinct at a glance for crew convenience.
  • Head of Security armored coat and hat are also encouraged (dermal patch is an acceptable substitute for the hat).
  • While within the security wing, the Head of Security may carry any weapon(s) they please, excluding only explosives.
  • Outside of the security wing, they may carry properly concealed non-explosive lethal weapons.
  • At least one ranged weapon for non-lethal engagement, such as a taser, or stun revolver, should be carried at all times.

Head of Personnel

The Head of Personnel is not a member of Security and should never be carrying any weapons aside from their standard issue energy weapon and flash supplied to them for self defense. As an Acting Director, the Head of Personnel is not entitled to the weaponry of Director De Jure. They're just an act-in and any up-arming is in violation of §212.


Because the Captain is in charge of the station, it is recommended that the Captain carry one of the weapons provided in their lockers when needed.

  • Captains may carry any standard Issue gear included in their locker; which includes a Collapsible Baton, Sword, and their choice of weapon from the provided sidearms case. Should a previous captain leave with the weapon or their choice is not adequate to their replacement, a replacement sidearm may be requested from the Warden or HoS if there is no Warden.
  • Any body armor is permitted for the Captain to wear. However it is not encouraged to do so unnecessarily as the Captain should avoid dangerous circumstances where possible.


Vacancy in the chain of command

In the event of any command role (excluding Colony Director) being unoccupied, it is advised (though not required) that the current Colony Director promote someone within the department to be head of staff.

In the event that the Colony Director is absent, please refer to the the Chain of Command guide book for more detailed instructions.

Promotion and Demotion

Heads of staff are in charge of promotions and demotions within their respective departments, and both the Head of Personnel and Colony Director are expected to honor these requests unless under outstanding circumstances.

Although some parts of Corporate Regulations list demotion and dismissal as a possible punishment, under no circumstance should the Head of Personnel honor a request to demote non-Security by the demand of the Head of Security alone. However, the severity of the infraction should be considered, and if necessary, the Colony Director or Acting Colony Director may enforce a demotion if the head of staff for the offending party's department refuses to do so.

The Colony Director (and any Acting Colony Director) may promote or demote anyone for any reason (excluding nepotism or discrimination) up to and including replacing their own rank. No permission is required from any heads of staff for any changes of rank, but it is still considered courteous to ask.

The Head of Personnel cannot promote or demote other heads of staff, but may promote or demote any other staff with the permission or at the request of their relevant head(s) of staff. They may also promote any staff up to and including replacing their own rank, with a limit of no more than two Heads of Personnel at any time, provided that one of their roles be titled "Assistant Head of Personnel". The Head of Personnel may demote or promote an Assistant Head of Personnel (thus switching places with them), but an Assistant Head of Personnel cannot demote or promote the main Head of Personnel. The Head of Personnel may not promote themselves or anyone else to Colony Director without a head of staff vote or by Central Command's authorization, but they may promote themselves to Acting Colony Director in the event that it is considered necessary by the Chain of Command.

All staff may ask to be demoted down to and including resignation at any time, for any reason. Note that if you resign, Security may not charge staff with Failure to Execute an Order (Corporate Regulations §111), and if you are already being charged, that charge is to be dropped upon announcement of your resignation. If you are in the brig at the time of your resignation, the time added to your sentence by your violation of §111 is to be revoked. However, if your resignation directly results in serious damage, injury, or fatalities, you are still liable for the violation of Failure to Execute an Order with Serious Consequences (Corporate Regulations §201) regardless of your resignation. For example, an Engineer resigning after being told to set up the engine is not liable, even if the power goes out. However, if the engine explodes as a direct result of their failure to follow orders, they may be charged accordingly.

On 'Acting' roles

One thing to note about promotion to unique positions, such as heads of staff. Such promotions should be considered 'acting' roles, regardless of their actual title. In the event that someone arrives on the station with this role, any 'acting' roles are to defer their authority to the officially assigned role. So for example, if an engineer is promoted to 'Chief Engineer', they are the 'acting' head of staff for engineering. And then later, if a Chief Engineer arrives, the 'acting' Chief Engineer is to defer to the official Chief Engineer, up to and including removal of increased access and title if it is requested.

Refusal to change rank

All staff may refuse a promotion except under the circumstance that your current role is required by the Chain of Command to assume the role of Acting Colony Director. If a staff member does not wish to be the Acting Colony Director, they may use their position as Acting Colony Director to promote a willing replacement candidate to Acting Colony Director.

If a staff member is demoted by the appropriate superior, they are to be informed directly (in person or via PDA). Within no more than 10 minutes, the demoted individual must either report to the Head of Personnel to surrender their ID's access, or must surrender their ID to Security, or must surrender their ID to their own head of staff. If the staff member being demoted openly refuses to cooperate, or is unresponsive to news of their demotion after 10 minutes, Security may be dispatched at request of the demoted individual's current/former head of staff to locate the individual and confiscate their ID. If the individual continues to resist confiscation, they may be charged with Exceeding Official Powers (Corporate Regulations §214).

If a demotion has been performed for reasons believed to be unjustified, the demoted individual should cooperate with the demotion, but immediately file a complaint to the next highest person in the chain of command. For example, if your own head of staff demoted you, complain to the Colony Director. If the Colony Director demoted you, or rejects your complaint, complain to Central Command. If you are still rejected, the decision is final.

Unique roles

In the event that it is deemed necessary, a head of staff may request to alter a subordinate's role to anything within their department, with any title they desire, so long as it does not cause any obvious confusion. Furthermore, multiple heads of staff may cooperate to create hybrid roles that have access to multiple departments.

Please note that for the purposes of this particular section, a Quartermaster is considered a head of staff, and should be consulted prior to the creation of any unique or hybrid roles in the fields of cargo or mining operations.

Hybrid roles should not be used to replace duties that are already covered by other staff. For example, a scientist should not be given mining access when there's perfectly good miners already present. Hybrid roles are meant to make current duties easier to fulfill, such as a Security Officer being given access to engineering because they are assigned to the security detail for a construction site.

Internal Affairs

Impartiality Clause

An Internal Affairs Agent is not to serve the interests of any group or individual, including their own superiors up to and including NanoTrasen at the corporate level. Their only loyalty is to the rules as they are written, and to the party that follows them. Their job is only to ensure that those rules are being obeyed, and that if they are not, they make it known to those who can enact changes.

An Internal Affairs Agent is not a lawyer, though many may come from a background in practicing law. They will only defend and protect a party who is following the rules of the company, and any laws that the company is supposed to follow.

Any faults in those rules such as inconsistencies or oversights should be brought to the attention of NanoTrasen.

An Internal Affairs Agent should never make assumptions of anyone's intentions, nor include speculation of intentions in any given report. The Internal Affairs Agent is to summarize the facts and only the facts in their report.

Employee Comments and Concerns

If an employee wishes to address a matter with Internal Affairs, they must go to an Internal Affairs Office at their assigned station or facility. They should contact an Internal Affairs Agent in advance to let them know that they are coming.

If an Internal Affairs Agent is not presently available on the station, your facility should have a fax machine available somewhere in public for you to contact Central Command directly. For general comments and positive feedback, Central Command will make note of your report and forward it to the relevant parties. For complaints and negative feedback, Central Command will usually send an Internal Affairs Agent to the station regardless of whether or not you have included these complaints in your fax. The Internal Affairs Agent will conduct an investigation for which the objective is merely to gather the facts.

Prisoner Comments and Concerns

Prisoner comments and concerns will be handled in the same way as employee comments and concerns except in that a prisoner cannot come to the Internal Affairs Office. Instead, Security must arrange for the Internal Affairs Agent to meet with the prisoner in safety, but privacy.

All NanoTrasen holding facilities are equipped with at least one visitor booth wherein an Internal Affairs Agent and a prisoner may meet face-to-face without having to be in direct physical contact. If such a facility is not available, and the Internal Affairs Agent does not feel comfortable conducting the interview elsewhere, the condition of safety has not been met. If a third party not participant in the interview is able to listen in, then the condition of privacy has not been met. Note that there is no reason for Security to require that a guard be kept directly in the room, as the prisoner's visitation facility already ensures safety of the Internal Affairs Agent.

If safety or privacy cannot both be reasonably accommodated, the interview cannot proceed, and the reason why should be noted in your report.

As a final note, bear in mind that an Internal Affairs Agent is at no point required to help a prisoner. Their only job is to decide whether or not the company rules were followed. If no wrongdoing occurred, the Internal Affairs Agent can decide not to bother filing a report, and may decide not to hear grievances from that prisoner in future.

Violations of Employee Rights

If the Commonwealth Labor Rights of employees are being violated, Internal Affairs must make note of these violations regardless of whether or not the victims of such violations are even aware of their rights. A report to Central Command must be made, and the parties (such as command staff) who are violating these rights should be made aware of their violations.

If corrective action is not taken by the staff, Central Command should be alerted to this failure. In the rare situation that Central Command also fails to take corrective action, the Internal Affairs Agent must also reach out via fax to a contact within SolGov to report the infraction directly to the Commonwealth Department of Labor.


Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on species, race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Harassment is against SolGov law, and if NanoTrasen fails to resolve harassment, the company could face consequences in a Commonwealth court.

Harassment is against Corporate Regulations already, but becomes unlawful to SolGov when enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, and the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Anti-discrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws; or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against individuals, in violation of these laws.

Petty slights, annoyances, and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not rise to the level of illegality, but may still violate company policy.

Offensive conduct may include, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, slurs, epithets or name calling, physical assaults or threats, intimidation, ridicule or mockery, insults or put-downs, offensive objects or pictures, and interference with work performance. Harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, an agent of the employer, a co-worker, or a non-employee.
  • The victim does not have to be the person harassed, but can be anyone affected by the offensive conduct.
  • Unlawful harassment may occur without economic injury to, or discharge of, the victim.

Prevention is the best tool to eliminate harassment in the workplace. NanoTrasen encourages all employees to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct harassment. Employees should feel free to raise concerns and be confident that those concerns will be addressed.

Employees are encouraged to inform the harasser directly that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop. Employees should also report harassment to Internal Affairs at an early stage to prevent its escalation. Remember that Internal Affairs is not hired to protect the company, and that if someone within the company is complicit in harassment, it is in the long-term benefit of NanoTrasen to take corrective measures up to and including termination of the harasser.

Violations of Standard Operating Procedure

If Standard Operating Procedure is being ignored by an individual or group of individuals, it should be brought to the attention of that party's superior. For example, if there are medical staff are not compliant with the NanoTrasen Dress Code, then the Chief Medical Officer should be informed.

If a head of staff is involved with the violation, or fails to take corrective action against subordinates, the Colony Director should be alerted to the infraction, noting that the relevant head of staff had already been contacted.

If the Colony Director is involved with the violation, or fails to take corrective action against subordinates, Central Command should be informed when possible, noting any previous efforts to bring the problem to the attention of command staff already present.

Note that there may be extenuating circumstances in which Standard Operating Procedure is ignored. An Internal Affairs agent should still make note of such an incident, but they should also provide full context as to why Standard Operating Procedure was not followed, whether deliberately or not. The reason for this is that Standard Operating Procedure may be updated to lend guidance on future incidents if NanoTrasen deems it worthwhile to do so.

An Internal Affairs Agent may personally recommend additions, edits, and removals to Standard Operating Procedure based on the findings of their investigation.

Violations of Corporate Regulation

If Corporate Regulation is being ignored by an individual or group of individuals, it should be brought to the attention of Security.

If Security is involved with the violation, or fails to take corrective action against offending parties for at least a medium infraction or worse, the Head of Security should be alerted to the infraction, noting the failure of their subordinates.

If the Head of Security is involved with the violation, or fails to take corrective action against offending parties for at least a medium infraction or worse, the Colony Director should be alerted to the infraction, noting the failure of their subordinates.

If the Colony Director is involved with the violation, or fails to take corrective action against offending parties for at least a high infraction or worse, Central Command should be alerted immediately.

Note that there may be extenuating circumstances in which Corporate Regulation is ignored, and note that the Colony Director is allowed to issue pardons. If a pardon is issued, an Internal Affairs agent should still report the incident to CentCom, but the urgency of doing so is greatly reduced. Any pardons issued should be mentioned in the report, as well as why they were issued. The reason for this is that Corporate Regulations may be updated to account for future incidents if NanoTrasen deems it worthwhile to do so.

An Internal Affairs Agent may personally recommend additions, edits, and removals to Corporate Regulations based on the findings of their investigation.

Altering Company Policy, Regulation, and Procedure

As mentioned previously, an Internal Affairs Agent is able to suggest changes to documents found on the company wiki, and these changes will be reflected in any physical documents that are distributed to employees.

Changes should be made in the event that a contradiction, error, or oversight is discovered among Standard Operating Procedure and Corporate Regulations. These two documents are often updated independently of each other, and sometimes references between these documents do not align as they should. References might be missing, topics may refer to defunct policies, a frequent issue is not accounted for, etc. Bring these problems to the attention of Central Command, and offer your suggestions as to how the wording of these documents can be improved.

Note that suggested changes should not be based on one specific post; they should account for stations and facilities all across NanoTrasen's corporate network. Site-specific rules may be employed for a particular location based on the needs and circumstances of that location. Internal Affairs Agents should ask and make note of any such rules that may contradict or add to these otherwise company-wide procedures. For one extreme example, the NSB Adephagia is equipped with state of the art experimental cloning facilities, and so the edition of Corporate Regulations issued to them is written with more lenient punishments for crew fatalities. Be aware of site-specific changes to the company's usual rules.

Applying for Permits

Any permits that the crew wishes to apply for can be done through an Internal Affairs Agent, who will guide you through the application process, and then forward the application to the department responsible for processing that application.

Weapon Permits

There are two kinds of weapon permits. Temporary permits are issued at the discretion of the Head of Security, and are good for up to one shift. Long-term permits are issued by NanoTrasen, and require both fingerprinting and a background check.

Medical Prescriptions

The Chief Medical Officer is in charge of medical prescriptions. Internal Affairs is not a medically qualified entity, and may not play any role in obtaining a medical prescription. Anyone seeking to obtain a prescription should make an appointment with the medical department for an evaluation. However, in the event that an already valid prescription is being denied treatment, then an employee's labor rights are being violated. The Chief Medical Officer, the Colony Director, and Central Command should be contacted immediately and simultaneously, as failure to provide treatment could result in a medical emergency.

Company Events

Internal Affairs will often be involved in the planning and execution of company events including (but not limited to) awards ceremonies, training seminars, employee cookouts, weddings, birthday parties, and other special functions.

If an employee wishes to reserve company property, or to invite employees to an event that does not take place on company property, Internal Affairs should help plan and coordinate with the heads of staff and Central Command in order to ensure these events run smoothly. Often times, events that have been approved by Central Command will be broadcasted on the #company-bulletin-and-events channel of your NanoTrasen Chatroom App specific to your site of employment.

Guide Table IconTips.png
Starter VORE-Specific Medical Engineering Science Security Other Development
Lore IconBackstory.png
Essentials Factions Locations Species News Miscellaneous

GreenDot.pngVital Lore




GreenDot.pngCommonwealth of Sol-Procyon

YellowDot.pngAres Confederation

GreenDot.pngUnitary Alliance of Salthan Fyrds

YellowDot.pngFree Trade Union

GreenDot.pngTrans-Stellar Corporations

YellowDot.pngUnited Federation

GreenDot.pngUnited Solar Defense Force

YellowDot.pngUnathi Culture

YellowDot.pngVirgo Orbital Research Establishment




RedDot.pngITV Talon

YellowDot.pngMoghes (Unathi Homeworld)







GreenDot.pngBlack Eyed Shadekin


GreenDot.pngHanner Lleill


















GreenDot.pngCustom Species

GreenDot.pngPeriphery Post

GreenDot.pngFree Anur Tribune



YellowDot.pngStandard Operating Procedure

YellowDot.pngAdmiralty law




YellowDot.pngPersonal Lore


Legend: GreenDot.pngUp-to-date YellowDot.pngPartially outdated RedDot.pngHeavily outdated

Partially outdated pages need a pass from lore masters to ensure they conform to current lore, but may be correct as they stand.

Heavily outdated pages directly contradict established lore OR are severely lacking in lore.