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This section or article gives information that might be useful for you to know out of character, but in most cases, your in-game character should NOT know about it.
We recommend having your characters remain ignorant of this knowledge as it may be: Relatively unknown or only known to a small number of individuals. It should be expected that if your character is speaking about this information, other characters will look at them funny.

The Hanner, or Hanner Lleill, is a broad term for many species of organic shapeshifters that are the half-offspring of Lleill and one other sapient species, they typically take the physical appearance of their non-lleill parent. They are particularly rare creatures due to how infrequently the lleill are encountered in realspace, and quite frequently go undistinguished from their non-lleill parent for their entire life.


  • A Hanner has a mix of physical properties from it's lleill and non-lleill parents, but those that it inherits from the lleill parent present themselves less frequently and in milder forms than the lleill. Typically, their natural appearance will mimic that of their non-lleill parent. If you are playing as Hanner, you should change your species name to match the non-lleill parent species.
  • Some Hanner are born with, or develop at some point in their lives, the ability to shapeshift their body into almost any humanoid form. Despite their ability to transform their appearance, they can only take forms that allow their internal organs to function properly, and they can not physically close wounds on themselves.
  • Some Hanner are known to have the ability to transmute certain materials into liquids with various properties without the use of equipment.
  • They are often slightly more resistant to temperature and pressure changes than their non-lleill parents.
  • They may have the ability to draw energy from another person through consentual physical contact.
  • Very rarely, a Hanner may have a physical or mental aversion to metals, this often dulled by continuous exposure to them.
  • Most lleill do not raise their hanner offspring in the glamour, this is very rarely done and those hanner often continue to reside in the glamour for the rest of their lives. In most cases, the hanner is either raised alone by their non-lleill parent, or by both parents with the lleill remaining disguised in realspace.
  • Most Hanner have an inherent ability to at least understand Glamour Speak, and many can speak it to some extent.
  • Hanner can not be fully synthetic and people can not be transformed into a hanner to gain their abilities.

Applying for the whitelist

What we expect from someone applying for a whitelist from this species:

  • To demonstrate that they understand the lore of the Hanner and Lleill, and to play Hanner characters according to it.
  • In this case, their character should still very clearly be a reasonable person to employ on the station and not overly alien like the Lleill themselves.
  • To have good standing and be able to be trusted with the ability to transform into a simple mob easily without being disruptive. This likely means using it sparsely.
  • To show that they won't be using the beast form ability to powergame.
  • A few backgrounds that won't be approved (and obviously the list isn't exhaustive) include: Half-prometheans/shadekin/xenochimera/diona as these do not work mechanically, those that have been transformed into a hanner and most synthetics.


A Hanner will typically be named according to the customs in which they are raised, by the non-lleill parent, therefore could be named almost anything. If the Lleill parent is involved in the naming of the child (which is often the case), they will typically suggest that the first name of the child has a celtic origin. They never follow the naming scheme of the Lleill themselves however, even if they are raised directly in the glamour.

From an OOC perspective, the lleill language is based on Welsh specifically, and using Welsh names for the Hanner's first name is absolutely encouraged.

Natural Appearance

A Hanner naturally looks similar to their non-lleill parent's species, sometimes with small features from their lleill parent that stand out as unusual for their species. This means that a Hanner could look like any normal person on any planet, or stand out vaguely as someone unusual within their local culture, simply depending on genetics. Hanner with the ability to shapeshift will often hide their unusual features should they have them, but some have been known to make them more pronounced instead.


The Hanner have an unsurprisingly complex biology, of which very little is currently understood. Being natural shape shifters means that they are able to rapidly reconstruct their physical appearance to mimic other species that they have encountered. However, they do have a consistent system of organs which are typically inherited from their non-lleill parent, and these can not be transformed in any meaningful way beyond minor rearrangements.

Hanner can not transform themselves into a form that is not capable of utilising these vital organs, but they do have a considerable amount of leeway with these forms. Their ability to transform does not necessarily allow them to regenerate parts of their body that are lost, typically if one were to lose a limb, they would lose that limb permenantly.


The Hanner reproduce typically through the same manner as their non-lleill parent, but their ability to transform themselves allows them to potentially adapt to other species’ reproductive systems. A Hanner attempting to mate with a species not of the same species as their non-lleill parent, however, my find it difficult to conceive. However, they always require at least two parties to produce offspring and are not capable of asexual reproduction.

A Hanner reproducing with any non-hanner, which occurs in the vast majority of cases, will very rarely produce a child with the same abilities as the Hanner parent. Usually the resulting children from these encounters will take the physical properties of the species of the non-hanner parent and whatever species the hanner's non-lleill parent was a part of. Two Hanner mating typically does produce an offspring that has the same properties as a Hanner.


Hanner typically have a similar or slightly longer lifespan than their non-lleill parent. Whilst they are somewhat resilient to disease, they are far from immune to them. The most typical cause of ill health in older Hanner (much like in Lleill) is cancer, which in their old age restricts their ability to properly shape shift, and ultimately leads to them perishing. Hanner typically mature at an identical pace to their non-lleill parent's species, and experience all of the usual physical changes associated with that maturing. Their teenage years is the time in a Hanner's life where they are most likely to begin gaining control of their Lleill-inherited abilities, should they have them at all.


The diet of a hanner is typically inherited from their non-lleill parent's species. Though they may be able to change their physical form to eat foods more easily, they are not able to remove allergies or intolerances from themselves that they have inherited.


As with all other properties of Hanner, this varies massively wildly depending on the species of their non-lleill parent, the culture that they grew up in and the involvement of their lleill parent in their raising as a child. Most Hanner will go their entire lives without developing any abilities inherited from the glamour, simply living their lives in the same manner as all other members of their apparent species. However, even those that are not presenting distinguishing abilities or appearances often stand out in other ways amongst their communities by the way that they interact with the world on a mental and social level.

They tend to be fairly ordered creatures, rather intent on following and seeing patterns in the world where others may not, looking for meaning where there may not be any that are obvious. They tend to form personal ethical rules that might not align with the others of the culture around them, and small rituals that keep them content as they go through their days. It is quite normal for a Hanner who has developed abilities to hide them from those around them, for fear of becoming an outcast in some way.


The ability to shapeshift is one of the most notable properties of this species, allowing them to take the physical appearance of any other species that they like. It allows them to rapidly change the colour of their fur, grow their hair or even change their height. Some are also able to transmute a limited number of materials into potions with only their hands, these materials are typically referred to as "things that yearn to be something else". This ability is rather exhausting for a Hanner and they will need a long period of rest to restore themselves, or alternatively they are also able to restore their energy through close, physical contact with other species. This energises them rapidly, but it does require the other living being to consent to the physical contact and can leave the other being feeling very drained or even in medical harm.

Aversion to metal

The Hanner are typically not averse to metal as their Lleill parents are, being able to handle it quite comfortably. In some cases, however, the aversion is inherited from their parent. In these rare cases, the Hanner is often able to overcome their aversion to some significant degree by continuous exposure to metals.



The Hanner are normally the off-spring of a Lleill and a non-lleill, with Hanner referring to the Glamour Speak word for half. Lleill typically emerge from their glamour into realspace to interact with humanoids for their own amusement or personal goals, almost always in disguise so that they are not making themselves known to the local population. It is common for a Lleill to find a suitable mate in the places that they visit, and what happens then varies greatly depending on the lleill themselves.

Often, someone might disappear for a short while, only to return pregnant with little memory of where they have been. Ofthers might find themselves settling down with an attractive but unusual stranger, who may stay with them for the rest of their life or simply mysteriously disappear one night. In some cases, a person might disappear into the glamour and just never return, raising offspring in that strange place for the rest of their life. There are countless stories and fables about unusual happenings such as these through many different cultures and species.

In most cases, the Lleill does not stay as a static part of a Hanner's life, usually leaving the other parent to raise them. It is rather common, however, for the Lleill to at least take an interest in their off-spring, visiting them at various points throughout their life, though often not revealing their true identity. Sometimes, a Lleill will stay with the other parent and raise their child properly, either in realspace or in the glamour.

The Glamour and Realspace

Most Hanner will spend their entire lives in realspace and not be aware of the existence of the glamour to any real extent, but those with more involved lleill parents may catch glimpses of the glamour intermittently across their lives. The few that are raised in the glamour may have the inverse experience and never see anything but glimpses of realspace.


The language of the Lleill is known as Glamour Speak, and hanner often inherit the ability to understand and speak this from their parent. Those who never encounter another speaker of the language may not even know that it exists, and find themselves rather surprised that they know it when they do finally hear the words.

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