Emergency Response Team

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Emergency Response Team
Access: All
Difficulty: Medium to Hard
Supervisors: Central Command
Duties: Make sure the station is secure.
Guides: No external guides.

You are part of an emergency response unit in the direct service of Central Command. As an emergency response team member, your job is to return your assigned station, ship, or base to survivable conditions. Good luck - you're going to need it!

Okay Let's Go

An overview of the NRV Von Braun, with important areas marked

You begin in the barracks on the NRV Von Braun, a rapid response/emergency vessel. As soon as you spawn in, announce your arrival over the response team radio channel (currently :h) and your preferred specialization (Security, Engineering, Medical, etc). There may be up to twelve of you in dire circumstances!

Head through the doors to your east to pick out a backpack and Mark 7 Suit that matches your team role, plus other goodies like toolbelts, webbing, magboots, jetpacks, and so on. Alternately if you have the skills (and/or permission) you can head further east and grab a Hardsuit control module instead. Players who have some experience with voidsuits already will note the lack of cyclers: this is because the Mark 7 automatically modifies itself to suit you, no cycling needed! Neat, right?

Now you'll want to gear up in the central Armory, the Engineering Supply Room on the starboard (south) side of the ship, and the Medbay, in the starboard 'prong' (southeast).

You may note many shiny blast doors sealing off certain parts of the ship, such as the high-threat armory and the Asset Protection gear. Do not attempt to circumvent these doors. If CentComm (i.e. the admin/event staff) have deemed such tools necessary, they will open the doors for you. If you do get to use them, use them wisely and carefully.

Tools of the Trade

Emergency response team members are provided with some of the best tools available in their field. You have a lot given to you, so make sure to take as much as you need (and then some!). Depending on the situation, you might be asked to take a weapon with you. Loadouts vary from mission to mission, but there are a few things that every response team member should have with them in the field.


Any competent emergency response team member wouldn't be caught dead without these things:

  • A Specialized Voidsuit or Hardsuit that contains many situation-based tools that the ERT will need.
  • An ERT Headset
  • An ERT PDA with the Captain Cartridge inside.

You may also want to consider grabbing an ERT laptop or tablet if you're dealing with an engineering or medical emergency, as they'll help you with remote access to various station functions.

ERT Commander

The ERT Commander will have access to a specialized hardsuit to fit their role as leader. It comes equipped with the following modules:

  • Datajack
  • Mounted Jetpack
  • IIS Module

Alternatively, they have a Mark 7 Adaptive Voidsuit. Compared to the other Mark 7s, it has blue trim and a shiny gold badge that identifies the wearer as Very Important.

It would also be wise to carry along any gear that would fit the mission spectrum, and some tools and parts to maintain the hardsuit if need be.


The security response team gets access to some of the most advanced weaponry Nanotrasen has to offer. The Security Hardsuit will come equipped with the following modules:

  • Mounted Energy Gun
  • Mounted Grenade Launcher
  • Mounted Jetpack
  • IIS Module

You'll also want to pick up the following:

  • Black webbing vest
  • Night vision goggles
  • Security belt and stun baton
  • HUD Sunglasses
  • Extra handcuffs
  • One of the many firearms available to choose from.
  • Spare grenades for the hardsuit.
  • Spare Battery cell in case the hardsuit depletes.
  • Basic tools and supplies to maintain the hardsuit if need be.

Choosing the correct firearm to use is very important. Consider the mission you're about to embark on before deciding; you don't need to bring the LMG (which is too large to be stowed on your back) on medical relief missions. Remember that the submachine gun is, in fact, a lethal firearm and can kill. Choose wisely!


The ERT Engineering hardsuit comes equipped with the following modules:

  • IIS Module
  • Mounted Jetpack
  • Plasmacutter
  • Mounted RCD

It would also be wise to bring along:

  • Brown webbing vest
  • Toolbelt (with tools)
  • Multitool
  • Insulated gloves (engineering hardsuit gauntlets are insulated, but the Mark 7's are not)
  • Flash
  • Optical Meson Scanner
  • A spare powercell for your hardsuit
  • At least one stack of metal
  • At least one stack of glass
  • One stack of plasteel
  • Extra coils of wire

The YouTool, EngiVend, and Robco Tool Maker in the engineering prep room can dispense just about every engineering item you could ever think of (even hard hats!). Use this to your advantage! It's always good to have extra power cells or airlock electronics when making repairs. You'll want to account for the mission, too; you might need more wire in one situation, and then more power cells in another. Although you can fit a lot, space is still limited, so be mindful about what you take with you.


Medical response team members have access to a lot of the best medical equipment available. However, space is very limited. The Medical ERT hardsuit comes equipped with the following modules:

  • IIS Module
  • Mounted Jetpack
  • Inbuilt Chemical Dispenser
  • Health Analyzer

You should also take the following with you:

  • Medical belt
  • Hypospray
  • Flash
  • At least one advanced first aid kit
  • Oxygen deprivation medicine
  • Two to three stasis bags
  • Bodybag box
  • Medical HUD
  • Extra anti-tox, kelotane, and inaprovaline
  • Basic tools and supplies to maintain the hardsuit if need be.

Try to get a feel for whatever's needed before you arrive on the station. You have an abundance of just about every useful medication (and stasis bags!) and choosing the right medication could be a godsend to medical personnel already aboard the station. Your medbay on the Von Braun also has two high-tech surgical stations, a body-scanner, and stasis beds, to help you deal with badly wounded VIPs or teammates.

Finally, the Medical Bay on the Von Braun also has a pair of cryo freezers at the far end for ERT members to log out once their mission is complete, or in the event that something has come up and they need to log out. Be sure to leave your gear out before logging off, so the rest of your team can still make use of it.


Sometimes the station just gets absolutely filthy. Like, indescribably, utterly filthy. So gross that even the Janitor decides they need to call in the big guns: when this happens, the Cleanup Crew is deployed. No, this isn't a euphemism for Asset Protection's rumoured extralegal activities, this is when we need the really big mops to clean up after the crew.

Janitorial ERT get;

  • A Janitorial Mark 7 Voidsuit, which offers less combat protection but has reduced slowdown and makes the wearer impossible to slip with soap/etc.
  • Plenty of soap
  • Towels
  • Buckets
  • Mops
  • Additional cleanup/maintenance supplies

Janitorial Response Team duties are amongst the most important, and should be treated with the utmost respect: these hardened veterans have battled the toughest stains and vilest odours to make it to where they are today.

The Delta Armory

The blast-shielded rooms contain special supplies for dire emergencies; six sets of high-grade Asset Protection armor, and an armory with the best weapons money can buy (or at least that NT is willing to dispatch to the station).

The Delta Armory contains LMGs, grenade launchers, armor-piercing rounds, high-powered lasers, automatic shotguns, and lethal grenades. Use these with extreme caution; many of them are just as dangerous to you and your team as they are to anyone else you might be pointing them at.

Both the Asset Protection gear and Delta Armory should not be opened or otherwise accessed without explicit Out Of Character permission from admin staff. If you aren't 100% sure, ping the admins via the ahelp command!

Clear for Takeoff

At some point you're going to have to actually get to the station. You'll need to fuel up the Von Braun's reactors and fire up her engines, then get moving. Make sure you use the provided shield generator (reading the paper with recommended settings) should you need to fly through asteroid fields to save time, or else Central will probably be very angry at you for blowing holes in their very expensive ship.

Once you've arrived, you'll use the smaller ship's boat (the Robineau) in the front-center hangar to deploy. Unlike the ship's boat provided to your shadowy nemeses, the Robineau can't fly around on the overmap by itself: it can only jump from the Von Braun to specific locations and back. Also unlike the Mercenary ship's boat, the Robineau can dock to the smaller docking ports at certain locations.

Make sure you have everything you need before moving out, as you probably won't be allowed to return because you forgot your gas mask.

You may also use the Von Braun's teleporter to deploy; this is located just behind the bridge, on the starboard (south) side of the ship, opposite the Commander's quarters. This is a one way trip unless you have a pickup waiting for you on the other end, so don't just dive through willy nilly! Still, this can be a good way to get part of your team on the ground without being bottled up in the confines of the docking arms, or it can be useful if the docking arms have been reduced to a cloud of scrap by meteor impacts.

Just Doing My Job, Sir

Once you arrive aboard the station or wherever else you're deploying, it's time to get to work. Get a feel for what's going on in your specific department. If you're an engineer and there are breaches to fix, you should probably assist in fixing them. Likewise, if you're a medic and there are injured people to find/heal, you should probably start there. On the other hand, everything is subjective; listen to what the situation is from the command staff and make sure you know what're you're going to do before you rush into the fray. You can start communicating with the Crew as soon as you arrive in proximity to the Station, before you've even deployed, so don't be shy.

Fix Everything, Or Don't

Generally, once you arrive on the station you're going to be asked to help fix whatever caused the elevated security level in the first place. This could be any number of things, but most of them follow a general procedure. More often then not you will find yourself working in the the department you specialize in; medical specialists are most likely to be found in the medbay, engineering specialists are probably out fixing breaches, etc. This isn't always the case, though. Be ready to adapt to any ridiculous situations the round might try to throw at you.

Communication is Key

By default, your radio is equipped with a response team decryption key that allows access to every department channel as well as your own secure response team channel. Your radio is your friend, use it! The best way to figure out what the situation is by asking around on the radio. You'll probably be talking on your secure channel a lot as well, so don't forget to check in with your team leader every once in a while so he doesn't think you're lost, dead, or SSD.

Finally, just in case the point isn't obvious enough already,

Your allies are trying to talk to you as well.

If you're not the Team Lead and are getting overloaded by chatter, don't be afraid to (temporarily) toggle off various channels on your headset. You probably don't need to hear gossip on the Security channel or the general noise on the Common channel if you've come to deal with a major Engineering or Medical emergency, for example.

Priorities, Priorities

Prioritizing in the world of a response team member boils down to thinking before you act. Should I save this guy dying on the floor or go fix that window? Lives and hull breaches generally rank above all else. In regard to security, remember that you're probably aboard because of a legitimate security threat. Forget about the drunk guy in the bar, you have bigger fish to fry.

The Man in Blue

The first response team member to spawn in is designated as the response team leader. The team leader dons a blue-trimmed voidsuit or hardsuit and is there to coordinate his or her team effectively and to get the station back into working order. They'll usually be the ones barking orders at you (and sometimes at regular station personnel) in an attempt to keep everyone from going insane. Response team leader is, more often than not, a pretty stressful position to be in. Respect.

All in all, if you're not sure what you should be doing, try asking your team leader. They should be able to point you in the right direction.

If you are the team leader, you can find all your stuff in your quarters which is just behind the bridge on the port side of the ship. From the starting point in the barracks, head through the door to the aft (west), head starboard (south) down the narrow corridor towards the bridge, then aft (west) down the central passage again, and through the black door. The big door with the 'C' on it opposite your door is the Teleporter room.

The Team Leader role may be taken by an Admin/Staff member.

Power Struggle

When it comes to following orders, your team leader's word always takes precedence. It doesn't matter if it's the Captain who ordered you to fire that guy out of the mass driver, the final word is always from your team leader (or failing that, Central Command itself). Of course, you should also take into account your own reasoning. If your team leader orders you to release the singularity, you should probably do a double-take and think before you possibly destroy the entire station.

So long as you are aboard the station, it's an emergency. Therefore, you are not compelled to obey the station's chain of command or Corporate Regulations so long as you complete you objective. Obviously this doesn't mean you can go murdering people willy-nilly, but if someone gets in the way of your work, you are authorized to arrest them--or terminate them if they use force. See §119 in Corporate Regulations for a good criminal charge to include when arresting them.

The O.R.B.

Located at the fore of the ship on the port side, opposite the medical bay, the O.R.B. is a high-energy obstruction removal system. It lacks the necessary fire control systems to target other vessels, but its energized charges can be used to sweep away various navigational hazards with a minimum of fuss. The Von Braun possesses six charges in the 'local' magazines, and four more in reserve storage just aft of the airlocks.

To use the O.R.B., drag-push the charge into the loading mechanism and visually confirm that it has come to rest on the octagonal cradle that can be seen through the glass. Then, ensure the firing port has been opened, as firing whilst it's closed will damage the ship! Finally, once you've confirmed that the O.R.B. is loaded and the port is open, you're ready to fire. Use the control console to aim the weapon, and fire when ready! It'll take a short time to cool down once it's been fired, so let it recover before you try to fire again or it'll overheat and explode, which is also bad.

Use the red charges to disperse physical hazards such as meteors, asteroids, or space dust, and blue charges to disperse energetic hazards such as ion clouds or electrical storms. You have five of each charge; three of each are stored in the main magazines, and one more of each can be found just aft of each flank airlock (for a total of two of each).

Again, remember: the O.R.B. cannot target or damage other ships, or the station itself. It also has a very limited range on the overmap!

If you loaded the wrong type of charge but haven't fired yet, you can use the small airlock to retrieve the loaded charge, though you will need someone else to assist you due to limited space.

Boarding Action

In the event that you've been called to deal with hostile mercenaries, you may find their ship - the Typhon - lurking around the sector. You don't have any weapons powerful enough to engage their ship directly (and neither do they), but you might be called upon to perform boarding actions in the event that the mercenaries have taken prisoners back to the Typhon. Expect cramped quarters and very little in the way of cover!

Beware that the Mercenaries may also (if they are feeling exceptionally bold and/or foolish) attempt to board the Von Braun! The Von Braun's docking ports are located just aft of the bridge on the port and starboard sides of the ship, and provide very little cover for boarders as well.

Going Nuclear

In the event that the team does not accomplish their assigned objective in a timely manner, or finds no other way to do so, attached below are instructions on how to operate a NanoTrasen Nuclear Device. The nuclear device itself will be present somewhere on your destination. The Emergency Response Team Leader will be given the Nuclear Authentication Code.

Hello and thank you for choosing NanoTrasen for your nuclear information needs. Today's crash course will deal with the operation of a Fission Class NanoTrasen-made Nuclear Device.

First and foremost, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING UNTIL THE BOMB IS IN PLACE. Pressing any button on the compacted bomb will cause it to extend and bolt itself into place. If this is done to unbolt it one must completely log in which at this time may not be possible.

To make the device functional:

  1. Place bomb in designated detonation zone.
  2. Extend and anchor bomb (attack with hand).
  3. Insert Nuclear Auth. Disk into slot.
  4. Type numeric code into keypad. Note: If you make a mistake press R to reset the device.
  5. Press the E button to log onto the device.

You have now activated the device. To deactivate the buttons at anytime, for example when you have already prepped the bomb for detonation, remove the authentication disk OR press the R on the keypad. Now the bomb CAN ONLY be detonated using the timer. A manual detonation is not an option. Note: Toggle off the SAFETY.

Use the - - and + + to set a detonation time between 5 seconds and 10 minutes. Then press the timer toggle button to start the countdown. Now remove the authentication disk so that the buttons deactivate. Note: THE BOMB IS STILL SET AND WILL DETONATE.

Before you remove the disk if you need to move the bomb you can: Toggle off the anchor, move it, and re-anchor.

What Do All These Flashing Lights Mean?

The NanoTrasen-made nuclear fission device uses two status lights, one green and one red, to indicate the operational status of the device. Included are the meanings to each of these status indicators.

Light Meaning
Both lights are off The device is deactivated.
The green light is on The device has been activated and is ready for input. The anchor and bolting mechanism will trigger automatically when the device is activated.
The red light is blinking The device has been armed and is currently counting down. The device will detonate once the end of the timer has been reached.
Both lights are blinking rapidly The device is detonating. Thank you for using the NanoTrasen Nuclear Fission device. Goodbye.
Jobs on Vorestation

Command Site Manager, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Psychologist, Chemist,
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist
Service & Civilian Intern/Visitor, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Chaplain, Command Secretary, Janitor, Librarian, Pilot
Station-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
ITV Talon Talon Captain, Talon Pilot, Talon Guard, Talon Doctor, Talon Engineer