Guide to Dumpster Diving
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Introduction to Dumpster Diving
Whether you spawn into the map at your job location, the Tram, or anywhere else on the Virgo-Erigone, Maintenance will have an array of trash piles to dig from. Just look for any Occupation non-specific Maintenance door, otherwise known as Maintenance Common, and you'll be on your way to digging through junk!
What You'll Need
- A Character With Arms - No, seriously. If you don't have hands, you can't actually hold anything you get out of these trash piles!
Maintenance Access - Seriously, anyone can access Maintenance... even Visitors...- An Appetite for the adventure! ...
and mice.
Things to Keep in Mind
When searching a trash pile, note that each pile can only be searched once. If anyone is hiding in one, you have a chance to find them. Once a trash pile has been searched, a message will pop up telling you that it has already been searched. There is a single pool of Rare items that can only be found once by anyone on the server. All other groups can be found at any point in the round.
((Note: piles are locked to your account, so if you loot as one character and come back as another trash piles you've already looted will still be locked.))
You WILL find contraband in the trash eventually! While it is your duty to turn contraband in to Security, you are not obligated. However, this does not mean that Security should patrol Maintenance or instigate characters about what they found in the trash (i.e. Claiming that the item was "stolen" from the trash.) and detain them. Unless you want to be Shitcurity and have everyone hate you as a player, not as a character. If you use said contraband and you start convulsing in Maintenance, there's no one else to blame but yourself. There are also a few weapons that you can find in the trash littered about, but make sure you have the weapon permit first!
What All Can You Get?
You may find details about specific VORE station items on this page: Special Items
Listed below are the three rarities of "Junk" you can find (as well as the probability, which is how frequent something in that table will drop)- Rare, Uncommon, and Common:
These are unique items only, and only one of each will spawn.
- Bluespace Harpoon
- Personal Translocator
- Optical Meson Scanner
- Energy Net Gun
- Zip Gun
- Weapon Permit
- Dart Gun
These are actually maybe some useful illegal items.
Probability of 6 (Highest Chance)
- Pill Bottle (Paracetamol)
Probability of 4
- Bottle of Happy Pills
- Bottle of Zoom Pills
- Ambrosia Vulgaris Seed Packet
- Size Gun
Probability of 3
- Butterfly Knife
- Steel Switchblade
- Knuckle Dusters
- Syringe (Drugs)
Probability of 2
- Size Control Implant
- Fuzzy Cuffs
- Fuzzy Legcuffs
- Spy Kit
- Photon Disruption Grenade
Probability of 1 (Lowest Chance)
- Heavy Armor Vest
- Bootleg NIF
- Subspace Jammer
- SleeveMate 3700
- Body Snatcher Device
- Bear Trap
- Hyper-Capacity Power Cell (Empty)
- NIFSoft Uploader (Compliance)
- Steel Tactical Knife
- Boxed Emergency Suit and Helmet
- Secure Briefcase (2k Thalers)
- Syringe (Anabolic Steroids)
These are junk items and normal random stuff.
Probability of 5 (Highest Chance)
- Rainbow Gloves
- White Gloves
- Backpack
- Satchel
- Box
- Pack of Cigarettes (Any)
Probability of 4
- Broken Device (Random)
- Hard Hat
- Breath Mask
- Black Shoes
- Lace-up Shoes
- Leather Shoes
- Hazard Vest
- Grey Jumpsuit
- Wet Floor Sign
- Power Cell
- Device Power Cell
- LiquidFood Ration
- 1 Thaler
- Satchel (Alt)
- Briefcase
Probability of 3
- Webbing
- Optical Meson Scanner
- Botanist's Leather Gloves
- Firefighter Helmet
- Gas Mask
- Apron
- Bomber Jacket
- Brown Jacket
- Black Hoodie
- Blue Hoodie
- Red Hoodie
- Yellow Hoodie
- Leather Jacket
- Radio Headset
- Camera Assembly
- Warning Cone
- High-Capacity Power Cell
- 10 Thalers
- 20 Thalers
- Dufflebag
- Box of Donk Pockets
- Box of Mousetraps
- Wallet
Probability of 2
- Optical Meson Scanners (Prescription)
- Budget Insulated Gloves
- Latex Gloves
- Welding Helmet
- Face Mask
- Galoshes
- Camo Pants
- Tacticool Turtleneck
- Camera
- Flare
- Glowstick
- Blue Glowstick
- Broken Cryptographic Sequencer
- Super-Capacity Power Cell
- Poster (Any)
- Dry Rag
- Box of Sin Pockets
- Secure Briefcase
- Latex Maid Costume
- Tennis Ball
- Red Tennis Ball
- Yellow Tennis Ball
- Green Tennis Ball
- Cyan Tennis Ball
- Blue Tennis Ball
- Purple Tennis Ball
Probability of 1 (Lowest Chance)
- Sunglasses
- Welding Goggles
- Insulated Gloves
- Bio Hood
- Bio Suit
- Ushanka
- Brown Shoes
- Emergency Softsuit
- Gear Harness
- Tactical Jumpsuit
- Steel Sheet Armor
- Orange Glowstick
- Red Glowstick
- Yellow Glowstick
- Penlight
- Personal AI Device
- Cryptographic Sequencer
- Gas Mask (with Set Voice)
- 100 Thalers
- 50 Thalers
- Black Dufflebag
- Box of Paper Cups
- Free Pizza Voucher
Guide Table ![]() | ||||||||
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