Nanite implant framework
The Nanite Implant Framework ("NIF") is a sophisticated implant designed to provide features over the span of several shifts. It's a persistent inter-round item that once implanted, can be used indefinitely, provided the character takes care to not lose it. The NIF is an implant that constructs other implants or body modifications by using nanotechnology 'blueprints' called NIFSoft. NanoTrasen has designed a passable mass-produced version, that is becoming fairly common in the Virgo-Erigone system. True name-brand pieces are usually too expensive and rare to see in the Periphery commonly - unless someone has the contacts for it.
Obtaining a NIF
Science can create a standard NIF, though they are fairly expensive to create in terms of materials and research level. If mining has done their job, you may be able to make one or more on a shift. These can be implanted (see below).
It may also be possible to locate second-hand 'used' NIFs that have been discarded, In places such as trash piles. Assuming they are old models that don't have a permanent pairing already activated, you may be able to implant these, though it's not necessarily recommended.
There are prototype 'bioadaptive' NIFs that may allow them to be used in species without a brain (Promethean) or more complex species (Xenochimera) though these are not publicly available. Centcom should be contacted to arrange for exchanging resources and a standard NIF for one of these. They do suffer from their own problems, however. Bioadaptive NIFs can not be installed in most species with a standard brain, such as humans.
Lastly, there are name-brand NIFs that have higher durability, but these are also not available without the individual receiving them as award or shrewd trading.
It is also worth noting that Proteans start with a special NIF, being nanite-based as they are.
Installing a NIF
A NIF can be installed via surgery. For organic patients, this is the cavity surgery performed on the head, inserting the NIF in question as the object. For synths this is very similar, opening the head and using a drill to free up additional space and implanting the NIF. Installing a bioadaptive NIF in a Promethean is more simple: Simply shove it directly into their chest. They are amorphous blobs, after all.
The NIF cannot complete a lengthy calibration procedure until the patient is conscious again, at which point it will blind them for several minutes as it attaches to their optic nerve/interface. After they have vision again, they will experience mild to severe pain for around half an hour, along with random blackouts. They should not operate heavy machinery during this time, and may wish to request a brief leave from their job.
Using a NIF
Once installed and calibrated, the NIF is permanently bound to the user. They will have an overlay projected directly into their visual cortex allowing them to see things that aren't there ("artificial reality"). They can enable display of job icons and 'health bars', among other things. After calibration, the NIF will also construct a 'commlink' which is equivalent to an integrated communicator, and a 'soulcatcher' that automatically backs up the user's mindstate on a regular basis and can be used to capture and transport the mindstates of others in certain circumstances.
These pieces of software are called NIFSoft(s). Additional software can be purchased at vending machines ("NIFSoft Shops"). There is a wide variety available, though some is locked to specific access and jobs. There are also rumors of illegal NIFSoft, though these shouldn't be installed and should be reported to security immediately.
When installing a NIFSoft, one should remember that a physical device is being constructed inside the user's body, and this will wear the NIF itself to construct. Some more significant modifications may wear the NIF more than others.
The NIFs charge level is directly dependent on your level of nutrition! If you are full, the NIF's charge level will be too. If you are starving, then the NIF will be so low in energy that it may cease to function. Simply eating (or recharging if you are synthetic) will restore your NIF's charge.
Maintaining the NIF
After many NIFSofts have been installed over time or if the host is exposed to powerful electromagnetic pulses, the NIF may require repairs. This is a simple task that a scientist/roboticist can perform, however the NIF must be removed first. After removing it using the implant removal surgery, follow these steps to repair it:
- Open the casing after removing the screws
- Replace any burned-out wiring
- Use a multitool to reset each circuit
- Re-secure the mainboard screws and reattach the cover
When re-implanted, the NIF will only take about 60 seconds to calibrate to the user again, as opposed to the more painful original surgery.
Alternatively an Advanced NIF repair tool may be used. by injecting the output regents into either a syringe and injected into the head or ingested. You can also just drink these repair fluids if they're put into a beaker, they will slowly metabolise over time.
Preserving your NIF
The NIF is preserved in resleeving scans, so one can keep their NIF upon death as long as they had a backup implant that successfully recorded the NIF's physical state at least once. It will only be able to reproduce the exact same NIF however, meaning the same durability and already bound to the user.
Surviving the shift is also another way to preserve your NIF for the next one, obviously, and short-range teleporters and cryostorage both preserve the NIF for the next shift.
Under normal circumstances, if you start the round with a NIF installed, you should not easily be able to lose it permanently. Even if you die without a mind backup, you should gain one back at the start of your next shift.
Keep in mind that if the shift ends, and you do not have a NIF, you will not have it in the next round. If you are having your NIF removed for repairs, make sure someone is available to repair and reinstall it!
Be aware that if you have a NIF installed mid shift, and die and respawn via an auto resleever later in the same shift, you may lose your NIF. This is because the auto resleever spawns you in the same state as when you arrived on the station.
NIFSofts And You 
"NIFSoft" or "NIFSofts" are prepackaged, verified, and NT-approved software packages that allowing for quick and easy updates to your NIF system, capable of adding all sorts of nifty new features. Most NIFSoft is fairly self-explanatory and the short description on the NIFSoft Shop vending machine ( ) can explain their use. Please be advised that you must have a NIF installed to use the store, the stores only offer digital downloads not physical discs. If you wish for a physical copy, speak with your stations science department. However there are a few pieces of software that warrant additional explanation.
Note many departments have boxes of free departmental NIFsoft injectors available. These usually include the departmental AR overlay and at least one useful job-related NIFSoft such as the Responsive Filter for Security; full details on each set are provided below, at the end of this guide.
AR Overlays
There are a number of different AR overlays that are available for various departments or the site manager specifically. They each have a 0.01 drain whilst active.
- (Civ) (₮250) - Provides a general identification and simple health status overlay on your vision with no frills. All NIFs come with this pre-installed.
- (Med) (₮375) - Like the civilian model, but provides medical records access and virus database lookup, plus backup implant status. Restricted to medical staff.
- (Sec) (₮375) - Like the civilian model, but provides access to arrest status and security records. Restricted to security staff.
- (Eng) (₮250) - Like the civilian model, but provides ... well, nothing. For now. Restricted to engineering staff.
- (Sci) (₮250) - Like the civilian model, but provides ... well, nothing. For now. Restricted to science staff.
- (Omni) (₮375) - Like the civilian model, but provides most of the features of the medical and security overlays as well. Restricted to the site manager.
- Corrective AR (₮100) - Subtly alters perception to compensate for cataracts and retinal misalignment, among other common disabilities. Drains at 0.025.
Nictating Membrane (₮225)
A synthetic nictating membrane (aka 'third eyelid') that protects the eyes from UV or hostile atmospheres. Does not protect from photonic stun weapons. Drains at 0.2 whilst active.
Responsive Filter (₮300)
Enables a high-speed shielding response to intense light, such as flashes, to block them. Effectively acts as sunglasses do to protect your eyes. Restricted to security. Drains at 0.05 whilst active.
Meson Scanner (₮500)
Similar to the worn Optical Meson Scanner Goggles, these allow you to see the base structure and terrain through walls. Restricted to engineers. Drains at 0.1 whilst active.
Material Scanner (₮500)
Similar to the worn Optical Material Scanner Goggles, these allow you to see objects through walls. Restricted to science staff. Drains at 0.1 whilst active.
Low-Light Amp (₮500)
Similar to the worn Night Vision Goggles, these allow you to see in complete darkness. Restricted to security. Drains at 0.1 whilst active.
Medichines (₮1250)
Medichines are healing/repair nanites that consume large quantities of energy while in use, but can save a life for organics, or save annoyance for synthetics. There are two distinct versions of medichines: one for synthetic life, and one for organic life. Drains 0.05 when installed, 0.1 whilst active.
- Organic - The organic medichines will begin healing the user when they become significantly injured. If they become critically injured, they will operate at an enhanced rate, but while consuming a significant amount of energy. If the user is subjected to more injury than they are able to heal, the user will be put into emergency stasis, and the medical department will be notified via radio of the user's location.
- Synthetic - The synthetic medichines are capable of synthetic self-repair, but only to a small extent. Any damage that would show as less than a '5' on a scanner can be automatically repaired by synthetic medichines, allowing the user to avoid buffing out scrapes and dents, saving them time from common workplace accidents that cause them.
Respirocytes (₮375)
Nanites simulating red blood cells will filter and recycle oxygen for a short time, preventing suffocation in hostile environments. NOTE: Only capable of supplying OXYGEN. Drains 0.05 when installed, 0.1 whilst active.
Mind Backup (₮125)
Backup your mind on the go. Stores a one-time sync of your current mindstate upon activation. Works the same as being installed with a mind backup implant. Drains no power.
Crew Monitor (₮625)
A link to the local crew monitor sensors. Useful for finding people in trouble. Works just the same as a crew monitor console, including the map view, but can be accessed on the move. Restricted to medical staff. Drains at 0.025 whilst installed, no additional cost when active.
Alarm Monitor (₮625)
A link to the local alarm monitors. Useful for detecting alarms in a pinch. Restricted to engineering staff. Has a passive drain of 0.025 when installed.
Soulcatcher (₮100)
NB: This does not mean 'metaphysical magical energy', it's just the name.
Every NIF comes with one of these as standard. It has a 0.01 drain whilst active.
This NIFSoft is designed to preserve minds in case of emergency, and would be a useful feature for a combat medic. The NIFSoft makes a live mind-backup of the user should they die, and hosts them in a VR environment until they are rescued. Additionally, it can do the same to others, should they die while being held by or inside the soulcatcher user. This will load their mind into the same VR environment, and they will be able to communicate directly with the owner until such a time they are revived elsewhere.
The SleeveMate 3200 handheld brain scanner can also place stored minds into soulcatcher owners, allowing one to load critically injured patients into the soulcatcher to prevent unnecessary pain, or to allow patients who are unable to undergo surgery or anesthetic treatment to be stored while surgery is performed. Simply use the SleeveMate 3200 to store the 'whole mind', and then aim it at a person with a NIF and the Soulcatcher NIFSoft. An additional option will appear to load the mind into them.
The soulcatcher can also perform backups of the minds installed inside, just like a backup implant. This will prevent the notification to medical that the user has died needlessly, as the soulcatcher user is likely working on the issue already, or they are just storing them for recreational purposes and there's no need to resleeve them yet.
Others may come up with additional 'creative' uses of the soulcatcher.
Ghosts may also join into a Soulcatcher by picking the "Ghost > Join Into Soulcatcher" verb, similar to how ghosts may make communicator calls. It is not possible to resleeve ghosts into physical bodies from this method, there's no way to ghost into a soulcatcher then gain a new body. Ghost out of the Soulcatcher to leave, and join the round normally.
Commlink (₮250)
An internal communicator for keeping in touch with people. Gives you free access to a communicator, crew manifest, weather service, notes app, and a couple of other useful features. Has a drain of 0.01 whilst installed. Comes standard on all NIFs.
APC Connector (Synthetic Only) (₮625)
A small attachment that allows synthmorphs to recharge themselves from APCs. Used when stood in front of an APC, it will extend a number of tendrils out to connect the synth to the APC and drain it's power. Costs no power, but causes more wear to the NIF when installed.
Pressure Seals (Synthetic Only) (₮875)
Creates pressure seals around important synthetic components to protect them from vacuum. Almost impossible on organics. Drains 0.5 when active, and causes more wear to the NIF when installed.
Heat Sink (Synthetic Only) (₮725)
Advanced heat sinks for internal heat storage of heat on a synth until able to vent it in atmosphere. Drains 0.25 when active, and causes more wear to the NIF when installed.
Mass Alteration (₮375)
A system that allows one to change their size, through drastic mass rearrangement. Can be used to change size at will. Causes significant wear when installed.
World Bender (₮100)
Alters your perception of various objects in the world. Only has one setting for now: displaying all your crewmates as farm animals. Drains 0.01 when active.
Compliance Module
A system that allows one to apply 'laws' to sapient life. Extremely illegal, of course. Generally found as uploaders to be used on others, allowing you to give them 'laws'.
NIFSoft Uploaders
Most departments have a box of NIFSoft uploaders in their equipment or storage rooms. These uploaders come with a few NIFSofts for free that are useful for those occupations! The contents of these is as follows:
- AR Overlay (Med)
- Crew Monitor
- AR Overlay (Sec)
- Responsive Filter
- AR Overlay (Eng)
- Alarm Monitor
- Nictating Membrane
- Material Scanner
- Respirocytes (if organic)
- Pressure Seals (if synth)
- Heat Sink (if synth)
- Respirocytes (if organic)
- Pressure Seals (if synth)
- Heat Sink (if synth)
Guide Table ![]() | ||||||||
Starter | VORE-Specific | Medical | Engineering | Science | Security | Other | Development | |