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If you are coming to this page looking for immediate help with treating a patient, skip to Damage Types with Example Treatments or find the injury type in the table of contents under section 4.x.x.

Welcome to the wonderful and frankly daunting world of medicine! Playing medical is potentially the most dynamic job on the station with a lot of moving parts and generally higher expectation from crewmates for you to be able to do the task competently. It's easy to understand why people may wish to shy away from medical jobs, but for those who wish to put the effort in it can be extremely rewarding. This guide aims to be the jumping off point for those wishing to get started on their medical careers in Virgo, with more in-depth guides serving to expand your knowledge on the systems when you are prepared for it. The guides here will mostly be focusing on the mechanical side of things, but having good bedside manner is encouraged.

Is medical right for you?

Before we begin there are a few things to get out of the way. First and foremost if your only goal is to play Nurse Goodbody in a sexy uniform for your lewd scenes but don't want to actually treat patients then you should not choose medical. Treating patients is the primary task of the job. If you are only signing up to realize your personal kinks with no interest in actually doing the job then you are going to be seen as a liability and may even get you job-banned. With that said It is entirely fine to play the 'sexy nurse' as long as you're willing to perform job tasks when necessary.

It's also important to realize that in situations where medical is understaffed and you are left to deal with a crisis by yourself then it can become stressful. Even when you are off doing your scenes it is often expected for you to be able to pause said scenes at a moment's notice to deal with a situation. Ideally medical will have enough staff that it's fine for you to go off-duty and enjoy yourself, just know that ideal situations are not always guaranteed.

Additionally, do not choose medical if you are hoping to eat corpses or casualties. While Virgo does have healbelly functionality it is intended to be a scene tool, not as an alternative to actual treatment. Furthermore the resleever can be used as a 'prey printer' but this should really only occur with OOCly consenting parties and should not interfere with regular resleeving duties.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let's move on to the basics.

Damage and Health

Virgo is at its core a video game, so while damage is more nuanced than a simple healthbar it is still largely based on numbers. To grossly oversimplify things. healing patients is essentially removing high damage numbers and removing negative status effects. With that said it's encouraged to add in some roleplay to make things more believable and to add flavor, otherwise you are just there fixing numbers. You may even make a patient's visit to the medbay a memorable one if you're good at making it interesting. Of course the patient may also not care and just want to be healed so they can get back to sitting AFK in the bar, and that's fine too but obviously less interesting. In many cases damage is relatively forgiving in Virgo to help facilitate roleplay. Don't be afraid to talk when you need to, especially with other doctors who are trying to help. Try not to rush unless the situation requires action RIGHT NOW to prevent a lost patient!


Crew members by default have 100 hit points. This number may be different depending on their species or traits. Once someone accumulates enough damage to reach 0 health they will go into critical condition, and at -100 health they will become deceased. If you have access to AR vision either by using AR glasses or a NIF then you will be able to see a health bar above people's heads that indicates their overall health. Note that this health bar does not take into account effects such as radiation poisoning or bleeding, it is only representative of someone having accumulated one of the four primary types of damage.

  • No Healthbar: 100% Health
  • Green: 99 to 78% Health
  • Yellow: 71 to 42% Health
  • Orange: 21 to 1% Health
  • Red, Pulsing: 0 to -40% Health
  • Critical, Flashing!: -50 to -85% Health
  • Deceased: -100% Health and below


Most of a patient's wounds are represented as numerical damage values which comes in 4 primary types and 3 secondary types. Brute, Burn, Toxin, and Oxygen encompass the four main types of damage that are easily detected on any health analyzer. Organ, Radiation, and Genetic damage are much harder to detect and simple health analyzers might only detect that something is wrong while more advanced ones might give more details. Additionally, brute and burn damage exists on specific body parts and organ damage effects specific organs, while other damage types exist in the body as a whole. As these damage types increase the patient's health drops in proportion.


Death occurs when a patient has taken enough overall damage to reduce their health to -100%. It is possible for patients to accumulate damage that sends them below -100% health, however once the patient is dead they do not become super-dead with more accumulated damage (except for husking which is a special case, but still recoverable). The main differences between a patient who is alive (above -99% damage) and dead (-100% damage or below), aside from the obvious, is that living patients are able to metabolize reagents and chemicals in their bloodstream and stomach while dead patients cannot.

Once someone dies they do not become a lost cause, it is still possible to revive them! Upon death a 60 minute timer will begin, during which if their damage is raised below -100% they can be resuscitated. It is recommended to resuscitate as soon as possible, which means the patient may still be heavily injured. Be sure to have the appropriate anesthetics or painkillers available.

Injuries and status effects

In addition to 'regular damage' there are a myriad of injuries and "status effects" which a patient can suffer, ranging from broken bones to blindness to gangrenous infections in limbs. While these injuries do not count towards a patient's total numerical health, they can drastically influence the patient's health. Injuries are often but not always caused by taking extreme damage to part of the body. For example, a patient who has had their arm bashed repeatedly with blunt force is likely to have a broken arm, while the same injury caused by a sharp object instead may have external bleeding. A particularly nasty form of injury is caused by not properly sterilizing a wound, allowing it to become infected. Specific injuries will be elaborated on later in the guide, just remember to be vigilant and don't kick a patient out of the ward after bandaging a seemingly simple wound without scanning them, they may be suffering a more severe injury than you realize.


It is sometimes the case that you have to treat more than one patient simultaneously. Ideally patients can each be assigned a doctor assuming that the medbay is well-staffed, however remember that ideal situations are hardly the norm and there will eventually come a time when you alone have to deal with two or more patients alone. In these situations you will need to triage patients, which essentially means prioritizing who gets treated first. Triage can be a complicated topic but there are general rules of thumb to follow that will get you through most emergencies without losing patients. Remember: the goal is to stabilize as many patients as possible before fixing them up all the way. Stabilizing a patient simply means that their condition is not worsening and can be treated later.

- First, patients who are the closest to death should be higher priority than those who have only minor wounds. However, patients who are already deceased should be lower priority if resuscitation fails on them, you want to prevent further deaths before coming back to these patients.

- Next, you should try to identify if any patients have severe injuries that require immediate attention. For example, a lightly wounded patient who is suffering internal bleeding is likely a higher priority to one who is heavily injured but is not hemorrhaging.

- Finally, once patients are stable, you can return to any deceased patients and patch up their wounds enough to the point where resuscitation has a higher chance of success. Remember that on Virgo you have 60 minutes from the time the patient 'dies' to revive them.

Damage Types with Example Treatments

This section will help you deal with most of the patients who will come to your lobby, however it is not an exhaustive list of everything that could be wrong with a patient.

For the diagnostics sections, everything can be diagnosed using the Body Scanner so it will be omitted from the diagnostics section. Generally speaking it is easiest to throw a patient into the body scanner to reveal anything that might be ailing them. When possible, alternative forms of diagnostics are provided in the event that a body scanner is not available.

The purple chemical 'Tricordrazine' heals very small amounts of Brute, Burn, Toxin, and Oxygen damage, has no overdose limit, and is safe for all species. It's so safe that medical bots will inject any injured crew members it sees with this by default. If you are in a hurry and you haven't yet diagnosed a problem with a patient it is generally safe to give them a full syringe of Tricordrazine. As you get more experienced you won't need to, but the option is there.

The cyan chemical 'Inaprovaline' is very good at stabilizing patients, especially those who are suffering from Hypoxia or allergic reactions. A syringe of Inaprovaline is a great way to help stabilize a patient, and is the chemical inside 'stabilizer' hypo syringes.

Common wound types


Cuts, lacerations, and bruising all make up the red number on the health analyzer, normally caused by physical trauma such as punching, getting hit with something, being dragged with open wounds, slamming into walls, etc. Sometimes high brute values may break bones, which will require Surgery, or the limb may even become dismembered!

  • Diagnostics: Diagnosing a patient with brute damage is fairly easy. A simple visual examination will reveal any exposed bruises or trauma, but clothing will obscure injuries underneath. Passively grabbing a patient and then examining parts of their body with the help intent (by targeting body parts then clicking the grabbed patient) will allow you to detect fractures beneath the skin. Patients will often be able to simply tell you if they have a fracture if they are conscious.
  • Advanced Trauma Kits: Commonly abbreviated to ATK, these heal 7 brute on the target limb immediately and will allow it to heal on it's own if the damage is below 50. The 7 damage that's taken off works even if the patient is dead, which may be useful if a defibrillator is unable to resuscitate someone due to high damage. ATKs also disinfect wounds if applied early.
  • Roll of Gauze: These are simple bandages found in standard first aid kits and nanomeds available to all crew members. Useful for untrained crew to treat minor cuts and bruises and to bandage bleeding wounds before professional help arrives. Not as effective as a trauma kit but more readily available, ointment must be used in addition to disinfect the wound.
  • Bicaridine: A red colored medicine which heals 6 brute per unit, meaning a full (15u) syringe will heal 90 brute damage. Best utilized via injection in liquid form, but can be taken orally via liquid or pills. Overdoses at 30u. Does not disinfect wounds.
  • Surgery: In addition to hemorrhages and fractures, surgery is able to alleviate excessive brute damage using a biopsy scanner followed by advanced trauma kits on the affected area. This is useful since a patient with excessive brute damage in an area with a fracture may need the brute damage to be healed before the fracture will set properly, and bicaridine only works if a patient is 'alive'.


Skins, burns, and scars make up the yellow number on the health analyzer, normally caused by intense temperatures such as fire, extremely cold temperatures, lasers, and electrocution. Exceptionally high burn values may vaporize a limb, and can cause bloodloss on top of easily becoming infected. Massive amounts of burn damage may cause your character to be 'husked,' unable to be resuscitated no matter what you do until a dehusking surgery is performed.

  • Diagnostics: Like brute damage, burns can be visually identified fairly easily, but again clothing will obscure wounds beneath them. If the patient has received an exceptional amount of damage their body will be a grey 'husk' and will require special dehusking surgery.
  • Advanced Burn Kits: Essentially the burn variant of ATKs. Primarily used to disinfect burn wounds. Note that burn kits and ointment will both disinfect the wounds, chemical remedies will heal the wounds but will not disinfect them.
  • Ointment: A disinfecting salve readily available to all crew members via first aid kits and nanomends. Not as effective as burn kits but can help prevent infections if proper medical treatment isn't readily available.
  • Kelotane: A yellow colored medicine which heals 6 burn per unit, meaning a full (15u) syringe will heal 90 burn damage. Overdoses at 30u. DANGEROUS TO PROMETHEANS
  • Dermaline: An orange-yellow colored medicine which heals 12 burn per unit. Overdoses at 15u (one full syringe, be careful).
  • KeloDerm: A yellow colored medicine with Kelotane and Dermaline mixed in 1:1. Since the medicines are separate, they work quicker, though KeloDerm doesn't heal as much as Dermaline alone. Overdoses at 30u. Since this contains Kelotane it is still dangerous to prometheans.
  • Surgery: Excessive burn damage can be healed in surgery by using a biopsy scanner followed by a burn kit. Chemicals are only metabolized by living patients so this is sometimes necessary to treat a patient to be above the resuscitation threshold.


Damage dealt by toxins make up the green number on the health analyzer, normally caused by poisons, overdosing, phoron exposure/phoron-infected clothes, radiation, infections/necrosis, damaged liver, and critical blood levels.

  • Diagnosis: Typically toxins are a result of something poisonous within a patient's bloodstream or digestive tract. Conscious patients may complain of nausea or vomiting. If a patient is complaining of a bad itch then there's a possibility that they have an infected wound. If a patient is wearing clothing contaminated with phoron the clothing should be run through a washing machine or shower to remove the contamination.
  • Dylovene: A green colored medicine which heals 4 toxin per unit, and can treat the liver if it's damage is below 10. There is technically an overdose threshold, but Dylovene is the treatment for a Dylovene overdose.
  • Carthatoline: A grey colored medicine which heals 8 toxin per unit, but has the side effect of inducing nausea and vomiting in the patient. Can treat liver damage. No overdose.
  • Arithrazine: A green colored medicine which heals 10 toxin per unit, but has the side effect of causing minor brute damage. It also metabolizes very slowly. Overdoses at 30u.
  • Sleeper: The presence of toxin damage is often the result of poison in the body, so while treating the toxin damage can help, you should seek to remove the poison from the patient if it's still present. Putting the patient in a sleeper will allow you to pump their stomach, which is useful if they are overdosing on pills for example, or run blood dialysis, which will remove non-blood reagents from the patient's blood, including poison and potentially beneficial medicine. Dialysis will also make the patient lose some blood so if their blood level is low be cautious.
  • Surgery: Toxin damage can be pumped out of the body via surgery. The patient's chest must be opened, including the ribcage, at which point the bioregenerator will suck out toxin damage with each use.
  • Vomiting: Vomiting is the body's natural way to remove toxins, but it's not very effective and very uncomfortable. This should never be considered a proper treatment, and treatments that cause it should only be considered in emergencies. Even a patient who refuses to take injections as part of treatment can still be given Dylovene orally via liquid or pill.

Oxygen (Hypoxia)

Damage dealt by lack of oxygenated blood being pumped through the body makes up the blue number on the health analyzer, normally caused by suffocation, low blood levels, heart damage, and lung damage.

  • Diagnosis: The patient will have shortness of breath or be completely unable to breathe at all. Patients who can breathe but not talk may instead have a damaged larynx. Patients who have severe blood loss may also appear pale. Abnormal breathing and heartbeat can be detected using a stethoscope on the patient's chest.
  • CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, or CPR, should be performed as soon as possible by trained crew members until professional medical help can arrive. Trained crew members can do this by clicking the patient with help intent. If they are wearing a mask or voidsuit helmet this won't work, so remove it first.
  • Inaprovaline: A cyan colored medicine which doesn't actually heal hypoxia, but instead halts any further damage. Overdoses at 60u.
  • Dexalin and Dexalin Plus: Dexalin is a blue colored medicine which heals 15 oxy per unit and overdoses at 30u. Dexalin Plus is a superior medicine which heals a whopping 150 oxy damage per unit and overdoses at 15 units. Dexalin Plus can be utilized in pill form to slow its metabolization, but the amount healed per unit reduces to 75 when taken this way.
  • Surgery: While hypoxia cannot be directly 'fixed' with surgery, a common cause of it is popped lungs from not wearing internals in a vacuum. Operating on the lungs will allow them to function normally once more.
  • Blood Transfusion: If the patient has lost a significant amount of blood then no amount of medication will get them back on their feet; a blood transfusion is in order. Medical scanners will not only tell you the type of blood a patient has but also the primary metallic 'basis' (most commonly iron). Giving them a pill with their blood metal will help them regenerate blood on their own, even better if you add nutrients to the pill. You can additionally hook them up to an IV drip by loading a medical stand with compatible blood (Type O- is the universal donor if you've forgotten) and click-dragging the stand onto the patient. Remember to click-drag the medical stand onto the patient once more to remove the IV drip or you'll yank it out of them by accident, which is unpleasant to say the least. The drip feed can also be modified by right-clicking the stand and setting the flow rate.


Damage represented on the body scanner that corresponds with the trauma inflicted on organs, either by certain poisons, severe physical trauma, bones moving in the area organs are present (lower body, chest, head), or certain items necessary for function being absent. An organ is considered dead at 30 damage. Treatment for organ damage is listed below:

  • Peridaxon: A purple medicine which heals 1 organ damage per unit, and heals all internal organs. Overdoses at 10u.
  • Alkysine: A yellow medicine specifically for brain damage which heals 30 organ damage per unit to the brain. Overdoses at 30u.
  • Imidazoline: A pale lavender medicine specifically for healing the eyes which heals 5 organ damage per unit to the eyes. Overdoses at 30u.
  • Dylovene: A green medicine meant for healing toxins but can heal liver damage for 2 organ damage per unit, but only heals the liver if it's below 10 organ damage. No overdose.
  • Carthatoline: A grey medicine, specifically for healing the liver, but can heal it at any damage. No overdose, but makes the patient nauseous and can cause vomiting.
  • Surgery: Depending on the specific organ that is damaged surgery is a viable option to heal it. Refer to the specific surgery section for instructions.


Damage dealt by exposure to the Supermatter, doing EVA during a solar flare, being injected with radioactive reagents, or destroying/activating particular artifacts make up radiation damage, which the health analyzer can only determine by means of a red prompt, requiring a body scanner for a precise measurement of radiation damage.

  • Hyronalin: A green medicine which heals 30 radiation per unit, albeit slowly, but does not heal the resulting damage of radiation. Overdoses at 30.
  • Arithrazine: A green medicine which heals 70 radiation and 10 toxin per unit, but has the side effect of dealing some brute damage. Overdoses at 30u.
  • Toxins: A patient exposed to radiation, especially if left untreated for a long period of time, is likely to also accumulate toxin damage which needs to be treated. If it's particularly severe then they may even accumulate genetic damage.


Damage dealt by either radiation, slime digestion, or from popping out of an unupgraded growing vat makes up genetic damage, which the health analyzer can only determine by means of a red prompt, requiring a body scanner for a precise measurement of genetic damage.

  • Cryoxadone: A pale blue medicine which heals the above damage including genetic damage, but requires that the body be cooled to 170 Kelvin or lower, usually by means of cryo cells.
  • Clonexadone: A pale blue medicine which works exactly the same as Cryoxadone, but does everything faster.
  • Cryo-Mix: A 1:1 mix of Cryoxadone and Clonexadone, works much like KeloDerm in that the two medicines work separately, therefore faster.
  • Rezadone: A grey medicine which heals genetic damage without the need for cold temperatures. Overdoses at 30u, though 10u may induce dizziness.

Other wounds and injuries

Some wounds and injuries do not neatly fit into the categories above.

Allergic Reactions

Even in this far-flung future, certain individuals may experience violent reactions to various substances such as fruit, nuts, shellfish, and dairy products. If a patient is exhibiting confusion and blurred or inhibited vision accompanied by toxin and suffocation damage, they are likely experiencing an allergic reaction. In many cases these reactions can easily be fatal, so it is important to act quickly to save lives.

Treatment for allergic reactions is as follows;

  • Identify the allergen if possible and determine whether any is still present in their bloodstream, digestive system, or nearest analogues. Advanced medical scanners will provide more detail, so if you have one, use it. Allergens ought to be listed in the character's Medical Records; if not, add them to the record and remind the patient to update their permanent record as well once they're coherent. (Only the player is able to permanently modify their own character's records in character setup, but basic information such as allergies are important to list under the medical tab so it's good to remind them.)
    • If the allergen is still present, administer Inaprovaline. This will rapidly arrest the reaction and prevent further damage for as long as the Inaprovaline is present; larger doses of Inaprovaline may be necessary to suppress the reaction whilst larger quantities of allergen are metabolized.
    • If the allergen trigger is a mixed alcoholic drink, for example if the patient is allergic to fruit juices and drank a Screwdriver (vodka + orange juice), you can (optionally) administer Ethylredoxrazine (alcohol neutralizer) to actively remove the allergen.
    • You may try to remove allergens quicker using the sleeper's stomach pump and dialysis features if there is a dangerous excess still in the patient's system.
    • Then (or if no allergen is present) administer Dexalin and Dylovene, optionally using Carthatoline for more severe cases. You may also wish to provide painkillers, as lingering pain is a common side-effect of allergic reactions. Adranol can be helpful for treating confusion and blurred vision, though these effects should fade fairly quickly on their own.
    • Finally, check for any physical injuries the patient may have sustained. Immediate reactions can cause patients to collapse, potentially causing bruising, head trauma, or other similar injuries if they collide with anything on the way down.

This only covers the most common type of reaction; some patients may rarely exhibit other effects (such as differing damage types) that will need to be treated as well. Note these guidelines do not apply to certain exotic reactions, such as Unathi becoming sluggish from exposure to sugars.

Note: Thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, it is impossible for anyone to be allergic to the vast majority of broad-spectrum medicines. Some may be less effective due to biochemical differences, but if a patient tries to tell you they're allergic to inaprovaline or dylovene then they're almost certainly lying.

Blood Loss

Blood carries oxygen to various areas in the body of a patient, and without oxygenation (whether by lack of air or lack of blood, in this case) the patient will slowly decline in health until they die, therefore stopping both internal and external hemorrhaging is your top priority, and should be treated as a critical injury.

Notable blood level "breakpoints" for the vast majority of species are 85%, 75%, 60%, and 40%. Above 85% is considered "safe"; 85-75% will cause patients to experience sustained low-level hypoxia. 75-60%, hypoxia will rapidly build to a moderate amount and then steadily accumulate, between 60-40% hypoxia will quickly build, and below 40% the patient will experience massive spikes of hypoxia and toxic buildup; typically enough to prove fatal without expert care. Inaprovaline can be administered to halve the rate at which hypoxia will build up at any stage and limit the degree to which it can build in the 85-60% range.

Treatment to stop bleeding is listed below:

  • For external bleeding cases:
    • Pressure: Getting an aggressive grab and help intent clicking the limb with the grab in hand will apply pressure to the wound, slowing the bleeding, but not stopping it entirely. If you are bleeding, help intent click the limb and you will begin applying pressure. This should only be used if you have nothing to treat the bleeding and are waiting on someone else to bring gauze/ATKs.
    • Gauze: This is the most basic item in medical to treat cuts and lacerations provided you have enough of it.
    • Advanced Trauma Kit: ATKs are better than gauze as they can disinfect the wound when it's used, and instantly heals 7 brute damage on the limb it's applied to.
  • For internal bleeding (IB) cases:
    • Cryogenics: Placing a patient with internal bleeding into a (correctly setup) cryo tube will both halt (not fix) the bleeding and stop it from getting worse. This is a temporary solution.
    • Bicaridine and Inaprovaline: These two medicines together (they have to be together, not separate) will prevent the internal bleeding from worsening, but will not halt the bleeding.
    • Surgery: The main method of treating internal bleeding is through surgery by means of the Fix'O'Vein.
    • Myelamine: A medicine found in (expensive) clotting kits that will seal any internal bleeding. The fastest way to treat. These can be obtained from the cargo department and come in purple first aid kits.
    • Bicaridine: Overdosing Bicaridine (30u+) will, of course, deal toxins to the patient, but it may clot internal bleeding. Generally a last resort if none of the other methods are available.

Once the bleeding has ceased, you will have to help the patient raise their blood count. Replacing lost blood is essential, as low levels will cause weakness, unconsciousness, and potentially death. The following are some methods to assist with that:

  • Dexalin/Dexalin Plus: Will assist in oxygenating the blood, helping to prevent potential brain damage.
  • Iron or other species-specific reagent: A simple reagent that must be ingested in order to work. Patients or their medical records can typically tell you which reagent to use. If neither can tell you, scan the patient with a medical scanner. Next to their blood type a 'basis' will be listed. Most commonly this will be iron, but in some species it may be copper or even some other reagent. Replenishes 8u of blood per unit for the vast majority of species.
  • Nutriment: Basic nutrients that can be found in protein shakes. Must be ingested. Replenishes 4u of blood per unit.
  • Protein: Animal proteins found in meat and protein shakes. Must be ingested. Replenishes 4u of blood per unit.
  • 20 Iron, 20 Nutriment, 20 Protein: Three of the above reagents mentioned above in one 60u pill, which can replenish blood rather quickly as there are three separate reagents. Just make sure to replace the iron with the appropriate reagent. If you use iron, Skrell are allergic to it (Animal Protein) and it has a diminished effect on Zorren and other species that don't have iron-based blood.
  • IV Drip with compatible blood: Bloodbags can hold 200u of blood (a little less than half a patient's total blood volume) and is generally the best method of replacing blood. Just be sure to use compatible blood. If you're unsure, you can't go wrong with O- blood.


Infections sprout when a wound isn't treated and disinfected in time, and is accompanied by a fever (check temperature). If left alone, infections can rapidly kill a patient, even exponentially if it's bad enough. Infections are commonly identified by means of the body scanner. The following are the levels of infection:

  • L1 (Mild): Pain messages and the start of fever.
  • L2 (Acute): More pain messages, infection becomes more prevalent and visible.
  • L3 (GANGRENE): Beginning of lethal toxins, organ death, and necrosis.

The following table demonstrates some symptoms of infection based on where it's located:

Infection symptoms by location
Location Name Mild Symptoms Acute Symptoms Acute injury
Brain Meningitis Stiff neck Severe Headache +1 confusion at random intervals
Eyes Conjunctivitis Itchy eyes Blurred vision +10 eye_blurry at random intervals
Heart Endocarditis Chest tightness Chest pain +25 halloss
Kidneys Pyelonephritis Lower back pain Malaise
Liver Pyogenic Abscess Right abdomen pain Poor blood filtration toxins buildup
Lungs Pneumonia Coughing Shortness of breath +30 oxyloss
Limbs Staph Infection Pain in limb Sharp pain in limb pain temporarily disables limb

L2 (acute) infections and lower require only 15u of Spaceacillin and monitoring. L3 infections require that Spaceacillin be overdosed (45u) immediately with Carthatoline to accompany the high toxins. If Carth is unavailable, stack Dylovene and Tricordrazine together. Corophizine can treat infections at any stage before total organ necrosis, and works faster than Spaceacillin, but is disabling and uncomfortable to the patient, and has other side-effects. The following will go over further necessary treatments:

A note about necrosis: If an organ is allegedly necrotic (namely on a printout) but the patient's temperature is normal and there was no previous infection, then surprisingly the organ isn't actually necrotic at all.


Bone fractures can be separated by three identifications: hairline, fracture, and broken. These three different types of fractures no longer play any part mechanically, though from an RP standpoint, hairline is the least severe while broken is the most severe (and therefore painful). Fractures can, however, deal damage to organs if they move around. Treatment for fractures is listed below:

  • Splints: A half-cast that keeps the fractured bone in place and prevents it from moving. This is a temporary remedy, and requires the following to actually treat...
  • Surgery: By means of bone gel and bone setter (or boneclamp if you have one), a fracture can be mended rather quickly.
  • Osteodaxon: A rare medicine requiring some magic to obtain the precursors for, this medicine can heal fractures without surgery (provided the target limb's damage isn't above the fracture threshold). Do note, however, that it will cause severe pain, and should probably have Tramadol administered alongside it.


Not actually a fracture or even a problem related to surgery, but it will function as a fracture in that the limb will become incapacitated. Fixing it simply requires that you stand next to the patient and use the 'Undislocate-Joint' verb. If there are multiple dislocations, a prompt will appear asking which limb you would like to relocate.

Medical Department Equipment

The Medical department has quite a few pieces of important equipment. Every doctor should strive to learn to use all of them, but some doctors are more specialized to use certain equipment.

Medical Ward

The medical ward, or triage ward, has some of the most vital pieces of equipment. Every medical player, from orderlies to nurses to virologists to surgeons should all know how to use this equipment.

Body Scanner

Pretty much a CT and MRI scanner shoved into one futuristic bed and console, and so much more! This is probably one of the most vital pieces of equipment for Medical as it can diagnose pretty much anything wrong with a patient. Some things it can do are, but not limited to:

  • Provide information on all of the damage types.
  • How much blood the patient has.
  • Show what reagents are in the stomach/blood stream, and how much there is.
  • Give a detailed analysis of each limb, including fractures, internal bleeding, the presence of implants, and if there are foreign bodies in the limb.
  • Print condensed information to hand to a physician in the event the patient requires surgery.

It should be common practice to scan every patient with this, both coming in and out of the ward. It will diagnose anything wrong with the patient, and when you release them you can print out the scan and file it away so if a problem arises later you have records showing that you aren't at fault for the new symptoms.


Next to - or at least not far away from - the body scanner are sleepers, beds that specialize in treating most side effects of trauma, but are otherwise an endless reservoir of some basic medicines. Some features of the sleeper are:

  • Gives estimated readout of patient's health by means of number values and colored bar graphs.
  • Allows the injection of:
    • Dylovene (antitoxin)
    • Inaprovaline (stabilizer)
    • Paracetamol (painkiller)
    • Dexalin (to combat hypoxia)
  • Can conduct dialysis on a patient to remove anything that isn't blood (such as toxins, but medicines are included in this) from their blood stream.
  • Can perform a stomach pump to remove poisons, medicine overdose, or even food with allergens from the patient's stomach.
  • Stasis ability, with multiple settings to decide how slow the patient's body should take damage or process reagents.
    • The lowest setting skips 99 of 100 life ticks.

The sleeper comes with a large beaker that is used for both dialysis and the stomach pump. When the beaker is filled it will need to be emptied before further dialysis and stomach pumping is performed.


A true marvel of Medical are it's cryogenic tubes; once the patient is cooled below 0C, they'll slowly recover from most forms of basic injury. That said, the real magic begins when using certain medicines that can only be used at sub-zero temperatures, namely Cryoxadone and Clonexadone, which are both capable of healing lots of damage over time. If not for healing genetic damage, it should be noted that one unit of medicine taken from the tube's beaker is multiplied into ten units inside the patient!

The Cryogenic tubes are even self-regulating, and will not dump the entire contents of their beaker into a single patient; so long as the patient has any cryoxadone or clonexadone in their bloodstream, the tube will not transfer more reagents to them. Combined with the multiplication effect, this means whole system is fairly efficient and also avoids overdosing patients.

One of the primary functions of the cyro pods are for stabilizing triage patients for later treatment. If you are being overwhelmed with patients in an emergency you can use the cryo pods to essentially put the problem off until later.

How to Setup the Cryo Pods

While a nice piece of equipment indeed, the cryo pods requires some prep in order to use it to it's full capacity, namely putting the beakers of cryoxadone in and setting the gas cooler. Placing the beakers inside the cryo tube is as simple as taking the beakers on the table in hand and clicking on the tubes with them. If you want to add any other medicines to the beakers you can jettison the beakers by clicking the pod and selecting 'Eject Beaker'. Near the cryo pods will be a gas cooler. Just click on it and set the temperature between 10 and 80 Kelvin, though no lower or higher. Too low could draw a lot of unnecessary power, while setting it too high may slow down how fast the medicine inside the patient can work. 20 kelvins should be acceptable if you are unsure.

Medical Stand

This medical stand comes with an Intravenous Drip (IV) and gas tank holder with built-in mask. The IV can be used to provide a slow but steady supply of medicine to a patient via a medicine bottle, or for blood transfusions via a blood bag. Patients can even donate blood if they wish, just make sure to use an empty blood bag and right-click the stand and select 'Toggle IV Mode'. The gas tank holder can be used to provide a gas to the patient, typically a nitrous oxide/oxygen mix marked with white and red tanks is used to anesthetize the patient. After installing the gas tank a wrench is required to secure it.

To use the medical stand, click-drag the stand onto the patient. If both a gas tank and IV are installed then you will be asked which you would like to use on the patient. If using the gas tank, you will need to toggle on the valve by clicking the medical stand and choosing 'Toggle valve' and toggle it off again when you are finished by using the same procedure. To remove the mask or IV simply click-drag once more onto the patient and you will remove the mask or IV. Moving the medical stand away from the patient while they are attached to an IV will result in the IV being ripped out, so be careful to remove it first. Similarly a mask will be removed from the patient if it is moved away. A mask that gets removed in any way will automatically retract into the medical stand for re-use. Right-clicking the medical stand will allow you to change the flow rate on an IV via "Set IV Transfer Amount".

Smart Chemical Storage

This is where the chemist will store all of the chemicals they make. It's located in the wall between chemistry and the ward so doctors have access to it from inside the ward. A well-stocked storage means a well-prepared medbay.


Every medical ward and operating room will have a recharger located on a table. Defibrillators can slot directly on top of them to recharge without needing to first remove the battery! When the recharger rapidly flashes yellow lights it means recharging is complete.

Chemistry Equipment

Chemical/Bioproduct Dispenser

These dispensers have all a chemist needs to make any of the various medicines a doctor may need and more! The bioproduct dispensers can even act as a very unappetizing protein shake dispenser.

ChemMaster 3000

The Chem Master is where the chemist will distribute beakers of their chemicals into easily portable bottles and even pills.


Operating Table

While surgery can be performed on any table, an Operating Table was designed specifically for the purpose. Only in the most dire circumstances should an operation be performed without a proper table.

Operating Computer

The Operating Computer works in conjunction with the Operating Table, providing information on the patient and even suggesting possible surgical procedures on the fly.


Resleeving Pods

Probably the second most used pieces of equipment before the auto resleever was introduced, these machines are what keep the crew from staying dead, particularly when they get eaten. See the Resleeving heading for instructions on how to use this.

Automatic Resleever

A marvel of science and engineering, this machine is able to resleeve species that typically cannot be resleeved using a normal resleever. Medical staff won't ever need to interact with this unless a resleeved patient forgets their belongings in the resleeving room. (Most importantly, this means that scenes that have particularly gastric or otherwise fatal endings no longer have to have medical players involved at all for the aftermath. Things can be kept quite private now.)

Resleeving Chutes

These is much like a normal disposals chute except they lead to the resleeving lab. On the Tether, all but one resleeving chute will lead to the resleeving lab. If someone has been automatically resleeved and their possessions are missing you may want to check the regular resleeving lab. The only chute that goes directly to the auto resleever on the Tether is the one located directly outside the auto resleever room. On the Stellar Delight all blue resleeving chutes will go to the auto resleever room.

Personal Equipment Loadout

Here is listed a variety of equipment doctors may want to keep on their person as much as they can. As doctors gain experience they may wish to take different equipment, or forgo some entirely.

Recommended equipment

  • A Health Analyzer for an in-depth analysis of someone's health with little effort. Gives precise numbers as to someone's brute, burn, toxin, and oxy damage, and can even tell if someone has genetic, radiation, or brain damage, though not how much. Will also inform the user if the patient has fractures or internal bleeding, but not their location. More advanced analyzers will provide more information. You will still want to use the full body scanner when you can. If you are new to medical then you can find bulkier looking "Instructional Health Analyzer" which has the option of suggesting treatments based on wounds detected on a patient.
  • A pair of AR-M glasses can evaluate someone's health from a glance. Can also show the patient's job icon, and it can view suit sensors in a new window. Can also view patient records, allows you to set their physical status, and allows you to add temporary comments to a patient's record. If you have a NIF installed you can instead use the free medical NIFSoft installers in the medical equipment room to get all the same functionality.
  • A Labcoat as per Standard Operating Procedure. Has storage space on the inside of the coat which is perfect for extra medicine or a syringe case, and allows you to use the suit storage slot. Health analyzers can fit into the suit storage slot. Teshari will want to bring a teshari-specific labcoat to work with them, located in the 'Xenowear' section of the loadout menu.
  • A pair of Latex or Nitrile gloves as per SOP and to prevent infection. You'll want to put these on before interacting with a patient and be sure to wash your hands as well. In a real setting you would dispose of them afterwards but this is not necessary on Virgo, especially as there's typically limited supply.
  • A Medical Belt to store your medicines. Has seven slots and is worn in the belt slot. If medicine bottles inside the belt are open you can draw with a syringe directly from them without removing them from the belt.
  • Advanced Trauma and Burn Kits to help with brute and burn wounds respectively, along with disinfecting them. Typically found in the advanced kits in the equipment room and the NanoMed Plus.
  • Bicaridine, KeloDerm/Dermaline, Dylovene , and Dexalin Plus, placed in your belt. Additionally medicines of your choice or ATK/ABKs can occupy the other slots. Tramadol is a popular painkiller to keep in a medical belt. Keeping some Inaprovaline on you can help quickly stabilize a patient or deal with allergic reactions.
  • A syringe to extract and administer said medicines. Holds 15u and draws/injects by 5u with each click. 'use' it to pop the sterile cap off or change draw/inject modes. Can fit on your ear. Logic says not to reuse syringes, however syringes on Virgo can be considered self-sterilizing. If you opt to dispose of syringes you'll want a syringe case or two.
  • Syringe Cases are optional but useful, unless you are disposing of syringes with every use, then they become mandatory. When placed in your uniform pocket you can draw syringes with a single click, or remove the case by click-dragging into your hand, or alt+click them to change functionality.
  • A Roller Bed to transport patients safely without dragging them. Simply control-click the bed, then click-drag a patient onto the bed and you can start running without having to hunt for pixels to pull it. Fits on your back, though it should probably be in your backpack.
  • Emergency Supply Box is something provided to every crew member and contains a crowbar for opening doors during power outages, goggles for phoron leaks, and a breath mask with oxygen tank for gas leaks in general or even viral outbreaks. Since you are going to be the one to save people in the event of an emergency it's important that you don't become a casualty yourself. You can even use the emergency supply box to store a handful of additional items if you want, there's room for 3 bottles of medicine or whatever emergency supplies you might need.

Additional equipment to consider

  • Webbing/Drop Pouches/Bluespace Badge to store more items. These items are mechanically the same, the only difference being the name and sprite. Attaches to the uniform, found in the accessories section of the loadout tab in character setup and sometimes in personal medical lockers.
  • A Stethoscope to diagnose heart and lung injuries and for enjoying borborygmus. More importantly it makes you look extra doctorly. Attaches to the uniform so you only sacrifice space for a neck tie by taking this.
  • A Portable Freezer is intended to store organs should someone gib or otherwise have their organs removed. More commonly it is a nice storage box for plenty of extra medicine for those who want to keep everything on their person.
  • A Defib to resuscitate patients that have recently died. Must go on your back in order to use, on top of having the other hand empty to use the paddles. May need to be recharged after each use. You're likely to simply leave this on a table in medbay instead of taking it with you, unless you are an EMT or search and rescue.
  • A Stasis Bag to transport critical patients. Note that these bags don't halt damage at all like what you may be used to, rather they instead slow it down greatly. They also have a limited air supply, about fifteen SIX MINUTES WORTH OH GOD WHY, meaning time is still of concern, and taking a patient out of the bag will crumple the bag up and make it useless. Two things to note, however: you can scan the patient's vitals through the bag simply by clicking it with the health analyzer, and you can load a syringe into the bag to inject into the patient, which can later be retrieved by using a screwdriver on the bag.

Goodies From Other Departments

Medical has interactions with other departments besides just treating their injuries, surprisingly enough. Research can fabricate new tools and equipment and Cargo can order important medical stuff.


Research, provided there are miners available, can fabricate a number of nice tools for Medical, most of which will be described here:


  • Incision Management System (IMS): Requires high tier research and diamonds, but this tool is invaluable to have. One click can create an incision, clamp bleeders, and retract the skin at the same time!
  • Boneclamp: Requires silver but another amazing instrument to have. Repairs a bone completely in one click, though this will not work for the skull or rib cage without one use of bone gel, otherwise bone repair surgery can be conducted in three clicks with an IMS.
  • Laser Scalpel: Different versions depending on what's available to Research, but this basically works as a scalpel and hemostat combined when opening an incision.


  • Bluespace Beaker: Requires diamonds but is immensely useful for chemistry, holding 300u over it's non-bluespace counterpart which can only hold 120u.
  • Cryostasis Beaker: Reagents won't mix or react inside this beaker, but it can only hold 60u. Not very useful outside of easier grenade production.
  • Pink Slime Extract: Pink slimes are essentially smarter medibots, but their extract is what we're mostly interested in; injecting 5u of blood will create 30u of Myelamine, while injecting 5u of phoron will create Osteodaxon. Simply grind the core in the grinder to extract the reagents.

Quality of Life

  • Odysseus: A medical mech with three attachments available, usually a syringe gun with two sleepers. Probably the most important feature is the mech's ability to scan reagents and synthesize them, allowing you to replicate rare medicines.
  • Super Capacity/Hyper Capacity Power Cells: A few pieces of equipment, namely the Defibs and Rescue RIG, use power cells to function. Replacing the defib cells will allow more consecutive uses without having to recharge while upgrading the RIG's cell will allow the user to use it's modules more without worrying about losing power after a few uses.
  • Advanced Roller Bed: Essentially a regular roller bed but with Scientific(!) blue acrylic paint smeared over it, somehow reducing it's size to better fit in your backpack. Just a smaller bed, pretty much.
  • Medibots: Either helpful, annoying, or totally useless. Swiping your ID over it will unlock it's maintenance panel, allowing you to alter a few options. One option that should be turned on is to report treatments over HUD, while one option that should be turned off is the medibot's speaker as leaving it on will probably make anyone go insane. Probably the most important feature is allowing it to draw from a beaker that you can insert, allowing you to make custom mixes. Unfortunately the bot cannot tell the difference between any of the damage types, only treating a patient once their overall health reaches a certain threshold, therefore take care to not load in medicines that the patient can easily overdose on.
  • Pink slimes: These will provide a small amount of passive healing to anyone who is nearby. Leaving one in the medbay lobby is enough to passively cure minor scrapes, and bruises crew members may get. Especially helpful if your current deployment is prone to gravity-induced injury.


  • Growing Pod: Upgrading the growing pod will result in patients that have less clone damage and less chance for mutations, even to the point that all defects are gone entirely. Basically saves a few seconds during the procedure, or allows you to skip the cryogenics tube entirely.
  • Resleeving Pod: Upgrading the resleeving pod will result in less confusion and dizziness for the patient, allowing the to become acquainted easier with their situation.
  • Gas Cooler: Upgrading the gas cooler will allow it to cool the gasses for cryo quicker.


Cargo is able to order extra supplies that aren't provided by default, or order extra replacement supplies.

  • Clotting Kit: A kit filled with autoinjectors containing Myelamine, a medicine that can clot internal bleeding. Rather expensive. Depending on who is running the cargo department you may or may not get a delivery of this without being prompted.
  • Vey-Med Voidsuit: A sleek voidsuit which is a pretty big step up from the regular voidsuits that come stocked every shift.
  • Stasis Bags: Stasis bags are nice to have but there aren't many. In the event Medical is running low, it's always a good idea to order more.
  • Surgical Tools: If you have to order this crate then something terrible has probably happened to the other tools.
  • Virus Samples: Virology has a handful of samples at the start of the shift, but more can be ordered if needed. Ordering these crates requires both the authorization and ID of the CMO.

Security and Medical

Security is an important department but also a rather nosy one. Aside from treating officers and their prisoners, there are some things that you need to remember when dealing with them. Note that Security isn't made up of bad people, and there are some instances where you'll want to call them in case something obviously terrible is happening in medbay.

Alert Codes

  • Code Green
    • Unless the patient consents or an officer has a warrant, Medical cannot divulge information about the patient.
    • Warrants usually only give access to body scans and medical records.
    • Warrants can request a psychiatric evaluation of a patient, but officers are not permitted to listen in on the evaluation itself.
    • Requesting the locations of individuals requires a very good reason, or a warrant.
  • Code Blue
    • Security does not need a warrant to access patient info such as records, location, autopsies, or body scans. If it's relevant and they ask for it, provide it.
    • Security still does not, however, have access to what a patient divulged to a psychiatrist unless it's directly related to the alert level elevation.
  • Code Red
    • You need to provide information about a patient upon request as long as it's relevant.
    • Suspicious confessions from a psychiatric appointment should probably be mentioned to security.


  • Trespassing: If they aren't Medical and they don't have any Medical personnel attending to them and they just ran in just because they could, call Security. They don't need to be in medbay, they'll get in the way of everything, and they pose a rather large risk to patient confidentiality.
  • Neglect of Duty: If the chemist makes only a few bottles of medicine and rushes elsewhere to do something less productive then you can probably smash this charge over their head. Doctors hanging out in the bar instead of manning the medbay when there's patients awaiting treatment? Neglect of duty, maybe even manslaughter if a patient dies as a result.
  • Disrespect to the Dead: Doing anything to a corpse outside of what's elaborated on in their postmortem instructions may land you with this charge, though this mostly only applies when someone decides to butcher, mutilate, or violate the body. Oh yeah, and EATING THE CORPSE FALLS UNDER THIS AS WELL.
  • Animal Cruelty: Monkeys are used for experimentation and harvesting antibodies in the event there's a viral outbreak, though some experiments aren't experiments in the slightest, particularly when the experiment's data doesn't yield anything useful at all, namely testing reagents to see what happens, pouring acid on a monkey to see how fast they die, 'experimenting' with Mutagen, et cetera. Experiment ideas should probably be pitched to the CMO before it is conducted.
  • Suicide Attempt: While there's no real legal consequence to this, the patient will have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation with supervision until the shift ends. If the patient is deemed too unsafe to keep within medical then they will have to be transferred to the brig. (Also refer to rule 13: AHELP if necessary).
  • Violating Employee Privacy/Breach of Medical Confidentiality: Essentially releasing any information to anyone who isn't the patient or Medical staff without the patient's consent will land you with breaching the patient's privacy. You cannot divulge a patient's information to anyone, not even the Colony Director or CentCom if they ask you unless it's Code Blue or higher.


See also: Resleeving

Similar to cloning, Resleeving is a method of reviving someone - to an extent - via technology provided to Nanotrasen by KHI. Perhaps the main difference between cloning and resleeving is that the mind records are kept separate from the body records, granting the ability to create custom sleeves to put yourself into without the need for brain transplant surgery (which would probably fail anyway due to organ rejection). Mind records are primarily maintained via backup implants provided by medical in reception which will backup the mind state of the patient periodically, with the added benefit of informing medbay staff over the medical frequency if an implant has ceased function, implying the patient has died. Legacy one-time mind scans are available with a SleeveMate, though, if patients don't like blinking pieces of metal in their necks. Crew members may also opt to have a backup implant installed before coming to work using the "Spawn With Backup Implant" setting in the VORE tab of character setup.

((Since there is a resleeving page already perhaps these instructions should just be moved there if necessary. This guide is already quite lengthy and there's so much more to cover.))

Resleeving Procedure

The following steps will entail how to correctly resleeve a patient without error.

  1. Listen for the chime over the medical frequency about a patient's backup implant ceasing to function. This may take fifteen minutes after they have died. Alternatively, follow the rest of this guide if a patient you are caring for has died and cannot be resuscitated.
    • Someone who may or may not be related to the patient's death (which isn't any of your business anyway) may arrive with some of their items in a bag. Take the bag with you but do not look inside.
  2. Check the patient's records. If there is a Do Not Resuscitate or Do Not Resleeve (commonly known as a DNR), then simply heed any postmortem instructions provided in the records.
    • If no postmortem instructions are provided, place the body in a body bag with a toe tag including name and transfer to the morgue.
    • A DNR may also be issued by the CMO if it is reasonable (e.g. not "lol don't resleeve them they're a butt") or Central Command as long as hard evidence is supplied that the patient has committed suicide willingly.
  3. If the patient lacks a mind record and their body is still intact, scan their cadaver with a SleeveMate and select Mind-Scan (One Time). A mind record with their name should appear shortly.
  4. Operate the console and ensure the mind scan is present before growing the body.
  5. Begin growing the body and tint the resleeving lab's windows.
  6. Once the body has been ejected from the growing tube, place it in the cryogenics tube and turn it on until their health reads 100%
    • Assuming the growing tube hasn't been upgraded by research, the patient will be ejected with roughly 20% health due to genetic damage. There's a chance they may also have mutations.
    • It may be a good idea to give the patient a pill of 1u of Ryetalyn to immediately fix any mutations, including blindness and deafness.
  7. Eject the patient from the cryo tube and place a uniform from the spare clothing locker on them. If you were given a backpack with the patient's items, place their backpack on their back slot.
  8. Place the patient in the resleeving tube and sleeve their mind into their body. Eject from the tube and buckle them to the nearest chair.

Post-Resleeving Procedure

The following steps entail how to handle the patient once they are conscious post-resleeving. Failure to heed these instructions may jeopardize the patient's mental well being and the credibility of your medical license.

  1. Shake the patient awake if they aren't already.
  2. Ask how the patient is feeling, where they are/why they are there, find out what they already know regarding their current situation.
  3. Start with telling them that you have some bad news.
    • This is considered a 'warning shot' and will prepare the patient to take in negative information.
  4. Follow with informing them that they have been resleeved.
    • Keeping this simple for the patient to understand is important. Misinformation may be detrimental to the patient.
  5. Allow the patient to process this information. Some may understand and be fine, others may be furious or complain, others may just stare blankly and really just want to run out the door to get eaten again and waste your frikkin biomass.
  6. Ask the patient if they have any questions or concerns. If they ask a question that you do not know the answer to, then inform them that you cannot answer it. Avoid speculation.
  7. Advise the patient to relax for a while and inform them of the side effects of resleeving (generally fatigue).

Remember: They are not a clone, they have only been cloned, in a sense. They are still themselves.


If a patient doesn't have a body record and their previous body is no longer present or intact, then sleeving a mind record into a card may be necessary to help them design a new body (which will be discussed shortly). Sleeve cards are fully aware of their surroundings and situation and are even able to speak, but cannot do anything beyond that. There's no real reason to use this feature short of the reason above.

Body Design

The body design console is located in the reception area of medbay and can be used by anyone, allowing them to design a body similar (but clunkier) to what they can do in character creation. This may also be used in case a patient doesn't have a body record and needs a new one designed. Once a body is designed it will need to be saved to a disk, which are kept in a box on a table behind the windows. Simply insert the disk, save the data onto it, eject it, then insert it into the resleeving console to grow.


((Doesn't this belong on its own 'races' page instead of medical guide???))

There are many races on Virgo, and even options that let you make your own (kinda)! Custom Species aside, some of the vanilla races react a little differently to different treatments. For the purpose of this guide, humans will be used as a base species to compare for the rest of them.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: Monkey

Hairless apes that are smart somehow. Would probably make up most of the (consistent) population of most stations.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560 (copper-based)
  • Primitive Form: Neaera
  • Bleed 50% faster.
  • Take 10% less damage from overdoses.


  • Brute Modifier: 0.85
  • Burn Modifier: 0.85
  • Total Health: 125
  • Blood Volume: 840
  • Primitive Form: Stok
  • Have 'ribplates' on their torso and lower body, which must be cut through in order to conduct any surgery in those areas.
  • Less likely to suffer fractures, requiring higher brute values to break a bone.
  • Lack kidneys and appendix, the liver making up for their absence.
  • Less slowdown from wearing heavy items (e.g. duffle bags)
  • Bleed 25% slower.
  • Primarily carnivorous (half nutrition from all non-meat nutrition sources).
  • Experience blurred vision, fatigue, and sleepiness from ingesting substances that are rich in certain sugars (honey, fruit juice, etc.).

Big dumb OP lizards, traditionally second-class citizens on other servers.


  • Brute Modifier: 1.15
  • Burn Modifier: 1.15
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: Farwa
  • Mildly cold-resistant, mildly heat-intolerant.
  • Not allergic to stimulants (here).

Bipedal catbeasts furred feline-esque creatures hailing from a cold planet.


  • Brute Modifier: 1.35
  • Burn Modifier: 1.35
  • Total Health: 50
  • Blood Volume: 400
  • Primitive Form: N/A
  • Can breathe 12 kPa of oxygen from internals instead of 16 kPa.
  • Preferably carnivorous (+20% nutrition from all meat).

Tiny fragile spacebirbs. Very fast, but will explode in a cloud of feathers if struck.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Forms: Saru

Hungry triangle-faced beings. No pros/cons.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: Sobaka
  • Can breathe underwater.

Shark-esque species raised alongside the Skrell.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: Wolpin

Indeterminate fox-dog-wolf type mutts critters. That's about it.


  • Breathes phoron. Liquid phoron is basically a Vox's version of Dexalin Plus.
  • Actual Dexalin is lethal to Vox, and may result in organ damage if injected.
  • Different internal organs than most other species:
    • Head, Brain - Prosthetic brain
    • Torso, Lungs - Air capillaries
    • Torso, Liver - Waste tract
    • Torso, Kidneys - Filtration bladder
    • Abdomen, Heart - Vox heart
  • Cannot be resleeved, once they are dead, their body cannot be grown and will just have to take place off-station.


  • Brute Modifier: 0.75
  • Burn Modifier: 2
  • Total Health: 120
  • Blood Volume: None, mechanically
  • Primitive Forms: Slime
  • Regenerates damage at 0.2 per tick.
  • Can regenerate lost limbs, but their limbs are also destroyed much more easily.
  • Cannot suffocate.
  • No internal organs sans slime core, which is their brain located in their chest. Healed with Alkysine.
  • Require a Bio-Adaptive NIF if they want a NIF at all.
    • Can implant a NIF into them by just slam dunking it into their face.
  • Being covered in water will inhibit a Promethean's ability to regenerate.
  • Prometheans melt on death. They can be revived by injecting their core with 40u Phoron. Additional nutrition may be necessary as well.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: Sparra

Bird people with beaks that don't smell. Tweet tweet. Can fly.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560 (copper-based)
  • Primitive Form: N/A

Found around Virgo or something.


  • Brute Modifier: 0.8
  • Burn Modifier: 1.15
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: N/A

Spider people. Not much is really known because their development is on hold I guess.


  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: N/A

Birb people but more human.


  • Regenerates health and nutriment when in light.
  • No more or less resistant to harm than a human, but can't be incapacitated by pain (so they effectively have twice as much health) and are highly resistant to electrical shocks.
  • Essentially immune to extremely low pressures and both low and high temperatures.
  • Extremely slow. On the plus side, they experience almost no slowdown from items and light snow or shallow water.
  • Most reagents have little to no effect on a Diona
  • Plant-B-Gone severely poisons a Diona.
  • Doesn’t have internal organs and isn’t affected by broken limbs.
  • Can't be slipped.
  • Cannot be resleeved. On "death", explodes/collapses into a diona "nymph" which can regenerate into a full diona after some time and feeding/attention.


  • Brute Modifier: 0.8
  • Burn Modifier: 1.15
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: N/A
  • Damage, Pain, and Low Nutrition are all Feral Triggers
  • Jitteriness mildly contributes to Feral-ness.
  • When Feral, lights cause hallucinations.
    • They'll generally flee to dark areas like maintenance tunnels.
  • Can self-repair damage at the cost of time and nutriment, actual medical treatment will generally be faster.
  • Can revive self, if liquid nutriment is present in bloodstream.
  • If Feral: Put in dark area, give food (preferably meat!), attempt to fix injuries/pain.
  • Cannot be resleeved. Put the "corpse" somewhere safe and dark, shoot it full of liquified meat, then stand well back until it goes ding splort.

Xenomorph Hybrid

  • Brute Modifier: 1
  • Burn Modifier: 1
  • Total Health: 100
  • Blood Volume: 560
  • Primitive Form: N/A

Just a human mixed with xeno DNA. Why is this whitelisted again?


((I'm not going to copy-paste that entire spiel into here. If there is a facilities section in this guide it's going to cover the primary rooms and be more general instead of describing every bandage that can potentially spawn in each room.))