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{{wip|assign=Burrito Justice}}
{{SidebarJob|jobname=Medical Doctor|img_file=MedicalDoctor.png|tagline=Show me where it hurts|department=Medical|access=ETC, Chemistry, EMT Bay, Operating Rooms, Psych Room, Virology, Morgue, Maintenance, EVA|duties=Keep the crew healthy, save lives|supervisors=Chief Medical Officer|difficulty=Underappreciated|alt_titles=Surgeon, Emergency Physician, Nurse, Virologist}}
{{SidebarJob|jobname=Medical Doctor|img_file=MedicalDoctor.png|tagline=Show me where it hurts|department=Medical|access=ETC, Chemistry, EMT Bay, Operating Rooms, Psych Room, Virology, Morgue, Maintenance, EVA|duties=Keep the crew healthy, save lives|supervisors=Chief Medical Officer|difficulty=Underappreciated|alt_titles=Surgeon, Emergency Physician, Nurse, Virologist}}
The '''Medical Doctor''' as a role is an extremely important one. If you know what you're doing, as a Medical Doctor you ''will'' save lives. Nearly every death can be prevented, provided you reach the victim in time. Since Medical Doctors are the only ones with the tools and the [[in character]] experience to save them, Medical Doctors tend to make a lot of friends.
The '''Medical Doctor''' as a role is a '''vital''' one. If you know what you're doing - and you will eventually - you ''will'' save lives. Nearly every death can be prevented, provided you reach the victim in time. Since Medical Doctors are the only ones with the tools and the in character experience to save them, Medical Doctors tend to make a lot of friends. You should know what most chemical medicines are (although you are not required to know how to make them), so look that up on the [[Guide to Chemistry]]. It never hurts to know what the other medical stuff does, but if you have a [[Chemist]] that can make them, they can also tell you how to administer them.

You should know what most chemical medicines are (not how to make them, although you could use the notes in [[Chemistry]]), so look that up on the [[Guide to Chemistry]]. It doesn't hurt to know what the other medical stuff does. But if you have a chemist that can make them, he can also tell you how to administer them.
'''There is no disadvantage to pursuing knowledge regarding medical. Learn, and keep learning.'''

== Overview ==
You start with an advanced first-aid kit and a health analyzer. You main work will be in [[Medbay]], where there are spares, vending machines with more supplies, and more specialized kits. There are also two syringe guns (a level 6 infraction in the presence of secuiritrons) which are fairly useless for healing people, leave them alone. You have some standard medication in the Medical Supplies room, though you should ask [[Chemistry]] for some more specialized ones.
Normally you start with a sterile jumpsuit and labcoat holding an [[Medical_Items#Advanced_Medical_Kit|advanced kit]]. Medbay is located on the top floor (Asteroid 3) west of the elevator, which is where you will want to go. If you're in a reception area with white floors and blue accents, you're in the right place (just don't get confused with Surface Triage on ''Surface'' 3).

As a Medical Doctor, your job is to heal people, save them from the brink of death, and bring those that do die in for [[resleeving]]. You can diagnose injuries with the help of a [[health analyzer]], which you helpfully spawn with. Your PDA can also do a limited health readout. Technically, you and the rest of medical are the only ones who can understand the readout. Remember that the it's simplified so that your can understand it [[OOC]].
As a Medical Doctor, your job is to heal people, save them from the brink of death, and [[Guide to Resleeving|resleeve]] those that are dead. You can diagnose injuries with the help of a [[Medical_Items#Health_Analyzer|health analyzer]], which you helpfully spawn with. Your PDA can work as an alternative, thought he standalone is far superior. From a roleplay standpoint, you and the rest of medical are ''meant to be'' the only ones who can understand the readout.

In terms of your equipment, the general rule is that chemical treatment works at all health levels, whereas physical treatments have limits where they become ineffective. Rolls of gauze and ointment are for minor injuries, and so only work if the brute or burn damage total less than 50 HP. Advanced Trauma and Burn kits are more effective, and so work all the way to 0 HP. Beyond that, more advanced treatment is needed.
In terms of your equipment, the general rule is that chemical treatment works at all health levels, whereas physical treatments have limits where they become ineffective. Rolls of gauze and ointment are for minor injuries and don't yield much in the way of treatment other than first aid. [[Medical_Items#Advanced_Trauma_Kit|Advanced trauma and burn kits]] are more effective and should be used anyway, as there is an abundance. Beyond that, more advanced treatment is needed.

Health runs from 100% to -100%, and it's your job to make sure it doesn't hit the bottom end. Below are the main types of damages and treatments. See the [[Guide to Medicine]] for a more detailed overview.
==Department Facilities==
Medbay has a few different yet important facilities such as the Emergency Treatment Center (ETC), Sub-Acute/Recovery Ward, Exam Room, Patient A, B, and C rooms, Operating Theatres, Chemistry, Psych Room, Primary Storage, and Resleeving Lab. In Primary Storage and near the Patient rooms are stairs leading to lower medbay, which includes Secondary Storage, the Morgue, Break Room, EMT Bay, and Virology.

=== Brute Damage ===
Whether it's from fists, bullets, or a kitchen knife, it's classified as Brute Damage. Brute Damage is inevitably the most common form of damage, and is easily treated.
This is the Emergency Treatment Center, the highlight and possibly the most important area of Medbay. It features [[Medical_Items#Sleeper_.26_Sleeper_Console|two sleepers]] for quick treatments and [[Medical_Items#Body_Scanner_.26_Body_Scanner_Console|a body scanner]] for in-depth diagnostics and analysis that a health analyzer wouldn't be able to yield, as well as [[Medical_Items#Cryo_Cell_.26_Freezer|two cryo cells]] for all-around treatment. There is also a [[Medical_Items#Defibrillator|defib]] charged and ready, two rechargers for the defib batteries, [[Medical_Items#Roller_Bed|extra roller beds]], [[Medical_Items#IV_drip|an IV drip]] for patients who need blood in an emergency with blood bags in a locker, and a sink.

There are two types of brute damage, bruises and wounds. Bruises are caused by blunt objects.They add to a persons brute damage, but unless particularly severe, they do not cause bleeding.
===Sub-Acute Ward===
A large room with six beds and a [[Medical_Items#NanoMed_Plus|NanoMed]]. Patients that are recovering from treatment - such as surgery - are placed here until they are fit for work again. It also features window tinting and a door button so that patients may leave whenever they wish.

Wounds and cuts are caused by sharp objects, and cause bleeding, which can only be stopped with medical treatment.
===Examination Room===
Basically an over-glorified patient room. Includes a few items to diagnose trivial ailments and a bed. Also has window tinting and a door button so that patients may leave whenever they wish. <s>Mostly used to lewd people than actually perform examinations ''you filthy animals.''</s>

If the patient is not in life-threatening danger, simply have them tell you where they were hit, use the body scanner in Medbay, or get them to strip off their jumpsuit and examine so you can see where. Apply gauze (for minor damage) or advanced trauma kits (for major damage) to affected areas and send them on their way.
===Patient A-C===
Small rooms with no access requirements on the doors. Good for isolating patients when the Sub-Acute isn't private enough for their liking. Features window tinting.

Brute Damage takes the form of big red streaks, or blue-purple-red messes. Apply gauze or advanced trauma kits in those areas, inject with Tricordrazine or, in cases of a helpful [[Chemist]] and extreme damage, Bicaridine.
===Operating Theatre 1 & 2===
These rooms are dedicated to performing osteopathy, and include the tools needed to carry out such. These rooms are better known as OR1 and OR2 respectively. OR1 has two sets of surgical instruments, allowing two surgeons to operate on one patient at the same time. OR2 is smaller and features only one set of tools, but is used more often. Both rooms have an anesthetics closet, IV drip, blood bags, patient monitoring consoles, and window tinting.

==== Blood Loss ====
===Resleeving Lab===
''See Also: [[Guide_to_Medicine#Low_Blood_Count|A More Detailed Guide on Blood Loss]]''
If you've heard of cloning, [[resleeving]] is just about the same but with a few more steps involved. This room contains a resleeving console to control the following equipment: a growing vat to grow a body from a body record, a cryogenics tube to mend any physical defects of the sleeve, and a resleeving unit to sleeve the patient's latest mind record into the body. The room also contains a locker with spare clothing and radios, window tinting, and a door button so that patients may leave.

Living things have blood. Blood is quite important for them to keep living. Cuts and loss of limbs will cause various amounts of bleeding, which require rolls of gauze or advanced trauma kits to stop.
===Primary Storage===
A small room pretty much in the middle of medbay with a [[Medical_Items#NanoMed_Plus|NanoMed]], SmartFridge connected to Chemistry, [[Nanite_implant_framework|NIFSoft disks]], two doctor equipment lockers, and [[Medical_Items#Stasis_Bag|a few stasis bags]] among other equipment. Has stairs leading down to Secondary Storage.

Blood level can be found on the health analyser read out with warnings when levels get too low. Loss of blood can cause fainting or paleness of skin. Blood can either be injected from a donor, or a donor pack can be placed in an IV Drip and connected to the patient.
A lab that a [[Chemist]] normally works in connected to Primary Storage with [[Medical_Items#Chem_Dispenser|three dispensers]], [[Medical_Items#ChemMaster_3000|three ChemMasters]], three large beakers, a [[Medical_Items#Reagent_Grinder|grinder]] with a few sheets of phoron, a couple of lockers with chemistry equipment and attire, and a SmartFridge for storing medicine synthesized by the [[Chemist]]. Features a button to close the window shutters in case of potential break-ins.

When choosing a blood pack, find the patient's [[Medical Records|medical records]] either on the Patient Records computer in the lobby, or the "Patient Records" function on your PDA. As a quick reminder, A, B and + are types of markers on blood, O and - indicate a lack of said markers. Don't give someone markers they don't already have or they'll die.  If that doesn't make sense to you, [ here's a chart of compatible blood types.]
===Psych Room===
A somewhat large, comfy room for the [[Psychologist]] to use to assist patients with their mental fears and troubles. Features a chemical closet, bookshelves and therapy dolls, couch and chair, and window tinting. '''If the windows are tinted, then it's probably best to not go inside.'''

If you're unsure what blood type to use or the blood type of a patient, O- can be given to anyone.  There is a limited supply, so only use it if absolutely necessary.
===Secondary Storage===
Down here is where a bit more equipment is stored, such as a handful of medical kits, a defib, three roller beds, medical belts, stethoscopes, two doctor equipment lockers, and - probably the most important of all - the cryogenics freezer controlling the cryo tubes above.

===Burn Damage===
The second type of damage is Burn Damage. This is caused by fires and blisteringly high or low temperatures, such as fire or space.  
A dark and dusty room with [[Medical_Items#Morgue|eleven morgue trays]], body bags, and an autopsy table with scanner.
===EMT Bay===
This compact room features the bare necessities that [[Paramedic]]s will equip to take on the challenges of retrieving patients during an emergency. This equipment includes two EMT lockers, [[Medical_Items#Medical_Voidsuit|two (disassembled) EMT voidsuits]] with [[Guide_to_EVA#Suit_Cycler|a suit cycler]], [[Medical_Items#Rescue_Hardsuit|a Rescue RIG]], and [[Medical_Items#Compact_Defibrillator|a compact defib]]. The room is accessed through two windoors, which can both be clicked so that they remain open for faster access.
A large but seldom used facility for virologists. Features two basic quarantine airlocks, two isolated patient rooms, a large quarantine room, [[Medical_Items#Pathogenic_Isolator|an isolator]], [[Medical_Items#Disease_Analyzer|a disease analyzer]], [[Medical_Items#Pathogenic_Incubator|two incubators]], two centrifuges, and a [[Medical_Items#Virus_Food_Dispenser|food dispenser for viruses]].
==Damage and Diagnosis==
===Brute Damage===
Perhaps the most common and prevalent form of damage, brute is the red number on the health analyzer. Anything that results in physical trauma such as punching, cutting, stabbing, low pressure, or anything else that causes bruising or cuts is summed up by brute damage. Bruising, under most circumstances, won't cause bleeding, and small amounts of bruising can be easily treated with an advanced trauma kit. Cuts, on the other hand, may cause bleeding and must be treated immediately with either gauze or kits.
Using trauma kits will instantly heal three brute damage and will trigger the patient's mob to slowly heal on it's own. Higher levels of brute (such as 50 and above) may require Bicaridine for more effective and swift treatment.
====Blood Loss====
<small>See also: [[Guide_to_Medicine#Low_Blood_Count|A More Detailed Guide on Blood Loss]]</small>

Burns work similar to wounds. Apply ointment or advanced burn kits to the affected area to heal it, or give them a kelotane pill. Chemicals take a few seconds to work, so don't waste supplies. For severe burns, give them Dermaline (a Chemist will be needed).
All crew have blood, and said blood carries oxygen throughout their body to keep it alive. Loss of blood means less oxygenation, and puts the patient's life at risk if not remedied quickly. Blood loss can be caused by cuts, intense burns, loss of limbs, damaged lungs, destroyed liver, or '''internal bleeding'''. Common symptoms of low blood levels are dizziness, fainting, pale skin, blood dripping from the patient and onto the floor, '''oxygen damage''', and - perhaps the worst of all - brain damage. Critical levels of blood loss will eventually build up enormous amounts of toxins and will swiftly kill the patient.

Burn Damage appears as grey streaks on a person's body, or you can use the various scanners to tell location, so apply ointment in those areas (usually the chest area).
Treating bleeding should be your first priority, which can usually be accomplished by applying gauze or trauma kits to the area in question. Internal bleeding, however, is different, and will require the body scanner to locate where it is occurring and [[Surgery|surgery]] to remedy it. Alternatively, Myelamine (better known as Quick Clot) can be used to cure internal bleeding.

===Toxin Damage===
===Burn Damage===
Toxin Damage is the third kind of damage and is relatively uncommon.
Burn damage is the yellow number on the health analyzer. Usually caused by intense heat/cold (such as being in super heated atmosphere/fire or space) or electrocution. Burns may cause intense pain and can put someone into paincrit rather quickly, being electrocuted at high wattage may dismember limbs, and intense burn sources can '''boil out their blood'''. Burns also present a high risk for infection, which if left untreated may become lethal.

Be it from a the aptly named toxin bottle, medicine overdoses, soporific, or radiation, Toxin Damage has no visible form, so can only be recognized via analyzing.  
Treatment for small burns can be accomplished by using ointment/burn kits (to clean potential infections) alongside gauze/trauma kits (to encourage healing). Higher levels of burn will require Kelotane or - if a [[Chemist]] is present - KeloDerm/Dermaline, which both work much more efficiently than the basic medicine.

Inject with Dylovene, or give them Dylovene pills. This also shortens the time needed to wake someone up from Soporific or Chloral Hydrate.
===Toxin Damage===
Toxin damage is the green number on the analyzer. Poisons, overdosing, phoron exposure, radiation, critical blood levels, a damaged liver, infections, and handling contaminated items all result in toxin damage. Toxin damage may be hard to identify outside of using a health analyzer, though common symptoms are aching, stinging, vomiting, and damage to the liver, though other organs may be damaged depending on the poison in the patient's blood.

===Suffocation Damage===
Treatment should always start with removing the patient from the source of the toxins.
The last main kind of damage often occurs when a patient is in critical health (-50% Health), and is usually accompanied by a another type of damage.  
*'''Poisons/Overdosing:''' Activate dialysis in a sleeper.
*'''Phoron Exposure:''' Request the patient to remove ''all'' clothing articles and place any contaminated clothing in a washing machine.
*'''Radiation:''' Administer Hyronalin/Arithrazine and place them in a cryo tube if they have clone damage.
*'''Infection:''' Administer Spaceacillin and monitor the stage of infection.
*'''Gangrene/Necrosis:''' Amputate/extract the limb/organ in question. If the organ is vital to the patient's health, keep patient stable until robotics can fabricate a replacement organ.
*'''Damaged Liver:''' Administer Dylovene/Carthatoline if the damage is below 15. If the damage is above 15, administer Peridaxon or conduct surgery to heal the organ.
*'''Critical Blood Levels:''' Hook patient up to IV drip with O- attached immediately.
Once all of the sources of toxins are gone, administer Dylovene in appropriate quantities. Dylovene does not overdose (it does, actually, but the resulting toxins are cured by the Dylovene itself).

Suffocation can be cured using Dexalin, Dexalin Plus, or plain fresh air (if the patient is not critical). If the patient is in critical condition, then heal the other damage, and the suffocation should recover naturally. CPR also recovers suffocation damage slowly if the patient is in critical (click on them with an empty hand with the help intent).
===Suffocation Damage (Hypoxia)===
Suffocation damage (aka Hypoxia) is the cyan number on the analyzer. Lack of breathable air, damaged lungs/heart, blood loss, and suffering from critical health may all contribute to the lack of oxygenation. Symptoms are gasping and loss of consciousness.

Inaprovaline halts Suffocation damage, but only when in Critical.
Treatment can be done by performing CPR on the patient, supplying internals with doubled pressure output, or administering Inaprovaline/Dexalin/Dexalin Plus.

===Uncommon Conditions===
===Uncommon Conditions===

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The Medical Doctor as a role is a vital one. If you know what you're doing - and you will eventually - you will save lives. Nearly every death can be prevented, provided you reach the victim in time. Since Medical Doctors are the only ones with the tools and the in character experience to save them, Medical Doctors tend to make a lot of friends. You should know what most chemical medicines are (although you are not required to know how to make them), so look that up on the Guide to Chemistry. It never hurts to know what the other medical stuff does, but if you have a Chemist that can make them, they can also tell you how to administer them.

There is no disadvantage to pursuing knowledge regarding medical. Learn, and keep learning.


Normally you start with a sterile jumpsuit and labcoat holding an advanced kit. Medbay is located on the top floor (Asteroid 3) west of the elevator, which is where you will want to go. If you're in a reception area with white floors and blue accents, you're in the right place (just don't get confused with Surface Triage on Surface 3).

As a Medical Doctor, your job is to heal people, save them from the brink of death, and resleeve those that are dead. You can diagnose injuries with the help of a health analyzer, which you helpfully spawn with. Your PDA can work as an alternative, thought he standalone is far superior. From a roleplay standpoint, you and the rest of medical are meant to be the only ones who can understand the readout.

In terms of your equipment, the general rule is that chemical treatment works at all health levels, whereas physical treatments have limits where they become ineffective. Rolls of gauze and ointment are for minor injuries and don't yield much in the way of treatment other than first aid. Advanced trauma and burn kits are more effective and should be used anyway, as there is an abundance. Beyond that, more advanced treatment is needed.

Department Facilities

Medbay has a few different yet important facilities such as the Emergency Treatment Center (ETC), Sub-Acute/Recovery Ward, Exam Room, Patient A, B, and C rooms, Operating Theatres, Chemistry, Psych Room, Primary Storage, and Resleeving Lab. In Primary Storage and near the Patient rooms are stairs leading to lower medbay, which includes Secondary Storage, the Morgue, Break Room, EMT Bay, and Virology.


This is the Emergency Treatment Center, the highlight and possibly the most important area of Medbay. It features two sleepers for quick treatments and a body scanner for in-depth diagnostics and analysis that a health analyzer wouldn't be able to yield, as well as two cryo cells for all-around treatment. There is also a defib charged and ready, two rechargers for the defib batteries, extra roller beds, an IV drip for patients who need blood in an emergency with blood bags in a locker, and a sink.

Sub-Acute Ward

A large room with six beds and a NanoMed. Patients that are recovering from treatment - such as surgery - are placed here until they are fit for work again. It also features window tinting and a door button so that patients may leave whenever they wish.

Examination Room

Basically an over-glorified patient room. Includes a few items to diagnose trivial ailments and a bed. Also has window tinting and a door button so that patients may leave whenever they wish. Mostly used to lewd people than actually perform examinations you filthy animals.

Patient A-C

Small rooms with no access requirements on the doors. Good for isolating patients when the Sub-Acute isn't private enough for their liking. Features window tinting.

Operating Theatre 1 & 2

These rooms are dedicated to performing osteopathy, and include the tools needed to carry out such. These rooms are better known as OR1 and OR2 respectively. OR1 has two sets of surgical instruments, allowing two surgeons to operate on one patient at the same time. OR2 is smaller and features only one set of tools, but is used more often. Both rooms have an anesthetics closet, IV drip, blood bags, patient monitoring consoles, and window tinting.

Resleeving Lab

If you've heard of cloning, resleeving is just about the same but with a few more steps involved. This room contains a resleeving console to control the following equipment: a growing vat to grow a body from a body record, a cryogenics tube to mend any physical defects of the sleeve, and a resleeving unit to sleeve the patient's latest mind record into the body. The room also contains a locker with spare clothing and radios, window tinting, and a door button so that patients may leave.

Primary Storage

A small room pretty much in the middle of medbay with a NanoMed, SmartFridge connected to Chemistry, NIFSoft disks, two doctor equipment lockers, and a few stasis bags among other equipment. Has stairs leading down to Secondary Storage.


A lab that a Chemist normally works in connected to Primary Storage with three dispensers, three ChemMasters, three large beakers, a grinder with a few sheets of phoron, a couple of lockers with chemistry equipment and attire, and a SmartFridge for storing medicine synthesized by the Chemist. Features a button to close the window shutters in case of potential break-ins.

Psych Room

A somewhat large, comfy room for the Psychologist to use to assist patients with their mental fears and troubles. Features a chemical closet, bookshelves and therapy dolls, couch and chair, and window tinting. If the windows are tinted, then it's probably best to not go inside.

Secondary Storage

Down here is where a bit more equipment is stored, such as a handful of medical kits, a defib, three roller beds, medical belts, stethoscopes, two doctor equipment lockers, and - probably the most important of all - the cryogenics freezer controlling the cryo tubes above.


A dark and dusty room with eleven morgue trays, body bags, and an autopsy table with scanner.


This compact room features the bare necessities that Paramedics will equip to take on the challenges of retrieving patients during an emergency. This equipment includes two EMT lockers, two (disassembled) EMT voidsuits with a suit cycler, a Rescue RIG, and a compact defib. The room is accessed through two windoors, which can both be clicked so that they remain open for faster access.


A large but seldom used facility for virologists. Features two basic quarantine airlocks, two isolated patient rooms, a large quarantine room, an isolator, a disease analyzer, two incubators, two centrifuges, and a food dispenser for viruses.

Damage and Diagnosis

Brute Damage

Perhaps the most common and prevalent form of damage, brute is the red number on the health analyzer. Anything that results in physical trauma such as punching, cutting, stabbing, low pressure, or anything else that causes bruising or cuts is summed up by brute damage. Bruising, under most circumstances, won't cause bleeding, and small amounts of bruising can be easily treated with an advanced trauma kit. Cuts, on the other hand, may cause bleeding and must be treated immediately with either gauze or kits.

Using trauma kits will instantly heal three brute damage and will trigger the patient's mob to slowly heal on it's own. Higher levels of brute (such as 50 and above) may require Bicaridine for more effective and swift treatment.

Blood Loss

See also: A More Detailed Guide on Blood Loss

All crew have blood, and said blood carries oxygen throughout their body to keep it alive. Loss of blood means less oxygenation, and puts the patient's life at risk if not remedied quickly. Blood loss can be caused by cuts, intense burns, loss of limbs, damaged lungs, destroyed liver, or internal bleeding. Common symptoms of low blood levels are dizziness, fainting, pale skin, blood dripping from the patient and onto the floor, oxygen damage, and - perhaps the worst of all - brain damage. Critical levels of blood loss will eventually build up enormous amounts of toxins and will swiftly kill the patient.

Treating bleeding should be your first priority, which can usually be accomplished by applying gauze or trauma kits to the area in question. Internal bleeding, however, is different, and will require the body scanner to locate where it is occurring and surgery to remedy it. Alternatively, Myelamine (better known as Quick Clot) can be used to cure internal bleeding.

Burn Damage

Burn damage is the yellow number on the health analyzer. Usually caused by intense heat/cold (such as being in super heated atmosphere/fire or space) or electrocution. Burns may cause intense pain and can put someone into paincrit rather quickly, being electrocuted at high wattage may dismember limbs, and intense burn sources can boil out their blood. Burns also present a high risk for infection, which if left untreated may become lethal.

Treatment for small burns can be accomplished by using ointment/burn kits (to clean potential infections) alongside gauze/trauma kits (to encourage healing). Higher levels of burn will require Kelotane or - if a Chemist is present - KeloDerm/Dermaline, which both work much more efficiently than the basic medicine.

Toxin Damage

Toxin damage is the green number on the analyzer. Poisons, overdosing, phoron exposure, radiation, critical blood levels, a damaged liver, infections, and handling contaminated items all result in toxin damage. Toxin damage may be hard to identify outside of using a health analyzer, though common symptoms are aching, stinging, vomiting, and damage to the liver, though other organs may be damaged depending on the poison in the patient's blood.

Treatment should always start with removing the patient from the source of the toxins.

  • Poisons/Overdosing: Activate dialysis in a sleeper.
  • Phoron Exposure: Request the patient to remove all clothing articles and place any contaminated clothing in a washing machine.
  • Radiation: Administer Hyronalin/Arithrazine and place them in a cryo tube if they have clone damage.
  • Infection: Administer Spaceacillin and monitor the stage of infection.
  • Gangrene/Necrosis: Amputate/extract the limb/organ in question. If the organ is vital to the patient's health, keep patient stable until robotics can fabricate a replacement organ.
  • Damaged Liver: Administer Dylovene/Carthatoline if the damage is below 15. If the damage is above 15, administer Peridaxon or conduct surgery to heal the organ.
  • Critical Blood Levels: Hook patient up to IV drip with O- attached immediately.

Once all of the sources of toxins are gone, administer Dylovene in appropriate quantities. Dylovene does not overdose (it does, actually, but the resulting toxins are cured by the Dylovene itself).

Suffocation Damage (Hypoxia)

Suffocation damage (aka Hypoxia) is the cyan number on the analyzer. Lack of breathable air, damaged lungs/heart, blood loss, and suffering from critical health may all contribute to the lack of oxygenation. Symptoms are gasping and loss of consciousness.

Treatment can be done by performing CPR on the patient, supplying internals with doubled pressure output, or administering Inaprovaline/Dexalin/Dexalin Plus.

Uncommon Conditions

The above are the main types of damage people will receive. Other more unique damages and treatments can be found on the Guide to Medicine.

Genetic diseases can be cured by Ryetalyn or a Clean SE from your local Geneticist. So shake the chemist up and get a little to cure people.

Viruses and Diseases are in the domain of the Virologist. Scanning people with your health analyser might show an 'Unknown substance' in their blood stream, which may mean a virus, or just some chemicals. Either way, take a blood sample and pass it to your Virologist to analyze.

Give your infected patients Spaceacillin to slow the spread and keep them isolated. Wearing gloves and a sterile mask helps to stop anyone else getting infected.

Medical States

There are three type of medical states. The first is 'shock', which is the least dangerous of the three. If someone takes enough damage from each damage type, they may go into shock. This causes stammering and slow movement, and eventually collapsing and loss of consciousness. This can be cured by dealing with all the other types of damage, or temporarily by using tramadol.

The second is known as 'soft critical'. When someone is below 0% health (having taken more than 100 points of damage), they will suffer shock until they are above 0% health.

The third is known as 'critical' and occurs at -50% health (more than 150 points of damage). At this point, the patient will go unconscious, stop breathing, and take suffocation damage. This can be stopped with Inaprovaline or CPR. Chemical or Cryo treatment is usually necessary at this stage.


You'll have to deal with broken bones, appendicitis, and autopsies. All of which can be performed by you, and only you (IC anyway) .

A guide to surgery is here.


Medicines are generally beneficial, however, more than 30 units of most medications will cause the patient to take large amounts of toxin damage. Sleepers are restricted to injecting 40 units of most chemicals, so caution should be exercised. Also note that most pills in standard medication kits are 15 units.

Notable absences from overdoses include Dylovene, Soporific, Tricordrazine, and Inaprovaline.

Modern Miracles


Setting up Cryogenics is easy and simple.

Firstly, ensure the O2 canisters are connected to the ports. There's a wrench nearby to do this. Secondly, fill the tubes with Cryoxadone - beakers should be on the table. Then set the freezer to the minimum to start cooling the chamber down.

In order to use it for a patient, take off any temperature suits that have (RIG, Spacesuits, void suits, fire suits, etc.), grab them and put them in the cryo tube. Then turn it on and wait. You can monitor the patients vitals from outside. It's usually easier to strip all their items, and will allow cryo to cool them faster. Remember to eject them when they're better.


Medibots no longer magically synthesize Tricordrazine, so you have to fill them for them to do any good. Good news for you! Or maybe not when people actually start dying.

Using your ID, you can alter his settings, and fill him with a beaker of Tricordrazine or Alkysine.

As a traitor, you can fill him with a beaker of Polytrinic Acid, or even Emag him. Once Emagged, the delightful little medibot buzzes around injecting everyone and everything with not-so-helpful chemicals.


There is so many wonderfully terrible things you can do. See that sleepy pen item? Guess what, when people get stabbed with those, they drag them to med bay to be "doctored" by you and other people. You can then take them some place private in Medbay, and take what you want or go for malpractice to end them. You can hide victims by putting little notes by morgue trays saying "This man has been cyborged" or "This man has been cloned" and no one will bat an eye at why they are naked, and why they are there. Usually.

Roleplay Tips

  • You most likely have a decent knowledge of people and medicines. Use it to help people.
  • Feel free to play a nice guy, or the next House. Just make sure people get healed, it's what you're there for after all
  • Remember that there are many fields of knowledge in the world of medicine
  • There are many other things that need real-life treatment that are not developed in-game, if someone comes to the medical bay saying that "They feel a headache" don´t just scan them and say: "There´s no damage on you, you are perfectly fine". Try to roleplay these scenarios, but don´t forget emergencies are more important.
  • If you are performing a scene and someone calls for medical attention, remember that you could be fired if they find you were not doing your job in a time of need, evalaute the situation and act accordingly.
  • Nurses normally welcome people in the medical bay reception and attend their needs, doctors then usually are the ones that attend the patients with the help of the nurses, these are just job statements, if your character is a nurse, but has enough knowledge to perform surgery, that´s up to you.
  • Performing surgery is usually done with a team or a partner, usually nurses or other surgeons. If no one is able to help with surgery, you should at least inform the rest of the medical team of what you are doing, unless it´s an illegal procedure, of course.
  • Remember that medicine is not easy, in your text messages you could read something like: "No damage detected" or "You saw through the bones" but in real life you´d be shitting bricks if you had to either decipher the readings of a scanner or if you had to open a ribcage with a saw.

Jobs on Vorestation

Command Site Manager, Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer
Security Head of Security, Security Officer, Warden, Detective
Engineering Chief Engineer, Engineer, Atmospheric Technician
Cargo Quartermaster, Cargo Technician, Shaft Miner
Medical Chief Medical Officer, Medical Doctor, Paramedic, Psychologist, Chemist,
Science Research Director, Scientist, Roboticist, Xenobiologist
Service & Civilian Intern/Visitor, Bartender, Botanist, Chef, Chaplain, Command Secretary, Janitor, Librarian, Pilot
Station-Bound AI, Cyborg, Maintenance Drone, Personal AI, Ghost, Mouse
ITV Talon Talon Captain, Talon Pilot, Talon Guard, Talon Doctor, Talon Engineer