Guide to Food and Drink: Difference between revisions

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m (Added catalyst info to godka recipe.
m (→‎Coffee Drinks: Formatting)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 699: Line 699:
|5 parts whiterussian, 1 part iron.
|5 parts whiterussian, 1 part iron.
|This will keep you stunned for as long as it is in your stomach.
Line 1,075: Line 1,075:
Cold Drinks vending machine.
Cold Drinks vending machine.
|Cafe Latte
|Mix 1 part coffee, 1 part milk
|Drinks dispenser; Hot Drinks vending machine.
|[[File:Coffee Milkshake.gif|32x32px]]
|[[File:Coffee Milkshake.gif|32x32px]]
|Coffee Milkshake.
|Coffee Milkshake.
Line 1,154: Line 1,147:
|Grub Protein Drink
|Grub Protein Drink
|5 part 200 V, 25 part Water
|5 part 200 V, 25 part Water
|Iced Coffee
|1 part ice, 2 parts coffee
Line 1,286: Line 1,275:
|Soda Oil
|Soda Oil
|4 part Corn Oil, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Tricordrazine
|4 part Corn Oil, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Tricordrazine
|Soy Latte
|1 part coffee, 1 part soymilk
Line 1,335: Line 1,320:
|Watermelon Juice
|Watermelon Juice
|Drinks dispenser; Process a watermelon slice.
|Drinks dispenser; Process a watermelon slice.
===Coffee Drinks===
{| class="sortable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1" align="center"
! style="background-color:Chocolate;" |Picture
! style="background-color:Chocolate;" |Cocktail
! style="background-color:Chocolate;" |How to Get It
|1 part water, 1 part coffee powder
|Iced Coffee
|1 part ice, 2 parts coffee OR drip cofee
|1 part coffee, 1 part drip coffee
|1 part water, 2 parts coffee
|Long Black
|1 part water, 1 part coffee
|1 part milk, 2 parts coffee
|1 part milk, 2 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam
|1 part milk, 2 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam, 1 part cream
|1 part milk, 1 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam
|Flat White
|2 part milk, 1 part drip coffee
|Cafe Latte
|3 part milk, 1 part drip coffee
|1 part milk, 1 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam, 1 part cream, 1 part hot coco
|1 part cream, 2 parts Coffee
|Soy Latte
|1 part coffee, 1 part soymilk

Line 1,953: Line 2,001:

==Vending Machines==
==Vending Machines==
[[File:Vendsnack.gif|50px]] Junk Food
[[File:Snack Vendors.gif|64x64px]] [[File:Drink Vendors.gif|64x64px]]
If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal, you might want to check the nearest vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly! There are a number dotted around the stations, and come in a wide variety of brands. Those wishing to just quickly fill up on protein might want to try the protein shakes! In the Tether and Stellar Delight, the positions of the vending machines are set. However, in Rascal's Pass, the vending machines at each location are randomised, so be prepared to hunt down the one you want (if it even exists).
Junk Food  
If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal or the Bartender isn't there to serve you drinks, you might want to check the nearest vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly or some drinks sate your thirst! There are a number dotted around the stations, and come in a wide variety of brands. Those wishing to just quickly fill up on protein might also want to try the protein shakes from SweatMAX Vendors!  
On the Tether and Stellar Delight, the positions of the various vending machines are preset, however, in Rascal's Pass, the vending machines at each location are randomized, so be prepared to hunt down the one you want (if it even exists).

{{Gameplay guides}}
{{Gameplay guides}}

Latest revision as of 15:21, 11 January 2025

The Recipe Lists

The recipe list on this page is incomplete! After a massive change to the way that cooking works on this server, which made it possible to make entirely customisable food, the page has not been completely updated to reflect the changes. Instead, look at the below info dumps to find the complete and up to date list of recipes.

The Info Dumps!
Use Guide to Food and Drink#Intermediate Ingredients for the base ingredients.


As you walk and move about on station, your starting nutrition bar will start to drain from starting green, down to dark red; if your hunger bar turns black, you've eaten way too much! But don't worry, you can always fit more. There are no downsides to being stuffed full of absurd amounts of food on this server, so eat till your heart's content. Yes, this means that there is also no slowdown to being stuffed either.

There are specific messages that can be displayed in your "examine" info when you are at different levels of fullness, these can be turned off and on, and even directly editted in your vore panel preferences.

Several reagents will increase your fullness:

  • The most effective: People.
  • Very effective: Nutriment, found in most foods. The main one and most effective; Corn oil; Animal Protein, found in meat and Egg Yolk.
  • Somewhat effective: Ketchup, Sugar, Sprinkles, Coco powder, Corn oil, Cherry jelly.
  • Some alcoholic drinks.



If you drop to dark red, you move very slowly and your description reveals your lack of eating habits (if you have it enabled in your prefences). You are starving, this is not good! You will move slower until you eat some food, so head to the chef for a burger or slice of meatbread!

Some things will decrease your hunger faster:

  • Vomiting
  • Being cold (by exposure to cold environments or because you were in a cryo tube)
  • Recovering from blood loss
  • Taking Lipozine
  • Using gym equipment (found in the gym or the holodeck)


Your level of nutrition may affect your characters weight, which has no mechanical effects, only a desciption upon being examined. These messages can also be editted in your vore panel preferences. Being overstuffed increases your weight, being hungry reduces it.

You can modify the rate at which your weight changes in the VORE section of character set-up, by changing the weight gain and weight loss percentages.


While on other servers the races have mechanically included allergies (such as Skrell and animal protein) we have removed most code pertaining to these. But there are still reactions that you must take into account: some drinks and food will raise and lower body temperature for example, which can be fatal for species that are sensitive to significant temperature changes. Please be mindful of the species you are serving to. As an example, Teshari should not be given Antifreeze or foods that raise their body temperature.

Please Help us keep this list up to date! (if you know of a reaction not listed, Then please add it or flag someone done in our #wiki Discord Channel.

Food or Drink Species affected Amount needed Time needed to be affected Cause Effect
Antifreeze Teshari, Prometheans 30units near Instant Increased body temperature (up to 330K, 56.85°C/134.3°F) Heavy burn damage to internal organs
Love Maker Promethean, Teshari One drink Instant Increased body temperature (up to 360k, 86.85/188.33°F) Heavy burn damage
Deathbell Promethean, Teshari One drink Instant Increased body temperature (up to 330K, 56.85°C/134.3°F) Instant limb explosion and heavy burn damage for Prometheans, Heavy internal burn damage to Teshari
Coldfront Most humanoids **unknown** **unknown** Decreased body temperature (down to 220K, -53.15°C/-63.67°F) Heavy freeze damage to internal organs
Named Bullet Every non-Promethean **Unknown** **Unknown** Slime jelly. Massive toxic damage to non-Prometheans, but heals Prometheans.
Sbiten **Unknown** **Unknown** **Unknown** Increased body temperature (up to 360K, 86.85°C/188.3°F) **Unknown**
Vox Delight All non-Vox **Unknown** **Unknown** **Unknown** Poisons Non-Vox, heals tox damage on vox.
Three Mile Island Iced Tea **Unknown** **Unknown** **Unknown** Uranium induced High **Unknown**
Gargle Blaster **Unknown** **Unknown** **Unknown** **Unknown** Varies: Flashing colors, lights, sounds, Slurred speech..


IMPORTANT: Many of these drinks, while they do have toxic ingredients, are not toxic in and of themselves. However, because they have toxic ingredients, if you mess them up, you will poison your patrons--not something a good bartender wants to do. An evil one, though...


  • Kahlua = Coffee Liqueur
  • Vodka = Tunguska Triple Distilled
  • Whiskey = Uncle Git's Special Reserve

Alcoholic Drinks

Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol, and each drink has a numerical 'strength' value that determines how quickly you get drunk; lower numbers mean the drink is stronger. Effects start with dizziness, then progress to slurring, stumbling, vision impairment, drowsiness, liver damage, and finally complete incapacitation (and potentially death, in the event of severe liver damage); drinking slower gives your body time to process the ethanol, whereas drinking faster will hit even harder than you might expect. Some species also have special reactions to alcohol; Skrell for instance treat alcohol as up to five times stronger (and so should drink in extreme moderation, but even then stick to lighter drinks) whereas Unathi can handle it better than baseline humans. Tajara and Prometheans likewise get drunk a bit more easily than normal.

Mixed Drinks

All numbers listed below should be considered a unit. Since a drinking glass will hold only 30 units of liquid, it's recommended that bartenders use their drink shakers to concoct these drinks before pouring them out.

Picture Cocktail Ingredients Strength Notes
Acid Spit.gif Acid Spit 1 part sulphuric acid, 5 parts wine 30 Get sulphuric acid from the chemist.
AlliesCocktail.png Allies Cocktail 1 part Classic Martini, 1 part vodka 25 Classic Martini (2 gin, 1 vermouth)
Aloe.png Aloe 1 part cream, 1 part watermelon juice, 1 part whiskey 15 The whiskey must be added last. Makes 2 parts.
Amasec.png Amasec 1 part iron, 5 parts vodka, 5 parts wine 25 Makes 10 parts. Get Iron from the chemist.
Andalusia.png Andalusia 1 part lemon juice, 1 part rum, 1 part whiskey. 15 Get lemons from the gardener and process them.
Angelichor.gif Angel Ichor 5 part Grape Juice, 5 part Gold, 5 part Holy Water (Catalyst) 20
Angels Kiss2.gif Angels Kiss 1 part Angel Ichor, 1 part Kahlua, 1 part Rum 25
Angels Wrath.gif Angels Wrath 1 part Rum, 1 part Mountain Wind, 1 part Angel Ichor, 1 part Dr Gibb 30
Antifreezeglass.png Anti-Freeze 1 part cream, 1 part ice, 1 parts vodka 12 Raises body temperature. Poisonous to Teshari.
Appletini.gif Appletini 2 parts applejuice, 1 part vodka 45
Atomicbombglass.gif Atomic Bomb 10 parts b-52, 1 part uranium 10 Gets you drunk immediately, and maybe high.
B52.gif B-52 1 part irish cream, 1 part cognac, 1 part kahlua 12 Irish Cream (2 Whiskey, 1 Cream)
Bahamamamaglass.gif Bahama Mama 1 part ice, 2 parts orange juice, 1 part lime juice, 2 parts rum 25
Banana Mama (Banana Honk).gif Banana Mama (Banana Honk) 1 part banana, 1 part cream, 1 part sugar 12 Yes, it's an alcoholic drink with no alcoholic ingredients. Get Bananas from the gardener.
Balloon.gif Balloon 1 part Cream, 1 part Blue Curacao 66
Barefoot.png Barefoot 1 part berry juice, 1 part cream, 1 part vermouth 30 Get berries from the gardener and process them.
BeepskySmash.gif Beepksy Smash 1 part iron, 1 parts lime juice, 1 parts whiskey 12 Briefly stuns.
Brownglass.gif Bilk 1 part beer, 1 part milk 50 Get milk from the kitchen.
Binman Bliss.gif Binman Bliss 1 part sake, 1 part Tequila 24
BlackRussian.png Black Russian 2 part vodka, 1 part kahlua 15
Bloody Mary.gif Bloody Mary 3 parts tomato juice, 2 part vodka, 1 part lime juice 15 Tomato juice from booze vending machine.
Booger.png Booger 1 part banana, 2 part cream, 1 part watermelonjuice, 1 part rum 30 Get bananas from the garden and process them.
BraveBull.png Brave Bull 2 parts tequila, 1 part kahlua 15
ChangelingSting.png Changeling Sting 1 part screwdriver, 1 part lemon juice, 1 part lime juice 10 Screwdriver (2 Vodka, 1 Orange Juice); get lemons from the gardener and process them
Chrysanthemum.gif Chrysanthemum 1 part Sake, 1 part Melon Liquor 35
ClassicMartini.png Classic Martini 2 parts gin, 1 part vermouth 25
Clover Club.gif Clover Club 1 part Berry Juice, 1 part Lemon Juice, 3 parts Gin 30
Cold Front.gif Cold front 1 part Iced Coffee, 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Mint 30 Functionally the opposite of antifreeze
CubaLibre.png Cuba Libre 1 part cola, 2 parts rum 30
Dratine.gif Daiquiri 3 rum, 2 limejuice, 1 sugar 25
Deathbell.gif Deathbell 1 part Anti-Freeze, 1 part Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster,

1 part Syndicate Bomb

10 Poisonous to Prometheans and Teshari. Gets you smashed quickly. More than 30 units will destroy your liver
Demonsbloodglass.gif Demons Blood 1 part blood, 1 part Mountain Wind, 1 part Dr.Gibb, 3 part rum 15 Blood can be drawn with a syringe or juiced from Blood Tomatoes.
Devils Kiss.gif Devils Kiss 1 part blood, 1 part kahlua, 1 part rum 15 Blood can be drawn with a syringe or juiced from Blood Tomatoes.
Driest Martini.png Driest Martini 1 part Nothing, 1 part Gin 12 Get nothing from Bottle of Nothing.
DumbShroomJuice.png Dumb Shroom Juice 1 part psilocybin, 1 part applejuice, 1 part limejuice 100 Will cause hallucianations and drugged like effects.
Elysium Facepunch.gif Elysium Facepunch 1 part Kahlua, 1 part Lemon Juice 20
Erebus Moonrise.gif Erebus Moonrise 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Vodka, 1 part Tequila 10
ErikaSurprise.png Erika Surprise 1 part banana, 1 part ice, 1 part lime juice, 1 part ale, 1 part whiskey 15 Get bananas from the gardener and process them.
Euphoria.gif Euphoria 1 part Special Blend Whiskey, 2 part Cognac 9 Get special blend whiskey from the bar vendor
Nobarsprite.png Fire Punch 1 part Sugar, 2 part Rum 7
Nobarsprite.png Fusionnaire 3 part Lemon Juice, 2 part Vodka, 1 part Peppermint Schnapps

1 part Lemonade Schnapps, 1 part Rum, 1 part Ice

Galactic Panic Attack.gif Galactic Panic Attack 1 part Pan-Galactic GargleBlaster, 1 part Singulo, 1 part Toxin Special, 1 part Neurotoxin, 1 part Atomic Bomb, 1 part Hippies Delight 10 Will cause hallucinate, drugged like effects, stun you, and more. The quickest route to getting fucked up.
Giant Beer.png Giant Beer 1 part syndicatebomb, 1 part manlydorf, 1 part grog 40 Big Beer from VA-11 Hall-a.
GinTonic.png Gin and Tonic 2 parts gin, 1 part tonic 50
Gin Fizz.png Gin Fizz 2 parts gin, 1 part soda water, 1 part lime juice 30
Ginza Mary.gif Ginza Mary 2 part Sake, 2 part Vodka, 1 part Tomato Juice 25
Glowing Appletini 5 parts appletini, 1 part uranium 30 Also causes you to trip out a bit
Godka.gif Godka 1 part Vodka, 1 part Holy Water, 1 part Ethanol, 1 part Carthatoline, 5 Holy Water and 5 Enzyme (Catalyst) 50 Reduces radiation, may cause or heal small amounts of toxin and liver damage
Nobarsprite.png Gods Sake 2 part Sake, 1 part Holy Water 25
Goldschlager.png Goldschlager 10 parts vodka, 1 part gold 15 Grind up Gold from Mining. Can be got from a party crate through Cargo.
Grog.png Grog 1 part rum, 1 part water 100
Hair of the Rat.gif Hair of the Rat 2 parts Monster Tamer, 1 part Nutriment 45 Monster Tamer(1 part animal protein, 1 part whiskey)

Get nutriment by grinding up solid food.

Perfect for the picky Xenochimera.

HippiesDelight.png Hippies Delight 1 part psilocybin, 1 part gargle blaster 15 Gets you high. Psilocybin comes from several types of mushroom that grow in the garden.
Holy Mary 2 Vodka, 3 Angel Ichor, 1 Lime Juice 20
Honey Shot.gif Honey Shot 1 part honey, 1 part Vodka, 1 part grenadine 40
Brownglass.gif Hooch 2 parts ethanol, 1 part fuel (welder fuel), 1 part sugar 25 Is mildly toxic. Ethanol from the chemistry dispensers; welder fuel from welder fuel tanks.
IcedBeer.png Iced Beer 5 parts beer, 1 part ice OR 10 parts beer, 1 part frost oil 50 Lowers body temperature.
Ichormead.gif Ichor Mead 1 part Angel Ichor, 1 part Mead 30
Irishcarbomb2.gif Irish Car Bomb 1 part ale, 1 part irish cream 15 Irish Cream (2 Whiskey, 1 Cream)
IrishCoffee.png Irish Coffee 1 parts irish cream, 1 parts coffee 15 Irish Cream (2 Whiskey, 1 Cream)
IrishCream.png Irish Cream 2 parts whiskey, 1 part cream 25
Italian Crisis.png Italian Crisis 1 part bulldog, 1 part sbagliato 20
Nobarsprite.png Jelly Shot 4 Cherry Jelly, 1 vodka 10
LongIslandIcedTea.png Long Island Iced Tea 3 part Cuba Libre, 1 part vodka, 1 part gin, 1 part tequila 12 Cuba Libre (1 Cola, 2 Rum)
Love Potion.gif Love Maker 1 part honey, 5 parts sexonthebeach 30 Makes your body hot. Literally. Lethal to Prometheans and Teshari
Lotus.gif Lotus 1 part sbagliato, 1 part sugarrush 25
Manhattan.png Manhattan 2 parts whiskey, 1 part vermouth 15
Manhattanprojglass.gif Manhattan Project 10 parts Manhattan, 1 part uranium 10 Gets you high. Manhattan (2 Whiskey, 1 Vermouth)
Margarita.png Margarita 2 parts tequila, 1 part lime juice 15
Nobarsprite.png Melon Spritzer 2 part Watermelon Juice, 2 part Wine, 1 part Apple Juice,

1 part Lime Juice

Nobarsprite.png Mint Julep 2 Whiskey, 1 water, 1 mint 25 Lowers body temperature
Nobarsprite.png Morning After 1 sbiten, 5 coffee 60
Nobarsprite.png Monster Tamer 1 part Whiskey, 1 part Animal Protein 50 Hand it to your local Xenochimera.

You get animal protein by grinding up meat.

Nobarsprite.png Mojito 3 rum, 1 limejuice, 1 mint 30
Mudslide.png Mudslide 1 Black Russian, 1 Irish Cream 13
Nobarsprite.png Named Bullet  4 Slime Jelly, 1 vodka 10 Gives drinker 0.2u slime jelly on drink. Massive tox damage to non-promethean, heals prometheans.
Nobarsprite.png Natuna Brandy 1 part Beer, 2 part Soda Water 80
Nobarsprite.png Negroni  1 gin, 1 bitters, 1 vermouth 25
Negroni Sbagliato.png Negroni Sbagliato 1 part wine, 1 part vermouth, 1 part sodawater 30
SBSNeurotoxin.gif Neurotoxin 1 part gargle blaster, 1 part soporific 10 Also stuns you. Soporific available from Medical.
New York Sour.png New York Sour 3 Whiskey Sour, 2 Wine, 1 Egg 17
Nobarsprite.png Old Fashioned 3 whiskey, 1 bitters, 1 sugar 15
Orginal Sin.gif Original Sin 1 Angel Ichor, 1 apple juice (Catalyst) 17
Nobarsprite.png Paloma 1 orange juice, 1 sodawater, 1 tequilla 20
GargleBlaster.gif Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster 1 part gin, 2 part vodka, 1 part whiskey, 1 part cognac, 1 part lime juice 10 Gets you drunk and high.
Patron.png Patron 10 parts tequila, 1 part silver 30 Can be got from a party crate through Cargo. Grind up silver from Mining.
Pink Moo.png Pink Moo 2 parts Black Russian, 1 part Berry Milkshake 15
Nobarsprite.png Pisco Sour 1 Wine Brandy, 1 lemon juice, 1 sugar 30
RedMead.png Red Mead 1 part blood, 1 part mead 30 Blood can be drawn with a syringe or juiced from Blood Tomatoes.
Red Space Flush.gif Red Space Flush 2 parts rum, 2 parts whiskey, 1 parts blood, 1 parts phoron 30 Causes trippy screen effects
Nobarsprite.png Rotgut Fever Dream 3 vodka, 1 rum, 1 whiskey, 3 cola 10
Russian Roulette.gif Russian Roulette 5 parts whiterussian, 1 part iron. 30 This will keep you stunned for as long as it is in your stomach.
Nobarsprite.png Robustin 1 antifreeze, 1 phoron, 1 welder fuel, 1 vodka 10
Nobarsprite.png Sake Bomb 2 part Beer, 1 part Sake 12 Provides a small amount of nutrition
Nobarsprite.png Saketini 1 part Sake, 1 part Gin 15
Sbiten.png Sbiten 1 part capsaicin, 10 parts vodka. 15 Raises body temperature. Capsaicin is found in Chili from the garden.
Screwdriver.png Screwdriver 2 parts vodka, 1 part orange juice 15
Nobarsprite.png Sex On The Beach 3 part Orange Juice, 2 part Grenadine Syrup, 1 part Vodka 15
Nobarsprite.png Screaming Viking 1 vodka, 1 vermouth, 1 limejuice, 1 rum, 1 gin, 1 tonic 9 Good luck
Silencer.gif Silencer 1 Nothing, 1 cream, 1 sugar 12 Get Nothing from the mime costume crate
Singuloglass.gif Singulo 5 part vodka, 1 part radium, 5 part wine. 10 Get Radium from Chemistry.
Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall.gif Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall 3 parts Screwdriver, 1 part rum, 1 part whiskey, 1 part gin 30 Screwdriver(2 parts vodka, 1 part orange juice)
SnowWhite.png Snow White 1 pineapplejuice, 1 rum, 1 lemon_lime, 1 eggyolk, 1 kahlua, 1 sugar 30
Nobarsprite.png Soemmer Fire 2 parts Manhattan, 1 part Condensed Capsaicin 25 Raises body temperature.
Spacer's Brew.png Spacer's Brew 4 parts Brown Star, 1 part Ethanol 43
Space Bulldog.png Space Bulldog 4 parts White Russian, 1 part Cola 30
Suidream.png Sui Dream 1 parts Space-Up, 1 parts curacao, 1 part melon liquor 100 Curacao and melon liquor are in the booze vending machine.
Sweet Rush.gif Sweet Rush 1 part sugar, 1 part sodawater, 1 part vodka. 30 Sugar Rush from VA-11 Hall-a.
SyndicateBomb.png Syndicate Bomb 1 part whiskey cola, 1 part beer 10 Whiskey Cola (2 Whiskey, 1 Cola)
Nobarsprite.png Tamagozake 10 part Sake, 5 part Sugar, 3 part Egg Yolk 30 Provides a modest amount of nutrition
TequillaSunrise.png Tequila Sunrise 2 parts tequila, 1 part orange juice 25
ManlyDorf.png The Manly Dorf 1 part beer, 2 parts ale 25
Threemileislandglass.gif Three Mile Island Iced Tea 10 parts "Long Island Iced Tea", 1 part uranium 10 Also gets you high. Grind up Uranium from Mining. Long Island Iced Tea (2 Rum, 1 Cola, 3 Vodka, 3 gin, 3 Tequila)
Nobarsprite.png Tokyo Rose 1 part Sake, 1 part Berry juice 35
ToxinsSpecial.gif Toxins Special 2 parts phoron, 2 parts rum, 1 part vermouth 10 Raises body temperature. Grind up Phoron from Mining.
Unsweetened Tea.gif Unsweetened Tea 3 parts sweet tea, 1 part phoron 80 Unnatural. Slightly Psychoactive.
Nobarsprite.png Virgin Sip 1 Driest Martini, 1 water 60
Nobarsprite.png Vesper 3 gin, 1 vodka, 1 wine 20
VodkaTonic.png Vodka and Tonic 2 parts vodka, 1 part tonic 15
VodkaMartini.png Vodka Martini 2 parts vodka, 1 part vermouth 12
Nobarsprite.png Vox Delight 3 phoron, 1 welder fuel, 1 water 10 Poisons Non-Vox, heals tox damage on vox.
WhiskeyCola.png Whiskey Cola 2 parts whiskey, 1 part cola 25
WhiskeySoda.png Whiskey Soda 2 parts whiskey, 1 part soda water 15
Whiskey sour.png Whiskey Sour 2 whiskey, 1 lemon juice, 1 sugar 20
WhiteRussian.png White Russian 2 Black Russian, 1 part cream 15 Black Russian (3 Vodka, 2 Kaluha)
WIND-Garita.png WND-Garita 3 Margarita, 2 Mountain Wind, 1 Melon Liquor 15
Nobarsprite.png Xanadu Cannon 1 part Ale, 1 part Dr Gibb 50

Poured Drinks

Picture Drink Strength Notes
Absinthe.png Absinthe 12 Bottles are labeled "Jailbreaker Verte". Causes alcohol effects faster than most drinks.
Aleglass.png Ale 50 Bottles are labeled "Magm-Ale".
Beerglass.png Beer 50 Also available in the bar's back room or from the beer keg. Mix 10 corn oil and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Pourdrinknosprite.png Bitters 50 5 mint, 5 enzyme (catalyst) Poured
Curaco.png Blue Curacao 15 Bottles are labeled "Miss Blue Curacao". Mix 10 orange juice and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Cider.gif Cider TBD
Cognac.png Cognac 15 Bottles are labeled "Chateau De Baton Premium Cognac".
Glass clear.png Ethanol 10 Comes from chemical dispenser.
Ginglass.png Gin 50
Kahluaglass.gif Kahlua 15 Bottles are labeled "Robert Robust's Coffee Liqueur". Mix 5 coffee + 5 sugar + 5 Enzyme (Catalyst).
Meadglass.png Mead 30 Mix 1 sugar + 1 water + 5 Enzyme (Catalyst)
Melonliquorglass.png Melon Liquor 50 Bottles are labeled "Emeraldine Melon Liquor". Mix 10 watermelon juice and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Glass clear.png Moonshine 12 Mix 10 nutriment, 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Pwineglass.png Poison Wine 10 Made from poison berries. Hallucinogenic and poisonous. Mix 10 poison berry juice and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Rumglass.png Rum 15 Bottles are labeled "Captain Pete's Cuban Spiced Rum". Dispenser labels it "Deadrum".
Sakeglass.png Sake 25 Made from rice. Mix 10 rice and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Tequilaglass.png Tequila 25 Bottles are labeled "Caccavo Guaranteed Quality Tequilla".
Thirteenloko.png Thirteen Loko 25 Comes from hacked soda vending machine. Will also make you jittery.
Vermouthglass.png Vermouth 15 Bottles are labeled "Goldeneye Vermouth".
Vodkaglass.png Vodka 15 Bottles are labeled "Tunguska Triple Distilled". Mix 10 Potato Juice + 5 Enzyme (Catalyst).
Whiskeyglass.png Whiskey 25 Bottles are labeled "Uncle Git's Special Reserve".
Wineglass.gif Wine 15 Bottles are labeled "Doublebeard Bearded Special Wine". Mix 10 grape juice and 5 universal enzyme (Catalyst).
Pourdrinknosprite.png Wine Brandy 20 10 wine, 10 enzyme (catalyst). Gives 5 units

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Picture Cocktail How to Get It
Appleade.gif Appleade 1 part Apple Juice, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Soda Water
Arnold Palmer.gif Arnold Palmer 1 iced tea, 1 lemonade
Bananajuice.png Banana Juice Process a banana.
Berry Cordial.gif Berry Cordial 4 Berry Juice, 1 unit Sugar, 1 Lemon Juice
Berryglass.gif Berry Juice Process berries.
Shakenosprite.png Berry shake 1 milkshake, 1 berryjuice
Nobarsprite.png Berry Tea 5 part Tea, 1 part Berry Juice
Brown Star.gif Brown Star Mix 2 parts orange juice, 1 part cola

Cold Drinks vending machine.

Coffee Milkshake.gif Coffee Milkshake. 1 milkshake, 1 coffee. ((lowers body temp.))
Collins Mix 3 Lemon Lime, 1 Soda Water
Carrotjuice.png Carrot Juice Process a carrot.
Choccy Milk.gif Choccy Milk 3 parts milk, 1 part coco
Chocolate Milkshake.gif Chocolate Milkshake 1 milkshake, 1 coco
Glass white.png Cream Drinks dispenser.
Debugger.gif Debugger 1 Welding Fuel, 2 Sugar, 2 Corn Oil
Dream Cream.gif Dream Cream 2 milk, 1 cream, 1 honey.
Driver's Punch.gif Driver's Punch 1 Appleade, 1 Orange Juice, 1 Mint, 1 Soda Water
Dr gibb.png Dr. Gibb Drinks dispenser; Cold drinks vending machine.
Eggnog.gif Eggnog 5 part Milk, 5 part Cream, 5 part Sugar, 3 part Egg Yolk
Ent's Draught.gif Ent's Draught 1 tonic, 1 honey, 1 holy water
Nobarsprite.png Faux Fizz 2 Soda Water, 1 Berry Juice, 1 Apple Juice, 1 Lime Juice, 1 Honey
Grapejuice.png Grape Juice Process grapes or green grapes; Cold Drinks vending machine.
Grapesoda.png Grape Soda 2 parts grape juice, 1 part cola
Graveyard.gif Graveyard 1 part cola, 1 part spacemountainwind, 1 part dr_gibb, 1 part space_up
Grenadineglass.png Grenadine Syrup 10 parts berry juice, 5 parts Universal Enzyme (Catalyst)
Nobarsprite.png Grub Protein Drink 5 part 200 V, 25 part Water
Hotcocoglass.png Hot Chocolate 5 parts Water, 1 part Coco Powder; Hot Drinks vending machine.
Iceglass.png Ice Drinks dispenser; hacked Hot Drinks vending machine.
Iceteaglass.gif Iced Tea Mix 1 part ice, 2 parts tea; Cold Drinks vending machine.
Kira Special.gif Kira Special 1 part orange juice, 1 part lime juice, 1 part soda water
Lemonglass.gif Lemon Juice Process a lemon.
Lemonlime.png Lemon Lime Drinks dispenser.
Nobarsprite.png Lemon Tea 5 part Tea, 1 part Lemon Juice
Lemonade.png Lemonade 1 part Lemon juice, 1 part sugar, 1 part Water
Limejuice.png Lime Juice Drinks dispenser; process a lime.
Nobarsprite.png Lime Tea 5 part Tea, 1 part Lime Juice
Melonade.gif Melonade 1 part Watermelon Juice, 1 part Sugar, 1 part Soda Water
Glass white.png Milk From the biogenerator, or from a cow that has been fed Wheat.
Milkshake.png Milkshake 1 part cream, 2 parts ice, 2 parts milk
Nobarsprite.png Mint Apple Sparkle 2 part Appleade, 1 part Mint
Nobarsprite.png Mint Tea 5 part Tea, 1 part Mint
Space mountain wind.png Mountain Wind Drinks Dispenser; Cold Drinks vending machine.
Nukacolaglass.gif Nuka Cola 1 part uranium, 5 parts space cola. Gets you high.
Nobarsprite.png Nuclear Waste 1 part Oil Slick, 1 part Radium, 1 part Lime Juice OR 2 part Oil Slick, 1 part Uranium
Nobarsprite.png Oil Slick 2 part Corn Oil, 1 part Honey
Orangeglass.gif Orange Juice Drinks dispenser; process an orange.
Nobarsprite.png Orange Tea 5 part Tea, 1 part Orange Juice
Nobarsprite.png Peanutbutter Milkshake 1 part Cream, 1 part Ice, 2 part Peanut Butter, 1 part Milk
Nobarsprite.png Pineappleade 2 part Pineapple Juice, 1 part Lime Juice, 2 part Soda Water, 1 part Honey
Poisonberryjuice.png Poison Berry Juice Process a poison berry.
Brownglass.gif Potato juice Process a potato.
Rewriter.png Rewriter 1 part Spacemoutainwind soda, 1 part Coffee
Nobarsprite.png Roy Rogers 5 part Shirley Temple, 2 part Lemon Lime
Nobarsprite.png Shirley Temple 4 part Ginger Ale, 1 part Grenadine Syrup
Glass clear.png Soda Water Drinks dispenser.
Space cola.png Space Cola Drinks dispenser; Cold Drinks vending machine.
Space up.png Space-Up Drinks dispenser; Cold Drinks vending machine.
Nobarsprite.png Soda Oil 4 part Corn Oil, 1 part Soda Water, 1 part Carbon, 1 part Tricordrazine
Glass white.png Soy Milk Process a soybean.
Sweet tea.gif Sweet Tea 2 parts ice tea, 1 part sugar
Teacup.png Tea Works as a weak anti-toxin. From drinks dispenser or hot drinks vending machine.
DoctorDelight.gif The Doctor's Delight 1 part lime juice, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part orange juice, 2 part cream, 1 part tricordrazine
Tomatojuice.png Tomato Juice Process a tomato; Booze vendor.
Glass clear.png Tonic water Drinks dispenser.
Nobarsprite.png Tropical Fizz 6 part Soda Water, 1 part Berry Juice, 1 part Mint,

1 part Lime Juice, 1 part Lemon Juice, 1 part Pineapple Juice

Drinknosprite.png Vile Lemon 5 Lemonade, 1 space mountain wind
Nobarsprite.png Virgin Sex on the Beach 3 part Orange Juice, 2 part Grenadine Syrup
Waterglass.png Water Drinks dispenser, Cold Drinks vending machine, sinks, and water tanks.
Tomatojuice.png Watermelon Juice Drinks dispenser; Process a watermelon slice.

Coffee Drinks

Picture Cocktail How to Get It
Coffee 1 part water, 1 part coffee powder
Iced Coffee 1 part ice, 2 parts coffee OR drip cofee
Blackeye 1 part coffee, 1 part drip coffee
Americano 1 part water, 2 parts coffee
Long Black 1 part water, 1 part coffee
Macchiato 1 part milk, 2 parts coffee
Cortado 1 part milk, 2 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam
Breve 1 part milk, 2 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam, 1 part cream
Cappuccino 1 part milk, 1 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam
Flat White 2 part milk, 1 part drip coffee
Cafe Latte 3 part milk, 1 part drip coffee
Mocha 1 part milk, 1 parts coffee, 1 part milk foam, 1 part cream, 1 part hot coco
Vienna 1 part cream, 2 parts Coffee
SoyLatte.png Soy Latte 1 part coffee, 1 part soymilk

Food & Recipes

All of the recipe lists here are now just stripped down to some basic examples that new players might want to make. Be sure to check the info dumps for more detailed information.

The Info Dumps!
Use Guide to Food and Drink#Intermediate Ingredients for the base ingredients.

Introduction to Cooking

Cooking, unlike some servers, is not as easy as "pop item into microwave, receive food". It still has that element, but there are more things you need to do now in order to properly cook. The guide will be listed first in step-by-step quick-setup for those who wish to get started right away, and a more detailed look later.

Cooking Simple-Setup

  1. Arrive in Kitchen, go to Fryer, Oven, Candymaker, Cerealmaker, and Grill, "Toggle Power" on all appliances to start them pre-heating. Ensure the oven door is closed PRIOR to heating!
  2. While waiting for appliances to heat, start preparing ingredients for recipes, or setting up grow trays.
  3. Remove appliance trays/racks/dishes and start inserting items into them, and once appliances reach 25% or higher efficiency, put trays/racks/dishes back into the appliance to start cooking.
  4. Monitor the appliance by clicking on it and viewing the 'examine' (shift-click, or right-click and examine). Observe that the food will show the status, and once it is done, the appliance will ping.
  5. Remove the food from the tray. Ensure that you are quick about opening/closing the oven door to keep it from losing heat.
  6. Enjoy.
Be careful not to leave food in the appliances for too long past done, or they will burn and set off the fire alarm!

Cooking In-Depth

Cooking involves appliances, rather than just putting everything into microwave and hitting a single button. The process is the same at the basic level - prepare your recipes, and then put them into the appliance of choice in order to receive food.

Multi-cooking can be done by making multiple of a recipe - if you want 6 burgers, make ingredients for 6, and then put them all into one tray.

Appliances are started by using "Toggle Power" to turn them on. Make sure Engineering is aware that the Kitchen will be drawing large amounts of power while all appliances are pre-heating, and it is possible to very quickly drain the APC while in the pre-heating stage.

The Fryer and Oven will take ~around~ 10 minutes, and the Grill should take around 5-7 minutes, as of the last balance, (7/25/20) to heat up to their optimal temperatures. You can inspect (examine) the appliances to determine what their current temperature is and where they're at in terms of heated. There will be an efficiency formula displayed as a percentage, as well as a current temp/optimal temp.

You can alt+click the oven to open and close the oven door.

Food can be cooked while the appliances are suboptimal (below 100%), but items will cook slower and have different cooking times based on the efficiency.

For ease-of-use, the current appliance efficiencies are listed below - these are the MAXIMUM an appliance will iterate cookwork with stock parts:

  • Grill 1.2
  • Fryer 0.95
  • Oven 0.6

If an item with 60 cookwork (Something like a big bite burger) is put into a grill, it should take no more than around 3 minutes to cook.

Cooking items is ticked IN TOTAL, not PER food. If you're making six burgers at once on the grill in one rack, it will cook them all at the same speed (meaning 6 burgers will finish in 3 min total, rather than 18 min one-by-one).

You can also apply coatings to items, in order to change how they taste.

Cooking Tips

  • Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person the brain was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction. O-negative blood is always safe.
  • Units of egg are obtained by breaking eggs into beakers.
  • Liquids, condiments, ground fruits and vegetables, and eggs that have been cracked into a container are all measured in reagent units rather than their own items.
  • They can be poured directly into the microwave (or various containers) (whole eggs can be added directly to the microwave and are considered a separate ingredient, so be careful!)
  • Sliceable foods can be divided into smaller portions by slicing them with a sharp object. Their reagents are divided equally into the slices. The slices noted here are the maximum number of slices, which you can get by using a precise cutting tool like a kitchen knife, cleaver, or scalpel; crude cutting tools, like axes, shovels, and saws will result in fewer slices.
  • Condiments and reagents can be added to food, possibly increasing their nutrition value or adding some fun extras. A chef can create condiments by grinding up things that contain them and isolating them in the CondiMaster in the back room. Condiments let you put ketchup on your fries, salt in your soup, dylovene on your fish fingers, or psilocybin on your ghost burger--the possibilities are endless. Foods hold a maximum of fifty units of reagents.
  • Some poisonous foods can be prepared safely if Dylovene is added to the finished product, or if the poisonous reagent is neutralized somehow. Experienced chefs only!
  • Poisonous reagents are marked in red text. Reagents which have other, non-deadly effects--like intoxication, sleepiness, or the effects of hot or cold sauce--are marked in blue text.

Advanced Cooking

Some reagents in the finished products are poisonous, you may want to serve these items safely. This is where a little chemistry can help neutralize or remove the dangerous reagents from your food.Any given piece of food can contain only 50 units of reagents.

When using Dylovene, it's okay to use more than you strictly need. Other chemicals you might use to neutralize poison aren't so forgiving, and some are poisonous themselves.

Reagent How to Neutralize
Animal Protein; Egg Yolk Harmless to most people, animal protein, including egg yolk, is unsafe for Skrell. A one-to-one ratio of Dylovene to animal protein will make it safe for Skrell to eat.
Blood Blood is not necessarily poisonous. It is always the same type as the person it was taken from, and if the type is incompatible with the recipient, it will cause a rejection reaction.

O-negative blood is always safe. Add one unit of Dylovene for every four units of blood. Alcoholic drinks made with blood, of any type, are safe; just be sure there is no blood left over after the reaction. Blood can also be neutralized with Clonexadone (1 unit Clonexadone to 5 units Blood), or by adding drink ingredients to create a blood-based drink.

Carpotoxin Anything made with space carp meat will have carpotoxin in it. Counter it with 1 unit Dylovene per 3 units Carpotoxin. Carpotoxin also reacts with copper and cryptobiolin to form rezadone, but overdose of rezadone starts at 15 units and most carpotoxin-containing foods have five or more units of it.
Amatoxin Found in mushrooms. Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Amatoxin.
Toxin Add 1 unit Dylovene per 2 units Toxin.
Slime Jelly Will poison your customers no matter how much Dylovene you add. Adding Dylovene (around 30 units or so) will keep them from dying of the poisoning before they can get to Medical, but if you're not a traitor, do you want to serve them such a painful dish? (No, don't answer that. We know customers can be annoying; that's still no excuse to poison them.)
Radium Found in roast diona and will cause radiation poisoning. Add 1 unit of Dylovene per unit of Radium; reacts to form Hyronalin.
Sulphuric Acid Dylovene won't cut it for sulphuric acid, which will burn as well as poison anyone unlucky enough to ingest it. Instead, neutralize each 1 unit of Sulphuric acid with either 3 units of Corn Oil (creates glycerol), 4 units of Soy Milk (creates soy sauce), or 5 units of wine (creates Acid Spit, an alcoholic cocktail).
Polytrinic Acid You're serious about serving that xeno meat, huh? Well, don't serve it plain; polytrinic acid will poison, burn, and generally kill your customers in a rather nasty manner. Like with sulphuric acid, dylovene isn't enough, but unlike sulphuric acid, it's not easy to neutralize. Polytrinic acid will react with foaming agent and either iron or aluminum to create metal foam, and 10 units of polytrinic acid and 20 units of plasticide will create plastic. When working out how to do this, remember that plasticide is poisonous and metal foam can be chipped through with a kitchen knife.
Alcohol An equal amount of Ethylredoxrazine reacts with Alcohol (including alcoholic drinks) to make water.
Synaptizine Synaptizine is poisonous, but the bigger problem is that it hangs around in the system for a long time. For every unit of synaptizine, you need 30 units of Dylovene.
Phoron Really, now? You could neutralize phoron by adding 2 rum and 1 vermouth per unit, but eating phoron is still a bit of a waste.

Microwave.png Microwave

To operate the microwave, simply insert the listed ingredients to make a recipe. The microwave can take multiple full sets of ingredients to make multiple copies of the same recipe simultaneously (but don't try to make two different things at once).

    • Note: Milk, Berry Juice, Soy Sauce, Hot Sauce, Cold Sauce, and Soy Milk are all measured off of reagent units rather then containers (like in previous version). They can be poured directly into the microwave. Additionally, you only need at LEAST the suggested amount of those ingredients instead of exactly the right amount.

Microwave Recipes:

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes
Bun.png Bun 1 Dough You can put things in here!
Flat Dough.png Flat Bread 1 Flat Dough Great for adding toppings to.
Tortilla.png Tortilla 1 Flat Dough, 5u Flour, 5u Water For wrapping up other foods.
Muffin.png Tofu-Bread 1 Dough, 5u Milk, 5u Sugar Could add berries if you want to make it fruity.
Pastatomato.png Spaghetti 1 Spaghetti, 2 Tomatoes, 5u Water Can skip the tomatoes if you just want boiled spaghetti, or replace them with meatballs for spaghetti and meatballs (maybe go all out and add 4 meatballs to make a spesslaw!)
Bakedpotato.png Loaded Baked Potato 1 Cheese Wedge, 2 Potato A classic

Check out for the rest!


  • The oven can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single tray.
    • Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods.
    • You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking).
  • When not making a recipe the oven can also be used to just bake any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown colour.
  • The oven can also be used for Combination Cooking, which allows you to make custom bread, pies, cakes, and pizzas with whatever fillings/toppings you want. To do this, right click and Choose Output, select the combine target, and then insert an oven tray full of ingredients.
    • The quantity of stuff used to make it will determine the size of the result.
    • Combination Cooking can only make one item at a time - whatever output is set will only work for the next item cooked.

Oven Recipes:

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes
Bread.png Bread 2 Dough, 1u Table Salt, 5u Yeast Can be sliced up for making a variety of other dishes.
Meatpizza.png Meat Pizza 1 Flat Dough, 3 Meat, 1 Cheese Wedge One of the examples of pizza that you can make, search "pizza" in the info dump to find more.
Waffles.png Waffles 2 Dough, 10u Sugar A delicious dessert.
Pie.gif Banana Cream Pie 1 Flat Dough, 1 Banana, 5u Sugar Another delicious dessert that also looks hilarious on people's faces.
Cheesecake.png Cheese Cake 2 Cheese Wedges, 30u Cake Batter Cake Batter is made in a container with 15u Flour, 10u Milk, 15u Sugar and 3u Egg Yolk. Try substituting the cheese for other things to make other cakes (such as 2 oranges or 3 carrots).
Lasagna.png Lasagna 2 Flat Dough, 2 Cutlets, 2 Tomatoes and 1 Eggplant Perfect to survive a Monday.

Check out for the rest!


  • Before you can use the fryer, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Heating up takes a while, so be sure to do it early. Prepare other ingredients while it warms up!
  • The deep fryer has an oil level that you should keep an eye on - cooking efficiency will fall as it drops, and it starts off at a randomized level. For optimal cooking, keep the oil topped up to the maximum.
    • (You can order additional tanks from Cargo, under Hospitality)
  • To add a single food item to the fryer, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty fryer basket. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the fryer baskets by clicking the fryer with an empty hand, and put all your ingredients into the basket. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the basket back in the fryer.
  • The fryer can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket.
    • Many fryer recipes require an ingredient to be coated in batter or beer-batter for the recipe to work. See the next section for an explanation of battering foods.
    • Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods.
    • You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking).
  • When not making a recipe the fryer can also be used to just "deep fry" any food, which will cook it, give it a nice brown color, and add some extra nutrition to it.

Deep Fryer Recipes:

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes
Donuts.png Plain Jelly Donut 1 Dough, 5u Berry Juice, 5u Sugar Classic gooey goodness.
Onionrings.png Onion Rings 1 Onion, coated in Batter Mix An excellent side dish.
Cheesefries.png Space Fries 1 Raw Potato Sticks Another classic side dish.

Check out for the rest!


You can coat food in batter before putting it in the deepfryer!

  • Nearly everything you can fry can be coated in batter.
  • Put all of the ingredients of the batter in a container to create the batter, then use a food item on the container to cover it in batter.
  • The ingredients for the batter can be mixed in any kind of container.

Batter Recipes:

Picture Recipe Ingredients
Condiment.png Batter Mix 3 units egg, 10 units flour, 5 units water, 2 units salt.
Condiment.png Beer Batter Mix 3 units egg, 10 units flour, 5 units beer, 2 units salt.


  • Before you can use the grill, it must be preheated. Right-click and select Toggle Power to turn it on. Preheating takes several minutes, but after a short while, it can be used to cook even if not fully preheated. The food will cook more slowly until preheating is complete. Examine the grill while next to it to see how hot it is.
    • Prepare other ingredients while it warms up!
  • To add a single food item to the grill, use the food directly on it, which will place that item into an empty grill. If you want to cook a recipe that requires multiple ingredients, remove one of the grill racks by clicking the grill with an empty hand, and put all your ingredients into the rack. Once everything for the recipe is inside, put the rack back in the grill.
  • The grill can cook any variety and quantity of recipes simultaneously, as long as you have all the ingredients in a single basket.
    • Any leftover reagents will be absorbed into the cooked foods.
    • You cannot make several different recipes in one tray - each tray must ONLY contain the ingredients for one type of recipe (whether individual-or-multi-cooking).
  • When not making a recipe the grill can also be used to just "grill" any food, which will cook it, give it a nice grilled appearance, and add a smidge of extra nutrition.



Picture Recipe Ingredients Reagents & Notes
Plain Burger.png Burger 1 Bun, 1 Meat If you use human meat, the burger will share the name of your victim. If you add a crayon in the microwave it will color the burger. 3 Nutriment, 13 Animal Protein
Cheeseburger.png Cheeseburger Combine 1 Cheese Wedge with Burger 2 Animal Protein, 2 Nutriment
Tofubuger.png Tofu Burger Bun + 1 Tofu 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Spell.png Spell Burger Bun + 1 Wizard hat You will eat this until you have had Ei Nath. 6 Nutriment, 3 or 13 Animal Protein
Ghostbur.PNG Ghost Burger Bun + 1 Ectoplasm Terror-ifficly tasty. 2 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Roburger.png Roburger Bun + 1 Robot Head 2 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein, 5% probability of 2 units of Nanites
Brainburger.png Brain Burger Bun + 1 Brain 7 Animal Protein, 6 Alkysine, 5 Blood
Xenoburger.png Xenoburger Bun + 1 Xeno Meat 15 Animal Protein, 6 Polytrinic Acid
Jellyburger.png Jelly Burger Microwave 1 Bun, 5 units of Cherry Jelly/Slime Jelly 5 Nutriment, 5 Slime Jelly or Cherry Jelly, 1 Animal Protein
Clownburger.png Clown Burger Bun + 1 Clown wig and mask 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Mimeburger.png Mime Burger Bun + 1 Beret 6 Nutriment, 1 Animal Protein
Bigbite.png Big Bite Burger 3 Meat + Burger + Egg Forget the Big Mac.
Superbite.png Super Bite Burger 1 Big Bite Burger, 1 Dough, 1 Meat, 1 Tomato, 1 Boiled Egg, 1 Cheese Wedge, 5 units of Salt, 5 units of Pepper If this doesn't clog their arteries, nothing will. Two bites will take you from starving to overfed.

Check out for the rest!

Blender.png Intermediate Ingredients

These items are usually steps on the way to more complicated recipes. Try to prepare them while waiting on the oven, fryer or grill.

  • In order to create some of these items you will either need to mix the regents by hand or toss them into the blender/grinder and grind them. After which either a finished product will be produced or you will need to transfer the liquid to your CondiMaster Neo in the freezer to create it into a bottle.

Ingredient Recipes and how to make them!

Picture Blends Condiments
Nutriment.png Nutriment Grind any solid food in a grinder.
Hotsauce.png Hot Sauce/Capsicum Oil Grind chilis.
Capsaicin Chili peppers and gelthi plants contain capscaisin. Condensed capscaicin can be made by a chemist using phoron and capscaisin, or from amauri plants.
Coldsauce.png Cold Sauce/Frost Oil Grind ice peppers.
Ketchup.png Ketchup Mix 2 units Tomato Juice, 1 unit Water, 1 unit Sugar in a beaker.
Mayonnaise Mix 9 units Egg Yolk, 5 units Corn Oil, 5 units Lemon Juice, 1 unit Table Salt in a beaker.
Peanut Butter Mix 2 units Peanut Oil, 1 unit Sugar, 1 unit Table Salt, 5 units Enzymes (catalyst) in a beaker.
Flour.png Flour Grind wheat in a grinder.
Soysauce.png Soy Sauce Mix 40 units Soy Milk + 10 units Sulphuric Acid in a beaker.
Salt.png Salt Mix Sodium + Chlorine (from Chem Dispenser). Salt-shakers can be found in the cafe.
Pepper.png Pepper Pepper-mills in cafe or alternative method (TBD).
Cake Batter 15u Flour, 10u Milk, 15u Sugar, 3u Egg Yolk
Cheesewheel.gif Cheese Wheel Mix 40 Milk + 5 Universal Enzyme in a beaker. End result will magically pop a full wheel of cheese.
Cheese Wedge.png Cheese Wedge Slice up a Cheese Wheel with a knife.
Chocolatebar.gif Chocolate Bar Mix 2 units Coco powder (grind a Cocoa Pod) + 2 units Milk/Soy Milk + 2 units Sugar in a beaker.
Tofu.gif Tofu Mix 10 soymilk + 5 Universal Enzyme in a beaker.
Emptycondiment.png Sugar Grind white beet or sugar cane.
Condiment.png Sprinkles Grind donuts.
Dough.png Dough Mix 3 units of Egg and 10 units of Flour in a beaker.
Meatball.png Meatball Mix 3 Animal Protein and 5 Flour in a beaker.
Bun.png Bun Microwave or Bake 1 Dough.
Flat Dough.png FlatDough Roll out 1 Dough with Rolling Pin.
Dough Slice.png DoughSlice Cut Flat Dough with Kitchen Knife.
Spaghetti.png Spaghetti Cut Dough Slice with Kitchen Knife.
Raw Cutlet.png RawCutlet Cut 1 Meat (Any Type). Microwave for a Cutlet.
Cutlet.png Cutlet Microwave for a Raw Cutlet.
Soydope.png Soy Dope Cut 1 Soybean.
Meat.png Meat From butchering or processing most animals (and people). Recipes that call for meat will accept any generic meat (except for specific, named meats such as the ones listed below, which have their own recipes). From the Biogenerator in Botany, or from mixing blood and Clonexadone.
Carpfillet.png Carp Fillet Butcher a Space Carp (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains carpotoxin.
Carpfillet.png Murkfish Fillet Butcher a Murkfish (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains murkfin protein.
Carpfillet.png Sivian Fish Fillet Butcher a Javelin, Glitter Bass, Rock-fish, or Sun-fin (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains toxic protein.
A slice of sharkmeat.png Slice of Sharkmeat Slice a chunk of shark meat. Contains nutriment and animal protein.
Chunk of shark meat.png Chunk of Shark Meat Butcher a Measel Shark (gibbing gives six chunks, cutting with a knife gives three). Contains nutriment and animal protein.
Carpfillet.png Fish Fillet Butcher any other kind of fish, including Bass, Trout, Salmon, Perch, Pike, and Koi, poisonous or otherwise (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one). Contains toxic protein.
Grubmeat.png Grub Meat A slab of grub meat, it gives a gentle shock if you touch it. Butcher a Solargrub (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one.)
Xenomeat.png Xeno Meat Butcher a Xenomorph (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one.)
Bearmeat.png Bear Meat Butcher a Spacebear (gibbing gives three fillets, cutting with a knife gives one.)
Raw Sticks.png Raw Potato Sticks Cut up one potato.
Carrotfries.png Carrot Fries Cut up one carrot.
Tortilla.png Tortilla Microwave or Bake 1 Flat Dough

Icecream Vat.png Ice Cream Vat

Ding-aling ding dong. Get your Nanotrasen-approved ice cream!

For those hot days on the station there's an Ice cream vat, which can be used to make:

Picture Recipe Ingredients Notes
Waffle Cone.png Waffle Cone 1 unit of Flour + 1 unit of Sugar Delicious waffle cone, but no ice cream.
Chocolate Cone.png Chocolate Cone 1 Waffle Cone + 1 Chocolate Flavouring (obtained from Chocolate) Delicious chocolate cone, but no ice cream.
Vanilla Icecream.png Vanilla Ice Cream 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone.
Strawberry Icecream.png Strawberry Ice Cream 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone.
Chocolate Icecream.png Chocolate Ice Cream 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Chocolate flavouring is obtained from Cocoa powder.
Blue Icecream.png Blue Ice Cream 1 unit of Milk + 1 unit of Sugar Scoop it up with a Waffle/Chocolate Cone. Blue flavouring is obtained from bluespace tomato singulo.

Vending Machines

Snack Vendors.gif Drink Vendors.gif

Junk Food

If you're hungry and the Chef is not around to make you a meal or the Bartender isn't there to serve you drinks, you might want to check the nearest vending machine for some quick snacks to fill up your belly or some drinks sate your thirst! There are a number dotted around the stations, and come in a wide variety of brands. Those wishing to just quickly fill up on protein might also want to try the protein shakes from SweatMAX Vendors!

On the Tether and Stellar Delight, the positions of the various vending machines are preset, however, in Rascal's Pass, the vending machines at each location are randomized, so be prepared to hunt down the one you want (if it even exists).

Guide Table IconTips.png
Starter VORE-Specific Medical Engineering Science Security Other Development