Guide to Vore

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If you are looking for the mechanical tools to adjust your Vore bellies, see: Vore Panel

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VOREStation Specific Things

So there are some specific features/settings we've added that you might not realize at first from playing on other servers, so here's a short list of features to be aware of:

  • You can eat other people (Aggressive grab, click eat-er with grabbed prey)
  • The AI can eat people (Hardlight Noms verb in Vore tab) when a hologram
  • Resleeving instead of cloning (No scans, implants instead, body swapping)
  • Extra food/drink items (People come up with new stuff allatime)
  • Extended only (Admins manually assign objectives, or host events instead of antags)
  • Different size characters. Larger characters stepping on smaller ones use intent to do different things, like grab with feet, pin down, and stomp on.
  • A bunch of stuff I'm probably forgetting.

OOC Notes

You see this button? Press it!

This feature exists on Vorestation specifically so people can make their erotic roleplaying preferences (usually vore) known to other players in advance without awkward OOC discussion that disrupts the flow of a scene by wasting time to ask what the other person is into. OOC notes are required by the rules of the server to have, but a lot of people still don't put OOC notes that is actually useful, so this is here to explain what good OOC text looks like.

Here's what everyone should at least have in their OOC notes:

  • Predator, Prey, Switch, or Observer.
  • Willing or Unwilling if you have a preference.
    • If applicable, a notice that you will fight back or call for help if eaten.
  • Whatever gender you prefer your partner to be, or whatever you want to avoid.
  • What kinds of vore you like and what kinds you won't do.
    • Favorites, especially as predator, are things you assume will be in every scene you can have them in.
    • Likes are things that you enjoy and will actively seek out.
    • Dislikes are things that you would never do normally.
    • Anything not listed is assumed neutral or that you haven't tried it before.
  • Anything else you think is worth noting.

So with that in mind, here's an example of well written OOC notes:

Prey, unwilling, will resist in RP but not with mechanics, won't call for help.

My character is female, with traditional female genitals.
Prefers females, but males are fine too. No herms.

Favorites: Anal vore, weight gain
Likes: Oral vore
Dislikes: Cockvore, scat

You can ask me for a scene in LOOC. Surprise and attack me if you're hungry. I would prefer that you stop me from being able to call for help, for my immersion.

Vague notes or anything like "anything goes" does not offer real admin protection - you can still request a scene to stop and that will be honored, even if admins have to intervene, but we cannot steer people to avoid topics you do not like without you having concrete notes about what you specifically do not like or like.

If you find out that you do not like something, you should put it in your OOC notes.

Not enjoying vore is alright, however you should be aware that Vore is a central theme of the server. People will discuss it publicly and enact it in public areas. As long as you do not interfere with that, you are a-okay.

Useful tag suggestions

Here are a few things that you might want to sort into your OOC notes, to list as your likes and dislikes.

  • In-Character Consent: Willing, Semi-Willing, Dubcon, Unwilling, Accidental, Unaware. May be expanded to mention the amount of distress or cruelty that you are comfortable with.
  • Vore Types: Oral Vore (OV), Unbirth (UB), Cock Vore (CV), Anal Vore (AV). Other niche vore, such as Breast Vore (BV), Tail Vore (TV), and many more.
  • Vore Safety: Endo (Non-digestion), Absorption, Melty Digestion, Hard/Graphic Digestion.
  • Vore Method: Soft Vore (No injury whilst being consumed), Hard Vore (Serious injury, or even death, whilst being consumed). Other things that may fit in the middle, such as biting or chewing without serious injury.
  • Transformations: Species TF, Gender TF, Object TF.
  • Other Popular Options: Disposals (Scat, Cum, or otherwise), Bones, Blood, Weight Gain. You may also want to include information about preferences regarding other types of ERP, such as sex.

How to eat people

  • Change your intent to "Grab" (the yellow one on the bottom right of the intent square).
  • Click your target with an empty hand to passively grab them.
  • Click the "reinforce" button to upgrade the grab to aggressive (the yellow icon in your hand should turn to blue).
  • Keeping the hand with which you've grabbed them active, click on the whoever you want the predator to be. If you click on yourself, you'll eat them. If you click on a third party, you'll make them eat the person, and if you click on the person you've grabbed, you'll force them to eat you.
  • When you use this to vore another character, they will be placed into the belly that you currently have selected in the vore panel.

For micros, the process is even simpler:

  • Click them with your intent set to "Help" (the default green setting, at the top left of the intent square) to pick them up.
  • Click on yourself / a third party to stuff them inside without any hassle.

The Vore Tab in Character Setup

This is the location of any vore-based set up options that you might need! Here we will give a brief explanation of each option.

  • Scale options: This setting changes your characters size between 25% and 200%. You can switch how your characters sprite looks when scaled between a sharp image and a fuzzy image, for whichever you feel looks better.
  • Weight: The "Relative weight" option allows you to choose how your character appears to others when they examine you. Lighter characters will display messages indicating that they are underweight, whilst heavier characters may look obese. The weight that you choose here should be relative to a 5'10 human, and not based on your own characters actual species or height. The weight loss and gain options allow you to tweak how quickly your character will gain weight when overstuffed or hungry
  • Start with body scan: When this is set to "Yes", your character will start with a body scan in the medical records, so that their body can be printed at a resleever. It is generally recommended to leave this on, unless you don't want your character to be printed at a resleever.
  • Prevent Body Impersonation: With this set to "Yes", other players will not be able to be uploaded into your body.
  • Round to Round Persistence: The options that are set to "Yes" in this section will be saved from one shift to the next. For example, if you have save scale set to "Yes", and you end a shift at half your normal size, then this size will be saved to your character.
  • Custom Species Name: This is the name of your characters species that will be displayed to others in game.
  • Traits: There are a number of traits that you can take, the positive and negative traits will be determined by your characters species. However, there are a number of neutral traits that you can take, their details will be explained to you when you select them. Here are a few that are particularly relevant to vore:
    • - Brutal Predation allows you to bite limbs off of other characters, and eat organs from them.
    • - Trash Can allows you to swallow many non-food objects whole.
    • - Feeder allows you to give your nutrition to your prey, theme it however you wish.
  • Character Directory: This is a directory that anyone can open in game to find other players with similar interests. Use the options here to set your preferences regarding playing as prey vs pred, ERP and write a little advert to briefly tell others your favourite things, and people can see this information when browsing the directory.

Vore Panel

For more detailed information on all the options available in the vore panel, see the page: Vore Panel

The vore panel displays a list of the bellies you've created on your character, allows you to save them, and also set up any preferences you might need (such as being indigestible if you have a strong preference against being digested).


Bellies can be created and deleted on this panel (though only deleted if they are empty). You can also view the contents of the bellies, release individual people and items, and customize various settings about each belly.


There are various belly modes that you can choose from, which are each listed below.

  • Hold: This is the default belly mode for every belly. No action is taken on the items inside... they are simply held onto. This also protects those inside from hazards outside, such as space.
  • Digest: This begins digesting the prey. They suffer brute and burn damage over time and will eventually die, at which point they'll be removed from the belly and leave behind any indigestible items.
  • Heal: This mode slowly heals the prey inside. Keep in mind that this only heals brute and burn damage, only to external organs. It cannot heal toxin or suffocation damage, and will not prevent infections or diseases, nor heal internal organs. It's a good hold-over when taking someone to medical to keep them alive in the meantime.
  • Absorb: Absorbing someone merges them into the flesh of the belly itself. Their name changes to purple once you have finished absorbing them, and people in the belly can no longer see them (unless they, too, are absorbed). Releasing 'All' the contents of a belly does not release absorbed people. Reagents are shared with absorbed people! Get your absorbed people drunk etc.
  • Selective: This belly mode changes depending on the preferences of the predator and the prey, and can act as Digest, Absorb and Drain modes. Specifically, the mode that is used depends on what the prey and predator have chosen in their "Selective Mode Preference" first. The mode that is chosen goes in the following order: First, it checks if the prey has a chosen a mode other than default in their selective mode preference, and will attempt to use that mode. Second, if the prey is set to default, it will check if the predator has a chosen a mode other than default in their selective mode preference, and will attempt to use that mode. If either of these are unsuccessful due to conflicts with either predator's or prey's other preferences, it will switch to Drain. Third, if both predator and prey are set to default, the mode will attempt the following in this order: Digest > Absorb > Drain. If the mode conflicts with either character's preferences, it will move on to the next.
  • Unabsorb: This mode simply releases absorbed prey back into your belly.
  • Transform: The various transformation options will convert prey in that belly into the chosen option, such as male or female. Note that this mode is a bit buggy... SS13 is not great at changing characters after they are spawned-in.
  • Shrink and Grow: These options, respectively, reduce or increase the scale of your prey inside of the belly.
  • Size Steal: Decreases the scale of your prey, whilst increasing the scale of your own character.
  • Encase In Egg: Places your prey inside of an egg (determined by the egg type option in the vore panel), which they will remain within once you expel them from your bellies. They can generally easily break out of an egg.

In addition to Belly Modes, there are a number of Mode Add Ons that you can add to each of your bellies.

  • Numbing: Prevents your prey from receiving messages about pain when they are being digested.
  • Stripping: Removes all of your preys equipment and deposits into your belly alongside them.
  • Leave Remains: If your prey enables leaving remains as a preference, then when they are digested, this option will cause various bones to be left in your belly. Remains of vore can be deleted in hand by clicking it on harm intent, this will protect people who are upset by seeing bones from running into them accidentally.
  • Muffles: Forces all of your prey's say and me commands to become whisper and subtle commands, respectively. This is a common option for any interior belly.
  • Affect Worn Items: If your belly is set to contaminate in the "Options" tab, your belly will apply goo to all of your prey's worn equipment.
  • Jams Sensors: Prevents the prey's location and health from being reported to medical health scanners, even if the prey is still wearing a uniform with sensors enabled.
  • Complete Absorb: Allows the use of the psay and pme commands for the predator and prey, allowing them to communicate in the predators mind, with no chance of anyone else witnessing it by being too close.

Finally, there are a few ways that your belly can interact with items that are inside of it.

  • Hold: This option simply holds any items safely inside of your belly.
  • Digest: This option will digest almost all items, no matter how unreasonable it might be. There are a few items that are immune to this effect, such as PDA's, ID cards and positronic brains.
  • Digest (food only): This option will digest any items that are considered to be food, but leave any other items safe inside your belly.


When you are inside a predator, the top of the vore panel will display the description of the pred's belly that you're held in, as well as anything you can see around you, such as items or other prey. You can interact with them by clicking on the buttons with their names. You can even use this to eat other prey that are in the same belly as yourself!

OOC Escape

This option is to allow you to leave a predator. It should only be used in situations that call for it, such as a predator that has disconnected for a long time and left you stuck in there, or as a 'safeword' if they're breaking prefs. Using this inside a hostile mob will cause the mob to ignore you for vore purposes, and will instead maul the daylights out of you as soon as you escape. All online admins are notified when someone uses this button.

Toggling Digestibility and Other Preferences

There are a number of preference that you can toggle on and off to make sure that your vore experience on this server is safe, and that you never accidentally experience something that squicks you out!

  • Digestion: This is an option for those who don't like digestion as a matter of preference, or have a character that's immune in some way but don't mind being in the same stomach as someone that is digestible. Because it's a preference thing, the admins are notified when someone uses this button. This is saved alongside your other vore/belly prefs. Please only use this if being digested is 'squick' for you. Don't set it to just avoid dying in general. Trying to use it to avoid being eaten by hostile mobs will result in them violently murdering you instead.
  • Absorption: This is an option for those who don't want to be absorbed into another persons body via the "absorb" belly mode.
  • Devouring: This is an option for those who don't like to be eaten in general, this will prevent you from ever being moved into another person's "belly". Keep in mind that this will include more than just stomachs, such as if someone uses an "arms" belly for cuddling.
  • Mobs eating you: This is an option for those that do not want to be eaten by simple mobs. Note that this won't prevent them from attacking you, and may even put in more danger if being eaten might be safer than being clawed at!
  • Feeding: This option allows you to prevents people feeding other characters to your own.
  • Heal-belly: This is an option that can be used to prevent people from healing you inside of the bellies via the Heal-belly mode.
  • Spontaneous Prey: Spontaneous prey refers to actions that cause you to suddenly become prey without a character deliberately moving you into a belly. This can include falling into open mouths, people eating you by dropping onto you, or slipping on space lube into a hungry maw!
  • Spontaneous Pred: This option is the predator side of the options above, and will prevent you from accidentally eating another person by, for example, falling onto them.
  • Drop noms: If this option is disallowed, you will not be able to eat, or be eaten, by a person falling, nor by falling onto them.
  • Slip vore: If this option is disallowed, you will not be able to eat a person by them slipping into you, or be eaten by slipping into them.
  • Stumble vore: If this option is disallowed, you will not be able to eat a person by them bumping into you when blind, or be eaten by bumping into someone when blind.
  • Inbelly spawning: Inbelly spawning is a ghost verb that allows a ghost to spawn as their character directly inside of another player. With this option disabled, ghosts will not be able to attempt to spawn into your bellies.
  • Hunger noises: Disabling this option will prevent you from generating stomach growling when your hunger is running low.
  • Resizing: Disallowing this option will prevent other players from resizing you forcibly, such as by size guns, belly modes or chemicals.
  • Step mechanics: This refers to certain mechanics that take effect between characters of different sizes, and disallowing this prevents those mechanics from taking effect. These include things like taller characters stepping over, stepping on, or picking up smaller characters with their feet.
  • Show Vore FX: This option allows you to turn off and on the image overlay of the belly that you are inside of.
  • Leaving remains: This option, when enabled, will cause you to leave bones and skulls inside of belly that has digested you, if it has the "leaves remains" mode add on enabled.
  • Pick up mechanics: This option allows you to prevent characters twice your size (or taller) from picking you up, and prevent you from picking up characters that are half of your size (or smaller).
  • Spontaneous TF: This option allows players to prevent themselves being transformed by in-game effects.
  • Set taste: This section allows you to dictate what your character tastes like when you are eaten into a belly with "can taste" enabled, or when you are licked.
  • Set smell: This section allows you to dictate what your character smells like when someone sniffs them.

Vore and Medical

In general, people who have been partially digested have brute and burn damage in a 2:3 ratio and may have infections due to the proclivity of burns to generate them. They should be treated suchly. Medical staff should keep in mind that they aren't security, and while they can report obvious crimes, should prioritize the health of the crew over trying to start their own investigations into things.

The hand health analyzer can tell you if there is a living creature inside another, though this could be anything from just a mouse to a human being. The body-scanner's more advanced sensors will tell you in more detail, giving a specific count of humanoid and non-humanoid creatures in the patient.

Additionally, there are two drugs that can be used in the case of vore-crimes to extract still-alive prey from the predators:

  • Ickypak: This causes the pred to suffer severe muscle contractions which typically forces prey out of their body.
  • Unsorbitol: This causes preds to un-absorb prey, though they remain in the body, and such it needs to be coupled with Ickypak. Unsorbitol also prevents a predator from absorbing anything else while the drug is in their system.

Both of these drugs have side-effects, often severe (though generally not life-threatening) and should only be used if absolutely necessary to preserve life.

Vore and Security

Below is a guide for both predators and prey about what they should and shouldn't do when playing as or being around Security.

Area-by-Area Response

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

While some of these may have IC reasons as well (not patrolling dorms is an IC privacy issue for Nanotrasen), the below should be regarded as OOC instructions to you, the players. This also applies to ERP.

The definition of a ‘Public Space’ is, in general:

  • An area provided for the continual use by several staff over the course of a shift, often with no access-restricted airlocks separating it from a main hallway.
  • E.g.: The bar, hallways, the atrium, the park areas, the holodeck, the tram, department common areas, anywhere easily visible from aforementioned
  • Security SHOULD patrol these areas as part of their routine duties, and MAY offer vore criminals the opportunity in LOOC to move to a private space.

The definition of a ‘Secluded Space’ is, in general:

  • An area not designed with continual habitation in mind, often not well lit, may or may not have access requirements, and sometimes with ‘privacy features’ like tint-windows.
  • E.g.: Maintenance corridors, secret rooms, offices with tinted windows, areas with no visibility from public spaces
  • Security MAY patrol these areas with probable cause only (e.g. pursuit of criminal, missing persons, radio calls for help) or elevated security level (Blue or higher)
  • Security MUST offer vore criminals the opportunity in LOOC to move to a private space, and others MUST offer to ‘remain unaware’ of the scene in LOOC (e.g. character never ‘saw’ the crime, and if questioned later, the character might respond that they remember seeing X person in maintenance, but not what they were doing at the time). You can also decide to do this on your own without the need to ask if you don’t intend to report/arrest them anyway.

The definition of a ‘Private Space’ is, in general:

  • Specially-defined OOC-protected area that has unique rules applied to it
  • E.g.: The dorms
  • Security MUST NOT patrol these areas without an explicit call for help from inside a specific private space or very concrete evidence that a criminal entered one (e.g. personally witnessing it).
  • Others MUST NOT enter these spaces when occupied unless invited or participating in an ongoing scene/roleplay (e.g. no welding through dorm walls for fun).
  • Others MUST NOT enter these spaces to evade security or punishment after committing a crime elsewhere.

With any of these points, if there is any doubt when it comes to whether or not you should intervene, and what form that intervention should take, it can never hurt to use LOOC or adminhelp. Occasionally global OOC may be required in the event of a radio message getting out that you'd rather not have happened. This is especially important to do if there is suspicion that metagaming may have taken place, which breaks server rules.

NB: The term ‘vore criminal’ is used above to indicate someone committing a crime involving vore. However, if the potential criminal committed (for example) assault in public, then ran into maintenance to escape security and grab someone to eat in maintenance, this does not magically make them require LOOC prompting to move to a private space. They are still accountable for their other crimes.

Area-by-Area Definitions

(due to a wierd bug with links not working properly Definitions from the RFC document will be provided.)

  1. MUST: This word, or the terms "REQUIRED" or "SHALL", mean that the definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
  2. MUST NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "SHALL NOT", mean that the definition is an absolute prohibition of the specification.
  3. SHOULD: This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course.
  4. SHOULD NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this label.
  5. MAY: This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item. An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does include the option, though perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation which does include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the option provides.)

Preds vs Security

While unwilling vore is most certainly a crime (even if you don't digest them, it's still kidnapping!) players should still be OOCly lenient when it comes to prosecuting them. For instance, if someone would normally be serving 30 minutes, it's okay to OOCly 'timeskip' it and just pretend they served the full sentence rather than making them sit out of the game for... well, doing what we're all here for. However, as a predator, you shouldn't be lazy about how you go about abducting your potential snacks just because of that

Remember that the AI can see you too. Although soft-vore is hard for the AI to notice as a problem, if the AI sees blood, expect a response from medical and security staff. So try to get in the habit of breaking cameras, or better yet, just stay where cameras can't see you, like deep in maintenance. Preferably in a hidden room.

Security cannot legally interrogate predators about their contents without cause, as this is considered a search, and can only be done when and where searches are legal. Searches legally include trying to force people to disclose the contents of things, and this extends to predators and their 'contents'.

NB: Staff isn't supposed to have X-ray or thermal goggles because of Nanotrasen's privacy policy, so even if security finds you in an unwilling scene through such means, you can probably get the charges dropped by contacting CentCom.

Prey vs Security

As unwilling prey, if you OOCly want to be eaten but ICly don't, it's good to "slip up" and forget you have your radio in the panic of the moment, or similar. At the very least, LOOC your predator and check before you just blurt out "HELP" over the radio or PDAs - for some of them, it's a bit of a moodkiller.

After all, if you, the player, want an RP scene in which you get snatched and gobbled up, why make people jump through hoops to give you what you want? Likewise, once you're in a belly and your predator is running off - even if you do have your radio, maybe play it out like the signal's muffled, or surrounded by glorping noises, or you're panicked and don't know where you've been carried off to, or you didn't get a good look at whoever snatched you and dragged you into maintenance - all these things can be fun things to add to an unwilling scene without the torches and pitchforks mob beating a path to your door.

Caught with prey

If security do get to a predator in time to rescue their hapless prey, and the predator doesn't ICly want to cough them up, there are a couple of things they can do. They can roleplay out holding them down while someone reaches an arm into the predator's throat or some other issue, or a chemist could give them certain drugs that would induce vomiting or force a predator who has absorbed their prey to un-absorb them.

Be aware that surgical extraction of prey is not supported by game mechanics, and can be a preferences issue for some people. You can still roleplay like you're surgically removing a prey, but it's up to the predator to actually let them out or not.

In some cases, Security will just have to accept that there's nothing they can do for a victim. If that's the case, escort the predator to a jail cell and arrest them normally while their victim gurgles.

Vore and Silicons

The AI and Cyborgs are both capable of getting involved in the action - AI by way of hardlight holograms, and some cyborg modules (specifically the K9 and other dogborg variants such as the medihound) are equipped with sleeper/stomach modules.

Generally speaking, players are allowed a degree of freedom to "creatively" interpret their laws in a way that gives them an excuse to eat their partners in a scene. If it's kept private ICly, admins are unlikely to care if you outright decide that this shift you suffered some sort of "system glitch" that made you "malfunction" and devour that poor guy that just so happened to have an entry in his OOC notes about how he really likes to be eaten by robots then oh-so-coincidentally decided to hang around near a borg then walk into a secluded room.

Some players find it more fun to stay within their laws and still go around eating people, so go ahead and have fun lawyering your way around them. Clearly if that willing prey over there enjoys being eaten, and you have a law to serve the crew's interests, then stuffing them in your face is not only allowed but possibly even required. you have a law to protect the crew? Where's safer than inside an armoured steel chassis?

The short version is that if it's for vore, we're unlikely to be mad unless you really push it with the law abuse. Much like unwilling vore for normal crewmembers, if it's private and stays in private it's almost certainly fine, it's only if it gets made public repeatedly that people are going find that your character is immersion-breaking.

Being Resleeved

There are restrictions on what you can and cannot remember about your past life / death, see the Rules, but the reason for those is to make it so you don't abuse memory for revenge killings or screaming out the name of your predator to security.

It's generally recommended that you have hazy IC memories of the circumstances leading immediately up to your death if it was unwilling vore - if nothing else, your predator has taken the time to give you a (presumably) enjoyable scene, so it's kinda a dick move to make them hide from security for the rest of the shift.

A good way to play this is just remembering everything up until before your scene and nothing afterwards if you do get resleeved. This could be handwaved if it was a willing scene. Basically it's to allow noncon scenes to exist. So your last mind backup occurred 'conveniently' before your non-con scene, or perhaps at the end of your willing scene.


There is another option to get resleeved, when you can't do so via the normal means, such as there being no medical staff available. Each map has an auto-resleever (there is a command in the ghost tab that helps you find this), and if you died via a vore-based means, you will be able to use this machine to resleeve after 15 minutes. If you died by any other means, you can use this machine to resleeve after 30 minutes. The auto-resleever also allows you to resleeve as white listed species, such as black eyed shadekin.

Guide Table
Starter VORE-Specific Medical Engineering Science Security Other Development